Systems Analysis I Introduction and Fundamentals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Systems Analysis I Introduction and Fundamentals


Systems Analysis I Introduction and Fundamentals ISYS 200 Glenn Booker Systems Analysis I This course is an introduction to the process used to create an information ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Systems Analysis I Introduction and Fundamentals

Systems Analysis IIntroduction and Fundamentals
  • ISYS 200
  • Glenn Booker

Systems Analysis I
  • This course is an introduction to the process
    used to create an information system
  • Much of it also applies to creating any other
    kind of software
  • Well focus on the relational model for designing
    the data structure of a system
  • In contrast, ISYS 355 uses object-oriented
  • Both are useful approaches

Systems Analysis I
  • This course provides an overview of many topics
    which are examined in more detail in subsequent
  • Relational modeling is covered in ISYS 210
  • Interface design is covered in ISYS 110 and 310
  • Project management is covered in ISYS 420
  • Systems analysis starts with the concept for a
    system, and produces the blueprints to be able to
    implement it

The Life Cycle
  • We use one or more life cycle models to help
    structure the tasks needed to create a system
  • Key activities well examine include
  • Determine if system is feasible
  • Gather information to determine requirements
  • Model processes with a Data Flow Diagram and
    model data with an Entity Relationship Diagram
  • Design outputs, inputs, and the user interface
  • Implement the system

  • Note the office hours other than that, email is
    the best way to contact me
  • Participation isnt graded per se, but you are
    responsible for the contents of the lectures, and
    they will help clarify the assignments

About the Text
  • Were skipping five chapters of the text, since
    700 pages in ten weeks is a bit much
  • Theres still a lot of reading, but most of it
    goes pretty quickly
  • Be sure to read the text and review the lecture
    notes before class
  • Youre responsible for printing the lecture notes
    after this set ?

My Background
  • Come from 18 years of system analysis, design and
    maintenance for various government agencies
    (mostly FAA DOD)
  • Teaching for Drexel since 1998
  • Predominantly graduate students for the first
    six years
  • Have been known to use acronyms, so be sure to
    stop me if I forget to define one

Industry Focus
  • Keep in mind that information systems are used to
    support nearly every industry
  • Banking, real estate, manufacturing,
    pharmaceuticals, logistics, retail sales, service
    fields (auto repair, restaurant, dry cleaners,
    etc.), legal offices, transportation, etc.
  • Are there any youre particularly interested in?

Why Bother?
  • Why do we need information systems?
  • Theres too much data to reliably track and
    manage manually
  • Why bother with analysis and design?
  • To prevent joining the third of major software
    projects that fail
  • By doing analysis and design properly, we will
    be much more likely to create a system which
  • Meets users and the organizations needs, and
  • Is developed on time and within budget

A Bit of Review
  • The first chapter should be a review of what you
    covered in ISYS 102 the types of information
  • From a systems analyst perspective, we might be
    involved in the development, maintenance, or
    reengineering of any of these kinds of systems

Types of Systems
  • From most basic to most complex, we have many
    types of info systems
  • Transaction processing systems (TPS) process data
    for routine business functions sales, payroll,
    inventory, etc.
  • Office automation systems (OAS) manage or
    organize information
  • Includes MS Office applications, desktop
    publishing, scheduling, voice or email, video

Types of Systems
  • Knowledge work systems (KWS) are used by various
    professionals to help them create new knowledge
    and share it with their organization or
  • Management information systems (MIS) take input
    from TPS and helps analyze that data to make
    better decisions
  • Typically uses models of business processes or
  • Decision support systems (DSS) are more
    customized systems to help make good decisions

Types of Systems
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to a set of
    techniques for creating complex systems, whether
    they perform mundane tasks or expert tasks
  • AI also includes natural language processing
    (NLP), neural networks, and other approaches
  • Knowledge-based systems (KBS) are AI systems that
    represent knowledge explicitly
  • Expert systems are the first KBS methodology
    they go beyond DSS to create new rules or select
    from existing rules to make their own decisions
  • KBS may use statistical approaches to deal with
    uncertainty, or apply fuzzy set theory

