??F?? - 5? ??????FO???? S???????? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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??F?? - 5? ??????FO???? S????????


- 5 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ??F?? - 5? ??????FO???? S????????

??F?? - 5? ??????FO???? S???????? ??
??s???µe?a??? Fa?µa??p???? st? ?eta??µ?? t??
???a??? st?? ??e?a
???atast?se?? - ???p??sµ??
Sta???? ????t?? MSc, PhD, ?ate???a ??????p? MSc,
??µ?t???? ????a? MSc, PhD ?µ?µa Fa?µa?e?t????
???? spolitis_at_pharm.uoa.gr
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
???atast?se?? - ???p??sµ??
  • Ste???? ?????
  • S??t?µ? ?st????? a?ad??µ?.
  • ?? ?e????te?? p?a?s?? ?a????? pa?a?????
    fa?µa?e?t?-??? p?????t?? (cGMPs).
  • ?d?a?te??t?te? t?? ste???? ?????
  • ??d??? ??µata

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
Ste???? ?????
  • S??t?µ? ?st????? a?ad??µ?
  • ?st???a gt120 et?? ?? ?????a.
  • 2?? ?? S?st?µata e?ae??sµ?? p??? e??tt?s?
    ep?µ????se??. F??t?a HEPA.
  • 1955 ß??µ??a???? efa?µ??? ??a dust free
    environment, Western Electric.
  • 1960-1 ?? p??te? ap?pe??e? ??µat???? ???? se
    ?e??????e?a (Blowers and Crew Vs

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
Ste???? ?????
  • S??t?µ? ?st????? a?ad??µ?
  • 1961 Willis Whitfield, Mr. Clean
  • ???a?? p??s????s?? (The Whitfield Ultra-Clean
    Room, Time Magazine April 1962).

Willis Whitfield Original laminar flow room
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
Ste???? ?????
  • ???sµ??
  • ???sµ?? EN/ISO 14644-1
  • ??a? ?????
  • - e?t?? t?? ?p???? e????eta? ? s?????t??s? t??
    ae???e??? s?µat?d???,
  • - ? ?p???? e??a? s?ed?asµ???? µe t?t??? t??p?
    ?ste ?a e?a??st?p?????ta? ?? ???d???? d?µ??????a?
    ?a? ?ata???t?s?? s?µat?d???,
  • - ?a? st?? ?p??? ???? ?? s?et???? pa?????te?, ??a
    pa??de??µa, ? ?e?µ???as?a, ? ???as?a ?a? ? p?es?
    e??????ta? ?at?????a.

A room in which the concentration of airborne
particles is controlled, and which is constructed
and used in a manner to minimize the
introduction, generation, and retention of
particles inside the room and in which other
relevant parameters, e.g. temperature, humidity,
and pressure, are controlled as necessary.
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
Ste???? ?????
  • ?fa?µ???? (Clean rooms)
  • Fa?µa?e?t??? pa?a???? (ste??a p?????ta,
    pa?e?te????, ?f?a?µ???)
  • ?????-??e?t?????? (pa?a???? ts?p ??e?t???????
    ?p?????st??), a?t?µat?p???µ??a s?st?µata
    (e?t?p?s?? ?.?.)
  • ??ast?µ??? (d?ast?µ??? ???µata, d???f????)
  • ??s???µe?a

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
Ste???? ?????
  • ?d?a?te??t?te? ste???? p?????t?? (pa?e?te????
  • ?e???? p????? p??t?te ste???.
  • ?a?as?e?? se ?????? µe e?d???? p??d?a??af??
    (ste???? - ?a?a??? ?????, cleanrooms).
  • ???s?p??? ??d?s?, ?at?????? e?pa?de?s?.
  • ??s?e? e??e???µ??e? ??a pa?e?te???? ??????s?.
  • ??a??te?, ß????t???? ??s?e? (???µ?st???,
    s??t???t???) p??pe? ?a e??a? e?d???? p??d?a??af??
    (p.?. ?????? ?a?a??t?ta?).
  • ?e????te? s???e???µ??e? p??d?a??af??
    a?st???te?e? µ? ste???? s?e?asµ?t??.

Se??? e?e?d??e?µ???? p??t?p?? ????µ??e?
apa?t?se?? ep?????s?? (validation) d?e??as??? ?a?
e?????? ?ata?????t?ta? (qualification) e??p??sµ??
- ?????
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
Ste???? ?????
  • ????t?ta ste???? p?????t?? (pa?e?te???? S?)
  • ??? e?asfa?????ta?? ?e ßa?e?? ???s? ???? t??
    a?????-e?a?t?µe??? µe??? t?? e?se???µ???? st?
    d?e??as?a pa?a????? t???.

???a??µata Machines
?????p?? Men
????d?? Methods
µ??a??µata d?a?e???s? ?e?µ???as?a? ?a? ???as?a?,
p?es??, ae???e??? s?µat?d???
µ???d?? pa?a?????
µ??a??µata pa?a?????
?atas?e?ast???? pa?eµß?se?? ?a? d?aß??µ?s? ?????
??. S?s?e?
? ??e?
sta?e?? ?e?µ???as?a ?a? ???as?a
S?st?µata pa?a- ???????s?? ?a?
e?????? Measurements
????? Materials
?e??ß????? Environment
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
Ste???? ?????
  • ????t?ta ste???? p?????t?? (pa?e?te???? S?)
  • ??? e?asfa?????ta?? ?e ?µß???s? t?? pa?a???t??

