Using Simulation in TeamSTEPPS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Using Simulation in TeamSTEPPS


Using Simulation in TeamSTEPPS Training The team leader assigned roles to the Trauma Team. 2. The PGY2 used check-back to confirm orders. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Using Simulation in TeamSTEPPS


Using Simulation in TeamSTEPPS Training
  • To know and be able to apply the Event Based
    Approach to Training
  • To know and be able to develop TeamSTEPPS
    training scenarios
  • To know and be able to develop TeamSTEPPS
    performance measures
  • To know and be able to conduct effective debriefs
    of team performance

Course Outline
  • Phase 1. Scenario Development
  • Exercise
  • Phase 2. Measurement Development
  • Exercise
  • Phase 3. Debriefing
  • Lessons Learned

  • Team skills are developed through practice and
  • Simulation allows health care professionals to
    practice TeamSTEPPS skills and strategies in a
    safe learning environment
  • Simulation includes
  • Role play
  • Part-task trainers
  • Human patient simulation
  • Standardized patients

Keys to Success
  • Proper scenario design
  • Focus on learning objectives
  • Provide more than one opportunity to practice
    team behaviors
  • Accurate measurement
  • Include process and outcome measures
  • Capture behaviors
  • Debriefing
  • Learning happens in the debrief
  • Include feedback on how to improve performance

TeamSTEPPS Resources
  • Scenarios Tab I
  • 131 Vignettes
  • Organized by department and TeamSTEPPS skill and
  • Team Performance Observation Tool Tab A,
    Appendix C
  • Tool for observing team performance
  • Observers should practice using the tool
  • Can be adopted to a particular type of care

  • Event-Based Approach to Training (EBAT)
  • Not a new method
  • U.S. Navy, Targeted Acceptable Responses to
    Generated Events (TARGETs) (Fowlkes, Lane, Salas,
    Franz, Oser, 1994)
  • FAA Advisory Circular 120-35C
  • Line Operational Simulations
  • How to design simulation scenarios
  • Health care domain
  • Simulation Module for Assessment of Resident
    Targeted Event Responses (SMARTER) (Rosen, Salas,
    Silvestri, Wu, Lazzara, 2008)

Phase 1
  • Scenario Development
  • Specify teamwork skills
  • Define learning objectives
  • Choose clinical context
  • Define event sets
  • Define targeted responses

Specify Teamwork Skills
  • Skills are general categories of behavior you
    want to train
  • Teamwork is too complex to train in a single
  • Need to focus on a subset of competencies
  • There are four core skills in TeamSTEPPS

Define Learning Objectives
  • Learning objectives should be explicit and
  • Focus on specific TeamSTEPPS behaviors
  • Include the following information
  • Performance Specifies the behavior
  • Condition(s) Specifies the conditions under
    which the behavior occurs
  • Standards Specifies the level of expected

Example Objective
Learning Objective Uses two-challenge rule or
CUS to advocate for a patient in labor
experiencing frequent, strong contractions
Choose a Clinical Context
  • Considerations
  • Medicine is a notoriously task-specific domain
  • Not all contexts are equal for training purposes
  • Choose a clinical context that affords
    opportunities to perform
  • TeamSTEPPS provides 131 scenarios (Tab I)
  • Contexts should be appropriate for eliciting the
    team behavior of interest

TeamSTEPPS Scenario 86
  • Sally Rodgers, a 25-year-old nullip in labor at
    term who is dilated 3 cm. This is a change from
    2cm over the previous 90 minutes. Sally is having
    frequent, strong to palpation contractions that
    are extremely uncomfortable. She is trembling,
    complaining of nausea, and begging her nurse for
    pain relief. The patients primary nurse believes
    epidural anesthesia would be appropriate and
    informs the obstetrician (OB) attending. The OB
    attending states he wants the patient to be
    dilated 45 cm before she receives the epidural.
    The nurse reiterates to the attending OB that her
    assessment is that the patient is in active
    labor. Although Sallys cervix has not
    demonstrated active labor yet, her nurse believes
    the pain relief and relaxation resulting from an
    epidural would be beneficial for the patient. The
    attending OB agrees to the epidural placement.
    The patient is fully dilated and begins pushing 3
    hours after the placement.

Clinical Context
  • Scenario 86
  • Sally Rodgers, a 25-year-old nullip in labor at
    term who is dilated 3 cm. This is a change from
    2cm over the previous 90 minutes. Sally is having
    frequent, strong to palpation contractions that
    are extremely uncomfortable. She is trembling,
    complaining of nausea, and begging her nurse for
    pain relief.

