Title: Social Studies SOL 2.4
1Social Studies SOL 2.4
- Geography
- Virginia's Neighboring States
- Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina,
Kentucky, Tennessee
2Our country is the United States of America.
All of these states are united into one country.
3Virginia is the name of our state.
4North Carolina is south of Virginia.
5Tennessee touches Virginias southwestern border.
6Kentucky touches Virginias western border.
7West Virginia touches part of Virginias
northern border.
8Maryland also touches Virginias northern border.
All of these states are Virginias neighbors.
9Washington D. C. is the capital of our country.
Washington D.C.
10We are ALL Americans!
11Mountain Ranges, Major Rivers and Lakes in America
12United States of America
13Appalachian Mountains
There are many mountains in America. The
mountains closest to Virginia are the Appalachian
Appalachian Mountains
14Rocky Mountains
The Rocky Mountain range covers an even larger
area. The Rockies are far to the west of us.
Rocky Mountains
Appalachian Mountains
15The Mississippi River
The Mississippi River is the longest and most
important river in North America.
Mississippi River
16The Ohio River
Native Americans traveled and fished in the Ohio
Mississippi River
17Potomac River
The Potomac River is in the eastern United
States. It empties into the Chesapeake Bay.
Ohio River
Mississippi River
Potomac River
18Lake Huron Lake Ontario Lake Michigan Lake
Erie Lake Superior
The Great Lakes
What do the blue letters spell?
19This land is our land from sea to shining sea!
20Bibliography MasterClips, International
Microcomputer Software Inc. CA, 1997 Microsoft
Encarta 98 Encyclopedia, 1998 Edition Work
Together, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA, 1997