Risk from Manufacturing site
Q10 Pharm. Quality Systems
Risk from Product
Q8 Pharmaceutical Development
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
Ste???? ?????
  • ???atast?se??
  • ??d???? apa?t?se?? se
  • S?ed?asµ?, ??e??? ?ata?????t?ta?
  • ?????
  • S?st?µata e?ae??sµ?? (HVAC)
  • ??af????? p?es? a??µesa se ??????
  • ???p??sµ??
  • ?a?a?????
  • ?a?a???????s?? ?a? e??????

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
?a????µ?s? Ste???? ????? (Classification)
  • ?a?µ?de? (???se?? ? ???e?)
  • A µ?a pe?????sµ??? ???? ??a e??as?e? ??????
    ep????d???t?ta? p.?. p????s?, sf????s?, ???s?
    a????t?? f?s????? ?a? f?a??d???, ep?te??? ?s?pt??
    s???????. ???s? ??se?? e??as?a? µe ??µat??? ???
    (a??a sta?e??? ta??t?ta? 0,45m/s st? ??s?
  • B pe??ß????? ßa?µ?da? ? ??a ?s?pt? pa?a???? ?a?
  • G ????te?? ???s?µe? f?se?? pa?a????? ste????
  • ? ?µ??a µe G
  • Ta µp????se ??a? ?a?a??? ????? ? ?a s????e?e? µe
    ??a? µ? e?e???µe?? ????
  • ? ße?t??s? t?? p??d?a??af?? t?? ????? ???eta?
    stad?a?? ?a? f?s??? µeta?? ?e?t?????? ????? ?p?
    d?af??? p?es??.

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
?a????µ?s? Ste???? ????? (Classification)
  • ISO-Classes 5,6,7,8
  • ISO 14644-11999, Cleanrooms and associated
    controlled environments -- Part 1 Classification
    of air cleanliness.
  • http//www.iso.org/iso/home/store/catalogue_tc/cat
  • http//acquisition.jpl.nasa.gov/rfp/JSL-52404/ISO1
  • EU-Classes Classes A,B,C,D
  • EC - EudraLex, Volume 4, EU Guidelines to Good
    Manufacturing Practice, Medicinal Products for
    Human and Veterinary Use, Annex 1, Manufacture of
    Sterile Medicinal Products, (cor.vers., Nov
  • http//ec.europa.eu/health/files/eudralex/vol-4/20

