COMPUTING (Higher) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... Common Devices INPUT BACKING STORAGE OUTPUT Keyboard Hard Disc Monitor Mouse Floppy Disc ... Random Access Memory Random Access Memory is the working area of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: COMPUTING (Higher)

  • Unit 1
  • Computer Systems
  • Topic 1 Data Representation

DATA REPRESENTATIONSystems Booklet - Pages 3-9
  • Computers can store three main types of data
  • Numbers,
  • Text
  • Graphics.
  • These types of data require to be manipulated by
    computers and as such, they must be represented
    in a form the computer can understand and use.
  • Computers ability to perform very complex
    calculations at high speeds remains one of their
    main uses.

  • Text processing is also a major function of
    computers. From the storage of vast quantities of
    names and addresses in large databases to using a
    word-processor, text handling is of vital
    importance to todays computers.
  • Storage of graphics has more recently become
    important because of the widespread use of
    desktop publishing and computer-aided design.
  • All of this information is translated into
    numbers for storage within the computer.

Bit, Byte and Word
  • A bit is a binary digit. A binary digit can be
    either a 1 (one) or a 0 (zero).
  • A byte is a group of 8 bits.
  • A word is a group of bits that can be addressed,
    transferred and manipulated in one operation by
    the CPU. Computers typically work with 32 bit or
    64 bit words.
  • For example, a computer with a 32 bit word size
    would be able to store 32 bits in each memory

(No Transcript)
Representing text
  • Text is found in many different types of data
    files in word-processing files, database files,
    graphics files and spreadsheet files.
  • Text is represented by a binary code. There are
    2 codes commonly used to represent text.
  • One is called UNICODE
  • The other is ASCII code. ASCII stands for

A merican S tandard C ode for I
nformation I nterchange
Character sets
  • The character set of a computer is the complete
    set of characters that the computer can produce.
  • It includes all the letters of the alphabet (both
    upper case and lower case), the digits 0 to 9,
    punctuation marks, special symbols such as , ,
    and control characters.
  • Keys such as RETURN, TAB and DELETE that control
    a particular function are known as control

  • In the ASCII code, an 8 bit binary number
    represents each character in the character set.
    This allows 128 different characters / symbols to
    be represented.
  • .
  • Whenever a key is pressed on the keyboard, the
    system recognises the key and stores its ASCII
    code value.
  • The table below shows a few of the ASCII code

  • Here is a word translated into the ASCII code

This pattern of 4 x 8-bit binary codes is what
would be stored in memory to represent the word
  • Unicode exists because of the need to represent
    non-Latin characters in computers e.g. Japanese
    and Chinese
  • Its characters are encoded using 16 bits. This
    allows it to represent up to 65,536 symbols.
  • Many packages, including Microsoft Office store
    documents in Unicode.

  • Unicode has a much wider range of characters
    available compared to ASCII
  • 65,536 v 256
  • ASCII normally takes up less memory.
  • Unicode is designed to be used for languages
    other than Latin type languages.
  • Unicode is an accepted world standard, used by
    most major computer manufacturers / software

Representing numbers
  • In everyday life, we use the decimal number
    system for counting. This is made up of the
    digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and builds up
    in units of ten 10, 20, 30, 40 and so on.
  • The columns used in the decimal system are those
    we are familiar with from our days in the primary
  • Thousands Hundreds Tens Units

  • and so on

  • The decimal number 4738 means

In other words,   4738 4 x 1000 7 x 100 3
x 10 8 x 1 The column headings used in the
decimal system are used because they are the
powers of 10. To get the next column heading as
we go from right to left, we multiply the
previous column heading by 10.
  • Computers use the much simpler binary number
    system. In the binary system, all numbers are
    made up of combinations of the digits 0 and 1.
  • Binary numbers work in a similar way to the
    decimal system.
  • Instead of being based on powers of 10, the
    binary system is based on powers of 2.
  • To get the next column heading as we go from
    right to left, we multiply the previous column
    heading by 2.
  • The column headings are

  • Consider the binary number 1001. To work out the
    decimal equivalent of this number, place the
    binary digits under the correct column heading
    working from right to left.

In other words, the binary number 1001 is the
same as the decimal number 9.
  • Consider a second example the binary number

In other words, the binary number 10101 is the
same as the decimal number 21.
  • If larger numbers are required, additional binary
    columns must be used - remember to work from
    right to left. The table below shows the first
    eight binary columns.










