Title: The 5 Senses
1The 5 Senses
2Tongue - Taste
The use of your tongue is a very important
function in our bodies. We taste our food and
drinks with it, and it can helps us to know what
we are eating or drinking.
The taste buds on different parts of the tongue
taste different things sweet, sour, salty, and
(Can you imagine not being able to taste
3Nose - Smell
You use your nose to understand different things
in different environments. We use our nose
everyday that is why it feels really weird when
you have a blocked nose.
When we smell it helps you to breathe, recognize
tastes and smell different things.
(Just think that it would be hard to go a day
without breathing through your nose!!!)
4Eyes - Sight
The eyes are an important feature of our body.
They are used to take pictures of different
objects and sights that you see as your going
through life and store them in your brain.
They also help you not to get hurt when walking
or driving or doing a sport or activity.
We wouldnt have to do schoolwork if we hurt our
5Hands - Touch
Touching is important as it helps you keep
yourself safe. E.g. If you touch something hot,
you get away from it. You can use touch to show
affection and dislike. (rubbing and/or hitting).
Skin senses how things feel and the temperature
of things, such as whether it is warm, hot, cold,
painful, soft, prickly, rough, sticky.
6Ears -Hearing
Ears help you to hear things from any distance.
Ears can help you hear things even though you may
not actually see them. Ears can save your life
when you are crossing the road.
Ears are an important factor when in a
communicating with other people.
We wouldnt have to LISTEN to our teachers if
we didnt have ears!!!