Title: Welcome to the Rear Detachment Training Course
1 Welcome to the Rear Detachment Training
Presented by Army Community Service
2Overview of the Rear Detachment
- Understand the relationship between the rear
detachment, FRG, and community resources. - Learn about the services available and how to
refer those in need. - Communicate effectively with family members.
4Family Support Structure
Family Readiness Groups
Rear Detachment/Family Readiness Liaison
The Army Family
Community Resources/FAC
5Family Readiness Liaison (FRL)
- Links command, soldiers/family members, and
installation service providers - Coordinates with ACS for FRG training and
arranges predeployment briefings - Provides logistical and administrative support
for FRG - Maintains contact with families who leave area
during deployments - Maintains Operation READY materials
6Working with the FRG
- Allow the FRG to function independently, with
guidance. - Pay attention to issues raised by spouses.
- Be an advocate.
- With the FRL, provide resource support and
referral. - Project a positive image.
- Establish good rapport, and treat family members
courteously. - Help the FRG deal with rumors, media questions,
and family issues.
- On post
- Civilian community
- Family Readiness Liaison
8Selection of RD Personnel
- Caring and experienced
- Familiar with the community
- Cognizant of RD mission
- Understands working relationships
9Rear Detachment Functions
- Perform duties as unit commander.
- Forward mail for deployed soldiers.
- Control storage, security, and inventory of POVs
and personal items of deployed soldiers residing
in barracks. - Provide assistance that requires official action
(pay matters, travel orders for training, AER
loans). - Publish RD phone numbers.
10RD Functions (continued)
- Field questions and concerns of families record
all contacts in logbook. - Distribute/forward LES to authorized persons
based upon POA. - Work closely with the FRG and community agencies
refer and follow-up. - Pass on accurate information to reduce rumors
conduct information briefings. - Involve the chaplain in family training.
11RD Functions (continued)
- Maintain unit and housing areas.
- Handle administrative functions such as UCMJ,
counseling, finance, and supply inventories. - In-and-out-process soldiers.
13Rear DetachmentRecent Lessons Learned
- Inform and prepare new RDCs and RDNCOs for
- Attend all predeployment briefings.
- Know all entitlements.
- Ensure all spouses have a POA.
- Ensure all SMs fill out a family data form prior
to deployment. - Develop and distribute a family deployment
handbook. - Set up Operation READY classes.
16During Deployment
- Meet at least monthly with family members.
- Talk with all FRG leaders twice a week at
minimum. - Manage the VTC.
- Know available resources and refer.
- Be available and accessible.
- Provide a representative for the FAC.
17Common Situations
- Financial problems
- Food
- Transportation issues
- Domestic violence
- Neighborhood disputes
- Child abuse
- Allegations of infidelity
- Unsanitary conditions
- Red Cross messages
- Homecoming/reunion workshops
- Redeployment briefings
- Family notification of returns
- Welcome ceremony and refreshments
20Family Readiness Group Overview
- Understand the purpose and function of the FRG.
- Show how the FRG assists the RD before, during,
and after deployments.
22FRG Mission
- Promote stability, self-sufficiency, and
resiliency. - Help to develop positive attitudes.
- Foster a sense of belonging.
- Provide a vehicle to develop friendships.
- Provide information about the unit and community.
23Components of the FRG
- Commander
- FRG Leader/Co-Leader
- Chain of Concern (telephone tree) Points of
Contact - Treasurer
- Secretary
- Other positions, as necessary
24Essential Activitiesof the FRG
- Meetings
- Current rosters
- Newsletters
- Welcome new arrivals
- Activities
25FRGs Impact on Families
- Mutual support
- Information and referral
- Rumor control
- Social network
26FRGs Impact on Soldiers
- Performance
- Readiness
- Retention
27FRGs Impact on Unitand Community
- Conserves commanders time and resources
- Minimizes distractions
- Reduces level of demand on community support
28FRG Training
- Operation READY
- Army Family Team Building
29Unit Service Coordinator
- Originated in 1995
- ACS staff works w/unit to connect the unit
w/pro-active prevention oriented ACS programs - Increase family soldier retention
- Provide visible subject matter experts to the
unit - Enhance unit skills on how to support soldiers
and families
30Unit Service Coordinator Duties
- Assist Commander in assessing unit service needs
by - Consult w/Commander, CSM, FRG _at_ needs
- Provide advice, training education about
programs and services to increase readiness - Assist Commander w/preparation of family
readiness plans preparing families for
separations challenges - Conduct ACS briefings, pre-deployment
post-deployment briefings
31 Family Readiness Group Assistants
- Established in 2004 as a response to requests
from FRG Leaders - Support for FRGs, Volunteers, Commanders, RDs
- Mission Support enhance the link between
mission success and family well-being - Site Manager 3 FRG Assistants for each MSC
33Introduction toOperation READY
- Learn how Operation READY resources help soldiers
and family members prepare for deployment and
reunion. - Understand Operation READYs role in the Armys
overall mission.
35What is Operation READY?