Types of Systems
  • Computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW) is a
    relatively new field to help groups of people
    work together on a project, whether in the same
    room or on different continents
  • Group decision support systems (GDSS) is a subset
    of CSCW used to focus on group decision-making
  • Executive support systems (ESS) help top
    management levels evaluate the overall status of
    an organization, often drawing from many TPS or

  • All of these types of systems can be supported by
    various kinds of technology
  • E-commerce has had a profound influence on the
    way businesses reach clients
  • Nothing else has had global impact on marketing
    at such small cost
  • Web-based systems are becoming universal
  • From four computers in 1969, the Internet
    protocols have provided a common language for
    almost every computer, and many devices

  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are
    designed to integrate what were separate systems
    (manufacturing, payroll, logistics, etc.)
  • SAP is a big local player
  • Oracle just bought PeopleSoft
  • JD Edwards is also in the field
  • Wireless networks are common now
  • Wireless LANs (WLANs), Bluetooth, or generic
    Wi-Fi (802.11g)

  • Handheld devices (PDAs) are increasingly common
  • Blackberry, Palm, etc.
  • Open source software has emerged in the last
    decade from a geek oddity to a significant force
    in the market
  • GNU and Linux are big players

The Systems Analyst
  • The role of the systems analyst is part
    detective, part translator
  • Detective to seek out the requirements from the
    various stakeholders and reconcile them
  • Whats a stakeholder? Why might you need to
    reconcile requirements?
  • Translator to translate those requirements into a
    design which will fulfill them, and be
    intelligible to the people who implement the
    system (programmers, etc.)

The Systems Analyst
  • An analyst might be called on for an objective
    opinion on a system elsewhere in the
  • Hence keeping current with HW and SW trends and
    technologies is critical
  • Implementing or modifying information systems
    also changes an organization, so the analyst
    must also plan and support those changes

  • A Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is used
    to systematically get from a need to an
    implemented system
  • How do you solve a big problem? Break it into
    little problems and solve them
  • Thats what the SDLC does, by breaking
    development into life cycle phases
  • There are many types of life cycles were
    focusing on a basic waterfall model

Typical SDLC Phases
  • Creating any kind of software system typically
    involves these phases
  • Identify problems and opportunities
  • Determine information requirements
  • Analyze system needs
  • Design the system
  • Develop the system
  • Test the system
  • Implement the system

Identify problems and opportunities
  • Creating an information system is expensive
  • Therefore, we must prove that doing so is worth
    our while (and money)
  • Start by identifying
  • What problems are there with the current system
    (whether manual or automated)? Is it slow,
    expensive, error-prone, what?
  • What new features or capabilities could we put in
    the new system?

Identify problems and opportunities
  • Based on the problems and opportunities, define
    objectives for the new system
  • Estimate the percent improvement in processing
    speed, market share, data accuracy, etc.
  • Put the description of problems, opportunities
    and objectives into a feasibility study
  • Then some higher manager decides if the project
    is worth pursuing

Determine information requirements
  • Then determine the existing information
    requirements, by studying the users of the
    existing system, and the system itself
  • Interviews, data sampling, questionnaires,
    observation, and prototyping are methods
    typically used for gathering requirements
  • People, data, and procedures
  • Look for ways to improve existing procedures and

Analyze system needs
  • Based on the information needs, determine the
    requirements for your system
  • Often this phase is combined with the previous
  • Well use a Data Flow Diagram (DFD) to capture
    the data needs for a system
  • A data flow diagram shows the types of users of
    the system, the processes which can be performed,
    and the types of data needed for each process

Design the system
  • Then the system is designed to accomplish the
    processes described in the DFD
  • This includes
  • Design of data structure using an
    entity-relationship diagram (ERD)
  • Design of the user interface
  • Design of data entry procedures (wont cover in

Develop the system
  • Then the analyst supports the programmers and
    database analysts who develop the system itself
  • Includes documentation of the code, which is
    increasingly done automatically by the
    development environment
  • Requirements and design may be refined during

