Title: The Leadership Excellence Series
1The Leadership Excellence Series
Developing a Mission
2A Few Examples
Nikes Mission Statement
To bring inspiration and innovation to every
athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are
an athlete.
3A Few Examples
Microsofts Mission Statement
At Microsoft, our mission and values are to help
people and businesses throughout the world
realize their full potential.
4A Few Examples
The Toastmasters Club Mission
The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide
a mutually supportive and positive learning
environment in which every individual member has
the opportunity to develop oral communication and
leadership skills, which in turn foster
self-confidence and personal growth.
5Mission vs. Vision
- A mission explains how the organization will
achieve the vision. - A vision is a mental picture of what the
organization aspires to be.
6Characteristics of a Mission Statement
What it is
- A foundation
- It explains
- The purpose of your organization.
- How it daily serves its clients.
7Characteristics of a Mission Statement
What it is
- It describes
- Primary products and services.
- A distinctive competitive advantage.
- An overall strategy for long-term success.
- Reflects the expected level of excellence.
8Characteristics of a Mission Statement
What it is not
- A mission is not detailed.
- A mission is not narrow in its scope.
9Characteristics of a Mission Statement
What it does
- It may determine
- The competitive environment.
- How resources will be allocated.
- How many team members are needed.
10Creating Your Mission Statement
- Conduct a brainstorming meetingto involve
others. - Write down your organizations
- Values
- Beliefs
- Goals
11Creating Your Mission Statement
- Prioritize each value, belief, and goal.
- Write a draft of your mission statement.
12Creating Your Mission Statement
- After each draft
- Does this mission clearly depict what the
organization values and believes? - Does this mission portray the goals of the
organization? - Does this mission cause those involved with the
organization to positively act?
13Communicatingthe Mission
- Put it in writing.
- Talk about the mission all the time.
- Explain the benefits.
- Be enthusiastic about the mission.
- Describe how specific activities achieve the
- Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you
complete this, you will have definitely given
concrete form to the intangible desire. - Napoleon Hill