US-Classes 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 FDA -
Guidance for Industry, Sterile Drug Products
Produced by Aseptic Processing - Current Good
Manufacturing Practice, Sep 2004 (replaced 1987
guideline) http//www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/.../
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
ISO 14644-11999, Cleanrooms and associated
controlled environments -- Part 1 Classification
of air cleanliness.????st? s?????t??s?
(s?µat?d?a/m3 a??a) s?µat?d??? µe µ??e??? ap?
?a????µ?s? Ste???? ????? (Classification)
ISO ?at?ta?? ????st? s?????t??s? (s?µat?d?a/m3 a??a) s?µat?d??? µe µ??e??? ????st? s?????t??s? (s?µat?d?a/m3 a??a) s?µat?d??? µe µ??e??? ????st? s?????t??s? (s?µat?d?a/m3 a??a) s?µat?d??? µe µ??e??? ????st? s?????t??s? (s?µat?d?a/m3 a??a) s?µat?d??? µe µ??e??? ????st? s?????t??s? (s?µat?d?a/m3 a??a) s?µat?d??? µe µ??e??? ????st? s?????t??s? (s?µat?d?a/m3 a??a) s?µat?d??? µe µ??e???
ISO ?at?ta?? 0,1 µm 0,2 µm 0,3 µm 0,5 µm 1,0 µm 5,0 µm
ISO Class 1 10 2
ISO Class 2 100 24 10 4
ISO Class 3 1 000 237 102 35 8
ISO Class 4 10 000 2 370 1 020 352 83
ISO Class 5 100 000 23 700 10 200 3 520 832 29
ISO Class 6 1 000 000 237 000 102 000 35 200 8 320 293
ISO Class 7 352 000 83 200 2 930
ISO Class 8 3 520 000 832 000 29 300
ISO Class 9 35 200 000 8 320 000 293 000
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
EC - EudraLex, Volume 4, EU Guidelines to Good
Manufacturing Practice, Medicinal Products for
Human and Veterinary Use, Annex 1, Manufacture of
Sterile Medicinal Products, (cor.vers., Nov
2008).????st?? ep?t?ept?? a???µ?? ae???e???
s?µat?d??? a?? ???s?
?a????µ?s? Ste???? ????? (Classification)
Se et??µ?t?ta Se et??µ?t?ta Se ?e?t?????a Se ?e?t?????a
???s? ????st?? a???µ?? s?µat?d??? /m3 ?s?? ? µe?a??te??? ap?... ????st?? a???µ?? s?µat?d??? /m3 ?s?? ? µe?a??te??? ap?... ????st?? a???µ?? s?µat?d??? /m3 ?s?? ? µe?a??te??? ap?... ????st?? a???µ?? s?µat?d??? /m3 ?s?? ? µe?a??te??? ap?...
0.5µm 5µm 0.5µm 5µm
A 3 520 20 3 520 20
B 3 520 29 352 000 2 900
G 352 000 2 900 3 520 000 29 000
? 3 520 000 29 000 ?e? ????eta? ?e? ????eta?
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
(EC - EudraLex, Volume 4, EU Guidelines to Good
Manufacturing Practice, Medicinal Products for
Human and Veterinary Use, Annex 1, Manufacture of
Sterile Medicinal Products, (cor.vers., Nov
2008).???a µ????ß?a??? ep?µ????s??
?a????µ?s? Ste???? ????? (Classification)
S???S?O???? ???? ??????????S ????????S?S S???S?O???? ???? ??????????S ????????S?S S???S?O???? ???? ??????????S ????????S?S S???S?O???? ???? ??????????S ????????S?S
?a?µ?da ?e??µa a??a CFU/m3 ????e? ?a????se?? (d?aµ.90 mm) CFU/4??e?) ????e? epaf?? (d?aµ.55 mm) CFU/p???a ?p?t?p?µa ?a?t??? µe 5 d??t??a CFU/???t? (?e????t??)
A lt1 lt1 lt1 lt1
B 10 5 5 5
G 100 50 25 -
? 200 100 50 -
() ????e?ta? ??a µ?se? t?µ?? () ???sµ??e?
p???e? ?a????se?? µp????? ?a e?te???? ??a ???????
d??st?µa µ????te?? t?? tess???? ????.
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
FDA - Guidance for Industry, Sterile Drug
Products Produced by Aseptic Processing - Current
Good Manufacturing Practice, Sep 2004???a
a???µ?? s?µat?d??? ?a? µ????ß?a??? ep?µ????s??
?a????µ?s? Ste???? ????? (Classification)
?at?ta?? (S?µat?d?a 0,5 µm/ft3) S?s??t?s? µe ISO 14644-1 S?µat?d?a 0,5 µm/m3 ?????ß??????-?? de??µa a??a (cfu/m3 ) ????e? ?a????se?? (d?aµ.90 mm) CFU/4??e?)
100 5 3 520 1 1
1000 6 35 200 7 3
10 000 7 352 000 10 5
100 000 8 3 520 000 100 50
() ?a de??µata se a?t? t? ßa?µ?da p??pe? ?a
eµfa?????? µ?de???? µ????ß?a?? f??t??.
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
FDA - Guidance for Industry, Sterile Drug
Products Produced by Aseptic Processing - Current
Good Manufacturing Practice, Sep 2004???sµ??
Critical Area Class 100 (ISO 5)
?a????µ?s? Ste???? ????? (Classification)
A critical area is one in which the sterilized
drug product, containers, and closures are
exposed to environmental conditions that must be
designed to maintain product sterility ...
Activities conducted in such areas include
manipulations (e.g., aseptic connections, sterile
ingredient additions) of sterile materials prior
to and during filling and closing operations.
This area is critical because an exposed product
is vulnerable to contamination and will not be
subsequently sterilized in its immediate
container. To maintain product sterility, it is
essential that the environment in which aseptic
operations are conducted be controlled and
maintained at an appropriate quality. One aspect
of environmental quality is the particle content
of the air. Particles are significant because
they can enter a product as an extraneous
contaminant, and can also contaminate it
biologically by acting as a vehicle for
microorganisms. Appropriately designed air
handling systems minimize particle content of a
critical area. Air in the immediate proximity of
exposed sterilized containers/closures and
filling/closing operations would be of
appropriate particle quality This level of air
cleanliness is also known as Class 100 (ISO 5).
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?????s? d?af??et???? s?st?µ?t??
?a????µ?s? Ste???? ????? (Classification)
  • Ge???? ?p???e? d??at?t?ta a?t?st????s??.
  • ?p???e? s?????s? ????p?? ?µe????? ????
    e?a?µ???s?? (ICH).
  • ?? p??t?p? ISO af??? µ??? se s?µat?d?a.
  • ???s??? p?? a?af????ta? ta ???a p? ?at?stas?
    ?e?t?????a? ? µ?
  • - ISO14644-1 Occupancy state As
  • - EU At rest/In operation.

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
?a????µ?s? Ste???? ????? (Classification)
  • ?? ?d???e? pe???aµß????? ?????S??S apa?t?se??.
  • ?p?????? d?af???? µeta?? t?? ?d?????, p??t?µ?s?
    a?st???te??? a?????a µe ???a efa?µ????.
  • ?? ?d???e? a???????-ep??a???p?????ta?!

