Chapter 3: Image Restoration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 3: Image Restoration


Chapter 3: Image Restoration Noise Removal Using Spatial Filters Overview Spatial filters can be used to remove various types of noise in digital images. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 3: Image Restoration

Chapter 3 Image Restoration
  • Noise Removal Using Spatial Filters

  • Spatial filters can be used to remove various
    types of noise in digital images.
  • These spatial filters typically operate on small
    neighborhood, between 3x3 to 11x11.
  • We will use the degradation model defined before,
    but we assume that h(r,c) causes no degradation.

  • Therefore, corruption on the image is only caused
    by additive noise, n(r,c).
  • d(r,c) I(r,c) n(r,c)
  • There are two primary categories of spatial
    filters for noise removal.
  • Order filters arrange the pixels from smallest
    to largest and select the correct value.
  • Mean filters calculate the average value.

  • The mean filters work best with gaussian or
    uniform noise.
  • The order filters work best with salt-and-pepper,
    negative exponential, or Rayleigh noise.
  • The mean filters are essentially low pass
  • They tend to blur the edges or details.

  • The order filters are nonlinear filters
  • The results are sometimes unpredictable.
  • In general, there is a tradeoff between
    preservation of image detail and noise
  • In practical applications, a good approach is to
    use an adaptive filter (a filter that can adapt
    itself to the underlying pixel values).

Order Filters
  • Order filters are based on a specific type of
    image statistics called order statistics.
  • Order statistics is a technique that arranges all
    the pixels in sequential order, based on
    gray-level value.
  • The placement of the value within this ordered
    set is referred to as the rank.

Order Filters
  • Given an NxN window, the pixel values can be
    ordered from smallest to largest as follows
  • I1? I2 ? I3?.....? IN2
  • Where I1,I2,I3,.....,IN2 are the gray-level
    values of the subset of pixels in the image, that
    are in the NxN window.
  • Different types of order filters select different
    values from the ordered pixel list.

Order Filters
  • Median filter
  • Select the middle pixel value from the ordered
  • Used to remove salt-and-pepper noise.
  • Maximum filter
  • Select the highest pixel value from the ordered
  • Remove pepper-type noise.

Order Filters
  • Minimum filter
  • Select the lowest pixel value from the ordered
  • Remove salt-type noise.
  • As the size of the window gets bigger, the more
    information loss occurs.
  • With windows larger than about 5x5, the image
    acquires an artificial, painted, effect.

Order Filters
Minimum Filter
Image with salt noise Probability .04
Result of minimum filtering Mask 3 x 3
Order Filters
Minimum filtering Mask 5 x 5
Minimum filtering Mask 9 x 9
Order Filters
Maximum Filter
Maximum filtering Mask 3 x 3
Image with pepper noise Probability .04
Order Filters
Maximum filtering Mask 9 x 9
Maximum filtering Mask 5 x 5
Order Filters
  • Order filters can also be defined to select a
    specific pixel rank within the ordered set.
  • For example, we may find the second highest value
    is the better choice than the maximum value for
    certain pepper noise.
  • This type of ordered selection is application
  • Minimum filter tend to darken the image and
    maximum filter tend to brighten the image.

Order Filters
  • Midpoint filter
  • Average of the maximum and minimum within the
  • Useful for removing gaussian and uniform noise.

Order Filters
Image with gaussian noise. Variance 300, mean
Result of midpoint filter Mask size 3
Order Filters
Result of midpoint filter Mask size 3
Image with uniform noise. Variance 300, mean
Order Filters
  • Alpha-trimmed mean filter
  • The average of the pixel values within the
    window, but with some endpoint-ranked values
  • T is the number of pixels excluded at each end of
    the ordered set

Order Filters
  • The alpha-trimmed mean filter ranges from a mean
    to median filter, depending on the value selected
    for the T parameter.
  • If T 0, ? mean filter.
  • If T (N2 1) / 2, ? median filter.
  • The alpha-trimmed mean filter is useful for
    images containing multiple types of noise.
  • Example Gaussian salt-and-pepper.

Order Filters
Image with gaussian noise Variance 200, mean
0. Salt-and-pepper noise probability 0.02
Result of alpha-trimmed mean filter Mask size
3 Trim size 0
Order Filters
Result of alpha-trimmed mean filter Mask size
3 Trim size 1
Result of alpha-trimmed mean filter Mask size
3 Trim size 4
Mean Filters
  • The mean filters function by finding some form of
    an average within the NxN window.
  • The most basic of these filters is the arithmetic
    mean filter.
  • This filter mitigates the noise effect, but at
    the same time tend to blur the image.
  • The blurring effect is not desirable, and
    therefore other mean filters are designed to
    minimize this loss of detail information.