Resources for Educating About Deployment and You
- A library of training materials
- Designed to help soldiers and family members
before, during, and after deployments
36Operation READY
- Developed after the Gulf War
- Based upon needs identified by soldiers, family
members, commanders, and service agencies - Provides tools to help prepare for military
separations and reunions
37Operation READY
Materials are designed to be used by
- Rear Detachments
- Reserve and National Guard
- Soldiers
- Family Members
- Commanders
- Army Community Service
- Chaplains
- FRGs
38Components ofOperation READY
- Army Leaders Desk Reference
- Soldier/Family Deployment Survival Handbook
- Army Family Readiness Handbook
- Rear Detachment Commanders Handbook
- Predeployment and Ongoing Readiness
- Homecoming and Reunion
- Family Assistance Center
- Army FRG Leaders Handbook
Available on CD
39Video Components ofOperation READY
- Practical Readiness Smart Ways to Minimize
Deployment Hassles - Coping with Stress
- Making Your Reunion Work
- Introduction to Operation READY
- Family Assistance Center
- Family Readiness Groups A Place to Belong
Available in DVD and VHS formats
40Childrens Components ofOperation READY Materials
- Childrens Storybooks
Jodys Daddy is in the Army (preschool)
an Army Family (school age) The
Army Brat Pack (older children) Army Teens
Talk - Army Kids Fun Activity Book (preschool) Army
Kids Fun Activity Book (school age)
Available on CD
41Where Can You Get Operation READY Materials?
- ACS Mobilization/Deployment Services
- www.goacs.org
- Army Reserve Regional Family Program Office
- National Guard State Family Program Office
- Operation READY is here to help!
43ACS Program Overview
- ACS assists Commanders in maintaining readiness
of soldiers and families by developing,
coordinating and delivering services which
promote self-reliance, resiliency, and stability
during war and peace. - Our goal is to make sure that soldiers and their
families are ready for deployment at any time.
44ACS Program Overview
- Mobilization and Deployment Readiness
- Family Advocacy Program
- Exceptional Family Member Program
- Employment Readiness
- Financial Readiness/AER
- Installation Volunteer Coordinator
- Mayoral Program
- Army Family Team Building
- Army Family Action Plan
- Soldier and Family Readiness
- Army Emergency Relief
- Community Assistance Program
- Chartered in 1942 by Secretary of War Stimson.
- 1.5 million seed money from the American Red
Cross. - Royalties from Irving Berlins This is the
Army. - Organization and Support
- Staffed by Army Officers and Enlisted Soldiers.
- Housed and supplied by the War Department.
- ..so that deductions from its funds for
administrative expenses and overhead are
practically nonexistent.
FINANCIAL Need Unforeseen and urgent
-Death of family member, Illness -
Natural Disaster - POV repairs -IRD -No Pay
- AER Funds are not an Entitlement
- NOT a solution to All Financial
Problems -
- Active duty soldiers, single or married, and
their eligible family members. - ARNG and USAR soldiers on active duty for more
than 30 consecutive days and their eligible
family members. - Soldiers retired from active duty for longevity
or physical disability, and their eligible family
members. - ARNG and USAR soldiers who retired at age 60, and
their eligible family members. - Surviving spouses and orphans of soldiers who
died while on active duty or after they retired.
- Non receipt of Pay
- Loss of Funds
- Medical, Dental, and Hospital expenses
- Funeral Expenses
- Emergency Travel
- Rent
- Food
- Essential POV
- Utilities
- Clothing
- Fire or other Disasters
- Privation
- Divorces
- Marriages
- Education Expenses
- Rental, lease or purchase of POV
- Travel of Non-command sponsored Dependents
- Ordinary Leave
- Continuing Assistance
- Liquidation or consolidation of debts
- Business Ventures or Investments
- Bad Checks
- Civilian court fees, fines, judgments, liens,
bail, legal fees, or income tax - Goods or items for convenience, comfort, or
- First, see their Unit Commander/1SG
- Then, go to their CFNCO, then AER Section
- If there is no AER Section, go to any of the
following - Air Force Aid Society Section
- Navy Marine Corps Relief Society Auxiliary
- Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Office
- American Red Cross Chapter
- All Financial Assistance Provided by These
Organizations to Soldiers is Funded by AER
13 Branches 100 Sections as of December 2000
- Military ID Card
- Leave and Earnings Statement
- Leave/PCS order
- Substantiating documents (car repairs estimate,
rental agreement, utility bill, etc.)
- AER - ARC Partnership
- ARC will continue to provide financial
assistance to soldiers. - AER will fully reimburse ARC for all assistance
issued and pick up loan management administration.
- Request for assistance is initiated thru
immediate Commander - Request for assistance can only be forwarded
to AER Officer if signed by 1SG/Cdr - No Commander/1SG involvement action should
not be processed.
- Ensure soldiers spouse knows about AER
Especially prior to deployments. - Ensure soldiers spouse is given a power of
attorney for emergency use. - Remind soldiers about AER when they have
financial emergencies. -
- Private, nonprofit, corporation Not Government
agency or Government Money - AER is not an Entitlement Unforeseen urgent
Emergency Also, not solution to ALL problems. - AER wants Chain-of-Command Involvement
- ARC Involvement
- Commander has unlimited access
- Decision regarding assistance should be within
established guide lines, while ensuring fairness
and equability
- - - Utilities Assistance
- - - Emergency Assistance Fund
- - - Wounded Troops Fund
- HOME FRONT CARES Utility Assistance
- Provides utility assistance to those families
of deployed Soldiers who have a demonstrated
need. Requests must be processed through the
Command Financial NCO.
