Title: Logistics Officers Association The Future of Joint Logistics
1Logistics OfficersAssociationThe Future of
Joint Logistics
LTG Kathleen M. Gainey Director for Logistics
(J-4) The Joint Staff
- Joint Logistics Environment
- Adapting to change
- Reading the Demand Signals
- Why focus on 2020?
- Interagency Logistics
- New partnerships and processes
- Final Thoughts
- My Inbox and Leadership
- Thoughts
The future of national and international
security lies in interoperability and cooperation
among the Services, the interagency,
international partners and non-governmental
organizations . CJCS Guidance
The Chairman
- Senior ranking member
- Principal military adviser
- No command authority
- Has Title 10 oversight
- Responsible for
- Strategic direction planning
- Contingency planning
- Advice on requirements, programs budgets
- Joint doctrine, training education
- Increase stability defend our vital National
interests in the broader Middle East - Reset, Reconstitute and Revitalize our Armed
Forces - Deter conflict be prepared to defeat foes
globally by rebalancing our strategic risk
The Chairman ADM Michael G. Mullen
The Vice Chairman Gen James E. Cartwright
How does the logistics community support these
4Our Future
Range of military operations
Civil Support
Terrorism, Counterinsurgency
Combat Operations
Humanitarian Assistance
Security, Stability, Transition, Reconstruction
In the Joint Logistics Environment Globally
Dispersed Distribution based concept of
support LOCs Tenuous, commercial, lucrative
target Complex Politically, operationally, and
tactically Enemy Digitally sophisticated knows
log staying power Resources Big and
expensive effective first, then efficient
5Joint Logistics Imperatives
- Unity of Effort
- Process definition
- Roles and responsibilities
- Process transparency
- Common output metrics
- JLE Visibility
- Enterprise data architecture
- Authoritative source data
- 24/7 access to network
- Rapid Precise Response
- Velocity, Reliability, Visibility
- Efficiency
- Performance tracking
- Process analysis
Expand Art of the Possible
6 Progression of Joint Logistics
To Interdependency
To Jointness
To Coordination
To Deconfliction
From Competition
Progression also applies to Interagency Logistics
7Documents that Impact the Future of Joint
National Security Strategy
Joint Logistics Strategy
National Defense Strategy
March 2006
Opportunity to shape the future of Joint
8Demand Signals
DOD Report on Improving Interagency Support June
GAO Report on Improving Stability Operations May
Military forces must become more capable of
integrating non-kinetic activities into
traditional combat missions
How does the logistics community incorporate this
9Traditional COCOM Support Model
US Agency
Civilian Contractors
Host Nation Operations
Coalition Operations
US Military
Solutions to regional problems
10One exampleAFRICOM Support Model
Local African
Local African Company
Local Multi-National Company
Non-Governmental Organizations
African Capabilities for Africans
Civilian Contractors
Local Military-US Military
Civilian Contractors/US Military
US Military
Make US Military the last option
11 Progression of Interagency Logistics
To Interdependency
How to make the jump to Interdependency?
From Stove Pipes
12My Inbox
- Retrograde out of Iraq/Ramp-up in Afghanistan
- Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected / Armored
Security Vehicle Fielding - National Joint Operations Intelligence Center /
Pakistan Afghanistan Coordination Cell - Operational Contracting Support
- Global Combat Support System Joint
- Equipping Iraqi Security Forces
13Thoughts on Leadership
- Dont Rush to Failure
- All Eyes are on You
- Keep Even Temperament Calm in Eye of Storm
- Think Enterprise
- Support the Larger Objective
- Think Enable Joint Combined Interoperability
- Deal with the bureaucracy
- Be Careful What You Ask For
- Ruminating Out Loud What if Questions
- Manage Your Time
- Control Your Calendar
- Block Time to Walk Around Think
- Communication
- Up/Down/Across Peers Crosscheck
Mission First People Always!