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
?a????µ?s? Ste???? ????? (Classification)
  • ?????? pe??pt?se?? ?a? ?d?a?te??t?te? a?????a µe
    d?e??as?a ?a? e??at?stas? (p?, te???? ap?ste???s?
    ? ???s? Isolators a?t?st???a).
  • ???s??? se µe??d??? µ?t??s?? (p?te, p?? ?a? µe
    p??? t??p?).
  • ?e? ?e???µe t? ?e????te?? ?a????st??? p?a?s?? (p?
    ICH Q7A-GMP guidance) ?a? ???e? p????
    p????f???s?? (p? IEST recommended practices and
    guides, WHO, Feb 2011).

Institute of Environmental Sciences and
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? ???at?stas??
  • Ge????
  • ??st? ??tas?, ?atas?e??, f???????a, ?p?d?µ?.
  • ???at??? d??aµ??? d?a?es?µ?t?ta ?a? ?p?ßa???.
  • ?p?st????? d?a??µ?? µetaf????.
  • ?a???? e????e?a?.
  • ?d?? (p???t?ta).
  • ???a? (p???t?ta).
  • ?p?ß??ta (p???t???).
  • S?ed?asµ?? se s??s? µe t?? ?p????p? e??at?stas?.

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ?????te?e? apa?t?se??.
  • ?e??ste??? ?atas?e??.
  • ????? a??e?t??? se f???? ?a? pa?a???? s?µat?d???.
  • ?e?e? ep?f??e?e? ??a e????? ?a?a??sµ?.

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • Teµe???d??? s?µas?a? t? s?st?µa HVAC
  • Heating
  • Ventilation
  • Air-Conditioning
  • ??? ßas???? µ??a??sµ?? t??p?? ep?te????
    ?a?a??t?ta? st? es?te????
  • ??? ?a? e?a??a??? a??a
  • ??af??? p?es?? a??µesa st??? ??????

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ????? t?? s?st?µat?? HVAC
  • ap?µ?????s? ep?µ????t?? (s?µat?d??? ?a?
  • ???µ?s? ?e?µ???as?a? (???? / ???µa?s?)
  • ???µ?s? ???as?a? (ef???a?s? / af???a?s?)
  • e?asf???s? d?af???? p?es?? (??)
  • pa???? a??a µe ?at?????? ta??t?ta / e?a??a???
    a??a a?? µ???da

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ?? ??? µp??e? ?a ???e? t? s?st?µa HVAC
  • ?a?a??sµ? ß??µ???? ep?fa?e???...!
  • µe??s? p??ß??µ?t?? p?? d?µ????????ta? ap? t?
    p??s?p??? p?? de? a??????e? t?? d?ad??as?e?...!
  • ?a?µata...!!!

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ?? ??? µp??e? ?a ???e? t? s?st?µa HVAC

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ?as??? st???e?a s?et??? µe ta s?st?µata HVAC
  • ?as???? ?at?????e? a??a
  • f??s??? a??a? (µ??? µ?a f??? e?s???eta? st? ????)
  • ??a t????? ?????
  • ??a e?f?e?ta ?????
  • ??a p??? d?ast??? ?????
  • a?a??????µe??? a??a? (µ???? t?? a?a??????eta?)
  • p?? ??????µ??? ??s?
  • ?a??te?? ?ata???t?s? ap? f??t?a
  • p??a??t?ta d?asta????µe??? ep?µ????s??

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ?as??? st???e?a s?et??? µe ta s?st?µata HVAC
  • ????µ??? pa???? a??a
  • ??afe?? ? ?at?st?µa pe??p?? 2-10 a?a?e?se??/??a
  • se ??a? ?a?a?? ???? p??? pe??ss?te?e? p.?. 60-90
    e?a??a??? (ßa?µ?da G)
  • ??d??? f??t?a ?????? ap?te?esµat???t?ta?
  • se ??a ??afe?? ? ?at?st?µa, ap?? f??t?a
  • s?????? ??PA f??t?a epa?????
  • T?s? te????? f??t???
  • ??afe?? ? ?at?st?µa, f??t?a µet? ap? t?? pa????
    a??a (s???? st??? a??????)
  • se ??a ?a?a?? ???? a???ß?? st? s?µe?? pa?????
  • Tet??? p?es? p?? ?a?a??? ????? se s??s? µe t???
    ????te?? ?a?a????
  • p?? apa???? ????te??? a??a ap? a?t?? p??
    e?s??eta? ? apa???? t?? a??a se ?e?t???????
  • ??st??

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ??? a??a st??? ste????? ??????
  • S?µßat??? ??? a??a
  • µe?????t?µa ? p??a??t?ta d?µ??????a? st??ß????
    se ???sµ??e? pe?????? t?? ?????
  • ??? a??a p??? µ?a ?ate????s?
  • laminar flow or unidirectional flow.
  • 90fpm20. ???tas? ap? t?? ep??? t?? Whitfield.
  • ???t? ???
  • s?µßat??? ?a? d?aß?ßas? ???? a??a p??? µ?a
    ?ate????s? st?? ???s?µe? ??se?? e??as?a?.

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ??? a??a st??? ste????? ??????

S?µßat??? ??? a??a
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ??? a??a st??? ste????? ??????