- HOME FRONT CARES - Emergency Financial Assistance
- Provides financial assistance to families who
have substantiated need that cannot be met
through Army Emergency Relief. Requests must be
processed through the Command Financial NCO. -
- HOME FRONT CARES Wounded Troop Fund
- Designed to assist in paying the incidental
expenses of military family members incurred as a
result of injury and/or extended hospitalization
in the United States or overseas. The level of
assistance is based on the situation and the need
of the family. - Â
- Pays incidental expenses after the family
members have returned from visiting a wounded
Soldier and is not limited to the VSI/SI
categories. - Â
- Assistance may be provided on a case-by-case
basis, based on the information provided, after
all other funding sources have been accessed.
Military Assistance Fund
- Designed to ease the adverse financial impact on
Colorado resident families of Soldiers (Active
Duty, Colorado Reserve and Colorado National
Guard) who are deployed in support of the GWOT or
deployed in other Combat Areas. - Managed by the Pikes Peak United Way.
- This fund is designed to assist families prior to
their departure to visit very seriously injured
or seriously injured (VSI/SI) Soldiers facing
extended hospitalization in the United States or
Military Assistance Fund
- VSI/SI - The family member must have
- Invitational Travel Orders (ITO)
- Dual military - PTDY
- Disbursement - 200.00 cash and 300.00 check.
- Recipients must provide a letter that addresses
how the money was spent to Fort Carson ACS within
10 days of return to Colorado Springs. - Funds are not meant to duplicate or replace the
funds authorized by the JTR for travel and per
diem for these families.
Military Assistance Fund
- El Pomar Emergency Military Assistance Fund will
assist families with memorial services. 1,000.00
to be disbursed at the Pikes Peak United Way
Office on North Nevada. Disbursement will occur
in the form of a 1,000.00 check. - For expenses which may not be covered, i.e.
childcare arrangements, pet care arrangements,
flowers, assistance for other family members,
phone calls, etc.
- The Fort Carson ACS, Financial Readiness/AER
Program will continue to identify legitimate
recipients, approve request and coordinate with
outside agencies. Each agency will administer,
set procedures, provide accounting, and make
actual payments. AER staff can be reached at
68AFTB Overview
January 1998
69What is Army Family Team Building?
Training to Enhance Personal and FamilyReadiness
of All of Americas Army
January 1998
70Mission Statement
To educate and train Americas Army in
knowledge, skills, and behaviors designed to
prepare Army families to move successfully into
the 21st Century.
January 1998
71Program Components for Americas Army
January 1998
72Family Member Training
Volunteer to Volunteer
New to Army
Level I
Greater Army Spouse Experience
Level II
Level III
More Community Experience
January 1998
73Family Member Training Modules
19 courses 21 hrs. 15 min.
15 courses 18 hrs. 10 min.
- Military terms, acronyms, customs, and courtesies
- Introduction to chain of command and chain of
concern - Family and military expectations
- The impact of unit mission on family life
- Effective communications
- Coaching, mentoring, and advising
- How to plan and conduct a workshop
- Group conflict management
- Introduction to effective leadership
- Management skills Communication/ conflict
management - Family support groups
- Benefits, entitlements, and compensation
January 1998
74How AFTB Benefits the Army Mission...
- Soldiers can concentrate on Army mission
- Reinforces Army values
- Enhances Army leadership goals
- Develops realistic expectations, resulting in
less frustration and confusion - COMBAT MULTIPLIER AND READINESS ENHANCER
January 1998
75How is AFTB Structured?
Core Instructors
Major Command Liaison
Garrison/STARC/RSC Cdr Installation/Community
Advisory Council
DA Certified Master Trainers
Local Instructors and Program Volunteers
January 1998
76AFTB Master Trainers
- Master Trainers play a key role in local AFTB
- Assist with program implementation
- Enhance sustainment for on-going programs
- Serve as spokespersons and advisors
- Establish and conduct local AFTB Instructor
Training Programs - Teach Levels I, II, and III
- Master Trainers are trained by Core Volunteer
Instructors, certified by Department of Army - Asset to local community
- Committed to work one year for AFTB
January 1998
77AFTB Volunteer Trainers
- Master Trainers
- (list is available through ACS)
- Master Trainers
- (list is available through ACS)
- Free childcare and lunches provided
- Taught at the unit level
- First AFTB Program in the Army to receive DA
accreditation - Networking with the unit
- Inspectable for CIP
- Promotion Points for AFTB!
79Who Owns AFTB?
- Conceived and developed by Army families for Army
families - Approved by General Sullivan and SMA Kidd
- Thumbprint of General Reimer and SMA Hall to move
families forward to the 21st Century - Ownership belongs to Army families
January 1998
80Bottom Line
Army Family Team Building
A True Family Member Program Designed By Family
Members For Family Members
January 1998
81AFTB Information
- www.armyfamilyteambuilding.org
- Level I II available in Spanish and English
Level I, II, III - Books available in Korean German
- Army Community Service 526-4590
82Crisis Intervention
- Understanding factors, types, and characteristics
of a crisis - Determining expectations of people in a crisis
- Helping people solve their own crises
- Doing referral and follow up
84Factors in a Crisis
- Hazardous event
- Threat to ones well being
- Return to previous conflicts
- Challenge to ones survival, growth
- Lack of effective or adequate coping skills
85Characteristics of a Crisis
- A rise in energy
- A wide range of emotions
- A dynamic, not static, event
- Judgments and decisions are made
- Breakdown of coping skills
- Time limited takes 4-6 weeks to restore a
steady state
86Types of Crises
- Developmental - transitions
- Deprivational loss or grief
- Situational illness, move, job
- Integrational threat to lifes goals and basic
security needs
87Expectations ofPeople in Crisis
Which of the following are reasonable
- The problem will be solved.
