Title: Selecting Lawn Grasses
1Selecting Lawn Grasses
- By Matthew Flanders Dr. Keith KarnokDr. Frank
2Importance of a Lawn
- The lawn and other landscape components should
complement the house and provide a pleasant area
for family activities.
3Importance of a Lawn
- Sound establishment and maintenance practices
will improve the appearance of your lawn.
4Importance of a Lawn
- Unkept Lawns reflect the people who live there
and are unappealing to the neighborhood.
5Selecting Turfgrasses
- The first and most important step is to choose
the proper grass species.
6Building a Good Lawn
- The characteristics of your site should be
considered when selecting a turfgrass. - Grasses will not grow in incorrect conditions
without any regard to your effort.
7Selecting Turfgrasses
- Do not make the assumption that all grasses are
alike. There are several grasses to choose from
and they require various conditions and treatment
for good growth. They also differ in appearance.
Color variation is easily seen here.
8Selecting Turfgrasses
- A homeowner should become familiar with the
turfgrasses adapted to his/her area and then
select a species based his/her personal
preference and the environmental requirements of
the species.
9Warm Season vs. Cool Season
- Turfgrasses for Georgia can be divided into two
categories, warm season and cool season. - If you live south of Atlanta and Athens you
should not consider a cool season grass because
of stress from summer heat and drought. - The warm season grasses generally can be grown
all over the state, but with the exception of the
North Georgia mountain areas.
10Types of Grasses
- Warm Season Grasses
- Common Bermuda
- Hybrid Bermuda
- Centipede
- St. Augustine
- Zoysia
- Bahia
- Seashore Paspalum
- Cool Season Grasses
- Tall Fescue
- Fine Fescue
- Rye Grass
- Kentucky Bluegrass
11Cool Season Grass Characteristics
- Cool season grasses as the name implies, grows
best during the cool part of the year fall,
winter and early spring. - They are recommended only north of Atlanta and
Athens area. - If properly managed the grasses will remain green
all year. - The major problem of cool season grasses is the
lack of heat tolerance.
12Types of Cool Season Grasses
- Tall Fescue
- Fine Fescue
- Rye Grass
- Kentucky Bluegrass
13Tall Fescue
- Most heat tolerant cool season grass
- Easily established from seed
- Very economical
14Tall Fescue
- The biggest problem of fescue is that it doesnt
spread and becomes clumpy and spotty. It lacks
rhizomes and stolons to fill in bare ground in
the landscape.
15Tall Fescue
- Reseeding is recommended each fall to reduces the
gaps between clumps.
16Tall Fescue
- Should be mowed to about 3 inches.
- Shorter mowing will stress the grass especially
during summer.
17Tall Fescue
- Very Coarse Texture
- Wide Leaf Blade
- Unappealing to some
18Tall Fescue
- Poorly managed fescue lawns quickly become
19Fine Fescue
- Not widely used in Georgia
- Less heat tolerance than tall fescue
20Fine Fescue Tall Fescue
- Varieties of fine fescue are being researched and
there is promise of heat and drought tolerant
varieties for the south.
22Kentucky Bluegrass
- Most popular lawngrass in the Northern United
States - Limited to only the northern part of Georgia due
to poor hear tolerance
23Kentucky Bluegrass
- Medium Textured Grass
- Found commonly in mixed stands with fescue
24Kentucky Bluegrass
- The boat shaped leaf tips readily distinguish
Kentucky Bluegrass.
- Two types Annual and Perennial
- Not usually grown in Georgia as a single grass
lawns. - Used mostly to overseed dormant warm season
grasses for winter color.
26Cool Season Grass Mixes
- Sold commonly in Georgia.
- Suitable for Georgia in or north of Athens or
Atlanta or if your lawn has a variety of
conditions such as sun and shade or dry and wet - Usually more expensive than single grass seed
- There may not be any advantages over a single
grass lawn.
27Warm Season Grass Characteristics
- A major disadvantage is that they become dormant
and turn brown in the winter. - They can be overseeded with ryegrass to provide
green color in the winter. - Grow during late spring, summer and fall.
28Types of Warm Season Grass
- Common Bermuda
- Hybrid Bermuda
- Centipede
- St. Augustine
- Zoysia
- Bahia
29Warm Season Grasses- Vegetative Reproduction
- Most of the finest grasses are hybrids and must
be reproduced vegetatively. This can be slow if
sprigged or plugged and expensive if completely
- Most popular warm season grass
- Most adapted grass to Georgia
- Can be mowed at short desirable lengths
- Selecting and breeding of bermudagrass has been
present since 1950. - The University of Georgia Coastal Experiment
Station in Tifton has been a leading producer of
successful cultivars.
32Bermudagrass Seed Heads
- Seeds are most abundant on common bermuda.
- A very unattractive characteristic.
- Hybrid breeds have been selected for their lower
number of seed heads.
33Four Groups of Bermudagrass
- Common (Arizona Common)
- Improved Common or Seeded- have better color,
density, or traffic tolerance than common
bermuda, depending on the type. - Hybrid- produces sterile seed and can only be
propagated vegetatively. Has a finer leaf blade
than common. - Ultradwarf- relatively new, they are selected
for their low mowing height. Used mostly for golf
34Common Bermudagrass
- Distinguished by its coarse texture and open
habit of growth. - Most widely used lawngrass in Georgia
- Grows very easily
- Can be reproduced by seeds
- The difference in texture of the finer hybrid
bermuda and the more course common Bermuda can be
seen here.
36Bermudagrass Hybrids
- Hybrid bermuda grasses can be very beautiful if
given the extra care that is required.
