What impact NSSK will have on IMR ? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What impact NSSK will have on IMR ?


Naveen Thacker Past President IAP SC Member International Paediatrics Association * Now last question relates to topic alloted to me? How many newborns could be saved ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: imr | nssk | abha | impact


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What impact NSSK will have on IMR ?

What impact NSSK will have on IMR ?
  • Naveen Thacker
  • Past President IAP
  • SC Member International Paediatrics Association

India is epicenter of Childhood Mortality
Worldwide distribution of child deaths Each dot
represents 5000 deaths Lancet 2003
Childhood MortalityState of Worlds Children 2008
  • 9.7 million lt 5 yrs deaths annually world over
  • India 2.1 million (21)

1 million newborns die annually in India
Each year in India at least 26 million
women become pregnant!
Every year about 250,000 women die of
pregnancy-related causes about 1 million
babies are stillborn of which at least 300,000
due to intra-partum causes about 1 million
neonates die
MDG 4 cannot be met without more purposeful focus
on newborn deaths
Every year 1 million newborns in India die
where, when and why? What can be done to save
these newborn lives now?
WHERE? The 10 States in India where newborns
have the highest risk of dying
Rank State Neonatal mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)
1 Chattishgarh 51.1
2 Jharkhand 48.6
3 Uttar Pradesh 47.6
4 Assam 45.5
5 Orissa 45.4
6 Madhya Pradesh 44.9
7 Rajasthan 43.9
8 Andhra Pradesh 40.3
9 Bihar 39.8
10 West Bengal 37.6
WHEN do newborns die?
  • The first days of life are the riskiest
  • Up to 50 of all newborn deaths are on the first
    day of life - 500,000 babies in India dying on
    their birth day
  • 75 of newborn deaths are in the first week

WHY do newborns in India die?
  • The leading causes of neonatal death are
  • Severe Infections (36)
  • Pre-Term Births (25)
  • Birth asphyxia (23).
  • Other Neonatal Causes (6)
  • Neonatal Tetanus (4)
  • Source WHO World Health Statistics 2007 (India)

What can be done to save these newborn lives
Lancet Neonatal Survival Series 2005
Post natal interventions meeting criteria for
efficacy for reducing all cause neonatal
mortality/major risk factors
  • Neonatal Resuscitation 6-42
  • Breastfeeding 55-87
  • Prevention and management of hypothermia 18-42
  • Kangaroo Mother Care (low birth weight)
  • incidence of infection 51 (7-75)
  • Community based pneumonia case management 27

WhyNewborn resuscitation is important

WhyNewborn resuscitation is important
  • Birth Asphyxia
  • Major cause of Mortality and Stillbirth
  • Major cause of short and long term morbidity
  • Substantially treatable

Estimated Deaths due to Birth Asphyxia in India
is 3 lacs/yr
Still Births
  • Till now focus is on live born infants only
    stillbirths have largely been overlooked.
  • However, these deaths matter too they matter to
    the mother and the family, to the society and to
    the health care system.

Still Births
  • Estimated no. of still births in India are 1
  • More than one third of stillbirths take place
    intrapartum, i.e. during delivery, and are
    largely preventable by the same interventions.
  • In Dahanu, India, the stillbirth rate dropped
    from 18.6 to 9 with introduction of a TBA
    training program in neonatal resuscitation
    Similar findings from Fatehpur, Belgaum India,

1 million children who survive birth asphyxia
each year go onto suffer cerebral palsy and other
China Perinatal Statistics
  • 17 M Births Per Year
  • Infant MR 29.7/1000 LB
  • Most Deaths Occur in First Day
  • 20-30 Birth Asphyxia
  • High Rate of Survivors with CP 199K/Yr Disabled
    0-6, 11/1000 LB

China Disabled Persons Found 2003
Impact of Neonatal resuscitation in China 10
Provinces 2007
  • Low 5 minute Apgar ( Birth Asphyxia)
  • Decreased 60
  • Mortality in delivery room
  • Decreased by 40

Courtesy Keenan W J for providing the slide
Impact of Neonatal Resuscitation Trainingon
asphyxia mortality
  • In rural Gadchiroli India interventions by the
    trained VHW in basic newborn resuscitation
    reduced case fatality in severe asphyxia by
    nearly 50 and asphyxia specific mortality rate
    by 65 in comparison to management by TBA alone
  • Bang AT. Management of birth asphyxia in home
    deliveries in rural Gadchiroli the effect of two
    types of birth attendants and of resuscitation
    with mouth-to-mouth, tube-mask or bag-mask. J
    Perinat 2005 S82-91.

Impact of Neonatal Resuscitation
Region Expected Changes References
India 31 Ann Trop Peds
China 66 Singapore MJ
US 39-72 Pediatrics
Africa 38 Expert Estimate
Courtesy Keenan W J for providing the slide
Evaluation Of training- pre-test and post-test
Knowledge by Written Evaluation
Evaluation Of training- pre-test and post-test
Skills by Performance Evaluation
New Child Health Initiative by GOI
  • Navjaat Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (NSSK)
  • A new programme on Basic Newborn Care and
    Resuscitation, has been launched nationally by
    GoI to address important interventions of care at

GOI and IAP have signed a MoU for training
What are we going to do?
  • One trained person at Every Delivery
  • A sustainable system of training , retraining,
  • Follow up/ Monitoring of training
  • Operational Research
  • Study impact on mortality

FGM NSSK for Pvt. Sector
How many newborns could be saved?
Lives can be saved now

If the all essential interventions in The
Lancet Newborn Survival series reached 90 of
Indian women and babies then 36-67 of newborn
deaths could be prevented
Additional cost of 1.39 per capita per year
NFHS 3 Trends in Delivery Care
Expected outcomes
  • If we train more than 90 health personnel
    attending institutional deliveries (41) in
    essential interventions ,an estimated 15 30
    reduction in NMR can be expected
  • There will be greater impact in states with
    higher neonatal mortality

Everyone has a role to play.. Ghulam
Nabi Azad Union health minister INDIA
As government officials to lead As policymakers
to guarantee essential interventions and
equity As partners and donors to support
programmes As health workers to provide high
quality care and as humans to advocate for
Indias newborns, mothers an children
First Golden Minute Project
  • Not only a project..
  • But
  • .a mission

Its a long road ahead... But Challenge is to
ensure that every newborn counts
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