- They will be rescued.
- They will receive helpful information or
knowledge. - They will receive a caring attitude.
88 The A-B-C Method
- Developed by Dr. Warren Jones
- A achieve contact
- B boil down the problem to its essentials
- C cope actively through an inventory
of the client's ingenuity and resources
89Boil Down the ProblemFocus
- Explore the present situation.
- Identify the threat.
- Work for a conceptualization of the immediate
past and present to understand the crisis. - Make the dilemma conscious and expressed in words.
- Inventory problem-solving resources.
- Assist in decision making.
- Emphasize relationships with others.
- Summarize new learning.
91Steps in Referral
- Refer to the best agency for the need.
- Set up an appointment, and give the person in
crisis the name of the new worker. - Send someone with the person if theyre hesitant
to go alone to the appointment.
92Suggestions for the Helping Person
- Follow up after the appointment.
- Protect confidentiality.
- Be aware of signs of suicidal intentions, and
dont hesitate to ask about any thoughts of
suicide. - Be empathetic, positive, and reassuring.
94Wrap Up Day One!
95Rear Detachment Training Day Two
96Inspectors General And You
- Our purpose today is to Teach and Train, to
inform you. - In your new duties you will be faced with
situations that you may not have experience with. - We will walk you through some of those
challenges using common scenarios as they have
been reported to us. - We will use discussion and a review of
applicable regulations to arm you with the
information you need to face these challenges. - Ultimately we want to arm you with
information that will allow you to be better
99Why Do People Come to The IG?
- Perceptions of misconduct.
- Some people do not understand regulations or
policies or simply do not agree with them. - Some people do not believe the chain of command
will help them. - Revenge.
- Sometimes people use the IG to preempt chain of
command actions.
But50 of all requests for assistance are
legitimate and 26 of all allegations are
100Rules of the Road By Regulation
- Everyone has the right to see the IG (we have
108,000 customers in FCCO AOR). - No allegation or request for assistance can be
ignored. - IGs are not Commanders or policy makers IGs
are fair impartial fact finders and problem
solvers. - Investigations, inquiries, and inspections are
directed by the IGs Commander - not by the IG. - IG records cannot be used as the basis for
adverse action, to compare commands or
commanders, or cited in evaluation reports or
101Rules of the Road IGs Do Not
- Recommend punishment.
- Interpret law.
- Establish command policy.
- Exercise directive authority.
- Change established redress procedures
(Officer/Enlisted Evaluation Appeals Process).
102Rules of the Road Questions We Always Ask Your
- Do you have permission to be away from your place
of duty? - Have you contacted your chain of command about
this issue? - Do you have any supporting documentation?
- Have you asked for assistance from any other
agencies? - What do you want the IG to do for you?
103FCCO IG Task Organization
SFC GOBLE 526-9491
SFC ROBERTS 526-9467
104Leaders Handbook (How to get there)
- Microsoft Outlook
- Public Folders
- All Public Folders
- Ft. Carson Public Folders
- Inspector General
- Rear Detachment Commanders Course
- Leaders Handbook
- Course Slides
105Top Ten Requests for Assistance Through 2d Qtr,
- Personal Conduct UCMJ/Criminal Violations,
Non-Support of Family, Abuse of Authority,
Harassment/Maltreatment. - Personnel Management Military Enlisted
Promotions, Assignment/Reassignment, Flagging
Actions. - Command/Management of Organizations Commanders
Actions/Decisions, Caring for Family Members,
Excessive Delay of Personnel Action, Physical
Profile Compliance. - Finance and Accounting Military Pay (Active),
Travel Pay and Civilian Pay. - Health Care Medical Care and Access to medical
care. - Personnel Management/Civilian Civilian
Recruitment and Placement. - Engineer/Facilities Family Housing Referral,
VOQ/BOQ/BEQ/Troop Housing. - Transportation Movement Management and Household
Goods Movement. - Operations Deployment/Redeployment
- Community/Installation Support Child
Development Center, Quality of Care, and
Community/Installation Support.
106Seven Scenarios What do you do when
- Non Support
- Commanders Actions
- Commanders Decisions
- Enlisted Promotions
- Leave and Pass
- Improper Relationships
- Home Health Inspections
SPC Webster came back from IRAQ. He decided that
he no longer wants to be married and shipped his
wife to Philadelphia on his own dime (his wife
was fooling around while he was deployed). His
wife left in Apr 04. Your 1SG came to see you
with an issue from the local IG office. The
packet says a Mrs. Webster, living in
Philadelphia, has complained that her husband,
SPC Webster, a member of your unit, has not
provided any monetary support to her for 6
months. Your local IG says you have 14 days to
respond to Mrs. Webster.
Applicable Regulations
AR 608-99, Family Support, Child Custody, and
Paternity, dtd 29 Oct 03 DOD 7000.14R DOD
Financial Management Regulation
Who Can Help
Local Finance Office (verify BAH being paid to
solider) Local Staff Judge Advocate (amount of
support required) Local PSB/PSD (DEERS Enrollment)
What do you do?
