Title: Tuul River Basin, Mongolia
1Tuul River Basin, Mongolia
- Ms.S.Baasansuren, Lecturer
- Mongolian University of Sciences and Technology
- Ms.J.Otgonbayar, Officer
- Water Authority, Mongolia
2Mongolia has 3 hydrological drainage basins.
Tuul River Basin-TRB belongs to Arctic Ocean
3TRB occupies 3.19 of the total area of Mongolia.
4- Tuul River Basin has 9 sub-basins.
Catchment area 49,840 km2
5Geographical properties
6Tuul river recharge GW (26), melted snow (5)
and rain (69).
7Demographic properties
8Land use classification of TRB
- Total surface groundwater resources
1.28 bln m3/year -
- Total surface water abstractions, estimated
425.4 mln m3/year -
- Total groundwater abstractions, estimated
818.0 mln m3/year -
10(No Transcript)
11Hydrological stations observing the Tuul river
regime and quality.
12Comparison of Tuul river water quality in
Ulaanbaatar city
downstream ? upstream downstream ?
Contaminated by the effluents from city sewage
plant and industries
13Downstream of the Tuul river polluted by silt
mud from mining activities in Zaamar, Tuv
14Surface water pollution leads to lowering of
groundwater level.
Observation done within the Sustainable
groundwater management in Mongolia project.
15 -Increasing urbanization, deforestation,
overgrazing pasture, waste water mismanagement,
mineral resources exploitation destructing the
Tuul river ecosystem. - Surface water pollution
threatens safety of drinking water resources.
Setting up Tuul River Basin Board is
underway. Work outIntegrated Water Management
Plan of Tuul Tiver Basin is vital.
16Thank you.