Title: PDF Remediation
1PDF Remediation
What Is PDF Remediation? What Is PDF Tagging?
The Process Of Remediating A PDF Document
PDF Remediation What Is It Why Is It Important?
2Portable Document Format, also known as PDF, is
one of the most popular digital formats out there
that supports all types of documents. From guides
to invoices, e-books, applications, statements,
and more, PDFs are very common and used by the
general public. PDF Remediation helps those
online who are disabled to read them
properly! However, these documents are not
accessed in the same way by every user. For
example, users with vision impairments (or other
disabilities) might not find them accessible
enough or optimized for their screen readers. As
per the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA),
PDFs hosted on a website or any other digital
medium that are not accessible to all impose
risks of accessibility-related lawsuits. This is
of utmost importance to all, and especially
organizations working in government, healthcare,
finance/banking, and education! The term "PDF
remediation" is unknown to many people. However,
in the world of assistive technology, it is very
common. Just like accessible HTML content, PDF
document accessibility plays a vital role in the
overall accessibility of a website! What Is PDF
Remediation? Remediation is a vital part of PDF
accessibility in general. Every PDF document that
is remediated can be used by a larger group of
people, not to mention that such formats make the
text, images, lists, links, and tables cleaner
and more organized. Also, a structure like this
can help a website rank higher, improving its
search engine optimization (SEO) performance! The
biggest benefit when it comes to document
remediation is to ensure that everything looks
the same online as it does in print. Whether it's
a desktop or a mobile device, Mac or Windows, an
accessible PDF needs to be read (no matter what
assistive technologies were used) and information
should be presented accurately to the
reader! What Is PDF Tagging? Essentially, PDF
remediation is the process of "tagging" digital
elements of PDF documents so that they can be
read using assistive technology. The "tags" here
identify all elements in place and inform the
technology about the right order in which they
need to be read! Each of these digital tags
identifies the type of content, storing some
attributes related to it. Also, tags are used to
arrange the document in a hierarchical structure,
adding some order of the content (for example,
organizing the headings, paragraphs, lists,
images, tables, and footnotes in a PDF
file)! Even though tagging is critical to the PDF
format adjustments, there is more to do than just
add tags to make a PDF document accessible.
Below, we are giving answers on some of the
common questions related to this subject!
3What Needs To Be Remediated So That The Document
Is Read By Assistive Technology? Nowadays, there
are two main ways to repair a PDF document and
make it accessible 1. Remediate it yourself
using a suite of accessibility tools or
software 2. Have the document remediated by a
professional If you don't know how to remediate a
PDF, you should choose the second option and have
professional PDF remediators do it for you. There
are plenty of PDF remediation services that
create accessible PDFs. Essentially, these
services take the electronic document (PDF) and
review it page by page, seeing what needs to be
done for maximum document remediation! Some of
the key parts in document accessibility focus on
adapting the color contrast, changing the reading
order, altering the heading and table structure,
adding alternative text, and more! PDF
Accessibility Requirements (Section 508) As we
said above, some users find it hard to interact
with PDF files that are not tagged. The current
PDF accessibility requirements and standards
include a variety of points that apply to PDF
files specifically! However, there is no set of
compliance requirements that are defined by the
U.S. Access Board, which is why many conform to
the Section 508 accessibility requirements! Is
There A Way To Automate PDF Remediation? PDF
accessibility remediation requires manual labor.
It takes a lot of work in ensuring an accurate
tag structure. Software like the Adobe Acrobat DC
and some of its features can be of great help
when starting the process, but only as a start.
Accessible documents need fixes in the color
contrast, reading order, alternative text, as
well as both manual and automatic testing to
ensure that everything is as per the latest
accessibility standards!
4Which Formats And PDF Documents Can You Make
The most common formats that you can make
accessible include PDF documents, as well as
Microsoft Office documents such as Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, as well as Publisher. Documents
provided in their original format offer the
fastest and most accurate remediation! If your
documents are scanned, they are viewed as scanned
images and are not accessible. There are ways to
use some object recognition tools to recognize
the text and add a tagging structure. However,
most of the time, every scanned document will
need to be created again from scratch! The
Process Of Remediating A PDF Document Here are
some of the basic steps that are important when
remediation is done for document
accessibility 1. Tags are added to the file
using the standard version of Adobe Acrobat 2.
Each page is validated against the final PDF
document checklist 3. Any items that are not
in compliance are remediated, and any remediation
items are noted in the remediation report 3.
Pages are again validated 4. A copy of the
document is saved to the workflow
infrastructure There are a lot of resources on
the Web about accessibility, tagged PDFs, and
many videos that can help you with testing. The
bottom line is that besides the government
regulations and ADA standards, every user should
have equal access to documents online. So, make
sure your digital PDFs are created and remediated
to be accessed by every screen-reader and are in
full compliance with the latest regulations! If
you are in need of expert PDF remediation
services, you are on the right website. Our Team
is skilled in web accessibility and can help you
achieve the best results. Contact our team of
experts and learn more about our remediation
5ADA Site Compliance
8401 Lake Worth Rd Lake Worth, FL
33467 info_at_adasitecompliance.com (561)
258-9300 https//www.facebook.com/ADAsitecomplianc
e/ https//twitter.com/siteCompliance
/ https//www.youtube.com/channel/UCCf20J8