Management 386 Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Management 386 Systems


Management 386 Systems & Information Management The Art of Requirements Gathering Walter L. Turner April 3, 2001 Giving It Your All Requirements What is a requirement? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Management 386 Systems

Management 386Systems Information Management
  • The Art of Requirements Gathering
  • Walter L. Turner
  • April 3, 2001

Giving It Your All
Source Seven Years of Highly Defective People,
Scott Adams
  • What is a requirement?
  • What are requirements used for?
  • Why is it important that requirements be defined
  • What is a Systems Analyst?
  • What is the role of a Systems Analyst?
  • How does analysis differ from design?

Fact Finding
  • Introduction
  • Fact-finding is the formal process of using
    research, interviews, questionnaires, sampling,
    and other techniques to collect information about
    systems, requirements, and preferences. It is
    also called information gathering or data
  • Tools, such as data and process models, document
    facts, and conclusions are drawn from facts.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Fact Finding
  • Introduction (Contd)
  • If you can't collect the facts, you can't use the
  • Fact-finding skills must be learned and
  • Systems analysts need an organized method of
    collecting facts.
  • They especially need to develop a detective
    mentality to be able to discern relevant facts!

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Fact Finding
  • When do you perform fact-finding?
  • Fact-finding is most crucial to the systems
    planning and systems analysis phases.
  • It is during these phases that the analyst learns
    about the vocabulary, problems, opportunities,
    constraints, requirements, and priorities of a
    business and a system.
  • During systems design, fact-finding becomes
    technical as the analyst attempts to learn more
    about the technology selected for the new

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Fact Finding
  • Strategy
  • To waste your end-users' time is to waste your
    company's money.
  • To make the most of the time that you spend with
    end-users, don't jump right into interviews.
  • First collect all the facts you can by using
    other methods.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Fact Finding - Requirements Gathering
  • Seven common fact-finding techniques
  • Sampling of existing documentation, forms, and
  • Research and Internet site visits.
  • Observation of the work environment.
  • Questionnaires.
  • Interviews.
  • Rapid Application Development (RAD).
  • Joint Application Development (JAD).

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • From Existing Documentation
  • The first document the analyst should seek out is
    the organizational chart.
  • Trace the history that led to the project.
  • To accomplish this, the analyst may want to
    collect and review documents that describe the
    problem. These include
  • Interoffice memoranda, studies, minutes,
    suggestion box notes, customer complaints, and
    reports that document the problem area.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • From Existing Documentation (Contd)
  • Collect and review documents (contd)
  • Accounting records, performance reviews, work
    measurement reviews, and other scheduled
    operating reports.
  • Information systems project requests past and
  • There are usually documents that describe the
    business function being studied or designed.
    These documents may include
  • The company's mission statement and strategic
  • Formal objectives for the organization sub-units
    being studied.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • From Existing Documentation (Contd)
  • Documents that Descibe Business Functions
  • Policy manuals that may place constraints on any
    proposed system.
  • Standard operating procedures (SOPs), job
    outlines, or task instructions for specific
    day-to-day operations.
  • Completed forms that represent actual
    transactions at various points in the processing
  • Samples of manual and computerized databases.
  • Samples of manual and computerized screens and

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • From Existing Documentation (Contd)
  • Check for documentation of previous system
    studies and designs performed by systems analysts
    and consultants. This documentation may include
  • Various types of flowcharts and diagrams.
  • Project dictionaries or repositories
  • Design documentation, such as inputs, outputs,
    and databases.
  • Program documentation.
  • Computer operations manuals and training manuals.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • From Existing Documentation (Contd)
  • All documentation collected should be analyzed to
    determine currency of the info.
  • Don't discard outdated documentation.
  • Just keep in mind that additional fact-finding
    will be needed to verify or update the facts
  • As you review existing documents, take notes,
    draw pictures, and use systems analysis and
    design tools to model what you are learning or
    proposing for the system.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • Document and File Sampling
  • Because it would be impractical to study every
    occurrence of every form, analysts normally use
    sampling techniques to get a large enough cross
    section to determine what can happen in the
  • Sampling is the process of collecting sample
    documents, forms, and records.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Research and Internet Site Visits
  • Introduction
  • A second fact-finding technique is to thoroughly
    research the application and problem.
  • Computer trade journals and reference books are a
    good source of information.
  • Exploring the Internet via your personal computer
    can provide you with a immeasurable amounts of
  • Corporations use Internet technology as an
    effective means of communicating with their