??µat??? ??? p??? µ?a ?ate????s?
  • ???et? (ap? ep??? p??? ta ??t?)
  • p?? ap?te?esµat???
  • ??????t?a (ap? t???? se t????)
  • p?? ??????µ???

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ??? a??a st??? ste????? ??????
  • ?p?f??? st??ß???sµ??
  • ?µfas? sta p?? ???s?µa s?µe?a

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ??af??? p?es??
  • S???st?µe?? t?µ? ??a t?? ????pa??? ???s?
  • S?s?e??? a?t?µat?? ???µ?s??/d?at???s?? p?es??
    (pressure stabilizers)
  • ?????µa p??ta?
  • pa??d???
  • e?? d?a??e? pe??ss?te??
  • µ???? ? d?p??? p??te?
  • s???pe?e? s?et????ta? ?a? µe ?e?µ???as?a
  • ?p?????sµ?? d?a????? a??a ap? t?? p??te? ?a?
    a?????? pa???? p?s?t?ta? a??a (QAa (??)1/2)

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ??af??? p?es?? - ae??f???te?
  • ??a??t??? d?? p??te?, ?? ?p??e? de? a???????
  • ???a? ?a? ?? ????? e?d?µas?a?
  • G?a p??s?p???, ?????, d?af??et???? t?p??
  • ?a???? a??a ap? t?? ?a?a??te?? p?e??? t?? ?????
  • Se t? ???s?µe????
  • d?at???s? d?af???? p?es??
  • pa?eµp?d?s? e?s?d?? µ???sµ???? a??a

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • F??t?a (HEPA)
  • High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters
  • ?ata??at??? s?µat?d?a / e?????aµµ????? ??? a??a
  • HEPA 99,97 ap?d?s? a?? 10,000s?µat?d?a
    µe?????? 0,3µm pe????? 3.
  • ULPA (Ultra Low Penetration Filters) ?ata??at???
    99,99 s?µat?d??? 0,1-0,2µm.
  • ???f??t?a µe??s? ep?ß????s?? ?????? f??t???.
  • T?µata ??st???.
  • ???s??? ?at? t?? e??at?stas? (e?s?d??
    af??t????st?? a??a).
  • ????t?s? ap?d?s?? ap? ??? a??a.

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • F??t?a ?? pa?????ta? d?a???d??e?s?? ??a a??pt???
    µ????ß?a??? f??t???
  • ???s??? es?te????? s??te???? pe?????? t??
    f??t??? a??µa ?a? se s????? ???as?a. ????e?ta? ?
    a??pt??? µ???????a??sµ??
  • ?ata???t?s? s?µat?d??? µe µ????ß?a?? f??t??
  • ???d???? ? µ????ß?a?? µ????s? ?a p?????eta? ap?
    ta ?d?a ta f??t?a
  • F??t?a e??s??µ??a ??e?t???? (??F filters) ?
    ?????e? UV s??dedeµ??e? µe ta f??t?a
  • S????? ??e???? t?? f??t???

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • S?ed?asµ?? a?????a µe t?? µ??f??
  • ????/?µ?ste?e?/ste?e?
  • ??a??µata/e?a????µata/?a?a?t?µata
  • Ste?e? (???e??/???f???p???µ??a)
  • S?ed?asµ?? a?????a µe d?e??as?e?
  • ?s?pt? pa?a???? vs ?e???? ap?ste???s?
  • ??e??as?a pa?a????? (a??µe???, d?asp???,
    ?µ??e??p???s? ??p)
  • ???s? Isolators ?a? ??e?st?? s?st?µ?t??
  • ???f??a
  • ????? pa?a?????.
  • ?pe?tas?µ?t?ta e??at?stas??.

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ??? d?e??as???
  • ??? p??s?p????
  • ??? ??????
  • ?????t???? e??as?e? - s??t???s? - ?a?a??sµ??
    (CIP)- ap?ste???s? (SIP)
  • ???p??sµ?? ?????? ß????t????
  • ?e?t?????e? ????e? ?a? ep?????????
  • ICH Q7A The facility to be designed to provide
    sufficient space as to perform the operations
    within a proper and organized way. Contamination
    and mix up prevention should be also considered
    as a part of the facility design.

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ???s? ? (critical area)
  • ??e???ß??? ?a? ??st?ß??? tµ?µa e?a??st?p???s?
    ??tas?? sta µ?t?a t?? d??at??
  • ??a??st?p???s? ap?stas?? s?µe??? d?e?pe?a??s??
    ???s?µ?? stad??? ap? HEPA
  • ???t?st? ??? a??a ta?e?a ap??at?stas?
    d?ata?a?µ???? s???????
  • ??a??st?p???s? apa?t??µe??? p??s?p????

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ?et?f?as? t?? a?a????. ???d?a??af?? ??a t??
    ?????? t?? apa?t??µe??? ???s?? (User Requirement
  • ?pa?t?t??? ????.
  • S??e??as?a µe t??? s?ed?ast?? ?/?a? t???