Mean Filters
  • Arithmetic mean filter
  • Find the arithmetic average of the pixel values
    in the window.
  • Smooth out local variations in an image.
  • Tend to blur the image.
  • Works best with gaussian and uniform noise.

Mean Filters
Image with gaussian noise Variance300, mean 0
Result of arithmetic mean filter Mask size 3
Mean Filters
Result of arithmetic mean filter Mask size 5
Result of arithmetic mean filter Mask size 9
Mean Filters
Image with gamma noise Variance300, mean 0
Result of arithmetic mean filter Mask size 3
Mean Filters
Result of arithmetic mean filter Mask size 5
Result of arithmetic mean filter Mask size 9
Mean Filters
  • Contra-harmonic mean filter
  • Works for salt OR pepper noise, depending on the
    filter order R.
  • Negative R ? Eliminate salt-type noise.
  • Positive R ? Eliminate pepper-type noise.

Mean Filters
Image with salt noise Probability .04
Result of contra-harmonic filter Mask size 3
order 0
Mean Filters
Result of contra-harmonic filter Mask size 3
order -1
Result of contra-harmonic filter Mask size 3
order -5
Mean Filters
Image with pepper noise Probability .04
Result of contra-harmonic filter Mask size 3
order 0
Mean Filters
Result of contra harmonic filter Mask size 3
order 5
Result of contra harmonic filter Mask size 3
order 1
Mean Filters
  • Geometric mean filter
  • Works best with gaussian noise.
  • Retains detail better than arithmetic mean
  • Ineffective in the presence of pepper noise (if
    very low values present in the window, the
    equation will return a very small number).

Mean Filters
Image with gaussian noise Variance 300, mean
Result of geometric filter Mask size 3
Mean Filters
Image with pepper noise Probability .04
Result of geometric filter Mask size 3
Mean Filters
Image with salt noise Probability.04
Result of geometric filter Mask size 3
Mean Filters
  • Harmonic mean filter
  • Works with gaussian noise.
  • Retains detail better than arithmetic mean
  • Works well with pepper noise.

Mean Filters
Image with pepper noise Probability .04
Result of harmonic filter Mask size 3
Mean Filters
Image with salt noise Probability.04
Result of harmonic filter Mask size 3
Mean Filters
  • Yp mean filter
  • Remove salt noise for negative values of P.
  • Remove pepper noise for positive values of P.

Adaptive Filters
  • An adaptive filter alters its basic behavior as
    the image is processed.
  • It may act like a mean filter on some parts of
    the image and a median filter on other parts of
    the image.
  • The typical character used to determine the
    filter behavior are the local image
  • Measured by local gray-level statistics.

Adaptive Filters
  • The minimum mean-square error (MMSE) filter is a
    good example of an adaptive filter.
  • sn2 noise variance.
  • sl2 local variance (in the window).
  • ml local mean (average in the window).

Adaptive Filters
  • MMSE filter exhibits varying behavior based on
    local image statistics
  • No noise ? variance 0 ? equation returns
    original image.
  • Regions with fairly constant value (no
    edge/details) ? noise variance local variance
    ? equation reduces to mean filter.
  • Regions with high details (edges) ? local
    variance gtgt noise variance ? equation returns
    values close to original image.

Adaptive Filters
  • In general, MMSE filter modifies the image based
    on the noise to local variance ratio.
  • High ratio implies the existence of noise in the
    window, and therefore the filter returns
    primarily the local average to reduce the noise.
  • Low ratio implies high local detail, therefore
    the filter returns more of the original
    unfiltered image to preserve the detail.

Adaptive Filters
  • By being able to adapt itself to the local image
    statistics, the MMSE filter can preserve the
    details while at the same time remove the noise.
  • MMSE filter works best with gaussian or uniform
    noise, and can perform better compared to the
    other filters discussed before.

Adaptive Filters
Image with gaussian noise Variance300, mean 0
Original Image
Adaptive Filters
Result of MMSE Mask size 5
Result of MMSE Mask size 3
Adaptive Filters
Result of MMSE Mask size 9
Result of MMSE Mask size 7
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