Title: Statistical Orbit Determination: Software Packages and Previous Research
1Statistical Orbit DeterminationSoftware
Packages and Previous Research
- Brandon A. Jones
- University of Colorado / CCAR
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4The Orbit Determination Tool Kit (ODTK)
- Brandon A. Jones
- University of Colorado / CCAR
- Summary of ODTK
- Scenario Setup Process
- Data Processing
- Data Output
- Sample Results
6ODTK Description
- Provides OD and orbit analysis support
- Estimates satellite state
- Estimates environment parameters
- Profile equipment characteristics
- Covariance analysis
- Integrated with Satellite Tool Kit (STK)
- Primary Tools
- Tracking Data Simulator
- Filter Capabilities
- Least Squares Estimator
- Sequential filter
- Filter Smoother
- Graph/Report Generator
7ODTK Description
- Residual editing
- Combines multiple observation sources to provide
state estimate - Includes vehicle attitude variations
- Advertises realistic covariance
- CCAR studies have shown this varies from
satellite to satellite
8Scenario Setup
- Object Oriented Implementation
- Satellites
- Sensors GPS Receiver/Antenna pair
- Filters/Smoother
- Etc.
- Object Browser and Properties window provide
primary interface
9Satellite Filter Properties
10Data Processing
- Two Primary Data Sources
- Simulation Data
- External Data
- Several external data formats recognized
- More
- Data analysis automation through scripting
- Monte Carlo Analysis
11Data Processing
- Data simulation tool is capable of generating all
data sources processed by ODTK - Used for preliminary analysis and performance
evaluation - Assists in satellite and ground station design
phase - Helps determine operations requirements
12Characterize filter smoother
Filter Processing Direction
Filter (Current time process) Smoother (Post-fit
Smoother Processing Direction
Prediction Error Growth
Filter Correction at Tracking Data
Data Gap
Smoother Post-Fit Solution
13Data Output
- Smoother and Filter output as a STK ephemeris
file - Can output state and covariance information
14Data Output
- Easy import of ODTK output to STK
- Allows for analysis utilizing other STK tools
- Visual comparisons to another ephemeris
15STK can be used to visualize OD Tool Kit process
16Data Output
- Static/Dynamic Product Builder
- Charts for visual output
- Reports for data output
- Multiple data formats MS Word, PDF, Text
- Reports allow for post-processing of ODTK results
- ODTK provides most OD software required for data
analysis - Includes state estimate and covariance analysis
capabilities - Data export capabilities provide increased
flexibility during data analysis process - Questions?
- Brandon A. Jones
- University of Colorado / CCAR
19GOA Overview
- GPS-Inferred Positioning SYstem and Orbit
Analysis Simulation Software (GIPSY-OASIS) - Product of JPL/NASA
- Square-Root Information Filter (SRIF)
- SRIF Smoother
- Advertises 1-2 cm level accuracy on-orbit and
terrestrial scenarios
20GOA Uses
- Primarily processes GPS observations
- Aids in mission design process
- Provides capabilities to generate and process
simulated observations - Aids in operational OD
- Advantages
- Pedigree
- Various modules/utilities have uses outside of
GOA data processing - GOA provides increased scenario customization
- Disadvantages
- Requires increased understanding of OD process
- Unix command line interface reduces user
friendliness - GUI is provided, but reduces user control of OD
22GOA Flowchart
Source GOA Tutorial Course Notes
23GOA Input
- Function inputs provided by FORTRAN namelist
files - Processes simulated and recorded GPS observations
- Recorded observation format RINEX
24GOA Output
- Outputs filter state in FORTRAN binary file
- Includes utilities to convert output to text
output in a variety of formats - .sp3, .jpltext, .sp1, etc.
