The Ancient Maya Civilization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Ancient Maya Civilization


The art of the ancient Maya reached its development during the classical period (about 250 - 900 A.D.). Wall frescoes in Palenque, Kopane and Bonompack considered to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Ancient Maya Civilization

The Ancient Maya Civilization
The Art Of Maya
  • The art of the ancient Maya reached its
    development during the classical period (about
    250 - 900 A.D.). Wall frescoes in Palenque,
    Kopane and Bonompack considered to be one of the
    most beautiful. The beauty of the images of
    people on the frescoes allow you to compar the
    monuments of culture with monuments of the
    ancient culture of the world. Therefore, this
    period of development of the Mayan civilization,
    and it is considered a classic. Unfortunately,
    many of the cultural monuments have not survived
    to our days, as they were either destroyed by the
    Inquisition, or time.

The Architecture Of The Maya
  • For the art of Maya, who has found the
    expression in stone sculptures and bas-reliefs,
    and works of fine sculpture, paintings on the
    walls and ceramics, characterized by religious
    and mythological subjects, as embodied in the
    stylized grotesque images. The major motives of
    the arts Maya - anthropomorphic deity, a snake
    and a mask it has stylistic elegance and
    sophistication lines. The main building material
    for Maya served as a stone, in the first place
    limestone. Typical for the architecture of the
    Maya were false arches, fixed up the facades and
    roofs with a comb. These massive facades and
    roofs, ????????? palaces and temples, created the
    impression of height and sublimity.

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The writing and the reckoning of time
  • Basic elements of the system of the letter
    served as a mark, which is known about 800.
    Usually marks have the form of a square or oblong
    oval one or more characters may be located
    together, forming the so-called hieroglyphic
    block. Many of these units are located in a
    certain order in the linear lattice, which
    determined the spatial framework for the majority
    of well-known labels. Within this grid icon-based
    blocks form the rows and columns, the reading of
    which was subordinated to special rules. Also a
    lot of weight are telltale signs depicting, often
    in detail, animals, people, body parts and
    objects of everyday life.

  • Exclusive intellectual achievements pre the New
    world had been created by the people of the Maya
    writing system and the computation of time. Maya
    hieroglyphs served as for ????????????????, and
    for the phonetic letters. They were carved in
    stone, painting on the ceramics, they are written
    folding books in the local paper, referred to as
    codes. These codes are the most important source
    for the study of Mayan script..In addition to
    this, the Mayans used ?????? or ??????????? -
    the system of the account, based on the numbers
    20 and 13. System ??????, common in Central
    America, is very old and not necessarily was
    invented by the Maya people.

  • In the Olmec and Zapotec culture of the epoch of
    the formative similar and are quite developed
    system of reckoning time established even earlier
    than that of the Maya. However, the Maya in the
    improvement of the numerical system and
    astronomical observations have advanced much
    further than any of the other indigenous people
    of Central America.

Maya Religion
  • Among the ruins of the Mayan cities dominated by
    the construction of a religious nature. As
    expected, religion, together with the Ministers
    of churches played in the life of the Maya key
    role. In the period from 250 years BC. E. up to
    900-ies BC. e. (the classical period of the
    development of Mayan) in the Chapter of
    city-States of the region were rulers, who
    embodied the if not the highest, at least a very
    important religious function. Archaeological
    excavations suggest that in religious rituals was
    also attended by representatives of the higher
    strata of the society.

Geographical position
At the present time (2011) of the territory, on
which the development of the Mayan civilization
is included in the States Mexico (the States of
Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan, Quintana Roo),
Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras (Western
part).Found about 1000 ancient Mayan culture (at
the beginning of the 80-ies of XX century), but
not all of them have been excavated or researched
by archaeologists, as well as 3000 villages.
Area, which was a civilization of Maya. Red
highlighted border of the Mayan culture, the
black, - the territory of the Mesoamerican
Time, space, and the end of the world
  • As with the other peoples living in Central
    America that time, the Maya believed in the
    cyclical nature of time, and astrology. For
    example, their calculations movement of Venus
    differed from modern astronomical data only for a
    few seconds in a year. They imagined the Universe
    subdivided into three levels - the underground
    world, the earth and the sky. Religious rites and
    ceremonies were closely linked with the natural
    and the astronomical cycles. Repetitive phenomena
    have been subjected to systematic observations,
    after which appear in various types of calendars.
    The task of the religious leader of the Maya was
    at that, in the interpretation of these cycles.

  • In particular, on astrology and the calendar of
    the Maya, the time of the fifth Sun will end
    21-25 December 2012 (winter solstice)."the Fifth
    The sun" is known as the Sunof the Movement,
    because, by the opinion of the Indians, in this
    era will happen movement of the Earth, from which
    all shall perish. The end of the world, for which
    there must be another birth of the Universe. This
    date causes a lot of modern the false prophecies
    and esoteric speculation. Especially this theory
    popular in the movement of the New era, where
    it is blended with the Christian the idea of the

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