Commanders Responsibilities
- Determine the truth of the complaint (is there
a dependent wife and kids?) If yes - Determine if a court order or written support
agreement exists (get a copy from the solider or
dependent). - Determine proper amount of monthly payment (SJA
can help) - ORDER Soldier to pay the proper support. If
you do not, you are placing yourself at risk! - Follow up to ensure your order is being
followed every month. - Address 6 months worth of arrearages.
Things You Need to Know
- A Soldiers obligation to pay BAH II With to
the family members will begin on the date the
family members vacate the quarters (govt or
commercial). The obligation to make this support
payment begins even if the Soldier has not
cleared Government quarters and is not entitled
to draw BAH II With. - Soldiers must pay BAH-II (flat rate based on
rank) if receiving BAH and no court order exists.
BAH is not an entitlement - it goes to the
family or back to the government. - You cannot order the method of payment (money
order, check, allotment, etc.) but its a good
idea to strongly suggest an allotment. - If dependents live in government quarters,
Soldier is not required to provide additional
financial support. (Support-in-kind) - Cant order Soldier to pay arrearages but its
the morally right thing to do. Spouse must go
through US Courts to get back support. However,
if Soldier does not pay arrearages, Govt will
collect IAW DoDFMR.
More Things You Need to Know
- You can punish Soldiers who refuse to pay
support (up to and including Court Martial). - It is legal for a Soldier to keep the
difference between his BAH (rate based on where
SM assigned) and what he is obligated to pay his
dependents (BAH II). - Example Soldier stationed at FC receives 865
BAH based on his rank. His BAH II rate is
597.60. SM can pocked 267.40. Does not matter
where the SM sends his family - BAH rate based on
where SM is assigned. - A Soldier is not entitled to BAH on behalf of a
dependent whose whereabouts is unknown and whose
absence or whereabouts remains unexplained. - The onus is on the complainant to prove
paternity - has to be done through the court
Recap TTPs
- Find out the truth to the allegation of
non-support (interview the Soldier, check the
DEERS database, check for court judgment
concerning paternity). - Find out if a court order or separation
agreement exists. - Find out if the Soldier is receiving BAH.
- Get with JAG to validate amount owed
(especially with complicated dependent issues).
In this case, the wife resides in Philadelphia.
The SM receives 772 (BAH w/ dependent) each
month. Since her husband receives BAH for FCCO
and they have no children, he will only pay her
BAH II which equates to 519.30 per month for the
rank of SPC. - Order the Soldier to pay the appropriate
amount. - Follow up with dependent to make sure the money
was received and let the local IG office what
actions you took to resolve issue.
112Commanders Actions
You are the RD Commander. At your first RD
sensing session, you learn that all your weight
control program soldiers are mad because they are
required to participate in a Special Conditioning
Program three times per week (Monday, Wednesday,
Friday) beginning at 1700 (normal duty day ends
at 1630). These Soldiers say they are being
punished and want you to stop the Special
Conditioning Program.
Applicable Regulations
AR 350-1 Army Training Education, dtd 9 Apr
03 FM 21-20 Physical Fitness Training, dtd 30 Sep
92 AR 600-9 The Army Weight Control Program, dtd
10 Jun 87 AR 600-20, Army Command Policy, dtd 13
May 02
Who Can Help
Master Fitness Trainer
What do you do?
113Commanders Actions
Commanders Responsibilities
- Ensure every Soldier in your unit meets the
body fat standards (AR 600-9). - Ensure your unit has a Special Conditioning
Program that meets the intent of the regulation
(AR 350-1).
114Commanders Actions
Things You Need to Know
- Special physical fitness programs must be
tailored according to FM 21-20 and kept separate
and distinct from the Army Body
Composition/Weight Control Program except for
exercise programs prescribed to assist soldiers
with weight control problems. - Special PT programs must be designed to
overcome specific weaknesses like aerobic or
upper body/abdominal strength deficiencies. - Special programs will not be punitive.
- AR 600-9 states that commanders and supervisors
will provide educational and other motivational
programs to encourage personnel to attain and
maintain proper weight (body fat) standards.
Such programs will include nutrition education
sessions, exercise programs. - Commanders are encouraged to place Soldiers
with special fitness needs into the
regular unit fitness program whenever possible.
115Commanders Actions
Recap TTPs
- A well designed unit fitness program should
improve each soldiers physical ability as well
as enable soldiers to achieve and maintain proper
weight standards. - Commanders should avoid placing all soldiers
that exceed body composition standards or have
fitness problems in the same category with the
expectation that more exercise will automatically
result in decreased body composition. - Make sure all involved understand why the
special program exists. - Immediately take Soldiers who meet the body fat
standards off the special program.
116Commanders Decisions
Three NCOs from 1st Platoon and the RD First
Sergeant just walked into your office and closed
the door. They proceed to tell you that SPC
Black, a member of your unit, is acting weird.
They tell you that this otherwise excellent
soldier is missing formations, fighting with
other platoon members and being disrespectful to
the platoon leadership. None of this behavior
describes SPC Blacks normal demeanor. They say
SPC Black wont talk to them about this
situation. The 1st platoon leadership is
concerned and now so are you.
Applicable Regulations
DoD Directive 6490.1 Mental Health
Evaluations DoD Instruction 6490.4 Requirements
for Mental Health Evaluations
Who Can Help Mental Healthcare Provider, Local
SJA, Chaplain
What do you do?
117Commanders Decisions
Commanders Responsibilities
- Protect the Soldier from himself, those around
him, and property.
