Leader Election - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Leader Election


Leader Election Bismita Srichandan * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Leader Election What is Leader Election Why Leader election is needed Different design topologies ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Leader Election

Leader Election
  • Bismita Srichandan

Leader Election
  • What is Leader Election
  • Why Leader election is needed
  • Different design topologies
  • Algorithms used
  • Bully Algorithm
  • Ring Algorithm
  • Invitation Algorithm
  • References

What is Leader Election?
  • In distributed computing, leader election is the
    process of designating a single process as the
    organizer, coordinator, initiator or sequencer of
    some task distributed among several computers

Why Leader Election is required
  • The existence of a centralized controller greatly
    simplifies process synchronization
  • However, if the central controller breaks down,
    the service availability can be limited
  • The problem can be alleviated if a new controller
    (leader) can be chosen
  • How leader is chosen?
  • Ans Different Algorithms are used for leader

Leader Election criteria(Chow et al, 1997)
  • 1 Extrema finding - Leader election is based on
    global priority.
  • 2 Preference-based - Processes in the group can
    vote for leader based on personal preference
    (locality, reliability, estimation).

Leader Election Algorithms for Wireless Ad Hoc
  • Two algorithms, Secure Extrema Finding Algorithm
    (SEFA) and Secure Preference-based Leader
    Election Algorithm (SPLEA).
  • SEFA assumes that all elector-nodes share a
    single common evaluation function that returns
    the same value.
  • In SPLEA , the scenario becomes more complicated
    because elector-nodes can have different
    preferences for a candidate-node.

Leader Election Algorithms for Wireless Ad Hoc
  • One relaxed assumption in synchronous distributed
    systems, Asynchronous Extrema Finding Algorithm
    (AEFA) is used.
  • In this we allow the topology to change during
    the election process.
  • In AEFA, nodes can start the process of election
    at different times, but after topological changes
    stop long enough for the algorithm to terminate,
    all nodes agree on a unique leader.

Election vs. Synchronization
  • Election
  • Synchronization
  • In election, all participants must know who owns
    the token(i.e. who is the leader).
  • Election algorithms are performed only if failure
  • In synchronization, the nontoken holders only
    need to know that they do not hold the token.
  • Synchronization algorithms are designed to work
    well in absence of failures.

Leader Election vs. Mutual Exclusion
  • Leader Election
  • Mutual Exclusion
  • Process may yield to others and execute normally
    as long as leader is selected.
  • Concerned with fast and successful termination of
    election process.
  • Result of leader election must be known to other
  • Process competes until it succeeds.
  • Must ensure that no process is starved.
  • Does not care which process is running in
    critical section.

Design Topologies
  • Complete Topology
  • Logical Ring Topology
  • Tree Topology
  • Complete Topology
  • Each process in the group can reach any other
    process in the same group in one message hop.
  • Assumptions taken
  • All process ids are unique and known to every
  • Second assumption is communication network is
    reliable and only the communicating processes may
  • Process takes a known finite amount of time to
    handle a message, in other words, the process is
    considered as crashed if it doesnt respond
    within specified time-out period.
  • Note Bully algorithm is based on the
    assumptions of complete topology

Bully Algorithm(Author Tanenbaum)
  • This is an extrema-finding algorithm.
  • In this algorithm, the highest-numbered process
    becomes coordinator. Thus the biggest guy in
    town always wins, hence the name Bully
  • When a process notices that the coordinator is
    not responding to requests, it initiates an
  • Bully algorithm makes note of time of by which
    the process should respond.
  • Election is held as follows
  • P sends an ELECTION message to all processes with
    higher numbers.
  • If no one responds, P wins the election and
    becomes coordinator.
  • If one of the higher-ups answers, it takes over.
    Ps job over!

Bully Algorithm
Bully AlgorithmProcess 6 tells 5 to stop
Process 6 wins and tells everyone
Logical Ring Topology
  • Easy to construct
  • Unique property is that a message initiated by
    any node will return to the node.

Ring Algorithm
  • In Ring algorithm if any process notices that the
    current coordinator has failed, it starts an
    election by sending message to the first
    neighbor on the ring.
  • The election message contains the nodes
    process identifier and is forwarded on around
    the ring.
  • Each process adds its own identifier to the
  • When the election message reaches the originator,
    the election is complete.
  • Coordinator is chosen based on the highest
    numbered process.

Ring Algorithm
Ring Algorithm contd
Tree Topology
  • To construct a logical ring structure is easy if
    the underlying network supports broadcast
  • A tree is used as representative topological
  • Each node is considered an autonomous entity that
    exchanges messages with adjacent nodes
  • A minimum-weight spanning tree(MST) is used for
    leader election in tree topology
  • Gallager, Humbelt, and Spiras algorithm is based
    on searching and combining.
  • It works by merging fragments, starting from each
    node and attaching level by level till it ends up
    with the MST
  • A leader can be designated as the last node that
    merges and yields to the final MST.

Invitation Algorithm
  • Invitation algorithm is a strong algorithm and it
    is basically designed for asynchronous systems.
  • It eliminates possible drawbacks of Bully
  • Few drawbacks of Bully Algorithm
  • Bully algorithm strongly uses the facts that
    timeouts can accurately detect failed processors.
  • An arbitrary timing glitch (lost messages,
    overfull buffers, temporary overloads etc) , the
    bully algorithm can elect two leaders.
  • Another possibility can be the node that fails
    to respond might not have failed.

Invitation Algorithm contd
  • Each node in a group periodically checks whether
    the leader is alive or not, by sending a message
    to the leader and waits for reply.
  • If the node does not reply within a timeout
    period, the node invokes a Recovery procedure.
  • The recovery procedure puts node i into a
    singleton group with node i as the leader.
  • periodically, each leader i calls a check
    procedure, which sends messages to every other
    node asking whether that node is a leader.
  • If many nodes responds that it is a leader, node
    i pauses for some time and then calls for a merge

Invitation Algorithm contd
  • Merge procedure sends message to all the
    leaders, inviting them to join a new group with
    the inviting node as leader.
  • Example Group communication system in Amoeba
    uses Invitation Algorithm to reconfigure a group
    after a node crashes8.

  • 1 Distributed Operating Systems
    Algorithms, Randy Chow and Theodore Johnson,
    Addison Wesley, 1997.
  • 2 http//www.cs.wustl.edu/kjg/CS333_SP97/lead
  • 3 http//www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/software/da
  • 4 http//ieeexplore.ieee.org
  • 5 H. Garcia-Molina. Elections in a
    distributed computing system. IEEE Transactions
    on Computers, C- 31(1)47-59, January 1982.
  • 6 http//www.cs.indiana.edu/pub/techreports/T
  • 7 Distributed Systems principles and
    paradigms by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van
    Steen, 2002.
  • 8 M.F. Kaashoek and A.S. Tanenbaum, Group
    Communication in the Amoeba Distributed Operating
    System, Proc. IEEE 11th Int'l Conf. Distributed
    Computing Systems (ICDCS), pp. 222-230, 1991.

  • Ring Algorithm
  • 9 http//rocw.raifoundation.org/computing/BCA
  • 10Vasudevan, S. DeCleene, B. Immerman, N.
    Kurose, J. Towsley, D. Leader election
    algorithms for wireless ad hoc networks, DARPA
    Information Survivability Conference and
    Exposition, 2003. Proceedings
  • 11 Optimal Leader Election Scheme for
    Peer-to-Peer Applications
  • Networking, 2007. ICN '07. Sixth International
    Conference on Volume , Issue , 22-28 April 2007
  • http//ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentCon.jsp?pun

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