Title: Remediation
1United Arab Emirates University Chemical
Engineering Department
Remediation of UAE soil contaminated with
Arabian crude oil
Aisha Saeed Amal
Jassim Ferdous Mohsen
Marwa Hussain
Shrooq Ali Advisor Dr. Ali Al-Marzouqi
Soil remediation techniques
Selection criteria and method
Bench and pilot scales
Large scale design
Economic analysis and Business plan
Health and safety
Soil contaminated with hydrocarbon is a major
environmental problem in the world.
Investigate the feasibility of remediation method
based on cost, environmental impact,
effectiveness, minimum disturbance to the site
and remediation time.
Develop a remediation method for surface and
subsurface soil contaminated with Arabian crude
4Remediation Technology
Physical Technologies Soil vapor
extraction Excavation and disposal
Chemical Technologies Chemical oxidation
Soil washing Biological Technologies
Phytoremediation Bioventing
Thermal Desorption
5Soil property
6Selected method
Vacuum Extraction
Step 2
Step 1
In situ (minimum disturbance to the site)
Short remediation time
Environmentally friendly Low cost
7Soil analysis
The experiment Results
PH 7.6
Conductivity 18.45 (µS/cm)
Moisture content 0.24 (wt )
Density (g/ml) 1.77 (g/ml)
Bulk density (g/ml) 2.19 (g/ml)
Field capacity 41 g water/ 200g soil
Oil absorption capacity 34 g oil/ 200g soil
8Crude oil analysis
Property Before extraction
Specific gravity 0.82
API 41.06
Pour point -51 OC
Cloud point 4 OC
Flash point 34 OC
Density 0.81924 g/ml
Viscosity 4.273 cst
9Biological experiment
To isolate oil degrading bacteria from UAE soil.
10Bench scale
Adding soil
(1 kg soil)
Adding crude oil
Tube with holes
11Factors considered in the bench scale
Pipes cover filter paper stainless steel
mesh clothes Silk mesh Pipes wide pipe thin
pipe Air injection from the top and from the
Bench scale
12(No Transcript)
13Pilot scale
(60 kg soil)
20 cm
Uncontaminated soil
20 cm Contaminated layer
Holes for soil sample collection
Activated carbon
Graduated cylinder
Vacuum pump
Treatment Cell
14(No Transcript)
15Crude oil properties before and after vacuum
extraction process
Property Before extraction After extraction
Specific gravity 0.82 0.843
API 41.06 36.3
Pour point -51 OC -34 OC
Cloud point 4 OC -1 OC
Flash point 34 OC 33 OC
Density 0.81924 g/ml 0.842 g /ml
Viscosity 4.273 cst 6.3 cst
17Large scale
Air input flow rate for the site (m3/min)
Radios of influence (m)
18Large scale
120 m
80 m
0.5 m
19Large scale
Vacuum extraction
One week for vacuum extraction process 20 m space
between each well
20Large scale
40 m
40 m
6 month to treat each area
21Large scale
Air input flow rate for the site (m3/min)
Where Qs air input flow rate for the site
(m3/min) 20.9-5 change in oxygen
concentration () Ko oxygen use rate (/hr) V
volume of contaminated soil (m3), where
biodegradation is oxygen limited. ? gas- filled
porosity (fraction, typical range 0.2 to 0.3.
22Large scale
Radios of influence (m)
R1 radios of influence (m) Qw air flow rate
per well (m3/min) 20.9-5 change in oxygen
concentration () Ko oxygen use rate (/hr) ?
gas- filled porosity (fraction, typical range
0.2 to 0.3. h aerated thickness (m)
23Large scale
Vacuum extraction
24Large scale
Category Cost (Dhs) / 3 years
Capital cost 172,000
Chemicals and materials 33,000
Labour costs 10,000,000
Operational and maintenance cost 265,00
Total process cost 14,700,000
26Business plan
Task Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3 Year 3
Month 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12
Community Relations
Public Meeting
Preliminary Design
Order Equipment
Chemical hazard
Physical hazard
Biological hazard
28Health and safety
All employees will receive complete training on
each piece of equipment that will be used.
All employees will be required to wear personal
protective equipment.
The engineers will be concerned more with the
preventative aspects of the use of hazardous
Future work
Different parameters of the bioventing process
will be optimized.
Air flow rate Amount of bacteria Amount of
nutrients Moisture
TOC,PAH will be measured
Dr. Ali Al-Marzouqi
Dr. Farid bin Yahia
Dr. Khalid Trabely
Mr. Sami Abdullah
Eng.Hassan Kamal
Mr.Baboucarr jobe
Ms.Huda Ateeq
Mr.Ali Dewadar
Eng.Ahamd Embaby
ADCO company
31Thank you for your Attention