37Bermudagrass Hybrids
38Bermudagrass Hybrids
- Tifgreen 328 is best used on golf greens, but can
be used on lawns.
39Bermudagrasses for Lawns
- Tifway 419 is the most popular hybrid bermuda
used for lawns. It is also well suited for golf
fairways and football fields.
40Bermudagrass- Ultradwarf
- Used only for golf greens
- Selected for their close mowing ability
- Have a high maintenance requirement
41Bermudagrass Characteristics
- Bermuda is commonly confused with Zoysia
- The leave angles are different for the two
species. Bermuda leaves are at 45º angles, while
Zoysia leaves are at 80 º angles. - Zoysia is also much stiffer and spindly to the
touch than Bermuda.
- Provides a neat and clean appearance.
- A slow grower
- Cannot be grown from seed
- Zoysia sod is expensive and the sprigs grow
- Zoysia can spread by stolons and rhizomes, shown
here, as does bermuda.
44Zoysiagrass vs. Bermudagrass
- Zoysia and bermuda are difficult to tell apart.
Bermuda leaves, on the right, stand at 45º angles
to its stems. Zoysia, on the left, has leaves
that stand at about 80º to its stems.
45Zoysiagrass Hybrid Bermuda
- Zoysia makes a beautiful lawn but grow slowly and
requires a lot of extra care. It can be grown in
light shade, unlike bermuda.
- These plots were planted at the same time, ten
months ago. The zoysia has not spread as well as
the bermuda.
48Meyer Zoysia
- The most widely used cultivar. Is known for its
improved growing rate.
49El Toro Zoysia
- The El Toro variety is a high quality hybrid.
This fine textured grass has a low growth habit,
attractive color and high density. However, its
cold tolerance is less than other varieties of
50Emerald Zoysia
- Very fine leaf texture
- Poor cold tolerance
- Low Maintenance Required
- Easily and economically established from seeds.
- Less mowing and fertilizer needed than other
- Ability to grow in the sun or shade
- Poor cold tolerance
- Yellow-green color is unattractive to some
- Coarse Texture
- Opposite leaf arrangement
- Single stem seed head
54Centipedegrass- Tifblair
- Tifblair is a more cold tolerant variety of
centipede, making it more suitable for North
55St. Augustinegrass
- Very popular in the Coastal Plains Region of
Georgia - but also grown successfully in the Athens-Atlanta
56St. Augustinegrass
- Has large flat stems and wide coarse leaves.
Lacks seeds, so must be propagated vegetatively.
A very aggressive grass that spreads rapidly.
57Centipede St. Augustine
- St. Augustine is sometimes confused with
centipede. Centipede (right) which has a
narrower leaf and whose leaves are opposite on
the stem. St. Augustine's leaves (left) are
alternate on the stem and are much taller.
- Not usually recommended as a lawn grass, with the
rapid production of unattractive seed heads being
the most objectionable trait. Bahia is used
mostly where quality is not important, such as
roadsides and ditches.
59Seashore Paspalum
- Recently developed in Florida
- Tolerates poor soils
- High salt tolerance (Can even be irrigated with
ocean salt water!) - Highly suitable for coastal regions
60Seashore Paspalum
- Used mostly on golf courses near the coast
- Can be mowed to an 1/8 inch height but ½ to 1 ½
is recommended.
61Seashore Paspalum
- Seed heads grow quickly, however not enough
viable seed is produced to be effective. - Vegetative propagation is used with stolons,
rhizomes, and sprigs
62Selecting a Grass
- Matching the proper grass to a site can be
confusing. - Remembering all the characteristics of each grass
is difficult for a beginner. - Find a grass that best suits your situation
63Shade Tolerance
Rating Grass
Excellent St Augustine
Good Zoysia Tall Fescue
Fair Centipede
Poor Kentucky Bluegrass Bermuda
64Shade Tolerance
- If the area is in deep shade, you should consider
using a suitable ground cover or mulch.
65Wear Tolerance
- Wear tolerance refers to the traffic or use of
the grass. Areas that receive a lot of hard use,
such as playgrounds and lawns where children play
need a high wear tolerant grass like bermuda.
66Drought Tolerance
- Drought can be a real problem during the summer
in Georgia unless an irrigation system is
installed. Assuming no irrigation bermuda and
zoysia would be the best choice.
67Low Temperature Hardiness
- A more critical factor in North Georgia. The
colder winter temperatures can severely harm or
even kill some warm season grasses.
68High Temperature Hardiness
- A bigger factor in Central and South Georgia.
Cool season grasses will suffer greatly in the
69Adaptation to Georgia
Grass Region(s)
Bahia Central and South
Bermuda All
Centipede Central and South
Kentucky Bluegrass North
Seashore Paspalum Central and South (Coastal)
St. Augustine Central and South
Tall Fescue North
Zoysia All
- Generally, the higher quality lawn grasses,
require the most hours of maintenance. - Low maintenance grasses, such as centipede,
reduce time working on the lawn. - Grasses are best cut with a reel mower as seen
here, although they may be too expensive to be
practical for homeowners.
71Choosing a Lawngrass
- With a little study of the characteristics and
requirements of various turfgrasses and a
decision about what you really want in a lawn,
the puzzle of Choosing a Lawngrass can be
solved quite easily.
- Emmons, Robert. Turfgrass Science and Management.
3rd Ed. Albany, NY Delmar. 2000. - University of Georgia College of Agriculture and
Environmental Sciences Turfgrass." Georgia
Commodities. 2001. http//www.griffin.peachnet.edu
/caes/turf (11 Nov 2002).