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ?ata??af? t?? a?a????. ???d?a??af??
    ?e?t???????? s?ed?asµ?? (Functional Design
    Specification FDS) ?a???eta? ap? t?? p??µ??e?t?
    st? f?s? t?? p??sf????. ?a??de??µa ped??? a??
  • 1.0 Introduction. 2.0 Overview
  • 3.0 Operational Requirements
  • 3.1 Commodities, 3.2 Performance, 3.3 Functions,
    3.4, Power Failure and Recovery, 3.5 Emergency
    Stop, 3.6, Alarms and Warnings, 3.7 Data
    Security, 3.8 Interfaces, 3.9 Supervisory
    Interface, 3.10, Data Collection
  • 4.0 Environment,
  • 4.1 Layout, 4.2 Physical Conditions
  • 5.0 Constraints, Milestones and Timelines
  • 6.0 Compatibility
  • 6.1 Controls, 6.2 Product Contact Parts, 6.3
    Utilities, 6.4 Cleaning, 6.5 Chemical Resistance
  • 7.0 Availability
  • 8.0 Procedural Constraints, Regulatory Compliance
  • 9.0 Maintenance
  • 9.1 Instructions, 9.2 Tools, 9.3 Spare Parts
  • 10.0 Life-Cycle
  • 10.1 Development, 10.2 Testing, 10.3 Delivery,
    10.4 Documentation, 10.5 Support.
  • 11.0 Glossary. 12.0 References. 13.0 Approval

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
S?ed?asµ?? Ste???? ?????
  • ?p?????s? ?ata?????t?ta? s?ed?asµ?? (Design

- ICH Q7A Design Qualification (DQ) documented
verification that the proposed design of the
facilities, equipment, or systems is suitable for
the intended purpose.
  • ?pa?t?t??? ????.
  • S??e??as?a µe t??? s?ed?ast?? ?/?a? t???
  • ? e????? e??a? t?? a?a??t?, a??? ??s?ast???
    e?te?e?ta? ap? t?? p??µ??e?t?.

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
???at?stas? Ste???? ?????
  • ?p?????s? ?ata?????t?ta? e??at?stas?? (Design

- ICH Q7A Installation Qualification (IQ)
documented verification that the equipment or
systems, as installed or modified, comply with
the approved design, the manufacturers
recommendations and/or user requirements.
  • ?p?????s? ?ata?????t?ta? ?e?t?????a?
    (Operational Qualification).

- ICH Q7A Operational Qualification (OQ)
documented verification that the equipment or
systems, as installed or modified, perform as
intended throughout the anticipated operating
  • ?p?????s? ?ata?????t?ta? s???????? ap?d?s??
    (Performance Qualification).

- ICH Q7A Performance Qualification (PQ)
documented verification that the equipment and
ancillary systems, as connected together, can
perform effectively and reproducibly based on the
approved process method and specifications.
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
???at?stas? Ste???? ?????
  • G?at? ??e???eta? ? d?e?pe?a??s? t??
  • ?pa?te?ta? te?µ????µ??? ap?de??? p?? pa???e?
    ????? ßa?µ? d?asf???s?? ?t? ???e d?e??as?a (?a?
    e??at?stas?).... ep?te?e? t? s??p? ??a t?? ?p???
    ??e? s?ed?as?e?.
  • ??????OS? ????G?S??S G????
  • ?ste ?a ap?de????eta? ?t? ???e d?e??as?a
    s?st?µat??? ?a? ad?a?e?pt?? ep?te?e? t? st??? t??
    (ß??s?eta? e?t?? stat?st???? e??????)
  • ?ste ?a ?a???????ta? ?? ???s?µe? pa??µet??? t??
    d?e??as?a?, ta ap?de?t? ???? t??? ?a? ??
    apa?a?t?t?? ??e???? ?at? t? d????e?a t??
  • ?ste ?a ße?t?st?p?????ta? ?? d?e??as?e?

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
???at?stas? Ste???? ?????
  • ?p?????s?.
  • ? ep?????s? apa?te? ?µad??? p??sp??e?a, de?
    µp??e? ?a e??a? ?pe?????t?ta e??? at?µ?? ? e???
  • ?a??????e?a ???µat?? p?? ?a ?p?st????e? t??
    d?ast????t?te? t?? ?p?????s??
  • ?a????st???? apa?t?se??, ?p?st????? ap?
    a?t?st???? tµ?µa.
  • ?f???
  • S?µµ??f?s? µe ?a????sµ??? cGMP (????? ??a?t????
  • ?e??s? ??st??? (? eµpe???a ?a? ? ????? ??????
    ?p?de??????? ?t? µ?a ep?????µ??? d?e??as?a ??e?
    ?a??te?? ap?d?s?, ????te?e? a?a?ate??as?e?,
    a?a???se?? ??p)
  • ????e??? ???f?? ??st??? µ? ep?????µ????

