The Strategy Toolbox - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Strategy Toolbox


The Strategy Toolbox By Velda Schneider Multiple Strategies Research-Based & New Strategies Best Practices Original Strategies Research-Based & New Strategies Concept ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Strategy Toolbox

The Strategy Toolbox
  • By Velda Schneider

Multiple Strategies
  • Research-Based New Strategies
  • Best Practices
  • Original Strategies

Research-Based New Strategies
  • Concept Poster Chat
  • Semantic Webbing/Mapping
  • Jigsaw Summary
  • Character Report Card
  • Cause and Effect Timeline
  • Thieves
  • Think-Pair-Share.
  • Matrices
  • Frayer Model

Concept/Poster Chat(Stone, 1983)
  • What is it? A teacher presentation using a large
    poster to explain concepts being learned from the
  • Why use it? Its a powerful way to build
    background knowledge and vocabulary.
  • How does it work? Decide the key concepts in a
    lesson and draw those key concepts onto posters.
    (Examples timelines, diagrams, cause and effect
    charts, maps and scenes.)
  • back

Semantic Webbing/Mapping
  • What is it? It is an organizer that has a key
    concept or central/main idea with other
    supporting ideas/concepts linked or drawn off of
  • Why use it? To help students organize information
    in a hierarchy format.
  • How does it work? Start with a main concept such
    as Grammar, and form concepts off of that
    adjectives, nouns, pronouns and off of pronouns
    demonstrative pronouns, relative pronouns, etc.
  • back

Jigsaw Summary(Aronson, 1978)
  • What is it? Students in one group become experts
    on the text that they are studying and the
    experts then teach that text to a different
  • Why use it? Jigsaw groups help students find ways
    to build summarizing habits while teaching them
    to communicate meaningful messages to other
  • How does it work? The text gets divided up into
    three to five sections. The students are given a
    study guide that they must use to summarize their
    portion of the text. Each student has a number or
    letter assigned and those experts must share
    with other groups and then report back to each
    other to piece together all that they have
  • back

Character Report Card
  • What is it? This is an activity in which the
    students get to grade the characters in a book or
    chapter on certain traits or qualities.
  • Why use it? It develops a good evaluation of
    thinking skills and helps them find evidence for
    their choices.
  • How does it work? Choose a story and decide which
    characters to evaluate. Brainstorm a list of
    traits. Write down the characters and the lists.
    Generate a grading system and have students grade
    each character based on the traits and how they
    feel about that character. Students can
    agree/disagree in pairs or groups as they come to
    a consensus on each character.
  • back

Cause and Effect Timeline
  • What is it? It is a graphic organizer timeline
    that asks students to not only determine the
    sequence of events in a story or historical
    account but also to establish or infer the causes
    of those events.
  • Why use it? This helps students to organize
    information and infer and predict why it happened
    during a certain time period and what made it
  • How does it work? Make one long timeline and on
    divide the area in half and put What happened? or
    events on top and why or causes on the bottom of
    the organizer. Each cause needs to be supported
    with evidence.
  • back

Thieves(Manz, 2002)
  • What is it? Its an acronym that helps students
    go through all the necessary prereading steps
    before beginning a textbook chapter. They first
    look at titles, headings, introductions, etc.
  • Why use it? It helps students understand
    difficult texts better and its a way to get
    students to build extensive knowledge of the
    text even before they read the first words of a
  • How does it work? Tell the students about
    Thieves and how we want to steal as much
    information as possible before reading a chapter.
    Model how to go through each of the prereading
    strategies, have the students try it with a
    partner and then go through the chapter as a
  • back

  • What is it? It is a quick verbal interaction
    between two to three students that allows them to
    quickly process the academic language and content
    being learned.
  • Why use it? TPS can be a background knowledge
    activity, it also can be effective as a break
    during teacher lectures to help push students to
    organize thoughts well enough to communicate
  • How does it work? Create a question or prompt
    that will get students to use their background
    knowledge and experience to answer it. Students
    need to think in silence and write thoughts down
    and then students need to work in pairs staying
    on topic and discussing it. Then students need to
    share with the class what their partner said.
  • back

Matrices(adaptation of semantic feature analysis
by Johnson Pearson, 1984)
  • What is it? It is a chart that lets students
    organize various categories of information
    according to different variables that are placed
    in columns and rows.
  • Why use it? Its an effective way to get students
    to analyze ideas, reduce information to the
    minimum, and then rebuild it in their own words.
  • How does it work? Exam text and decide on
    categories in the left-hand column and
    variables/adjectives across the top row. Model
    some examples that could be filled in the chart.
    Find evidence to support it. Have students finish
    up the matrix on their own or with a partner.
    Share all ideas and an overall conclusion at the
    end of class.
  • back