118Commanders Decisions
Things You Need to Know
- The Commander must decide if a Mental Health
Referral is warranted based on the facts. Only
the commander can refer a soldier for a mental
health evaluation. - You must determine if the soldier is an
immediate threat to himself , others, or property
(emergency) . - You must consult with your qualified mental
healthcare provider before referring (except in
emergencies). - You must protect the rights of the soldier
including the right to seek a second opinion. - Draft a Command Referral for Mental Health
Evaluation memorandum and document every step in
writing. - Never refer a soldier as a reprisal.
- Self referrals have different disclosure rules
but the mental healthcare provider must tell you
if drugs are prescribed. - If you disagree with a recommendation to
separate the soldier, you must have a very good
reason and notify your next higher commander.
119Commanders Decisions
Things You Need to Know
- Evans Army Community Hospital (EACH) Mental
Health Careline 526-5346 - To access Command Directed Mental Health
Evaluation forms online, go to - http//www.evans.amedd.army.mil
- Click on
- Medical Clinics
- Behavioral Health
- On left side of screen, place cursor on
Careline Menu - On drop-down menu, under Resources, click on
Commanders Toolbox
120Commanders Decisions
Recap TTPs
- Make a decision to refer for mental health
evaluation based on the available evidence and
after a consult with your mental healthcare
provider (non emergency situations). - Draft a Command Referral for Mental Health
Evaluation memorandum and make sure the escort
carries this with them to the appointment. - Notify the soldier in writing using the format
in the EACH Mental Health packet. - Allow soldier a minimum of two working days to
seek a second opinion - good idea to give him the
numbers of the SJA, IG, and Chaplain. - Have an NCO or Officer escort him to his
appointment. - Review the treatment plan from the Mental
Healthcare Provider, make sure you understand the
treatment, precautions, and fitness and
suitability for service. - Monitor the situation to ensure the behavior
121Enlisted Promotions
A local IG informed you that one of your soldiers
complained about how youre not giving soldiers
in your unit the opportunity to go in front of
the promotion board. The soldier alleges that he
and two others are fully qualified for promotion
to SGT but were told to wait until the unit
redeployed from IRAQ. The complainant also
alleges the company is only promoting soldiers to
PFC and SPC who are fully qualified. You, the RD
Cdr has not promoted anyone with waiver even
though the unit has a few PV2s and PFCs who are
qualified to be promoted with waiver.
What do you do?
122Enlisted Promotions
Commanders Responsibilities
- Recommend for promotion only those soldiers
fully qualified according to AR 600-8-19.
123Enlisted Promotions
Things You Need to Know
- First-line leaders will counsel soldiers who
are eligible for promotion to PV2 through SSG
without waiver (fully qualified) but not
recommended in writing. - Counseling will include information as to why
the soldier was not recommended and what can be
done to correct deficiencies or qualities that
reflect a lack of promotion potential. - Conduct promotion board by the 15th of every
month. Boards conducted after the 15th of the
month are invalid. - Board members may be all officers, all NCOs or
mixture. - The president will be the senior member. For
all NCO boards, the president will be a CSM or
SGM. 1SG/MSG(P) cannot fulfill this requirement. - At least one voting member will be of the same
sex as the soldiers being evaluated.
124Enlisted Promotions
Things You Need to Know
- Soldiers in a deployed status may be boarded
using the ERB as the official source document for
awarding promotion points. - Company, troop, battery and separate detachment
commanders are authorized to promote soldiers to
the grade of PV2, PFC and SPC. - Company, troop, battery, and separate detachment
commanders of provisional units in the grade of
1LT or above are authorized to promote soldiers
who do not require a waiver to the grade of PV2,
PFC and SPC. - Authority to promote Soldiers to PV2, PFC and
SPC who require waivers remains with the
commander of the unit to which the soldiers are
permanently assigned.
125Enlisted Promotions
Recap TTPs
- Research your promotion authority.
- - PV2, PFC and SPC Co/Troop/Btry/Sep Detachment
CDR. (With waiver promotion for provisional
units remains with the Commander of the permanent
unit.) - - SGT and SSG Units authorized a LTC RD
Commander - - SFC, MSG, SGM Remains centralized at DA level
- Understand what fully qualified means (TIS,
TIG, no flag recommended by promotion
authority). - Understand what must be done if you or the
chain of command does not recommend a soldier for
promotion (first-line leader in the soldier's
chain of command must counsel in writing). - You must have a semi-centralized promotion
board for your qualified soldiers (for
advancement to E5 E6).
126Leaves and Passes
Your training NCO submitted a request for 20 days
emergency leave. His en loco parentis
grandmother is hospitalized and in critical
condition. The Red Cross message says life
expectancy is very poor. You disapproved the
emergency leave request because your RD personnel
and the ADVON from IRAQ are very busy preparing
for your unit redeployment and reintegration.
Your unit main body is due to redeploy in 30
days. Your Soldier then goes to the community
chaplain to complain.
What do you do?
127Leaves and Passes
Commanders Responsibilities
- Know the rules for denying leaves and passes.
- Establish a program that will make a positive
contribution to morale, level of performance and
career motivation. - Know the guidelines for authorizing emergency
leave. - Develop and execute an annual leave program
that ensures maximum use and minimum loss of
annual leave - Allows the use of an average of 30 days per
year. - Provides an opportunity for leave to be taken
as earned. - Follow the specific policies outlined in AR
600-8-10. - Accomplish the mission.