Test the system
  • The system is tested before being put into
  • Unit level testing is done by the programmers
  • Integration and system testing are often done by
    a separate testing organization
  • Independent testers or customers may also perform
  • Maintenance of the system begins here

Implement the system
  • Implementation is when the system is put into
    routine use (also called deployed into a
    production environment)
  • Planning for implementation includes choosing a
    deployment strategy, data conversion and loading
    (DCL), and training users and support staff
  • Now determine if system met its objectives

  • After the development life cycle, maintenance of
    the system begins
  • Maintenance can cost 50 to 200 of the cost of
    developing a system
  • Tasks are
  • Fix bugs in the existing system
  • Make minor improvements
  • Update commercial components (OS patches, apply
    service packs, product upgrades, etc.)

CASE Tools
  • Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools
    are big, fancy software applications designed to
    help create other software applications
  • First used in the mid-80s, CASE tools help
    manage the complexity in large scale software

CASE Tools
  • Used properly, they can help
  • Increase productivity, by automating boring and
    error-prone tasks (generating diagrams,
    documenting code)
  • Improve communication with users, by speeding
    updates to diagrams, models, and prototypes
  • Integrate life cycle activities, by providing a
    common platform for exchanging work products
  • Help assess maintenance changes, by identifying
    the impact of changes across the system

CASE Tools
  • There are upper and lower CASE tools
  • Upper CASE tools focus on the start of the life
    cycle requirements and design of the system
  • Some help do prototyping too
  • Lower CASE tools, therefore, focus on the end of
    the life cycle coding and testing
  • Automatic generation of code, and automated
    testing are key features here

CASE Tools
  • Some CASE tools can reverse engineer or help
    reengineer code
  • Reverse engineering code is to input the source
    code, and generate the design drawings from it
  • Is code generation run backwards
  • Reverse compilation is also possible
  • Reengineering code often refers to rethinking how
    business processes work, and restruc-turing how
    the applications support them

Extreme Programming (XP)
  • Extreme programming, agile programming, scrum,
    DSDM, and other variations are used to speed
    traditional development methods, but keep enough
    structure to maintain control
  • XP, for example, features
  • Short release schedules
  • A 40-hour work week
  • Having the customer onsite
  • Programming by pairs of people

The Systems View
  • There are two major aspects to what were calling
    the systems view
  • In dealing with the information system, we need
    to recognize that it consists of much more than
    just software or a database
  • It will include
  • Hardware (the servers and networking equipment it
    runs on)
  • Training materials (for users, support staff,

The Systems View
  • Documentation, such as
  • User manual
  • Installation manual
  • Work products from development
  • Feasibility study
  • Requirements document
  • Design documents
  • Implementation plan
  • Processes used by the development team
  • Commercial components (e.g. the operating system,
    database system, )

The Systems View
  • When we create an information system, we create
    all these things, not just some software
  • The second perspective is to realize that the
    organizations top management doesnt care about
    any of the previous components of our system
    they think of it in terms of how it helps perform
    business functions

Organizations as Systems
  • Organizations typically have three levels of
    management focus
  • Strategic what lines of business are we in?
  • Middle management what projects within our line
    of business do we pursue?
  • Operations how can I manage this project well?
  • Hopefully, all of them are working to achieve
    common goals or objectives
  • Usually, the goal is make money

Organizations as Systems
  • The levels of management tend to need different
    time scales of data from information systems
  • Strategic long term trends and competitive
    information, lots of predictions
  • Middle management short and medium term
    performance information, some historical data
  • Operations repetitive, low level data on their
    project current and past performance

Organizations as Systems
  • Each organization is broken into parts (e.g.
    divisions or departments) to help achieve
    different functions to meet that goal
  • Each part, or functional area, might be
  • Purchasing
  • Finance
  • Production
  • Marketing
  • Distribution

Organizations as Systems
  • Information systems typically serve more than one
    functional area of an organization
  • Hence to determine the information needs of your
    system, you first need to identify what areas are
    affected by it
  • Who will generate input for your system?
  • Who will use outputs from your system?

