Computer security threats and solutions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computer security threats and solutions


Cybercrime is an act performed by highly trained computer professionals or hackers to illegally browse or steal an individual’s or an organization’s data. Not even steal or browse, in some cases hackers can even delete all the data with malicious intent. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Computer security threats and solutions

Computer Security Threats and Solutions
  • Cybercrime is an act performed by highly trained
    computer professionals or hackers to illegally
    browse or steal an individuals or an
    organizations data. Not even steal or browse, in
    some cases hackers can even delete all the data
    with malicious intent.

Examples of Cyber Crime
  1. Copyright Violation To use someones copyrighted
    data without permission.
  2. Decoding/Deciphering someones code to protect
  3. Hacking, Threatening a person or blackmailing
  4. Setting up the domain of another person/company
    for the sole intention of selling it to them
    later at a good price.
  5. Creating/Using malicious code/virus to harm
  6. DDoS Overloading a system with so many requests
    so it can not serve normal requests.
  7. Releasing/ Publishing someones data on the
    internet without their permission.
  8. Manipulating data.
  9. Pretending to be someone else.
  10. Buy Illegal products/Drugs
  11. Stealing Information/Product developed by another
  12. Phishing.

Solutions to Computer Security Threats
  1. Install Anti-Virus Make sure you have installed
    an active anti-virus on your computer/servers. If
    someone is using a remote control to this device,
    make sure the personal system should also have an
    antivirus installed.
  2. Update Antivirus regularly to make sure that the
    system is safe.
  3. Firewall to protect the network Make sure you
    have a firewall to protect your computer from
    unwanted viruses hidden in emails, Portable
    storage devices, etc.
  4. Filter Email traffic Certain file types are most
    commonly used to spread viruses on systems like
    .EXE, COM, SCR, etc
  5. Ensure that all the users know not to open
    unexpected attachments from emails.
  6. Scan all the downloads before using.
  7. Do not run programs downloaded from unknown
    sources. Using a licensed software/Program can
    reduce the risk of compromising your system with
    viruses. Continue...

Solutions to Computer Security Threats
  1. Make regular backups of important files to ensure
    that you have a copy of the data in case your
    computer is infected with any virus. For added
    security, keep the backups offsite.
  2. Develop an information security policy and make
    sure all the users are made aware of their
  3. Monitor logs and systems regularly to ensure that
    there is no action made that can compromise the
    security of data.
  4. Develop an incident response plan which outlines
    the responsibility of relevant persons/parties in
    the event of security breaches. The worst time to
    develop such a plan is always in between a
    security breach.
  5. Restrict end-user access to the system and make
    sure no one other than administration can access
    the workstation/servers.

  • Cyber Criminals pose a constant threat to every
    business so it is necessary to make such
    arrangements to secure the workplace and
  • Online Network Security Certification Exam
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    Certifications at
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    certification exams.

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  • Welcome to StudySection - the most loved online
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