Title: Tuul-Terelj basin of Mongolia
1Tuul-Terelj basin of Mongolia
N.Buyankhishig Mongolian University of Science
and Technology G.Udvaltsetseg Institute of
Geoecology, Mongolian Academy of Science
2Basic information of Mongolia
Population 2.8 million Area 1,566,000 sq
km (610,740 sq mi) Land boundaries 8,158 km,
with Russia 3,485 km and with China 4,673 km
Average altitude 1,580 m above sea-level
Climate Extremely continetal climate
Average summer temperature 20'C, average
winter temperature -26'C, average rainfall
200- 220 mm.
3Water resources and utilization
4Allocation of water usage
Main problems are pollution and scarcity of water
resources, harmful effect of the human activities
on the environment, industrial pollution,digging
mines in some river basins.
5The countrys geographic location is sitting at
the major continental basins
Northern Arctic Ocean Basin (AOB) (51 of the
precipitation and 20.5 of the territory)
Pacific Ocean Basin (POB) (37 of the
precipitation and 67 of the territory)
Central Asian Inland Basin (ADB) (12 of the
precipitation and 12.5 of the territory)
6Surface Water
- 3811 rivers with 67000 km length
- 3436 lakes and oasis
- 9600 springs
- 187 glaciers
- 250 mineral waters
- thermal 40 (N2)
- cold 70 (CO2)
7Mongolia has limited freshwater resources. In
total, 599 km3 of water is available - of
which 500 km3 of water is contained in lakes
(including 90 km3 in saline lakes), - 62.9
km3 in glaciers and - 34.6 km3 of water is
contained in rivers and their underground
The National Survey for Surface Water was
conducted in 2003 by the MNE the following
- River and streams are 5565 683 are dried up,
4882 with discharge - Springs are 9600 1484
are dried up, 8116 with discharge - lakes
and oasis are 4196 760 are dried up, 3436 with
- Southern part
- Mezozoic sedimentary rocks
- Precipitation 50-100 mm/ year
- Yield of spring Q0.03-21 l/ s
- Well specific yields 0.1-6.0 l/ s
- TDS 500-600mg/l
- Northern part
- From Archezoic to Cenozoic magmatic metamorphic
and sedimentary rocks - Precipitation 400-550mm/ year
- Q0.2-50 l/s sometimes Q100 l/ s
- q0.2-30 l/ s
- TDS 200 mg/l
9Regional hydrogeological study and a location of
groundwater monitoring net
101956-1960 HydroCommonConst 1959-1960
HydroEnergyProject 1968-1984 PNIIIS 1993-1995
JICA First groundwater model was done by
Jadambaa.N in 1977. Organization of formal Soviet
Union PNIIIS carried out hydrogeological
investigation on new water resources for
Ulaanbaatar city in 1983. Japan International
Cooperation Agencey (JICA) investigated water
supply system of Ulaanbaatar and its surroundings
in 1995. Narangerel, ZH (1974), Jadambaa, N
(1977), Banzar, E (1979), Lhan-Aasuren, G (1982),
Anand, A (1983), Batsukh, N (1994) are described
the in detail the hydrogeology, engineering
geology, hydrogeologic characteristics, hydraulic
properties, yield, water level and budgets, and
water quality of the Ulaanbaatar area. In
1993-1995 Geoecological Institute did some
observation work in the area.
11Borehole logs
Climate data
Pumping rate
Hydrogeologic framework
Groundwater level
Information of surface water
Field work
Hydrogeological parameters
Surface water-groundwater interaction, natural
groundwater discharge
12The territory of Mongolia divided into eight
large river basins based on economic and
environmental significances, namely
1. Kherlen River basin
2. Great-Lakes basin
3. Selenge River basin
4. Onon, Ulz, and Khalkh rivers basin
5. Northern Gobi Rivers basin
6. Southern Gobi of Altai basin
7. Khubsugul Lake basin
8. Tuul River basin
Large river basins in Mongolia
13The total catchment area is 49840 km2.
Average height is 1300m a.s.l.
14The Tuul River originates close to Hagiin Har
Nuur in Khentii Mountains and flows westerly
through Ulaanbaatar. Its flow direction is
generally from north-east to south-west although
it changes its direction several times. The Tuul
River and afterwards drains to the Selenge River,
which in turn feeds onto Lake Baigal
15The geology around the area consists mainly of
Carboniferous sediments, which are intruded by
Jurassic to Triassic granitoids rocks and locally
covered by Cretaceous sediments and Tertiary and
Quaternary deposits
16Climate is characterized by a semi-arid climate,
with a hot, dry summer and cold winter. Annual
precipitation in the area varies from 242.7 mm to
396.7 mm, depending on the altitude of the
observation stations.
Legend Break line- humidity (), Solid
line-temperature (Co), Column- precipitation (mm)
17Daily mean discharge data has collected at the
Ulaanbaatar station from 1946 to 1991, with
values ranging from 0 m3/s (winter time) to 627
m3/s (during flooding). Average annual discharge
at Ulaanbaatar station is 26.57m3/s and average
specific discharge is calculated at 4.22m3/s. The
maximum daily mean discharge recorded is
338.0m3/s, but the minimum discharge recorded
during the rainy season was only 6.84m3/s
18The width of the river in the city area is 45-50
m, but dry seasons falls to 5-18 m. River depth
during droughts is about 0.9-1.2 m, average
velocity is 0.31-2.24 m/sec and maximum velocity
reaches 4 m/sec. The potential of the
groundwater resources is estimated at 220 00
cubic meters per day. The citys current water
consumption is estimated at 150 00 cubic meters
per day, and it is expected to approach the limit
in the near future. The water consumption
forecast estimates an increase to 308 000 cubic
meters per day by 2020.
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21Groundwater extractions from Central source