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
???at?stas? Ste???? ?????
  • ?p?????s?.
  • ? ep?????s? ?e???? ap? t? f?s? t?? s?ed?asµ?? t??
    d?e??as?a? ?a? de? e??a? p?t? p????? e?? de? ??e?
    ?e????se? ap? a?t?.
  • ?? tµ?µa ??e??a? ?a? ???pt???? (se s??e??as?a µe
    pa?a???? ?a? ??e??? p???t?ta?) ?a p??pe? ?a e??a?
    se ??s? ?a pa???e?
  • sta?e??? d?e??as?e? (robust processes) µe
    ?p?-d?e??as?e? ep?????µ??e? (s?µas?a ep?????s??
    p???t???? pa?t?d??)
  • ta?t?p???s? ???t???? pa?aµ?t??? d?e??as?a? /
  • p??se?t???? ?a????sµ?? ?????
  • µe??d?? ??a t?? ??e??? ???s?µ?? pa?aµ?t???

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
???at?stas? Ste???? ?????
  • ?p?????s?-s????? eµp?d?a
  • ???e??? p??s?p????, p????, µ??a??µ?t??
  • ?p?????s? de? e??aµß??eta? ap? ????? ?? apa?t?s?
    ? ep?fe??? d?ast????t?ta
  • ??t??eta e??aµß??eta? ??
  • pa??µßas? st? ???? t?? pa?a?????
  • ?s??p? ?ata????s? ??????, p???? (?a? ??????
  • eµp?d?? ??a p?? pa?a??????? d?ast????t?te?

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
???at?stas? Ste???? ?????
  • ?p?????s? - s?µµet????te?.
  • ?µ?da ap?te???µe?? ap?
  • ??????s?
  • ?µ?µa pa?a?????, e?????? p???t?ta?, ??e??a? ?a?
  • ?e??????, µ??a?????
  • ?µ?µa d?asf???s?? p???t?ta?
  • ?µ?µa ?a????st???? ?p???se?? (regulatory affairs)
  • ???µ??e?t??
  • ??? pe??ss?te??? ? ????te??? ap? ?s???
    apa?t???ta? (4-5 ?t?µa s???st?µe??? a???µ??).
  • ???s??? ? ep?????s? de? ap?te?e? at?µ???

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
???at?stas? Ste???? ?????
  • ?p?????s? ???s?µ?? ?a???e?.
  1. ??? t? pa???ete p??s?p???.
  2. ???a??ste t?? p??sp??e?a ?a? t???ste t?
  3. ?p????te s?st? t?? p??te?a??t?te? (p??e? e??a? ??
    ???s?µe? pa??µet??? t?? d?e??as?a?)
  4. ??pa?de?ste ????? t??? eµp?e??µe????.
  5. ?a e??µe???este s???? ??a t?? e?e???e??.
  6. ?? ?????p??-??e?d?? s?????? de? ?ata????? t??
    a?a??a??t?ta t?? ep?????s??.
  7. ? ep?????s? a???p?st?a? e??a? µ?a d?e??as?a ap?
    µ??? t??, ??? ??a ?e?????.
  8. ? ep?????s? ?a?a??sµ?? de? ?e???? p?t? a??et?
  9. ? ep?????s? µp??e? ?a ?????????e? ep?t???? µ???
    ef?s?? ? d?e??as?a ??e? ???ste? p????? ?a? saf??.
    ? ep?????s? ?a? ? ße?t?st?p???s? de? µp????? ?a
    ?????? ta?t?????a st?? ?d?a d?e??as?a, st? ?d??
    µ?????µa, t?? ?d?a st??µ?.
  10. ?p?????ste ???e d?ast????t?ta, tµ?µa e??p??sµ?? ?
    ß?µa d?e??as?a? ??e? ep?pt?s? st?? ?a?a??t?ta,
    p???t?ta, asf??e?a, ap?te?esµat???t?ta t??

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
???at?stas? Ste???? ?????
  • ?p?????s? Teµe???d? ?a?a?t???st???.
  • 3 D (Defined, Demonstrated, Documented)
  • Defined (saf?? ???sµ???) ???a? ?d?a?te?a
    s?µa?t??? ?a ?????µe t? ep????????µe ?a? ??at?.
    ??t? apa?te? ?a ???s??µe saf?? t? a?t??e?µe?? t??
    ?p?????s??, ??t? p?? de? e??a? e????? ap? t??
  • Demonstrated (ap?dede??µ???) ?p?????s? s?µa??e?
    ap?de??? (ap??? ??e???? de? a??e?).
  • Documented (te?µ????µ???) ?? ??apt?? ap?de??e??
    t?? ep?????s?? e??a? ?,t? ?a µe??e? te???? ?a
    p??pe? ?a e??a? ???a??µ??e?, p???e??, ??t?? ?a?
    pe??e?t????, ?ste ?a µ? d?µ???????? a??s?d?t??

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
???at?stas? Ste???? ?????
  • ?p?????s? Teµe???d? ?a?a?t???st???.
  • ?a? ??a ? (?????aµµat?sµ???!)
  • Validation Master Plan
  • Calibration Plan
  • Equipment, room utilities qualification plan
  • Computer systems Validation
  • ?t?s?a a?as??p?s? s?st?µat??

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
???at?stas? Ste???? ?????
  • ?p?????s? Teµe???d? ?a?a?t???st???.