We can use this table to find the binary
equivalent of the decimal number 69.
Why computers use binary
  • Binary is used in computers because
  •       Computers use switches, and switches are
    set ON and OFF This matches the binary values of
    1 and 0.
  •       The rules of binary arithmetic are simple.
    (Compare the number of rules for addition of
    binary (4) with addition of Decimal (100))
  •        With only 2 states existing for any piece
    of information, electrical variations are less
    important. (E.G. Something and Nothing)
  • The problem with this is that the larger a number
    is the more binary columns it needs and the
    more binary columns it needs, the more storage
    space it takes up in memory.

Representation of Negative Integers
  • The representation of negative integers (whole
    numbers) in a computer is a complex problem.
    There are two main methods of representing
    integers so that both positive and negative
    numbers can be shown. These are called
  •        Signed Bit and
  •        Twos Complement
  • The simplest method is Signed Bit (also called
    sign and magnitude).

Signed Bit
  • This method makes use of 1 bit (Most Significant
    Bit) to represent the signed bit. (Magnitude) The
    sign bit is
  •        1 for negative and
  •        0 for positive.
  • The rest of the digits show the magnitude of the
    number. For example, to show both 5 and -5 as
    8-bit binary numbers using this method -
  • 5 0000 0101
  • -5 1000 0101
  • In each case the left-most bit is the sign bit,
    the other seven digits represent the value 5.

Twos Complement
  • The second method of representing negative
    numbers is twos complement. To calculate twos
    complement of an integer involves inverting
    (reversing) all the bits of the binary pattern
    (to find the ones complement) then adding 1.
  • For example, to find the twos complement of the
  • 0101

Rules for binary addition
  • There are only four rules required for adding
    binary numbers. These are shown below
  • 000
  • 101
  • 011
  • 110 (with a carry of 1)

  • Invert all the digits to find the ones
  • 0101 1010
  • Then add 1 1010 1011
  • Using twos complement the sign bit is
  •        1 for negative and
  •        0 for positive.
  • Using the same examples as before,, 5 and -5 in
    8-bit notation would be shown as
  • 5 0000 0101
  • -5 1111 1011
  • Note that positive numbers are the same using
    signed bit or twos complement method but
    NEGATIVE NUMBERS are different.

Which One Is Best?
  • The signed bit method is not used very often as
    it has two main disadvantages -
  • Signed bit has 2 values for zero, 0 and 0
  • Signed bit does not always give a logical
    sequence of numbers when adding 1 to a number.
  • (E.g. O1117,
  • 1000 -0)

Fractions In Binary
  • A fixed-point number is a number that is
    represented by a set of digits with the point in
    the correct position.
  • E.g.
  • 146.98 is a fixed point decimal number.
  • 11101.101 is a fixed point binary number.
  • The binary digits after the point (Fractions) are
    calculated using the same method as integers. In
    this case the digits after the point represent
    1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 etc.
  • E.G. What value does 101.101 have in decimal?

  • E.G. What value does 101.101 have in decimal?

(14)(11)(11/2)(11/8) 5 5/8 (or 5.625)
Floating Point Representation
  • Computers have to store real numbers. (i.e.
    numbers with a decimal point)
  • These numbers are stored in FLOATING POINT
    FORMAT. So called, as the point floats (changes)
    position in the number.
  • This is shown using the formula

  • For example, a decimal number such as 987654321
    would be stored as
  • 0.987654321 x 109.
  • 0. 987654321 is the MANTISSA
  • 10 is the BASE and
  • 9 is the EXPONENT.
  • In a computer, binary numbers are used. A binary
    stored in floating point form might be
  • .11010110 10010100 x 2 11110110

Remember !!!

Quick Revision on Sizes
  • Remember that
  • Bit smallest unit (1 or 0)
  • Byte 8 Bits
  • Kilobyte(Kb) 1024 Bytes
  • Megabyte(Mb) 1024 Kb
  • Gigabyte(Gb) 1024 Mb
  • Terabyte (Tb) 1024 Gb

Representing Graphics
  • Graphics are made up of pixels.
  • A pixel (or picture element) is a point on the

The quality of a graphical image depends on the
number of pixels used to produce the screen
The greater the number of pixels, the clearer the
image will be.
The term resolution is used to measure the number
of pixels on a screen. The higher the
resolution, the clearer and more precisely
defined the image is.
Bit Mapped Graphics
  • In a black and white system, a single bit (a 1 or
    a 0) is used to represent each pixel.
  • If the pixel is shaded, a 1 represents it
  • if the pixel is blank, a 0 represents it.