128Leaves and Passes
Things You Need to Know
- AR 600-8-10 gives commanders the authority to
deny leave based on mission needs. - Soldiers may request emergency leave with or
without American Red Cross verification. - Soldiers may be authorized emergency leave for
up to 30 days for emergency situations within the
immediate family. - You cannot require a soldier maintain a minimum
leave balance (e.g. 5 days) before granting
leave. - You are only allowed to grant advance leave
that can be paid back during the current
enlistment (e.g. can authorize up to 15 days
advance leave if the soldier has six months left
on his current enlistment).
129Leaves and Passes
Things You Need to Know
- You do not have to grant advance leave.
- You can take leave following a pass (or vice
versa) so long as the leave and pass both begin
and end at your place of duty or the place from
which you normally commute to your place of duty
(your home). - You cannot order a soldier to take leave. Your
responsibility is to counsel the soldiers who
will not take leave that they risk losing leave. - Maximum pass duration 96 hours. (Routine,
non-duty, 3-day pass vs. Special 3 or 4-day long
passes.) - DA 31s not required for passes unless local
policy dictates for extended mileage or to remove
soldier from DA6 consideration.
130Leaves and Passes
Recap TTPs
- You are responsible for establishing an annual
leave program that maximizes use of leave and
minimizes loss of leave. - Your leave program should help make a positive
contribution to morale, level of performance, and
career motivation. - Blanket leave policies usually do not work -
treat each request on a case-by-case basis. - Research your authority as it applies to leave,
passes, compensation time, and authorized
absences. Read appropriate sections of AR
131Improper Relationships
One of your NCOs walks into your office and
reports that, while in the club over the weekend,
he witnessed SSG Mark Brown and PFC Lisa Turner
dancing. PFC Turner arrived from AIT two weeks
ago and SSG Brown is her NCOIC. Your NCO tells
you there definitely appears to be a relationship
between these two members of your command. Later
that day in the motor pool, 2LT Jones makes a
similar statement about Brown and Turner. Jones
says he has witnessed them holding hands in the
PX during off duty hours.
Applicable Regulations
AR 600-20 Army Command Policy, dtd 13 May 02 DA
PAM 600-35 Relationships Between Soldiers of
Different Rank, dtd 21 Feb 00
Who Can Help
Your local IG Local Staff Judge Advocate
What do you do?
132Improper Relationships
Commanders Responsibilities
- Promote the health and welfare of all members
of their organization and maintain good order,
morale, and discipline. - Prevent inappropriate or unprofessional
relationships through proper training and
leadership. - Take corrective action if an improper
relationship exists or appears to exist.
133Improper Relationships
Things You Need to Know
- Relationships between Soldiers of different
ranks are prohibited if they - - Compromise or appear to compromise the
integrity of supervisory authority of the chain
of command. - - Cause actual or perceived partiality or
unfairness. - - Involve or appear to involve the improper use
of rank or position for personal gain. - - Are or are perceived to be exploitative or
coercive in nature. - - Create an actual or clearly predictable
adverse impact on discipline, authority, morale
or the ability of the command to accomplish its
134Improper Relationships
Things You Need to Know
- Relationships between Officers and Enlisted
personnel are strictly forbidden. - Relationships between Enlisted personnel of
different ranks (NCO and junior enlisted) are
allowed so long as the relationship does not have
an adverse impact on the unit.
135Improper Relationships
Recap TTPs
- The commander must take responsibility for
investigating any allegation of an improper
relationship. If true, it constitutes wrongdoing
governed by a punitive regulation (AR 600-20) . - Both parties must be counseled in writing and
ordered to end the relationship if it is
determined to be improper. - In the end, the command must take appropriate
action to maintain good order and discipline
within the unit.
136Home Health Inspection
The spouse of one of your deployed soldiers
(higher ranking than you), called MGH to have her
sink fixed. MGH sent a repairman to fix the sink.
When the repairman arrived at the quarters and
saw the terrible condition of the house, he
refused to go inside without a supervisor. When
his supervisor arrived, the repairman and
supervisor went back inside the house and worked
on the sink. The supervisor also took pictures
of the house (next slide). Later in the day, you
(the RD NCOIC) were emailed the pictures of the
house and asked to fix the problem.
Applicable Regulations
AR 210-50 Housing Management, dtd 26 Feb 99 AR
40-5 Preventive Medicine, dtd 15 Oct 90 AR
608-18 The Army Family Advocacy Program, dtd 20
Oct 03
Who Can Help?
Chain of Command, GC, FRG, Community Chaplain,
Preventive Medicine, SJA
What do you do?
137Home Health Inspection
138Home Health Inspection
Commanders Responsibilities
- Upon notification of unsanitary conditions,
unit commanders will schedule an appropriate time
for an inspection of the quarters and inform the
housing division and preventive medicine
139Home Health Inspection
Things You Need to Know
- Spouses of deployed soldiers, who remain in
assigned quarters, assume responsibility for the
quarters. - Residents of government controlled housing are
responsible for maintaining their quarters in a
sanitary, habitable condition. - On written notification of unsanitary
conditions in quarters, the housing division will
notify the garrison commander, the sponsors unit
commander, and, if necessary, the preventive
medicine department of the allegation. - The garrison commander may also order a
sanitation inspection. - The sponsor (or the spouse in the sponsors
absence) will be given instructions as to what
needs to be accomplished to bring the quarters
condition to acceptable standards and will be
informed that a re-inspection of the
quarters will occur to ensure compliance.
