Title: NSF-NIEHS Centers for Oceans and Human Health
1NSF-NIEHS Centers for Oceans and Human Health
- - Novel integration of NIH and NSF.
- Stimulated by scientific community,
- and by CORE, an NRC report, and
- the Directors of NSF and NIEHS.
- Focus on HAB, pathogens, pharmaceuticals,
- - Integrate biological / oceanographic approaches.
2NSF-NIEHS Centers for Oceans and Human Health
- Joint Request for Applications (RFA)
- Competitive review of Center grant applications.
- 20 plus applications
- Four Centers funded
- Washington
- Hawaii
- Woods Hole
- Miami
3Woods Hole Centerfor Oceans and Human Health
- Integrated effort by three Institutions
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst.
- Marine Biological Laboratory
- Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
4Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health
5Research Focus
- Harmful algal blooms (2 projects)
- Infectious agents (2 projects)
- Temperate Coastal Waters
- New England waters as a model system.
6Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health
Core Stegeman McGillicuddy
Advanced Genomics
Population Biology
Coastal Hydrodynamics
1. Anderson HABs
2. McGillicuddy HABs
Core Facility Sogin Morrison
3. Gast and Amaral-Zettler Infectious Diseases
4. Polz and Lerczak Infectious Diseases
Pilot Projects Director Hajduk
co-Director Hahn
Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health
Other Institutes Centers
EHS Centers
Other COHH
8Human Pathogens in the Environment
- -reservoirs
- -favorable growth
- Gene transfer
environmental amplification
Shellfish poisoning, toxicosis.
understanding ecology understanding risk --gt
prediction and prevention
9Mt. Hope Bay
- Heavily impacted by humans
- Sewage outfalls, industrial waste, thermal
discharge - Mt. Hope Bay Natural Laboratory
- Centralized data bases
- Predictive current models under development
- No microbial or pathogen sampling program
- Proxy for other New England bays
10Vibrio infections - a worldwide problem
Environmental reservoirs, routes of transmission
and infection
WH-COHH Vibrio project
- Understand
- Predict
- Protect
- Wound, eye and ear infection
- rising worldwide
- - numbers not well known
- - Environmental prevalence
- and growth factors
- Gene transfer and
- evolution
- Risk assessment
V. vulnificus V. parahaemolyticus
Seafood consumption - up to 10,000 infections/yr
in US and reports of infection rising (CDC) -
95 of all seafood related deaths
11Human Pathogens Presence Persistence in the
Coastal Marine Environment
- Studies of traditionally non-marine human
pathogens in coastal marine waters - Essential to determine their potential to impact
human health - Evidence and vectors
- Sea otters, whales, and shellfish can harbor
protistan pathogens such as Giardia and
Cryptosporidium - Shellfish and protists (such as Acanthamoeba) can
harbor bacterial pathogens such as Legionella and
Vibrio, and enhance pathogenicity.
(Legionella in amoeba)
12HAB threats to human health in temperate waters
of the northeastern U.S.
13Woods Hole COHH HAB projects
- Overall objective to link dinoflagellate
population structure, physiology, and toxicity in
order to improve prediction and prevention of
HABs. - Rationale cellular toxicity varies with
environmental and genetic factors cell number is
not always a good proxy for toxicity -
14- Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP)
- causes paralysis and death
- causative organism Alexandrium fundyense
(dinoflagellate) - widespread and recurrent annual problem
- ongoing shellfish monitoring programs in ME,
15Germination Only
Germination, Growth, Mortality Nutrient lim.
Germination, Growth Mortality
May Jun Jul Aug
16Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health
Pilot Project Program
Steve Hajduk (MBL), Director Mark Hahn (WHOI),
Deputy Director
2004 Call for Proposals
17Pilot Project Program
- Support short-term projects to assess feasibility
of new research topics - Generate preliminary data
- Expand scope of Center research
- Expand participation in Center
18Pilot Project Program
Areas of emphasis
- Harmful algal blooms (HABs)
- Water- and vector-borne diseases
- Marine-derived pharmaceuticals and probes
RFP http//grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files
/RFA-ES-03-003.html NRC/NAS (1999) From Monsoons
to Microbes Understanding the Oceans role in
Human Health NSF/NIEHS Oceans and Human Health
roundtable report, December 2001
19Pilot Project Program
- MBL, MIT, WHOI Scientific and Sr. Technical Staff
20Pilot Project Program
- up to 50K direct costs
- 1 year no-cost extension if needed
- Earliest start date October 1, 2004
- Salaries
- Supplies
- Student stipend and tuition
- Equipment - not usually
- Travel - meetings No
- Travel - sample collection If strongly
justified - Ship time - if strongly justified
21Pilot Project Program
- Due July 15, 2004
- 1 page summary of project
- Direct and indirect costs
- 2p CV/Biosketch for PI and other key personnel
(NSF or NIH format) - Submit electronically
Steve Hajduk, MBL (shajduk_at_mbl.edu) or Mark Hahn,
WHOI (mhahn_at_whoi.edu)
22Pilot Project Program
Full proposals
- Due August 15, 2004 at 5 PM EDT.
- Title page
- Research Plan (5 pp.) a) Objectives b)
Background Rationale c) Experimental design
and methods d) Facilities available and/or use
of genomics core e) Relevance to COHH
program f) Broader impacts (see NSF
guidelines) g) References (not included in 5p
limit) - Budget (Direct and indirect costs)
- Budget justification (1 p)
- 2p CV/Biosketch for PI and other key
personnel(NSF/NIH format) - Other support (Key personnel NIH or NSF format)
- Human subject / Vertebrate animal approvals
- Submit hard copy (1) and electronically
23Pilot Project Program
- Phase I- Woods Hole COHH Internal Advisory
Committee (IAC)- outside reviewers (EAC) as
needed- Written critiques - Phase II- presentations (10 min) to IAC
24Pilot Project Program
Review criteria
- Scientific merit
- Relevance and potential impact
- Innovation
- Investigators
- Facilities
- Broader impacts
25Pilot Project Program
26Model run cyst germination plus growth and
Present model assumes that all Alexandrium
fundyense cells are the the same (i.e., same
growth rate, nutrient responses, toxicity,
motility, etc.) Will address different strains
known to exist.
27Woods Hole COHH
- Addressing public health issues.
- Incorporating advanced genomic studies and