Frayer Model(Frayer, Frederick, Klausmeier,
  • What is it? It is a word category activity that
    shows relationships between words to help
    students understand words.
  • Why use it? Students will learn how to analyze a
    words essential and nonessential attributes and
    help them refine their understanding by choosing
    examples and non-examples of the word or concept.
    (Its like 4 square)
  • How does it work? Teacher will assign a concept
    or word being studied. Explain the Frayer Model.
    Use a word/concept and have students work in
    pairs completing the model and share them with
    the class.
  • Back
    Next to Best Practices

Best Practices
  • Quickwrites
  • KWL
  • Story Map
  • Venn Diagram
  • Graphic Organizers
  • SQ3R
  • Think-Alouds
  • Pairs Read
  • Sensory Imagery
  • Structured Note-Taking

  • What is it? Its a style of writing that requires
    students to reach inside his/her mind and pull
    out something related to a prompt in order to put
    it on paperl. They are informal styles of
  • Why use it? This is a quick way to jump-start
    students into brainstorming ideas when they might
    not want to share with everyone else.
  • How does it work? Give students a quick
    prompt/question. Have students write down what
    comes to mind. They need to recall prior
    knowledge to start forming ideas. Might have to
    modify prompts to get all students involved. They
    could be a journal entry.
  • back

KWL(Ogle, 1986)
  • What is it? It is a three column organizer that
    we can write down information on what we KNOW,
    WANT to know, and what we have LEARNED from text.
  • Why use it? To teaches students to connect
    background knowledge, and helps develop habits of
    summarizing, questioning, predicting, inferring,
    and figuring out word meanings.
  • How does it work? Create 3 columns on the board
    or a worksheet. Ask students What they know,
    and have them fill in the first column. Next ask
    them what they want to know and have them fill
    this in the 2nd column and then have students
    read the text. Lastly, have students write what
    they learned in the final column.
  • back

Story Map(Buehl, 2001 Johns Berglund, 2001)
  • What is it? It is a story map that shows the
    important elements of a narrative text.
  • Why use it? It helps students organize
    information into an outline of important events,
    with supporting events leading up to the climax.
  • How does it work? Model how to fill in a story
    map. Next fill in the characters names, and put
    the key word elements around this. Then the
    setting, conflicts, important/sequenced events,
    climax and resolution. Next discuss ending
    events, changes, and the message or lesson and
    then students can do this with additional texts
    on their own or in groups.
  • back

Venn Diagram
  • What is it? It is a diagram that requires the
    learner to compare and contrast two items being
  • Why use it? It is used to teach students how to
    compare and contrast brainstorming ideas to write
    compare/contrast papers and to understand
    differences and similarities in topics that they
    might be studying or writing about.
  • How does it work? Draw 2 interconnecting circles.
    Above each circle right the topic. Explain the
    compare and contrast and now have students read
    the story. Fill in the diagram and discuss it.
  • back

Graphic Organizers
  • What is it? A graphic organizer is a visual
    representation of facts and concepts and the
    relationships that link them together.
  • Why use it? They help students to represent
    abstract ideas in more concrete forms, show
    relationships between among facts and concepts,
    organize ideas, and store and recall information.
  • How does it work? Explain the graphic organizer
    and introduce a specific one. Explain and model
    an organizer and then let students organize
    familiar material in the organizer.
  • back

SQ3R(Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and
Review-Robinson, 1961)
  • What is it? It is a study strategy because it
    engages students during each phase of the reading
  • Why use it? This helps students generate
    questions, while reading which helps them to
    remember text so that they can share information
    and review what they read.
  • How does it work? Students preview material and
    survey what they are reading, generate questions,
    read actively, recite answers and what they have
    learned and review their information.
  • back

Think-alouds(Davey, 1983)
  • What is it? The teacher models her thinking
    process by verbalizing her thoughts as she reads,
    processes information, or performs certain tasks
    while reading text and trying to understand it.
  • Why use it? It helps students understand the kind
    of thinking that needs to be done for a specific
  • How does it work? Teacher explains that reading
    is a complex process. Selects a passage and reads
    aloud explaining things and words. Develops
    questions along the way.
  • back

Pairs Read
  • What is it? A strategy that requires
    collaborative learning as students read and
    digest text.
  • Why use it? This helps students increase their
    knowledge and understanding of the text by
    reading the text aloud to each other.
  • How does it work? Select a passage for the
    students to read. Pair up students. Students read
    aloud to one another. The listener is the coach
    and summarizes what they hear. Then the roles are
    reversed and this is done through the entire
  • back