Organizations as Systems
  • Identify how those areas affect each other
  • Does output from one area become an input for
    another area?
  • Marketing results in production and then
  • Purchasing provides materials for production
  • Finance pays for purchasing and marketing

Organizations as Systems
  • Look for feedback mechanisms to help improve your
  • Any process exists to take some input(s) and
    create some output(s)
  • What kind of outputs from other systems could
    influence your system, either as a direct input,
    or change the rules your system uses?

Organizations as Systems
  • Look for outside influences on your organization
    and system
  • Export laws and tariffs may affect distribution
  • Production may be limited by labor laws
  • Finance should comply with accounting practices
    and tax laws
  • Marketing might be limited by truth-in-advertising
    laws, intellectual property rights, and

Organizations as Systems
  • Look for how open your systems organization is
  • Is information encouraged to flow freely?
  • Are there a lot of approvals and checks
  • Who is allowed to communicate with whom?
  • Trouble is, everyone tends to think their
    organization is the most important one

Virtual Organizations
  • Organizations dont have to be physically located
  • If not, they are a virtual organization
  • Could save money on facilities or travel
  • Social aspects are unclear
  • Harder to form identity with a virtual team

Context Diagram
  • The context diagram (called in the text a
    context-level data flow diagram) is the highest
    level view of the data needs for a system
  • At its center is a rounded box which represents
    your entire system
  • Around that box are square boxes representing
  • 1) The types of users of your system, and
  • 2) External systems with which your system

Context Diagram
  • Show only users who interact directly with your
  • Lines between your system and the other boxes are
    labeled to identify the types of data which flow
    between them
  • If data flow goes both directions, use separate
    lines for each direction to distinguish inputs
    from outputs
  • Example on page 33, figure 2.5

Context Diagram
  • The context diagram is also handy for defining
    system requirements
  • Consider each type of user or external system
    separately, and ask
  • What kind of inputs and outputs would they want
    from this system?
  • What kind of processes would they expect to be
    able to perform?

Entity-Relationship Model
  • The Entity-Relationship Model will be refined
    later to show the data structure for our system
  • For now, we can use the same notation to indicate
    early results of system analysis
  • Each entity represents some key concept related
    to your system a user, event, thing, etc. that
    you want to keep information about
  • Transient or temporary data arent kept in

Entity-Relationship Model
  • A line between entities is labeled with verb
    phrases to identify what kind of relationship
    exists between those entities
  • Employee is assigned to Office
  • Passenger is flying to Destination
  • The ends of the line are marked to show the
    cardinality how many of one thing could be
    associated with the other?

Cardinality and Relationships
  • To determine the cardinality shown, ask for one
    example of entity A, how many possible entries
    could exist in entity B?
  • Consider extreme cases a Customer may have zero
    Orders briefly, before their first order is

Cardinality and Relationships
  • Relationships are described by how many records
    of each entity may be related 0 (shown by a
    0), 1 (shown with a single or double line), or
    many (shown by a trident)
  • Here we are using the Martin notation many
    others exist
  • Cardinality of zero implies the relationship is
    optional in that direction
  • One-to-one is a unique relationship

Cardinality and Relationships
  • Cardinality conveys the minimum and maximum
    number of relationships, and must be defined in
    both directions for all relationships
  • Only one
  • Zero or one
  • One or many (more)
  • Zero, (one), or many
  • Many (only gt1)

Associative Entity
  • In discussion, cardinality is often abbreviated
    to one to one, one to many, or many to many
  • Many to many relationships are bad break them
    up with an associative entity
  • An associative entity is an entity that shares
    traits from two other entities, because it is
    associated with both of them

Associative Entity
  • The example in the text (p. 37) is breaking up
  • Patron Concert
  • With the associative entity Reservation, to
  • Patron Reservation Concert
  • Another example is
  • Employee Employer
  • Becomes Employee Contract Employer

Associative Entity
  • An associative entity must also have some
    characteristics which are unique to it (e.g.
  • The symbol for an associative entity has a
    diamond in it
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