Title: Take Charge of Your Finances Course Introduction
1Take Charge of Your Finances Course Introduction
- Take Charge of Your Finances Advanced Level
2- What does a good life mean to you?
- What do you think of when you hear the word
Well-being - Feeling good about ones life
3What are three things you did today that involved
money in some way?
- Money plays a large role in life affects
well-being - Money can create both positive and negative
4What is the first word you think of when you hear
the word money?
Do these words prompt positive and/or negative
This course will help you learn how to manage
your money positively
Help create positive feelings about money
High well-being
5What would you think if you were told My
decisions regarding money affect what happens to
the U.S. economy?
- Your individual and community interactions affect
the economy
U.S. economy
- You are also a member of a community
- You have the freedom to spend your net income
- Your choices affect your life today and in the
6- What does the statement your present self
impacts your future self mean to you?
- What does the statement you are better off in a
community than by yourself mean to you?
You are responsible for your present self and
your future self.
Your present self impacts your future self.
Themes of the course
Investment helps manage risk and allows you to
cope with risk and uncertainty.
You are better off in a community than by
7What do you believe are traits of people who
manage their money well?
- Skills
- Decision-making
- Self-discipline
- Critical-thinking
- Communication
- Other?
- Knowledge
- Knowledge about money and personal finance
This course will help you develop money
management knowledge and skills
8Your Future Awaits!
9How do you interact with money?
Earning Did you know that working at a job
isnt the only way to earn money?
Receiving Have you ever received a gift from a
relative or friend?
Spending Did you know that spending involves a
lot more than handing over money?
Saving and Investing Do you know the difference
between saving and investing?
Giving - Did you know that giving is a part of