1Medical Centre in Lancut PLCActivity analysis
9122.ZESP ISO 90012000
- 5 Paderewskiego St., 37-100 Lancut, phone. 48 17
224 01 00, fax. 48 17 225 23 02 - e-mailsekretariat_at_cm-lancut.pl, web-site
www.cm-lancut.pl - NCR 0000328106 TIN 8151763728 Share Capital
53.350.000,00zl - Bank Account Nr PBSBank O/Lancut 46 8642 1142
2014 2403 9255 0001
2Activity analysis
- Structure of hospital wards
- Other activities
- Value of contracts
31. Structure of hospital wardsWards marked with
are to be moved to the new complex
Wards Number of beds
Surgical ward 21
Orthopedic ward 18
Internal diseases ward 48
Cardio logical ward 20
Neurological ward 7
Stroke ward 16
Palliative medicine ward 14
Contagious diseases ward with hepatological sub-ward 30
Pediatric ward 15
Gynecological obstetric ward 33
Rehabilitation ward 30
Psychiatric ward for children and teenagers 24
Aanesthesiology ward and intensive care unit 3
Altogether 279
Beds of the wards below are not included in the total number of beds Beds of the wards below are not included in the total number of beds
Neonatal ward 12
Daytime rehabilitation ward 25
Daytime psychiatric ward 16
4Number of patients hospitalized in the hospital
wards from 2007 to 2009
 Ward 2007 2008 2009
Surgical and traumatic-orthopedic ward 2 507 2 636 2 585
Gynecological obstetric ward 1 805 2 070 2 078
Internal diseases ward 2 176 2 076 2 141
Cardio logical ward 1 170 1 243 1 166
Neurological ward 921 1 107 1 125
Palliative medicine ward 210 209 244
Contagious diseases ward with hepatological sub-ward 1 153 1 314 1 396
Pediatric ward 870 853 878
Rehabilitation ward 484 520 510
Psychiatric ward for children and teenagers 285 312 297
Number of hospitalizations altogether 11 581 12 340 12 420
Nenatal ward 593 700 768
Daytime rehabilitation ward (from March 2008) 104 176
Daytime psychiatric ward (from October 2008) 11 52
52. Other activities of Medical Centre in Lancut
Kind of activity Years Years Years
Kind of activity 2007 2008 2009
Specialized care (number of given medical advice) 113 583 109 667 112 116
Rehabilitation physiotherapy (number of performed treatments) 168 287 166 254 146 327
Long term care unit (number per person per day) 27 970 28 634 26 218
Number of ambulance interventions (basic, specialized, 24 hours care, medical transport) 10 166 9 788 9 734
Therapeutic medicine programmes 95 136 165
Home hospice (number of people) 65 56 67
Long term nursing care (number per person per day) 3312 3143 3297
Outpatient diagnostic service expense-demanding (number of people) 467 533 986
Basic Health Care Number of enlisted patients in the following years Number of enlisted patients in the following years Number of enlisted patients in the following years
Basic Health Care 2007 2008 2009
Doctors 17 019 15 843 15 697
Nurses 45 881 43 855 42 904
Midwives 28 646 29 828 29 537
School hygiene 13 601 13 249 17 571
63. Value of contracts with National Health Fund
from 2008 to 2010
Specification 2008 2009 2010
Inpatient care 23 156 184,60 21 760 605,80 22 419 493,00
Specialized care 3 248 947,26 3 542 976,10 3 424 122,20
Outpatient diagnostic service co-funded 42 804,24 94 950,60 90 697,88
Long term care 2 385 358,46 3 068 674,57 3 352 890,00
Hospice palliative services 854 049,80 1 045 880,00 989 150,00
Medical Rescue 2 066 146,00 2 437 570,00 2 437 470,00
Therapeutic rehabilitation 2 592 431,40 2 948 053,44 2 818 850,55
Basic Health Care and 24 hours care 4 511 111,83 5 348 949,63 5 348 949,63
Psychiatric care and addiction treatment 1 245 915,10 1 944 674,07 2 117 945,90
Health programmes 67 000,24 24 588,00 71 215,20
Therapeutic medicine programmes 2 150 494,54 2 829 944,22 2 430 650,00
Altogether 42 320 443,47 45 046 866,43 45 501 434,36