- Outputs covariance in similar binary file
- Includes some graphical output capabilities
- CCAR studies utilize MATLAB to customize
graphical output
25Expected OD Accuracy for High Altitude, Highly
Inclinated Satellites Using GPS
- Brandon Jones
- University of Colorado - CCAR
- Simulation development
- Summary of previous tests
- Results
- Future work
27GPS and OD (1)
- Continuous measurement coverage
- Range (CA and Phase)
- Range-rate
- High accuracy (1-2 cm)
- Reduction in operation costs (Earth based
tracking not required) - Pedigree
28GPS and OD (2)
- Satellite positions are known, thus range
measurements are used to triangulate the
satellite position - For real-time position estimation, four
satellites must be visible for position
estimation - Requires at least four equations for the four
unknown values - X, Y, and Z
- Time
29GPS Visibility
- GPS satellites orbit at 20,200 km altitude
- Primary signals broadcast in 27.8 deg cone
- Side lobes provide weakened signal
- Limits satellite altitudes for optimal visibility
- Acceptable for most LEO satellites
- Low elevation satellites provide measurements
- Close to limb of Earth
- Reduced signal power
- Reduced satellite visibility
31GPS S/V Inclination
- GPS Satellite inclination 55 deg
- Reduced visibility above poles
- Low elevation satellites still visible
32How do we determine accuracy and visibility?
- Software package developed by NASA-JPL for POD
studies - Specialized in GPS data processing
- Implements a Sequential Square Root Information
Filter (SRIF) with data smoothing - Provides capabilities for data simulation
34Simulation Design
Other error Sources (ionosphere, relativity, etc.)
Antenna Characteristics
Multipath Characteristics
Gravity Models GGM, EGM, etc.
Atmospheric Drag Models
35Gipsy-Oasis Simulation Design
36Previous Tests
- Case A
- Circular orbit
- 550 km altitude
- 96 deg inclination
- Case C
- Eccentric orbit
- 622 x 20200 km altitude
- 55 deg inclination
- Case B
- Eccentric orbit
- 520 x 7800 km altitude
- 116.57 deg inclination
- Case D
- Molniya orbit
- 1600 x 38900 km altitude
- 63.4 deg inclination
37Simulation Details
- Run for 3 orbital periods
- GPS transmission EIRP 28.2 dBW
- Signal power strengths of at least 35 dB-Hz
- 12 Channel receiver modeled
- Measurement types DF M-code (Range and Phase)
- Measurement noise ? 1.72 m (Logan, 2005)
- Filter noise (simulation dependent)
38Results - Case D
39Test Expansion
- Expand tests for many sun-synchronous orbits
- Used software batch processing and Python to
automate processing - Eccentricity between 0.0 and 0.5, increments of
0.2 - Altitude of periapsis between 800 and 6300 km,
increments of 250 km - Processed CA and Phase (DF, Single differenced
measurements) - Filter and smoother
- Gravity clones
40Gravity Clone?
- When gravity models determined, there is a
corresponding covariance matrix - A gravity clone is a similar model that satisfies
the covariance matrix - Used 6, 1-? gravity clones of the JGM-3 model for
reference trajectory - Allows for processing with gravity errors
- Characterize impact on gravity error on state
Satellite Inclination
Average Number of Satellites
42Smoothed Position
43Smoothed Position
- Increased error with reduced number of
satellites. - Inclination changes vs. accuracy
44Filter vs. Smoother
RSS 1.334
RSS 1.159
- Small impact for CA and phase processing
- Has bigger impact with CA only processing (factor
of 2)
45Smoothed Position
True JGM-3
JGM-3 Gravity Clones
- Gravity errors have an impact
- Principal error source is measurement noise (94)
46Other Tests
- Critically inclined orbits
- Both prograde and retrograde
- Eccentricities between 0.0 and 0.7, increments of
0.02 - Altitude of periapsis between 800 and 20,200 km,
increments of 500 km - Maximum altitude at apoapsis of 20,200 km
(semi-synchronous orbit) - Recommended future tests include major transfer
orbits - Increase model fidelity