Define Event Sets
  • Event sets are the building blocks of a scenario
  • Event sets consist of
  • Trigger The incident to elicit the team
  • Distracters Characteristics of the situation
    (i.e., conditions) in which the behavior is to
  • Examples
  • Trigger The OB attending states he wants the
    patient to be dilated 45 cm before she receives
    the epidural
  • Distracter Sally has a strong contraction and

Define Targeted Responses
  • Targeted responses
  • Behavioral responses to each event set trigger
  • Expected levels of performance (i.e., standards)
  • Example
  • Trigger The OB attending states he wants the
    patient to be dilated 45 cm before she receives
    the epidural
  • Response The nurse uses two-challenge rule or
    CUS to advocate to the physician that Sally
    should receive pain medication now

  • Simulation scenarios should consist of 3-5 event
  • Provides more than one opportunity to demonstrate
  • Creates reliability
  • Each event set should not include more than one
    trigger event
  • Event sets can be created by breaking a clinical
    procedure into chunks
  • Embed triggers into these chunks

Trauma ExamplePre-Hospital/Transport
Trauma Phase Event Set Triggers Expected Team Behaviors
Pre-Hospital/Transport Patient arrives without advance notice ("zero time") Leadership Team leader assembles team quickly Team leader advocates a plan
Pre-Hospital/Transport Inaccurate or incomplete information from EMS/rescue team Leadership Team leader advocates a plan based on known information Communication Team members use call-outs and check-backs to share accurate patient injury information and discoveries through surveys Team members request information from EMS/rescue when information has not been provided
Trauma ExamplePrimary Survey
Trauma Phase Trigger Expected Team Behaviors
Primary Survey Too many people in room Leadership Team leader may ask non-team members to leave Communication Team members communicate findings and orders with clear call-outs and check-backs Team members are not distracted by others
Primary Survey Equipment not working or is missing Situation Monitoring Team member identifies equipment issue Team member remedies issue (e.g., replaces, fixes, or obtains needed equipment) quickly
Scenario Development
  • Select a scenario from Tab I
  • Identify/develop the following items
  • TeamSTEPPS skill
  • Learning objective(s)
  • Clinical context
  • Event set
  • Trigger and distracters
  • Targeted responses
  • Be prepared to present your results

Phase 2
  • Develop Measures
  • Consider level of analysis
  • Clarify purpose
  • Decide what to measure
  • Select a measure

Team Performance Observation Tool
  • Leadership
  • Utilizes resources efficiently to maximize team
  • Balances workload within the team
  • Delegates tasks or assignments, as appropriate
  • Conducts briefs, huddles, and debriefs
  • Empowers team members to speak freely and ask
  • Situation Monitoring
  • Includes patient/family in communication
  • Cross monitors fellow team members
  • Applies the STEP process when monitoring the
  • Fosters communication to ensure team members have
    a shared mental model
  • Mutual Support Rating
  • Provides task-related support
  • Provides timely and constructive feedback to team
  • Effectively advocates for the patient
  • Uses the Two-Challenge rule, CUS, and DESC script
    to resolve conflict
  • Collaborates with team members
  • Communication Rating
  • Provides brief, clear, specific, and timely
    information to team members
  • Seeks information from all available sources
  • Verifies information that is communicated
  • Uses SBAR, call-outs, check-backs and handoff

Consider Level of Analysis
  • Individuals
  • MD
  • Nurse
  • Anesthesia
  • Teams
  • Delivery team
  • C-Section team
  • Multi-team Team Structure
  • Core team
  • Contingency team
  • Administrative team

Clarify the Purpose
  • Diagnose root causes of performance deficiencies
  • Identify specific weaknesses
  • Provide feedback
  • Relay information regarding strengths and
    weaknesses as a remediation plan
  • Assessment
  • Evaluate the level of proficiency or readiness

Decide What to Measure
  • Outcomes tend to be more quantifiable and answer
    the question What happened?
  • Processes answer the question Why did it

  • Outcomes
  • Sometimes referred to as measures of
    effectiveness (MOEs)
  • Provide an indication of the extent to which the
    outcome of the task was successful
  • Are important for most measurement purposes
  • What outcomes could we assess?
  • Accuracy Precision of performance (e.g.,
    correct medication)
  • Timeliness How long (e.g., time to incision)
  • Productivity How much (e.g., patient volume in
  • Efficiency Ratio of resources required versus
    used (e.g., OR supplies)

  • Processes
  • Sometimes referred to as measures of performance
  • Explain how and why certain outcomes may have
  • (Was the decision made right? versus Was the
    right decision made?)
  • Important when diagnosing root causes of
    performance deficiencies and providing feedback
    or follow-on training
  • Types of Process
  • Procedural Taskwork
  • Non-procedural Taskwork
  • Teamwork

Measurement Tips
  • Assess processes as well as outcomes when
    diagnosing performance deficiencies or providing
  • Consider measuring at multiple levels to identify
    the weak link
  • Provide multiple opportunities to perform the
    same task or skill over the course of an exercise

Select a Measure
  • Checklists
  • Consist of items/actions that have dichotomous
    answers such as Yes/No Right/Wrong
    Performed/Not Performed
  • Example Primary Survey ABCs
  • Frequency counts
  • Indication of the number of times that a
    behavior, action, or error occurs
  • Example Use of CUS, SBAR, Two-Challenge
  • Rating scales
  • Numerical or descriptive judgment of how well a
    task was performed

Checklist Tips
  • Best used with a scripted scenario versus free
  • Items should be related to triggers embedded into
    the scenario
  • Each item should represent a single action taken
    by the individual, team, or battlegroup
  • Label or define the response category that you
    are using

Assess Airway
Circulation/FAST Exam

Exposure and Environment
Frequency Count Tips
  • Frequency counts are better when measuring acts
    of commission than acts of omission
  • Overt actions or errors versus failing to
    demonstrate a particular behavior
  • Frequency counts are good when you want to know
    how often a specific action is taken or task is
  • Frequency counts can be recorded during a
    critical event in an exercise or throughout the
    entire scenario

Frequency Count
Positive Instances
Check-back Call-outs SBAR Unintelligible
Mutual Support
Positive Instances

Two-Challenge CUS Task Assistance
Graphic Rating Scale
  • The team leader assigned roles to the Trauma
  • 2. The PGY2 used check-back to confirm orders.

