BAZaaR FOR HOSTING COMPANY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BAZaaR FOR HOSTING COMPANY Our project is a website for hosting company ,that allow to any company to participate with our site and design its website in easy way and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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website for hosting company ,that allow to any
company to participate with our site and design
its website in easy way and show its products
to sell it. To make all this operation very easy,
the administrator of the company can design a
shopping page in his site and add the products
for it. For each product he insert the price,
quantity, unit of measurement, details, and can
upload a description file if exist . The
administrator of company can see all customers
they become member in his company and all
information about them, and what, when and how
much they bought. And he can review his a count
and see all bills that exported. If the company
change his address the administrator can change
it, and put the new address and well be active at
the same moment.
Here is the description of using Our site Menu
In this menu as you can see above ,you find links
for new customer ,new trader contact us, main and
help. so we explain each of them below
1.Regestration for new customer To become a new
customer in our site you have to put the
following information in the form that you see
after clicking the (Register Customer) link. Here
you must enter all the Information needed ,in
correct form ,the Nick name must be unique, and
select the company that you want to become a
customer to it. After clicking (send) button you
have a count in the company you selected ,you can
sell from it . From this from you must save the
Nick name and your password to use it in login
part .and you remember email and security
question and its answer to use it if you forget
your password.
Register customer
4.Customer tab This tab show all customer member
on your company, if you move the mouse over the
nick name for customer you see all the
information about ,his name ,address, email,
password, security question and his answer . And
you can delete any customer from your site .
2.Registor fro new trader In this link, all
traders can add their company to website by
registering her . Note here all the information
must be in correct from . As you see from the
form you have to insert a nick name and password
to use in login after making acount ,and you
insert your full address, and information to
contact wit you as phone ,fax and jawwal. You
select the security question and answer it to
retrieve the password if forget it. Finally ,if
you click (Send) the payment page appeared as you
see next.
New trader
Payment Page In this page you have to insert the
information about your credit card ,so the first
and the second must be the same as in the credit
card . You select the type of your credit ,insert
its number ,select the expiration date . As you
see you will pay 10 instead of your
participation ,after clicking (buy now) if your
information isnt correct you insert it again ,if
it correct the page of your company appeared as
show next.
Company Page As you see in this page we first
tell you how much we take from you . Here you
insert the company name that you own and select
the kind of your company and its address . Now
you have a complete acount in our site and you
can build your company site and design it of the
interface that you want and show your product in
the next page.
Insert site name
Administrator company page You see here a new
tab that contain pages, files, payment, product,
and customers. 1.Pages tab In pages tab and in
the first appear, it doesnt contain any pages,
so you have to insert the company site name
firstly, then insert the pages for shopping
. After inserting site name three pages well
automatically created ,your site name, about us
,and our shop. And well appear a design page to
put the interface for your site, we talk about it
later. Every page you can appear it just by
clicking on it, or you can delete or update by
clicking on the images beside .
2.Product tab In product tab you can add
products to pages ,so you must specify which
page you want to add and then insert the product
name, price, quantity, unit of measurement, and
upload an image to it, if there is description
and features to it you can add it. The product
that you added well appear at the same time , if
you want update it just click on the image behind
it ,so a small window will appear to update ,if
you want to delete just click on the cross in the
same row . If you want to see the page and the
product on it, click on the page name .
3.File tab In the file tab you ca see the file
name that related to product and in which page
,you can update on it or delete it if you want
that in easy way , just click on the image behind
it. And you can go to the page that contain this
product by clicking on it.
4.Payment tab In this tab you see all payment
operation, so this table show the customer name
,product name , price, sum, and date of payment
. Here you cant delete or update this
information because its complete, and you car
just review the a count information .
4.Customer tab This tab show all customer member
on your company, if you move the mouse over the
nick name for customer you see all the
information about ,his name ,address, email,
password, security question and his answer . And
you can delete any customer from your site .
3.Contact Us The contact us link show a page to
send message to us about the site and any
question you want to understand it. And we answer
it and send the answer to your email.
Contact us
4.Main This link return you to the first page
of our site (index page),
5.Help The help link appear a help page the
describe how to use this site .
Login part After you making your site and you
want to enter to it just put your nick name
.password , and select you are trader (you has a
company) or a customer . If you are trader the
select list well be hidden automatically , If you
customer you must select the company you want to
go ,then click (signin) button. If you forget the
password click the link below login ,as in next
page .
Forget password If you forget password click the
related link and see the page as show here. You
insert the nick name, email, select security
question and answer it , and select your are
trader or customer. if all information is
correct the password well appear in the top of
the page, and you can use it.
Now we explain the designing page which you can
select all interface fro your site. After
creation your site or new page this page appear
. In the top-left you see the tool tip the appear
a quick help for any link that the curser move
over it. Under it you see quick menu to use and
all menu that you need to design website . In the
top the main menu .
This menu contain all information that you need
to design your site so we start with the first
part 1.Home Inside it only the quick menu and
welcome message.
2.Color and Design Color and design let you to
select the color for background ,text, link, and
insert the logo fro your company ,and select the
font fro your site. So we explain it here ,each
one alone.
2.a. Edit logo Logo is the image in the top of
your site the represent your company , so you
must upload a good image in correct size to
become your site in professional appearance ,
after you upload the logo it well appear here
before you fixed it.
2.b. Edit color There is four button as you
see ,if you click any one the colorpicker appear
and you select the color you want and you see it
suitable for your site. The first determine the
body background color, the second determine the
color for text in site, the third determine the
color for all links in the site and the last put
the coor for all the back ground site . And you
can select the template for site here we select
the snow theme and there is a lot of wallpaper as
sand wood, blue ess, and green .
2.c. Edit font Here the fonts of your site the
you want to set ,there are nearly all kind of
font ,and select the font size.
3.Site content The menu contain tow parts one to
welcome message that appear in the first page fro
your site . The second informations about your
company .
3.a. Welcome message As we explain in the site
this is important message because it appear in
the first page . So we put for you a rich text
that help you to chose the color , size, font,
and all properties the need to make the text in
best interface . Just write your message and
click (save) button. It well appear in your site
with the same order.
3.b. Company message As we explain in the site
this is important message because it define the
company, so it must be easy and encourage the
customer to participate with you. So we put for
you a rich text that help you to chose the color
, size, font, and all properties the need to make
the text in best interface .
4.Preview Here you can check your site by
clicking on the (preview your site) link And see
it to update any thing.
5.Your account This menu help you to change all
information about you or company in easy way just
insert the new information .
5.a.Update your account information As you see
,all information appear automatically if you open
this page , so you can see the old information
and update that you want . Note your nick name
you cant change it because all information
construct on it , If you want to change you
account click (save) or exit without update to
cancel the operation.
5.b.Change Password If you need to change your
password just insert the old password and new
password ,then click Change now or click exit
without change to protect the old password.
5.c. Update company information All information
about your company appear certainly in this page
opened, You can change market, phone, fax, and
address of you company then click save or Exit
without update to let the old information as it.
6.Help This link explain to you how you build
your site in correct way and in easy method to
produce good interface and good showing to your
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