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Research and Internet Site Visits
  • Introduction (Contd)
  • A similar type of research involves visiting
    other companies or departments that have
    addressed similar problems.
  • Memberships in professional societies such as
    Data Processing Management Association (now known
    as AITP), or Association For Information Systems
    (AIS) among others can provide a network of
    useful contacts.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Observation of the Work Environment
  • Introduction
  • Observation is one of the most effective
    data-collection techniques for obtaining an
    understanding of a system.
  • Observation is a fact-finding technique wherein
    the systems analyst either participates in or
    watches a person perform activities to learn
    about the system.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Observation of the Work Environment
  • Introduction (Contd)
  • This technique is often used when the validity of
    data collected through other methods is in
    question or when the complexity of certain
    aspects of the system prevents a clear
    explanation by the end-users.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Observation of the Work Environment
  • Collecting Facts by Observing People at Work
  • Observation Advantages
  • Data gathered by observation can be highly
  • The systems analyst is able to see exactly what
    is being done.
  • Observation is relatively inexpensive compared
    with other fact-finding techniques.
  • Observation allows the systems analyst to do work

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Observation of the Work Environment
  • Collecting Facts (Contd)
  • Observation Disadvantages
  • Because people usually feel uncomfortable when
    being watched, they may unwittingly perform
    differently when being observed.
  • The work being observed may not involve the level
    of difficulty or volume normally experienced
    during that time period.
  • Some systems activities may take place at odd
    times, causing a scheduling inconvenience for the
    systems analyst.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Observation of the Work Environment
  • Collecting Facts (Contd)
  • Observation Disadvantages (continued)
  • The tasks being observed are subject to various
    types of interruptions.
  • Tasks may not always be performed in the manner
    in which they are observed by the systems
  • If people have been performing tasks in a manner
    that violates standard operating procedures, they
    may temporarily perform their jobs correctly
    while you are observing them.
  • In other words, people may let you see what they
    want you to see.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Observation of the Work Environment
  • Guidelines for Observation
  • Observation should first be conducted when the
    work load is normal.
  • Afterward, observations can be made during peak
    periods to gather information for measuring the
    effects caused by the increased volume.
  • The systems analyst might also obtain samples of
    documents or forms that will be used by those
    being observed.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Observation of the Work Environment
  • Guidelines for Observation (Contd)
  • Work sampling is a fact-finding technique that
    involves a large number of observations taken at
    random intervals.
  • This technique is less threatening to the people
    being observed because the observation period is
    not continuous.
  • When using work sampling, you need to predefine
    the operations of the job to be observed, then
    calculate a sample size as you did for document
    and file sampling.
  • Make that many random observations, being careful
    to observe activities at different times of the

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Observation of the Work Environment
  • Guidelines for Observation (Contd)
  • Word Sampling (contd)
  • By counting the number of occurrences of each
    operation during the observations, you will get a
    feel for how employees spend their days.
  • With proper planning completed, the actual
    observation can be done.
  • Effective observation is difficult to carry out
    however, the following guidelines may help you
    develop your observation skills
  • Determine the who, what, where, when, why, and
    how of the observation.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Observation of the Work Environment
  • Guidelines for Observation (Contd)
  • Observation Guidelines (contd)
  • Obtain permission from appropriate supervisors or
  • Inform those who will be observed of the purpose
    of the observation.
  • Keep a low profile.
  • Take notes during or immediately following the
  • Review observation notes with appropriate
  • Don't interrupt the individuals at work.
  • Don't focus heavily on trivial activities.
  • Don't make assumptions.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • Introduction
  • Questionnaires are special-purpose documents that
    allows the analyst to collect information and
    opinions from respondents.
  • The document can be mass produced and distributed
    to respondents, who can then complete the
    questionnaire on their own time.
  • Questionnaires allow the analyst to collect facts
    from a large number of people while maintaining
    uniform responses.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • Collecting Facts by Using Questionnaires
  • Advantages
  • Most questionnaires can be answered quickly.
  • People can complete and return questionnaires at
    their convenience.
  • Questionnaires provide a relatively inexpensive
    means for gathering data from a large number of

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • Collecting Facts by Using Questionnaires
  • Advantages (Contd)
  • Questionnaires allow individuals to maintain
  • Individuals are more likely to provide the real
    facts, rather than telling you what they think
    their boss would want them to.
  • Responses can be tabulated and analyzed quickly.
  • Disadvantages
  • The number of respondents is often low.
  • There's no guarantee that an individual will
    answer or expand on all of the questions.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • Collecting Facts (Contd)
  • Disadvantages (Contd)
  • Questionnaires tend to be inflexible.
  • There's no opportunity for the systems analyst to
    obtain voluntary information from individuals or
    to reword questions that may have been
  • It's not possible for the systems analyst to
    observe and analyze the respondent's body
  • There is no immediate opportunity to clarify a
    vague or incomplete answer to any question.
  • Good questionnaires are difficult to prepare.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • Types of Questionnaires(free fixed formats)
  • Free-format questionnaires
  • Free-format questionnaires offer the respondent
    greater latitude in the answer. A question is
    asked, and the respondent records the answer in
    the space provided after the question.
  • The analyst should phrase the questions in simple
    sentences and not use words -- such as good --
    that can be interpreted differently by different
  • The analyst should ask questions that can be
    answered with three or fewer sentences.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • Types of Questionnaires (Contd)
  • Fixed-format questionnaires
  • Fixed-format questionnaires contain questions
    that require specific responses from individuals.
  • Given any question, the respondent must choose
    from the available answers.
  • This makes the results much easier to tabulate.
  • On the other hand, the respondent cannot provide
    additional information that might prove valuable.
  • Example Multiple Choice, True/False, Rating
  • Design Questionnaire 1st