It is easy to see how the pixels can be
translated into the pattern of binary numbers on
the left.
  • This pattern of binary numbers is called a bit
    map. Each bit that is used to represent a
    graphical image must be stored in the computers
  • The higher the resolution, the more bits are used
    to encode the graphic and the more memory space
    is needed.
  • When colour is introduced, the memory
    requirements to store the details of each pixel
    must be increased. For example, two bits can
    store four colours
  • 00 Black
  • 01 Red
  • 10        Yellow
  • 11         White
  • Similarly, eight bits (1 Byte) can store 256
    colours, with 24 bits (3 bytes) allowing 16777216
    colours (Known as true colour).

Calculating Bit Mapped Storage Requirements
  • To do this we need to know the
  • size of the image,
  • resolution and
  • bit depth.
  • E.g. Size usually inches e.g. 6 x 4
  • Resolution say 500 dpi (pixels per inch)
  • Bit Depth e.g. 1 byte for 256 colours

Data Compression
  • As we have just seen, Bit-mapped images can need
    a lot of storage.
  • A colour bitmapped image with a high resolution
    and 24 bit colour needs over 50Mb for a smallish
  • To combat this, File Compression is used to
    reduce storage requirements.
  • There are many Different techniques, including
    coding using an index of colours actually used
    (Lossless Compression) and not coding differences
    indistinguishable to the human eye (Lossy

JPEG Compression
  • uses Lossy compression
  • Uses complex mathematical encoding
  • Loses some information that our eyes and brain
    usually ignore
  • The higher the compression ratio the worse the
    resulting image is

JPEG Compression
? Saved using lowest compression ratio File size
Saved using highest compression ratio ?
File size 94Kb
Vector (Object Oriented) Graphics
  • In draw packages (Object Oriented packages),
    objects are stored with their attributes. This
    means the computer is aware of the type of the
    shape being displayed and is therefore able to
    resize it more accurately For example, when a
    rectangle is drawn, the package stores
  • Rectangle (StartX, StartY, Length, Breadth,
    Line Thickness, Fill Colour, Pen Colour...)

  • Other examples could include
  • Circle (CentreX, CentreY, Radius, Line
  • Thickness, Fill Colour, Pen Colour ...)
  • Line (StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY, Line
    Thickness, Line Colour ...)
  • Text (StartX, StartY, font, size, style,
    characters, ...)

Bit Mapped V Vector Graphics
Bit Mapped V Vector Graphics
  • Objects can be edited independently of the other
  • Less Storage space required than for the same
    image in bit-mapped form.
  • Objects can be layered, without affecting other
  • Objects are easier to draw.
  • Not resolution dependent.
  • Can only use mathematically defined shapes.
  • Not as detailed images as bit mapped.

  • Better quality pictures.
  • Allows freehand drawing
  • Resolution dependent.
  • More Storage space required than for the same
    image in Vector form. (Saves full screen at all
  • When one part of image is placed on top of
    another (layering), the part of the image being
    covered is deleted. (Single dimension image)
  • No resizing of individual objects permitted.

  • Unit 1
  • Computer Systems
  • Topic 1 Data Representation

  • Computers are normally classified into these
  • Mainframe - A high-level computer designed for
    the most intensive computational tasks.
  • Desktop Computer - Sometimes known as a personal
    computer, this is a compact system that can fit
    on your desk at home, work, or school.
  • Laptop Computer A computer system designed to
    be portable, but can still as powerful as desktop

  • Palmtop Computer A pocket sized computer, tend
    to run applications that are useful to
    individuals, eg diary, address book, calculator,
  • Embedded Computer Hardware and software to do a
    specific function, e.g. in a washing machine.
    Always part of a larger system, and works in
  • Networked Computer - A computer (usually a micro)
    that has access to a network. Networked computers
    have their own processor and memory and have
    access to a file server for programs and data.
    There are 2 main types of network
  • Local Area Networks (LAN) and
  • Wide Area Networks (WAN).