140Home Health Inspection
Things You Need to Know
- If necessary, the garrison commander may
involuntary terminate a sponsors assignment to
quarters. - If the sponsor continues to refuse to vacate
housing, the garrison commander will - Appoint an officer or a Senior NCO to supervise
the inventory of personal property. - Inform the local PMO and direct them to have an
MP officer present during the eviction to
maintain order and initial inventory sheets. - Direct the housing manager or a designated
representative to be present during eviction
proceedings. - Ensure that the sponsors personal property is
turned over to the transportation officer for
storage or disposition.
141Home Health Inspection
Recap TTPs
- Spouses of deployed soldiers who remain in
their assigned quarters assume responsibility for
the quarters. - Residents of government controlled housing are
responsible to maintain their quarters in a
sanitary, habitable conditions. - If necessary, the garrison commander may
involuntary terminate a sponsors assignment to
142How Can We Help You
- Wealth of knowledge.
- Provide sensing session feedback.
- Advise commanders/leaders on current policy
regulations. - Provide NCOPD/OPD on role of the Inspector
143Fort Carson IG Contact Info
- IG phone 526-3900/3901
- Location Building 1659 at the corner of
Barkely Ave Prussman Blvd - IG Office Hours
- 0730-1630 Mon-Thur
- 0730-1600 Fri
144Questions - Comments
145TRICAREYour Military Health Plan
- TriWest Healthcare Alliance
- Beneficiary
- Education Seminar
146New TRICARE Regions
147Who is eligible for TRICARE?
- Active duty service members (ADSMs) and retirees
of any of the seven uniformed services - Reserve Component members on active duty for more
than 30 consecutive days (under Federal orders),
from any of the seven uniformed services - Spouses of active duty, retired, and eligible
Reserve Component service members
148Updating DEERS Information
- Visit an ID card issuing facility locate one
near you at www.dmdc.osd.mil/rsl - Call 1-800-538-9552
- Fax changes to 1-831-655-8317
- Mail changes to
- Defense Manpower Data Center Support Office
- 400 Gigling Road
- Seaside, CA 93955-6771
- Make address changes online at
149TRICARE Standard
- Fee-for-service option
- No enrollment required
- Seek care from any TRICARE-authorized provider
- Responsible for annual deductibles and
cost-shareshighest out-of-pocket expense - May have to pay provider then file claim for
reimbursement - May seek care in an MTF on a space-available
basis - Active duty service members are not eligible for
TRICARE Standard
150TRICARE Prime
- Managed care option
- Enrollment required
- Fewer out-of-pocket costs
- Select (or are assigned) a primary care manager
(PCM) - Care received at MTFs and in the civilian
preferred provider network - Guaranteed access standards
- No claims to file
- TRICARE Prime beneficiaries will be referred to
an MTF first when it can provide the specialty
services needed. Call 1-888-TRIWEST
(1-888-874-9378) for specific information about
the MTFs in your TRICARE Prime service area - Specialty care referrals will be approved for a
specific length of time and number of visits - Follow the appropriate procedure for specialty
referrals to avoid responsibility for charges
other than your copayments - If you have other health insurance, you must
follow the network referrals rules for that
152TRICARE Prime Remote
- Provides the TRICARE Prime option for active duty
service members who live and work more than 50
miles from a military treatment facility (MTF) - Active duty service members must enroll in
TRICARE Prime Remote (TPR) - Similar benefits, costs, and rules as TRICARE
Prime - Find out if you reside in a designated TPR
Service Area online at www.tricare.osd.mil/remote
153TRICARE Choices for the Reserve Component
- When sponsor is activated for more than 30
consecutive days - Reserve Component members become eligible for
TRICARE the same as ADSM - Family members
- TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Prime Remote for Active
Duty Family Members, TRICARE Extra, and TRICARE
Standard on the first day of sponsors orders - Must meet all other requirements for TRICARE
Prime Remote for Active Duty Family Members - TRICARE Pharmacy Program
- TRICARE Dental Program
154Urgent/Emergency Care
- Urgent care in and out of area
- Emergency care-Call 911
- Visit nearest emergency room
- Notify your PCM or TriWest within 24 hours of any
emergency admission so that your follow-up care
can be coordinated (if enrolled in TRICARE Prime) - A family member can call on your behalf
155TRICARE Pharmacy Program
- MTF Pharmacy
- TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy
- TRICARE Retail Network Pharmacy
- Non-network Retail Pharmacy
156 Claims Processing
- Wisconsin Physicians Service (WPS) is TriWests
subcontractor for claims processing in the West
Region - If using TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Extra, your
provider will file claims for you - Beneficiaries using TRICARE Standard may be
required to file their own claims - www.triwest.com
- www.tricare4u.comfor TRICARE For Life claims
157TRICARE Dental Program (TDP)
- Voluntary dental program administered by United
Concordia Companies, Inc. (UCCI) - Available to
- Eligible active duty family members
- Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve
members and their eligible family members - Active duty and Reserve Component members called
to active duty for more than 30 consecutive days
receive their dental care in military dental
clinics, so are not eligible for TDP - Visit www.ucci.com for more information
158TriWest Web Site www.triwest.com
- Determine the status of a claim, receive
information about the payment of a previously
processed claim, and obtain a duplicate
explanation of benefits (EOB) for claims that
have been processed - Verify your eligibility
- Out-of-pocket expense limits
- Learn ab