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • Introduction
  • The personal interview is generally recognized as
    the most important and most often used
    fact-finding technique.
  • Interviews are a fact-finding technique whereby
    the systems analysts collects information from
    individuals face to face.
  • There are two roles assumed in an interview.
  • The systems analyst is the interviewer,
    responsible for organizing and conducting the

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • Introduction
  • Two roles (Contd)
  • The system user, system owner, or adviser is the
    interviewee, who is asked to respond to a series
    of questions.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • Question Types

Source Systems Analysis Design, Dennis
  • Question Approaches

Source Systems Analysis Design, Dennis
  • Guidelines for Interviews

Source Modern Systems Analysis Design, Hoffer,
George, and Valacich, p244
  • Interview Outline (Contd)

Source Modern Systems Analysis Design, Hoffer,
George, and Valacich, p245
  • Collecting Facts by Interviewing
  • Advantages
  • Interviews give the analyst an opportunity to
    motivate the interviewee to respond freely and
    openly to questions.
  • Interviews allow the systems analyst to probe for
    more feedback from the interviewee.
  • Interviews permit the systems analyst to adapt or
    reword questions for each individual.
  • Interviews give the analyst an opportunity to
    observe the interviewee's nonverbal

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • Collecting Facts by Interviewing (Contd)
  • Disadvantages
  • Interviewing is a very time-consuming, and
    therefore costly, fact-finding approach.
  • Success of interviews is highly dependent on the
    systems analyst's human relations skills.
  • Interviewing may be impractical due to the
    location of interviewees.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • Interview Types and Techniques
  • 2 types unstructured and structured.
  • Unstructured interviews
  • Unstructured interviews are conducted with only a
    general goal or subject in mind and with few, if
    any, specific questions. The interviewer counts
    on the interviewee to provide a framework and
    direct the conversation.
  • This type of interview frequently gets off track,
    and the analyst must be prepared to redirect the
    interview back to the main goal or subject.
  • For this reason, unstructured interviews don't
    usually work well for systems analysis and design.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • Interview Types and Techniques (Contd)
  • Structured interviews
  • In structured interviews the interviewer has a
    specific set of questions to ask of the
  • Depending on the interviewee's responses, the
    interviewer will direct additional questions to
    obtain clarification or amplification.
  • Some of these questions may be planned and others
  • Open-ended questions allow the interviewee to
    respond in any way that seems appropriate.
  • Closed-ended questions restrict answers to either
    specific choices or short, direct responses.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • How to Conduct an Interview
  • Select Interviewees
  • You should interview the end-users of the
    information system you are studying.
  • A formal organizational chart will help you
    identify these individuals and their
  • You should attempt to learn as much as possible
    about each individual prior to the interview.
  • Attempt to learn what their strengths, fears,
    biases, and motivations might be.
  • The interview can then be geared to take the
    characteristics of the individual into account.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • How to Conduct an Interview (Contd)
  • Select Interviewees (Contd)
  • Always make an appointment with the interviewee.
  • Never just drop in.
  • Limit the appointment to somewhere between a half
    hour and an hour.
  • The higher the management level of the
    interviewee, the less time you should schedule.
  • If the interviewee is a clerical, service, or
    blue-collar worker, get their supervisor's
    permission before scheduling the interview.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • How to Conduct an Interview (Contd)
  • Select Interviewees (Contd)
  • Make appointment (contd)
  • Be certain that the location you want for the
    interview will be available during the time the
    interview is scheduled.
  • Never conduct an interview in the presence of
    your officemates or the interviewee's peers.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • How to Conduct an Interview (Contd)
  • Prepare for the Interview
  • Preparation is the key to a successful
  • To ensure that all pertinent aspects of the
    subject are covered, the analyst should prepare
    an interview guide.
  • An interview guide is a checklist of specific
    questions the interviewer will ask the
  • The interview guide may also contain follow-up
    questions that will only be asked if the answers
    to other questions warrant the additional

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Whitten Bentley
Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • How to Conduct an Interview (Contd)
  • Prepare for the Interview
  • Avoid the following types of questions
  • Loaded questions, such as Do we have to have
    both of these columns on the report?'' The
    question conveys the interviewee's personal
    opinion on the issue.
  • Leading questions, such as You're not going to
    use this OPERATOR CODE, are you?'' The question
    leads the interviewee to respond, No, of course
    not,'' regardless of actual opinion.
  • Biased questions, such as How many codes do we
    FILE? I think 20 ought to cover it.'' Why bias
    the interviewee's answer with your own?

