Title: Pathways
1Pathways Molecules
2 Contents
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
- Enzymes and Metabolites
- Metabolic Pathways Cholesterol Biosynthesis
- Metabolic Disorders
- BioMeta Database
3 Metabolite and Pathway Databases
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
http//www.genome.ad.jp/kegg/ http//www.brenda.un
i-koeln.de/ http//www.expasy.org/tools/pathways/
http//www.empproject.com/ http//metacyc.org/ htt
p//ecocyc.org/ http//www.ncgr.org/pathdb/ http/
/medicago.vbi.vt.edu/B-Net/ http//www.mol-net.de/
biopath/ http//www.ergo-light.com/ERGO/ http//ww
w.reactome.org/ http//www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iubmb/e
Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes BRENDA
enzyme database ExPASy biochemical pathway EMP
enzymology and metabolism data MetaCyc metabolic
pathways EcoCyc E. coli genome and
metabolism PathDB biological pathways and
networks B-NET - Biochemical Network BioPath
C_at_ROL database ERGO comprehensive genome
analysis Reactome biological processes IUBMB
4 Metabolism and Friends
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
- Metabolism The reactions in organisms
- Anabolism Synthesis of larger biomolecules
from smaller ones Usually requires
energy input - Catabolism Break down of larger molecules
into smaller ones Usually releases energy
5 Enzymes
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
- Virtually all metabolic reactions require
enzymatic catalysis - Rate enhancement factor can be up to 1015
- Enzymes are highly reaction-specific,
catalyzing only one conversion - Enzymes are substrate-specific, limiting their
action to only one compound or to related
6 The Metabolic Network
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
7 Some Metabolites
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
- Common metabolitesWater, NADH, ATP,
Phosphate, - End products of pathwaysVitamin B12, Urea,
Penicillin, Ecdysone, - Intermediates in pathwaysGlucose-6-P,
Lanosterol, Precorrins, Shikimate,
8 Common Metabolites ATP / ADP
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
Full structures
9 Common Metabolites NADH / NAD
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
Full structures
10 Common Metabolites
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
Water Ammonia Phosphate ATP, ADP NADH,
SAH Coenzyme A Glutamate/2-Oxoglutarate
Phosphorylation Reduction/oxidation Reductio
n/oxidation Reduction/oxidation Reduction/oxidati
on Methyl group transfer Acyl group
transfer Amino/ketone group exchange
11 Cholesterol Biosynthesis Outline
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
12 Cholesterol Biosynthesis from Squalene
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
13 Metabolic Disorders
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
- Inability to synthesize compoundsAbsence of
important compounds - Inability to degrade compoundsAccumulation of
undesired waste productsE.g., in phenylketonuria
14 Phenylketonuria (Error in Phenylalanine
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
15 The BioMeta Database
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
16 BioMeta Database Structure
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
17 BioMeta Database Structure
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
Reaction 1 Mol_1 Mol_2 lt-gt Mol_3
Mol_4 Reaction 2 Mol_2 Mol_3 --gt Mol_5
Mol_6 Reaction 3 2 Mol_6 --gt
R-M Links
18 Sample Database Query
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
- ec_nr enzyme_name rxn_id rev role
stoich name - ---------------------------------------------
----------------- - oxalate oxidase MR000247 i s
1 Oxalic acid - oxalate oxidase MR000247 i s
1 O2 - oxalate oxidase MR000247 i p
1 H2O2 - oxalate oxidase MR000247 i p
2 CO2
19 Molecular Structures and Reactions
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
- Reactions balancing atoms charges
- adding direction/reversibility
- Molecules adding stereochemical configurations
- canonicalizing tautomeric form
20 Alternative Pathways
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
21 BioMeta Database
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
- Based on freely available data (KEGG Ligand
database) - Augmentation, completion and correction of
small-molecule information - Adding missing
stereochemistry to structures - Balancing atoms
and charges in reactions - Establishing the
reversibility and direction of reactions - Search for alternative pathways between
metabolites - Search for missing enzymes
22 BioMeta Things Being Done
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
- Enhancing compound/reaction structures
- Establishing directionality/reversibility of
reactions - Distinguishing cofactors/current/external/
common metabolites from real metabolites - Adding more compound data, e.g. pKa (curve)
- Building WWW interface
23 BioMeta Things To Do
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
- Atom-to-atom correspondence (reaction mapping)
- Pathway search generation
- Cellular localization
- Enzyme species relations
24 Acknowledgements
M.A. Ott
Pathways and Molecules
- Felix van Diggelen
- Gert Vriend