Title: An Introduction to Data Warehousing
1An Introduction to Data Warehousing
2Business Intelligence
- Now,if the Estimates made before a Battle
indicate Victory,it is because careful
calculations show that your conditions are more
favorable than those of your enemyif they
indicate defeat ,it is because careful
calculations show that the favorable conditions
for a Battle are fewer.With more careful
calculations one can win with less one cannot.
How much chance of Victory has one who makes no
calculations at all !! - --- Sun Tzu ,
The Art of War - Business these days are ,war minus shooting.
3Course Roadmap
- Introduction to Datawarehousing
- Difference between Operational System and
DataWarehouse - Emergence of Decision Support Systems
- DataWarehouse Theoretical Architecture
- DataWarehouse Technical Architecture
- DataWarehouse Bus Architecture
- Data Modelling concepts
- E-R Modelling for OLTP System
- Dimensional Modelling for a Datawarehouse
- Scheme generation for Datawarehouse
- Star Scheme Design
- Snowflake Scheme Design
- Key aspects in designing the Dimensional Model
- Granularity with respect to the Fact Table in
the Schemas - Conformed Facts,Dimensions
4Course Roadmap
- Fact less Fact Tables,Aggregate Fact Tables
- Out Trigger Entities in the Schemas
- Types of Relationships to be maintained between
Facts - and Dimensions
- Dependencies while generating Physical Scheme
for - a DataWarehouse
- Case Study of design of DataWarehouse for an
existing - ERmodel
- At the end of this session, you will know
- What is Data Warehousing
- The evolution of Data Warehousing
- Need for Data Warehousing
- OLTP Vs Warehouse Applications
- Data marts Vs Data Warehouses
- Operational Data Stores
- Overview of Warehouse Architecture
- At the end of this lesson, you will know
- Data Warehouse Architectures
- Components of Data Warehousing Architecture
- An overview of each of the components
- Considerations for Data Warehouse Design
- Common mistakes in Warehouse designs
- An overview of Warehouse on the web
7- What is a DataWarehouse ?
8What is a Data Warehouse ?
- A data warehouse is a subject-oriented,
integrated, nonvolatile, time-variant collection
of data in support of management's decisions. - - WH Inmon
WH Inmon - Regarded As Father Of Data Warehousing
9Subject-Oriented- Characteristics of a Data
Data Warehouse
Focus is on Subject Areas rather than Applications
10Integrated - Characteristics of a Data Warehouse
Appl A - m,f Appl B - 1,0 Appl C - male,female
Appl A - balance dec fixed (13,2) Appl B -
balance pic 9(9)V99 Appl C - balance pic S9(7)V99
balance dec fixed (13,2)
Appl A - bal-on-hand Appl B - current-balance Appl
C - cash-on-hand
Current balance
Appl A - date (julian) Appl B - date
(yymmdd) Appl C - date (absolute)
date (julian)
Integrated View Is The Essence Of A Data Warehouse
11Non-volatile - Characteristics of a Data Warehouse
read only access
Data Warehouse Is Relatively Static In Nature
12Time Variant - Characteristics of a Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse
- Current Value data
- time horizon 60-90 days
- Snapshot data
- time horizon 5-10 years
- data warehouse stores historical data
Data Warehouse Typically Spans Across Time
13Alternate Definitions
- A collection of integrated, subject oriented
databases designed to support the DSS function,
where each unit of data is relevant to some
moment of time - - Imhoff
14Alternate Definitions
- Data Warehouse is a repository of data summarized
or aggregated in simplified form from
operational systems. End user orientated data
access and reporting tools let user get at the
data for decision support - Babcock
15Evolution of Data Warehousing
1960 - 1985 MIS Era
- Unfriendly
- Slow
- Dependent on IS programmers
- Inflexible
- Analysis limited to defined reports
Focus on Reporting
16Evolution of Data Warehousing
1985 - 1990 Querying Era
Queries that are formulated by the user on the
spur of the moment
- Adhoc, unstructured access to corporate data
- SQL as interface not scalable
- Cannot handle complex analysis
Focus on Online Querying
17Evolution of Data Warehousing
1990 - 20xx Analysis Era
- Trend Analysis
- What If ?