Sensory Imagery
  • What is it? Comprehension, recall, and retention
    can be enhanced through sensory imaging while
  • Why use it? Creating sensory imaging skills can
    help stimulate interest in reading and learning
    for students.
  • How does it work? A text passage is selected that
    contains sensory details. Students need to
    imagine the scene and keep prompting students
    with images as a teacher reads aloud to them. Ask
    questions about images. Ask students what they
    have discovered by using their imagination while
  • back

Structured-Note Taking(Smith Tompkins, 1988)
  • What is it? Its a method that helps students
    take notes more effectively.
  • Why use it? This is suppose to help assist
    students in better recall and retention of
  • How does it work? Show students different
    organizational patterns that authors will use.
    Understanding patterns will help provide a
    structure in note-taking. Assign a passage.
    Provide each student with a graphic organizer.
    They can share their work with a partner.
  • Back Next to
    Original Strategies

Original Strategies(Self-created by Velda
  • Toss-the-Ball
  • Marker Share
  • Inspiration Concept Maps
  • Sticky Notes/Story Elements
  • Back in Time-Play Writing/Reading
  • Acting Out/Groups Share

  • What is it? It is a game of tossing a ball from
    one student to the next as they share key
    elements of short stories or other reading
  • Why use it? It gets students actively engaged and
    opens them up to guessing and not being afraid to
    guess and participate.
  • How does it work? The teacher throws a ball to a
    student and the student shares something or an
    element about a story and then tosses it to
    another student. There is no right or wrong
    answer, everyone just needs to participate. It is
    a great ice-breaker and fun interactive activity.
    Students really enjoy it.
  • back

Marker Share
  • What is it? It is a game where students gently
    toss a marker and share ideas about a story and
    right them on the board.
  • Why use it? Its a creative way for students to
    pass a marker and share their thoughts on the
    board. It gets students to participate and they
    are very engaged.
  • How does it work? The instructor writes some
    notes or points about a story and passes the
    marker to a student and they share a point either
    verbally or up at the board.
  • back

Inspiration Concept Maps
  • What is it? It is a map that students create in
    Inspiration starting with a key concept/idea and
    branching out from that.
  • Why use it? This helps students organize
    ideas/concepts and map out or categorize other
    information to fit under the first idea and they
    keep building on the original idea. It helps
    clarify and evaluate information.
  • How does it work? Students will use Inspiration
    or Kidspiration and create concept maps/graphic
    organizers based on one main concept/idea and
    this keeps building as other areas are mapped off
    of the original idea/concept.
  • back

Sticky Notes/Story Elements
  • What is it? Students will use sticky notes to
    write down new vocabulary/elements/questions that
    they might have in their text as they read the
  • Why use it? It helps students understand context
    clues, text passages, and the stories that they
    are reading. It actively engages students.
  • How does it work? Students can write down
    anything that they have a question on in their
    text and put it on that page in their book. Then
    as a class we take a story one page at a time and
    go through the sticky notes and write things up
    on the board to clarify what the students did or
    did not know.
  • back

Back in Time-Play Writing/Reading
  • What is it? My students take a historical event
    in a story and go back in time and change its
    outcome and then rewrite the story or play.
  • Why use it? Students get to make up their own
    creative endings and write stories which gives
    them ownership into their creativity.
  • How does it work? As a class we will read a story
    or play with a true historical event in it and we
    will rewrite the historical event (example the
    assassination of Abraham Lincoln) and try to stop
    it and change it and then write how history would
    be changed because of the incident not happening
    or because it was changed. (If doing a play, my
    students will rewrite the event and changes after
    the event and then act it out up on stage and I
    will record it and students can edit the videos.
  • back

Acting Out-Group Share
  • What is it? Students will read a story aloud and
    act out parts or scenes.
  • Why use it? It helps students identify with the
    characters and understand how the characters in
    the story think and feel about their role in the
  • How does it work? Students will read a story
    aloud in front of class and act out some of the
    scenes or situations. This can be done in small
    groups to make students feel more comfortable.
  • Back Next to final slide

Summary of Strategies
  • I will be able to use and explain all of these
    different strategies to my students as the year
    goes along by sharing these slides and hyperlinks
    with them. Some strategies are research-based,
    some I have tried before and are among my
    favorites, and some are my own creations or
    modified creations. I look forward to sharing the
    different strategies that I have learned with my
    students in the upcoming school year.
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