Master Plan or Outline of a Process Validation Program Master Plan or Outline of a Process Validation Program
Objective Proving or demonstrating that the process works
Type of validation Prospective, concurrent, retrospective, revalidation
Type of process Chemical, pharmaceutical, automation, cleaning
Definition of process Flow diagram, equipment/components, in-process, finished product
Definition of process output Potency, yield, physical parameters
Definition of test methods Method, instrumentation, calibration, traceability, precision, accuracy
Analysis of process Critical modules and variables defined by process capability design and testing program
Control limits of critical variables Defined by SPC and process capability design and testing program
Preparation of validation protocol Facilities, equipment, process, number of validation trials, sampling frequency, size, type, tests to perform, methods used, criteria for success
Organizing for validation Responsibility and authority
Planning validation trials Timetable and PERT charting, material availability, and disposal
Validation trials Supervision, administration, documentation
Validation finding Data summary, analysis, and conclusions
Final report and recommendations Process validated, further trials, more process design, and testing
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
???at?stas? Ste???? ?????
  • ?p?????s? ???t?????a.
  • G?apt?, e??e???µ??? ?e?µe?? ??a t? s?ed?asµ? t??
    ep?????s??, p?? a?a?e??e?ta? pe???d???
  • t? ?d?? t? pe??aµat??? s??d??, s?st?se??
  • ?s? p?? ap?? ???eta?
  • ??? a?a??t??? ?? µ???d?? e??????, d?a???µµata,
    s??µata de??µat?????a?, a??? pa?ap?µp? se a?t?
  • ???s?µe? pa??µet??? d?e??as?a?
  • ?e???? apa?te?ta? ep?????s? ??a ?t? e??a? ???s?µ?
    ??a t?? p???t?ta, ?a?a??t?ta, ta?t?t?ta,
    pe??e?t???t?ta t?? fa?µa?e?t???? µ??f??
  • ?ata???s? t?? d?e??as?a?, pe??aµat??? ded?µ??a
    (p.?. DOE)
  • ?p?de?t? ???a (????? ?aµ???)
  • ????µ?? pa?t?d?? p?? ?a e?e?????? (3 t??????st??)

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
???at?stas? Ste???? ?????
  • ????µas?e? ?a? ??e???? se ste??? ????.
  • Airflow uniformity test
  • Temperature control test
  • Humidity control test
  • Pressurization control test
  • HEPA filter Leak test (DOP test)
  • Airborne particles count test
  • Enclosure induction leak test
  • Airflow pattern test
  • Particle dispersion test
  • Recovery test
  • Airborne microbial sampling
  • Surface sampling

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
??de??t??? ??ß?????af?a
White W., Cleanroom Technology Fundamentals of
Design, Testing and Operation, John Wiley and
Sons, 2001. Niazi S.K. Handbook of Pharmaceutical
Manufacturing Formulations, Volume 6, Sterile
Products, CRC Press, 2004 Zhang C. Fundamentals
of Environmental sampling and analysis, John
Wiley and Sons, 2007. Mc Dowall R. Fundamentals
of HVAC systems, Elsevier, 2006. Sugarman S.,
HVAC Fundamentals, Taylor Francis, 2005. Willig
S.H., Good Manufacturing Practices for
Pharmaceuticals , 5th edition, Marcell Dekker
Inc, 2001. Signore A.A., Jacobs T., Good Design
Practices for GMP Pharmaceutical Facilities,
Taylor Francis, 2005. WHO, Quality assurance of
Pharmaceuticals, a compendium of guidelines and
related materials vol 2, 2nd edition, WHO
Library, 2007. Denyer S.P., Baird, R.M.,
Microbiological Control in Pharmaceuticals and
Medical Devices, 2nd Edition, Taylor Francis,
2007. Hickey A.J., Ganderton D., Pharmaceutical
Process Engineering, Marcel Dekker, 2001. Michael
Levin Pharmaceutical Process Scale-Up. Marcel
Dekker, 2001. Nash R.A., Wachter A.H.,
Pharmaceutical Process Validation An
International 3rd Edition, Revised and Expanded.
Marcel Dekker, 2003. Jornitz M.W., Meltzer T.H.
Sterile Filtration A Practical Approach, Marcel
Dekker, 2001. EC, EudraLex Volume 4, EU
Guidelines to Good Manufacturing Practice
Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use,
Annex 1, Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal
Products (corrected version), 2008. FDA,
Guidance for Industry Sterile Drug Products
Produced by Aseptic Processing - Current Good
Manufacturing Practice, 2004. ICH Q7A, Good
Manufacturing Practice Guide For Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredients, 2000. Sutton S.
Qualification of an Environmental Monitoring
Program, Microbiology Topics, Journal of
Validation Technology, vol. 16, 2, 2010. WHO,
Environmental Monitoring of Clean Rooms in
Vaccine Manufacturing Facilities, Draft Document,
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
??t? ep??????
  • ??s? s???? ??e???eta? ??a ?a µpe? ??a t?ap???
    se ??a ste??? ?????

?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
Sa? e??a??st? ??a t?? p??s??? sa?!!!
Sta???? ????t?? MSc, PhD ?µ?µa Fa?µa?e?t????
???? spolitis_at_pharm.uoa.gr
?.?.F.?.?. - 5? ??????FO???? S????????, ???t?
????, 21-23 Septeµß???? 2012
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