Desktop, Laptop, Palmtop and Networked Computers
can be classified as types of microcomputers.
Processing Power
  • The clock speed of the processor is the main
    indicator of the power of the processor.
  • It is measured in MHz (Megahertz) or GHz
  • 1 Megahertz is one million clock pulses per
  • 1 Gigahertz is one thousand million clock pulses
    per second

Computer Organisation Systems Booklet - Pages
  • Figure 1 Computer Block Diagram 1

  • Table 1 Common Devices

  • Figure 2 Computer Block Diagram 2

Computer Memory
  • Two types of internal (immediate access) memory
  • RAM
  • ROM.

RAM Random Access Memory
  • Random Access Memory is the working area of the
    computer and is used to store programs and data
    currently being used.
  • Has same access time for all locations.
  • Volatile loses contents on power off.
  • There are2 types of RAM (Static and Dynamic)
  • Static holds contents as long as there is power.
  • Dynamic has to be refreshed (every 2 ms).

Each memory location has a unique address.
ROM Read Only Memory
  • ROM is a permanent area of storage for data and
    programs. These chips are 'hard-wired' and cannot
    be altered by software.
  • Contents are permanent or non-volatile.
  • Software data fixed into ROM at manufacture.
  • Operating systems and specialised ROMs (e.g.
    cameras and CD players etc.)

Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) Sometimes
special ROMs are provided for the user to
program. This process requires a special hardware
device and is called 'blowing' since each bit is
a fusible link that becomes zero when destroyed.
Such devices are called PROMs and the process is
irreversible. Erasable Programmable Read Only
Memory (EPROMS) These also exist, where the
user can use Ultra Violet light to erase a ROM
for reprogramming.
External Memory
  • External memory, such as the hard disk, holds
    quantities of data too large to store in main
  • It is also used to keep a permanent copy of
    programs and data.
  • Examples of external memory devices are
  • hard disk
  • floppy disk
  • zip disk
  • CD-R
  • magnetic tape
  • flash drive.

What is a Bus? A bus is a group of parallel
wires, along which data can pass in the form of
electrical signals. The width of the bus
determines the amount of data it can handle at
any given time. What does a Bus do? Buses are
used to connect computer components together.
Buses can be internal, e.g. between the CPU and
registers, and external, e.g. between the
computer and other peripherals (printers, etc.).
Buses can be dedicated to one task, or may carry
data for many different tasks. Buses may also be
address bus
data bus
control bus
  • The main buses we will look at are the
  • Data Bus
  • Address Bus
  • Control Bus
  • The DATA BUS
  • This is a bi-directional bus that carries data
    between the processor and memory. All the data
    is in binary. The width of it will match the size
    of a memory location

The ADDRESS BUS This is a unidirectional bus
which carries the addresses of the locations
where data and instructions can either be found
or stored. Each memory location has a unique
identifier (address) so that the processor can
locate it. Therefore, the width of the Address
bus relates directly to the number of possible
memory locations within memory (RAM and ROM).
  • Maximum Addressable Memory
  • 2 Width of the address bus x Width of the data bus

For Example If a system has a 16-line address
bus and a 32-bit data bus then the possible
memory locations (addresses) in that computer are
216 (65536). Note this is just the number of
locations, the amount of memory needs the data
bus width as well!! Why 216? Computers work in
base 2, so each line can be either 1 or 0 at any
given time. This allows for 216 possible
combinations of 1 and 0. We then multiply the
total number of addresses by the width of the
data bus 216 x 32 2097152 bits /8 /1024
  • This is a bus in name only. It is, in fact a
    collection of lines that are unrelated, and each
    one carries out a different task. The common
    lines in the control bus are the
  • Read Line - Initiates a memory read operation
    (after the address bus is set up)
  • Write Line - Initiates a memory write operation
    (after the address bus, and data bus is set up)
  • Reset Line - Clears all registers and starts the
    execution of instructions from a predefined
    location (similar to switch the computer off and

  • Interrupt Line - cause the processor to stop what
    is doing, save its current state, and then
    service the interrupt. Once completed, it will
    return the computer to its previous state.
  • E.g. Paper Jam in printer, inform user). The
    processor can be set to ignore these.
  • Non-Maskable Interrupt Line - As above, but
    cannot be ignored by the processor. E.g. Power
    failure imminent.
  • Clock - Send a regular sequence of pulses, which
    are used to synchronise the processor. These
    are counted in MHz (million cycles per second.)
    Many processor events are timed to take 1 clock
    cycle, but more complex instructions may take 2
    or 4 clock cycles to perform.

