Resident Physics Lectures Christensen, Chapter 8 Grids George David Associate Professor Department of Radiology Medical College of Georgia Purpose Directional filter ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
George David Associate Professor Department of Radiology Medical College of Georgia 2 Purpose
Directional filter for photons
Ideal grid
passes all primary photons
photons coming from focal spot
blocks all secondary photons
photons not coming from focal spot
Focal Spot Good photon Patient Bad photon X Grid Film 3 Grid Construction
.05 thick upright strips (foil)
material between lead strips
maintains lead orientation
4 Grid Ratio
Ratio of interspace height to width
Lead Interspace h w Grid ratio h / w 5 Grid Ratio
Expressed as X1
Typical values
81 to 121 for general work
31 to 51 for mammography
Grid function generally improves with higher ratios
h w Grid ratio h / w 6 Lines per Inch
lead strips per inch grid width
Typical 103
25.4 Lines per inch ------------ W w w thickness of interspace (mm) W thickness of lead strips (mm) 7 Grid Structure 8 Grid Patterns
Orientation of lead strips as seen from above
Cross hatched
2 stacked linear grids
ratio is sum of ratios of two linear grids
very sensitive to positioning tilting
Rare only found in specials
9 Grid Styles
10 Parallel Grid
lead strips parallel
useful only for
small field sizes
large source to image distances
11 Focused Grid
Slightly angled lead strips
Strip lines converge to a point in space called convergence line
Focal distance
distance from convergence line to grid plane
Focal range
working distance range
width depends on grid ratio
smaller ratio has greater range
Focal range Focal distance 12 Grid Cassette
Grid built into cassette front
Sometimes used for portables
formerly used in mammography
low grid ratios
13 Ideal Grid
passes all primary radiation
Reality lead strips block some primary
14 Ideal Grid
block all scattered radiation
Reality lead strips permit some scatter to get through to film
15 Grid Performance Measurements
Primary Transmission (Tp)
Bucky Factor (B)
contrast improvement factor (K)
16 Primary Transmission
Fraction of a scatter-free beam passed by grid
Ideally 100 (never achieved)
17 Measuring Primary Transmission
small area beam
scatterer in beam far from grid
virtually no scatter reaches grid
measure radiation intensity with without grid
ratio X 100 is Primary Transmission (Tp)
Focal Spot Lead Diaphragm Grid Detector 18 Primary Transmission
Typical values 55 - 75
Theoretic calculation (fraction of grid that is interspace)
Tp () 100 X W / (Ww) where
W Interspace thickness
w lead strip thickness
actual transmission lt theoretical
primary attenuated byinterspace material
focusing imperfections
W w Ww 19 Bucky Factor
Radiation incident on grid---------------------- ------------- transmitted radiation
indicates actual increase in exposure because of grids presence
due to attenuation of both primary secondary radiation
20 Bucky Factor Measurement
large x-ray field
thick phantom
ratio of intensity measurement with without grid
Grid Detector 21 Bucky Factor
Measures fraction of radiation absorbed by grid
high ratio grids have higher bucky factors
22 Bucky Factor
Higher bucky factor means
higher x-ray technique
higher patient dose
typically 3-6
23 Contrast Improvement Factor
Ratio of contrast with without grid
Scatter reduces appearance of contrast
No Scatter Scatter 24 Contrast Improvement Factor
Depends on
field size
phantom thickness
increase in any of above means
more scatter
less contrast
lower contrast improvement factor
25 Contrast Improvement Factor
Better contrast improvement with
higher ratio
more lead content in grid
26 Lead Content of Grid
weight per unit areagrams (Pb) / cm2 of grid
27 More Lines / inch at Same Ratio Means Less Lead Content Contrast Improvement
thinner lead same ratio
less lead (less thickness, same height)
Same interspace dimensions
h d Grid ratio h / d 28 More Lines / inch at Same Ratio Means Less Lead Content Contrast Improvement
thinner interspace less height to maintain ratio
less lead (less height, same thickness)
h d Grid ratio h / d 29 Lead Content of Grid