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • How to Conduct an Interview (Contd)
  • Prepare for the Interview
  • You should especially avoid threatening or
    critical questions.
  • The purpose of the interview is to investigate,
    not to evaluate or criticize.
  • Additional guidelines for questions are provided
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Don't include your opinion as part of a question.
  • Avoid long or complex questions.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • How to Conduct an Interview (Contd)
  • Avoid threatening questions.
  • Don't use you'' when you mean a group of
  • Conduct the Interview
  • The actual interview can be characterized as
    consisting of three phases the opening, body,
    and conclusion.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • How to Conduct an Interview (Contd)
  • The interview opening
  • The interview opening is intended to influence or
    motivate the interviewee to participate and
    communicate by establishing an ideal environment.
  • You should identify the purpose and length of the
    interview and explain how the gathered data will
    be used.
  • Here are three ways to effectively begin an
  • Summarize the apparent problem, and explain how
    the problem was discovered.
  • Offer an incentive or reward for participation.
  • Ask the interviewee for advice or assistance.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • How to Conduct an Interview (Contd)
  • The interview body
  • The interview body represents the most
    time-consuming phase.
  • During this phase, you obtain the interviewee's
    responses to your list of questions.
  • Take notes concerning both verbal and nonverbal
    responses from the interviewee.
  • It's very important for you to keep the interview
    on track.
  • Anticipate the need to adapt the interview to the
  • Probe for more facts when necessary.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • How to Conduct an Interview (Contd)
  • The interview conclusion
  • During the interview conclusion, you should
    express your appreciation and provide answers to
    any questions posed by the interviewee.
  • The conclusion is very important for maintaining
    rapport and trust with the interviewee.
  • The importance of human relations skills in
    interviewing cannot be overemphasized.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • How to Conduct an Interview (Contd)
  • Below is a set of rules that should be followed
    during an interview.
  • DO
  • Be courteous.
  • Listen carefully.
  • Maintain control.
  • Probe.
  • Observe mannerisms and nonverbal communication.
  • Be patient.
  • Keep interviewee at ease.
  • Maintain self-control.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • How to Conduct an Interview (Contd)
  • Rules (contd)
  • Continuing an interview unnecessarily.
  • Assuming an answer is finished or leading
  • Revealing verbal and nonverbal clues.
  • Using jargon.
  • Revealing your personal biases.
  • Talking instead of listening.
  • Assuming anything about the topic and the
  • Tape recording -- a sign of poor listening skills.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
  • How to Conduct an Interview (Contd)
  • Follow Up on the Interview
  • To help maintain good rapport and trust with
    interviewees, you should send them a memo that
    summarizes the interview.
  • This memo should remind the interviewees of their
    contributions to the systems project and allow
    them the opportunity to clarify any
    misinterpretations that you may have derived
    during the interview.
  • The interviewees should be given the opportunity
    to offer additional information they may have
    failed to bring out during the interview.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Rapid Application Development (RAD)
  • Rapid Application Development is gaining
    popularity as a fact-finding technique for
    discovering user requirements.
  • This technique allows analysts to quickly create
    mock forms and tables to simulate the implemented

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Rapid Application Development (RAD)
  • Users can suggest changes to the prototype
    real-time and in most cases watch as the analyst
    tweaks the software to produce the desired look
    and feel.
  • This process may take several iterations to
    correctly capture the functions necessary to
    automate the required business processes.
  • Once the prototype is completed, you have the
    basis for a users manual, a requirements
    specification, and a template for a test plan.

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Joint Application Design
  • Introduction
  • Joint application design (JAD) is a process
    whereby highly structured group meetings or
    mini-retreats involving system users, system
    owners, and analysts occur in a single room for
    an extended period of time (four to eight hours
    per day, anywhere from one day to a couple weeks).

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
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How to Plan and Conduct JAD Sessions
Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
Fact-Finding Ethics
  • Introduction
  • Often during your fact finding exercises you may
    come across or be analyzing information which is
    sensitive in nature.
  • The analyst must take great care to protect the
    data they have been entrusted with.
  • Most computer professional societies have a code
    of conduct and code of ethics their members must
    adhere to and abide by in the way to conduct

Source Systems Analysis Design Methods, 4ed,
Whitten Bentley
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