STRUCTURE OF THE CPU Systems Booklet - Page 17
  • A more detailed look at the Processor (CPU) shows
    three main components
  • Arithmetic and Logic Unit,
  • Control Unit,
  • Registers.

These are connected to the rest of the computer
via the buses discussed earlier.
  • The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
  • This is a key part of the processor
  • It is where data is processed and manipulated.
  • It performs arithmetic functions such as add and
    subtract, and logical operations such as AND, OR
    and NOT.

The Control Unit The function of a processor is
to fetch instructions from memory and carry them
out. The Control Unit performs this function by
fetching, interpreting, and executing each
instruction in turn. It sends out control signals
controlling the operation of all hardware,
including I/O devices, and the CPU.
Computer Memory
  • The Registers
  • The processor requires fast access to temporary
    storage locations for use when setting up buses
    and fetching instructions therefore special
    areas called registers exist within the processor
    itself. The types and number of registers vary
    greatly from processor to processor but there are
    certain features common to all of them. (see
    page 17)
  • Two registers that we will look at are
  • Memory Address Register (MAR)
  • Memory Data Register (MDR)

  • The basic operations involving the Address and
    Data buses are
  • Read from Memory
  • Write to Memory
  • READ From Memory -
  • Instructions are fetched, or data is read
  • Processor (CPU) sets up the Address lines with
    the required address (location)
  • Processor (CPU) activates read line on Control
  • Memory releases data (instructions) onto the Data

WRITE to Memory Data is written to memory
  • Processor (CPU) sets up Address lines with the
    required address (location)
  • Processor (CPU) sets up the Data lines with the
    data to be written.
  • Processor (CPU) activates write line on Control
  • Data is written from the Data bus to the Memory

Stored Program Concept
To run a program, the computer must first load
the program from backing storage into RAM, where
it is stored until required by the processor.
This is called the Stored Program Concept.   The
program loaded may contain hundreds of thousands,
or even millions of instructions, but the
processor can only execute one at a time.
Therefore, it
  • Fetches the instructions one at a time from
    memory (RAM),
  • Places them into the processor,
  • Decodes them, and
  • Executes them.

This cycle is repeated for every instruction.
This process is called the FETCH EXECUTE
Measures of Processor Speed
  • When we measure performance we usually mean how
    fast the computer carries out instructions.
    There are many different ways of measuring
    performance, the main ones are
  • Clock Speed
  • Generally the faster the clock speed the faster
    the processor 3.2 GHz is faster than 933 MHz.
    (more details later.)
  • Mips Millions of Instructions per Second
  • Better comparison but beware of false claims e.g.
    only using the simplest fastest instructions
    and different processor families.
  • Flops Floating Point Operations per sec.
  • Best measure as FP operations are in every
    processor and provide best basis.
  • Benchmark Tests
  • Well defined standardised routine to test the
    performance of a computer.
  • Dhrystone tests string and frequently used
  • Whetstone test using arithmetic functions

  • Memory and System Performance
  • A common way of increasing system performance is
    to increase the amount of memory in the computer,
  • Word size,
  • Speed of access, and
  • Cache memory
  • Can also all affect system performance.

Cache Memory
  • This is a section of memory between the processor
    and the main memory, or the processor and disks,
    with a very fast access time. This means it
    takes less time to fetch information stored here.

Clock Speed
  • Every processor has a clock which ticks
    continuously at a regular rate.
  • This Synchronises all the components.
  • Cycle time measured in MHz or GHz
  • 200 MHz (megahertz) means the clock ticks
    200,000,000 times a second (P1 -1995)
  • 1.4 GHz (gigahertz) is 1,400,000,000 times a
    second (P4 2001)
  • 2.3 4 GHz (Dual/ Multi Core)

Bus Widths and System Performance
  • The width of the data bus defines how much data
    can be accessed in one FETCH. (i.e. speed of
  • A computer with a 32-bit data bus will be
    distinctly faster than one with a 16-bit data bus
  • BUT
  • (because factors other than the width of the bus
    have to be taken into consideration) it will not
    be twice as fast.
  • Most modern processors are 64 bit but some are
    now 128 bit.
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