Very Effective
1 2 3 4
5 6
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4
5 6

Anchored Rating Scale
Communication Used check-back during trauma
Rating Scales
  • Uses
  • Rating scales are good for assessing quality when
    it does not equate to a sum of quantity
  • Rating scales are good for assessing tasks that
    are less procedural in nature
  • Rating scales are better to use when you are
    evaluating performance on a continuum
  • Tips
  • Define or clearly describe what you are measuring
  • Include a specific stem or item to accompany the
    rating scale

  • Develop a measure to assess performance for the
    scenario you developed earlier
  • Be prepared to present your measures

Phase 3
  • Debriefing
  • Introduce the debrief process
  • Describe what happened
  • Conduct an analysis of performance
  • Identify lessons learned

Description Phase
  • Recap of what happened in the scenario
  • Team members share their perspectives on what
    occurred during the scenario and reach common
  • This helps ensure everyone takes away similar
    lessons from the experience
  • How measurement can help
  • Provides a structure for understanding the
  • The event sets or behavior categories can be used
    to structure discussion
  • Focus on critical aspects of performance
  • Helps to keep the discussion focused on events
    relevant to the learning objectives

Analysis Phase
  • A systematic investigation of why things happened
    in the scenario as they did
  • The team focuses on understanding what went well
    and what could have been done better
  • How measurement can help
  • Can help compare the teams performance with
    standards of performance
  • Were the TeamSTEPPS behaviors performed when
    necessary? If so, were they performed correctly
    or could they be improved?

Application/Generalization Phase
  • A look ahead to how the team can generalize what
    they learned in the scenario to their daily
  • The team generates lessons learned and discuss
    what needs to be corrected and how to correct it
  • How measurement can help
  • Explicit event sets can be used to draw parallels
    between the scenario and the actual clinical
  • Explicit measures associated with these events
    help promote reflection about how to transfer
    what went well to the actual clinical environment

Tip for Success 1
  • Tip 1 Dont overwhelm learners or observers
    Keep it simple
  • People can integrate only a few key learning
    points from a scenario
  • Observers have a limited attention span and
    frequently have to multi-task. Dont ask too
    much you wont like what you get
  • Rule of thumb Have a key event every 1 to 2
    minutes of scenario time

Tip for Success 2
  • Tip 2 Telling someone how well they did is not
    good enough
  • They need diagnostic feedback
  • Specific
  • Behaviorally focused
  • Descriptive

Tip for Success 3
  • Tip 3 Train observers
  • Training, by definition, is systematic. For
    measurement to guide this process, it too must be
    systematic, reliable, and valid
  • Make sure everyone has common expectations about
  • Develop and use a scoring guide

Rater Scoring Guide
Team Behaviors Hit Variation in Quality Miss
Communication SBAR uses structured communication (situation, background, assessment, recommendation) all components (situation, background, assessment, and recommendation) are present several, but not all components were used (e.g., the situation was presented and the background leading to the situation was stated, BUT NO assessment or recommendation is provided) structured communication was NOT used at all when appropriate (e.g., during a handoff)
Communication Call-out verbalizes critical information to the entire team a team member clearly verbalizes critical information to all team members critical information was only verbalized to one of the team members and not all of them critical information was not verbalized
Communication Check-back uses closed-loop communication a sender initiated a message, the receiver accepted the message and provided feedback confirmation, and the sender verified message was received a team member initiates communication and the other team member provides verification of receipt and understanding, but the initiator DOES NOT verify this understanding is correct. a sender initiated a message but the receiver DID NOT provide feedback confirmation, and the sender did not verify message was received
Tip for Success 4
  • Tip 4 Keep teamwork and clinical skills separate
  • Use dual debriefs
  • Provide feedback on teamwork skills as a team
  • Correct an individuals major clinical
    deficiencies in a follow-up session
  • Dont overcomplicate the clinical nature of the
    scenario when your main purpose is to train
  • Teamwork novices especially should be given the
    chance to focus on teamwork in the scenario, not
    complex clinical issues
  • As the team members teamwork skills advance,
    more complex clinical scenarios can be used

Tip for Success 5
  • Tip 5 Event-based methods involve more than
    just measurement
  • Good training design practices
  • Good scenario design practices
  • Good debrief facilitation practices

Teamwork Actions
  • Apply the Event Based Approach to Training
  • Able to develop TeamSTEPPS training scenarios
  • Able to develop TeamSTEPPS performance measures
  • Know how to conduct effective debriefs of team
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