more lines / inch for same ratio means less lead content thus less contrast improvement
puts practical limit on lines per inch
same contrast improvement for 133 line 101 and 80 line 81 grids
Grid ratio h / d 30 Grid Disadvantages
Increased patient dose
Positioning critical
poor positioning results in grid cutoff
loss of primary radiation because images of lead strips projecte wider
31 Grid Cutoff
focused grids used upside down
lateral decentering (or angulation)
focus- grid distance decentering
combined lateral focus-grid distance decentering
32 Upside Down Focused Grid
Dark exposed band in center
Severe peripheral cutoff
33 Lateral Decentering
uniform loss of radiation over entire film
uniformly light radiograph
no recognizable characteristic (dangerous)
34 Lateral Decentering
also occurs when grid at correct position but tilted
both result in uniform loss of intensity
no other clinical clues
may be mistaken for technique problems
Can be compensated for by over-exposing patient
35 Lateral Decentering
cutoff increases with
Higher grid ratio
Greater decentering distance
smaller focal distances
r b L ----- X 100 fo L loss of primary radiation () r grid ratio b lateral decentering distance (inches) fo focal distance of grid (inches) 36 Lateral Decentering
Significant problem in portable radiography
Compensate by over-exposing patient
exact centering not possible
minimizing lateral decentering
low ratio grids
long focal distances
37 Distance Decentering
Grid too close or too far from focal spot
Darker center
All parallel grids have some degree of distance decentering
Focused to infinity
Near focus-grid decentering
target below convergent line
cutoff more severe than far decentering
Far focus-grid decentering
target above convergent line
X 39
Near focus-grid decentering
Far focus-grid decentering
cutoff at periphery
dark center
cutoff proportional to
grid ratio
decentering distance
40 Minimizing Distance Decentering Cutoff
low grid ratio
small fields
41 Combined lateral and focus-grid distance decentering
Easy to recognize
uneven exposure
film light on one side, dark on the other
42 Combined lateral and focus-grid distance decentering
Cutoff proportional to
grid ratio
decentering distance
Cutoff inversely proportional to grid focal distance
Less cutoff for longer focus grids
cutoff greater for near than for far distance decentering
43 Moving Grids
Motion starts with second trigger
Grids move 1- 3 inches
must be fast enough not to see grid lines for short exposures
Motion blurs out lead strip shadows
for single phase generators grid motion must not synchronize with pulses
note error in book, page 111 (omits not)
44 Moving Grid Disadvantages
Vibration Potential
May limit minimum exposure time
Increases patient dose
lateral decentering from motion
up to 20 loss of primary
evenly distributes radiation on film
stationary grid makes interspace gaps darker for same amount of radiation
45 Grid Tradeoff
cleanup / scatter rejection
increased patient dose
increased exposure time
increase tube loading
positioning centering more critical
46 Grid Selection
use low ratios for low kVp, high ratios for high kVp
book recommends
81 below 90 kVp
121 above 90 kVp
47 Air Gap Techniques
radiation scatters uniformly
decrease in scatter (most scatter misses film)
air gap decreases angle of capture increases angle of escape
Negligible attenuation in air gap
Angles of escape 48 Air Gap
air gap very effective in removing scatter originating closest to film
much of scatter nearest tube doesnt reach film
Much attenuation of scatter in the body Air gap decreases capture angle 49 Air Gap Applications
Magnification Radiography including mammography
geometry causes air gap
Air Gap Chest Radiography
air gap used as alternative to grid
SID increased from 6 feet to 10 feet to maintain geometric unsharpness
Grid not used with air gap
50 Air Gap Optimization
Air gap more effective for thicker body parts
first inch of air gap most effective in contrast improvement
image sharpness deteriorates with increasing gap (magnification) is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.
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