- Cross Dimensional Comparisons
- Statistical profiles
- Automated pattern and rule discovery
Focus on Online Analysis
18Need for Data Warehousing
- Better business intelligence for end-users
- Reduction in time to locate, access, and analyze
information - Consolidation of disparate information sources
- Strategic advantage over competitors
- Faster time-to-market for products and services
- Replacement of older, less-responsive decision
support systems - Reduction in demand on IS to generate reports
19Business Queries
Typical Business Queries
- Which product generated maximum revenue over last
two quarters in a chosen geographical region,
city wise, relative to the previous version of
product, compared with the plan - What percent of customer procures product A with
B in a chosen region, broken down by city,
season, and income group
20OLTP Systems Vs Data Warehouse
Remember Between OLTP and Data Warehouse systems
users are different
data content is different,
data structures are different
hardware is different
Understanding The Differences Is The Key
21OLTP Vs Warehouse
22OLTP Vs Warehouse
23OLTP Vs Warehouse
24Capacity Planning
Processing Power
Time of day
Processing Load Peaks During the Beginning and
End of Day
25Examples Of Some Applications
- Target Marketing
- Market Segmentation
- Budgeting
- Credit Rating Agencies
- Financial Reporting and Consolidation
- Market Basket Analysis - POS Analysis
- Fraud Management
- Profitability Management
- Event tracking
26Do we need a separate database ?
- OLTP and data warehousing require two very
differently configured systems - Isolation of Production System from Business
Intelligence System - Significant and highly variable resource demands
of the data warehouse - Cost of disk space no longer a concern
- Production systems not designed for query
27Data Marts
- Enterprise wide data warehousing projects have a
very large cycle time - Getting consensus between multiple parties may
also be difficult - Departments may not be satisfied with priority
accorded to them - Sometimes individual departmental needs may be
strong enough to warrant a local implementation - Application/database distribution is also an
important factor
28Data Marts
- Subject or Application Oriented Business View of
Warehouse - Finance, Manufacturing, Sales etc.
- Smaller amount of data used for Analytic
Processing - Address a single business process
A Logical Subset of The Complete Data Warehouse
29Data Warehouse and Data Mart
30Data Warehouse and Data Mart
31Warehouse or Mart First ?
32Different kinds of Information Needs
- Current
- Recent
- Historical
Is this medicine available in stock What are
the tests this patient has completed so far Has
the incidence of Tuberculosis increased in last 5
years in Southern region
Data Warehouse
33Operational Data Store - Definition
Can I see credit report from Accounts, Sales from
marketing and open order report from order entry
for this customer
Data from multiple sources is integrated for a
- A subject oriented, integrated,
- volatile, current valued data store containing
only corporate - detailed data
Data stored only for current period. Old Data is
either archived or moved to Data Warehouse
Identical queries may give different results at
different times. Supports analysis requiring
current data
34Operational Data Store
- Increasingly becoming integrated with the data
warehouse - Are nothing but more responsive real time data
warehouses - Data Mining has anyway forced Data Warehouses to
store transactional level data
38Typical Data Warehouse Architecture
Multi-tiered Data Warehouse without ODS
39Typical Data Warehouse Architecture
Multi-tiered Data Warehouse with ODS
40Benefits of DWH
These capabilities empower the corporate...
- To formulate effective business, marketing
- and sales strategies.
- To precisely target promotional activity.
- To discover and penetrate new markets.
- To successfully compete in the marketplace
- from a position of informed strength.
- To build predictive rather than retrospective
41Warehouse Architecture - 1
Query Tools
Select Extract Transform Integrate Maintain
Data Warehouse
Web Browsers
Operational Systems/Data
Middleware/ API
Data Mining
Data Preparation
Enterprise Data Warehouse
42Warehouse Architecture - 2
Single Department Data Mart
43Warehouse Architecture - 3
Data Marts
Query Tools
Select Extract Transform Integrate Maintain
Data Warehouse
Web Browsers
Operational Systems/Data
Middleware/ API
Operational Data Store
Data Mining
Data Preparation
Multi-tiered Data Warehouse
44Data Warehouse Architectures
- There are three schools of thought about DW
architectures - One supports Dimensional Modeling all through
(Ralph Kimball) - Second supports ER for Data Warehouse and Star
Schemas for Data Marts - Third supports ER model for DW (NCR)
45Kimballs View
Multiple Data Marts With Conformed Dimensions
46Inmons View
Data Warehouse (ER) Feeding Multiple Data Marts
(Star Schema)
47Components of a Data Warehouse Architecture
- Source Databases
- Data extraction/transformation/load (ETL) tool
- Data warehouse maintenance and administration
tools - Data modeling tool or interface to external data
models - Warehouse databases
- End-user data access and analysis tools
48Components of a Data Warehouse Architecture
Data Warehouse Is Not Just About Data... But
Tools Too
49Source Databases - Characteristics
- Legacy, relational, text or external sources
- Designed for high-speed transaction processing
- Real-time, current, volatile data
- Fast response for larger numbers of concurrent
users - Many short transactions
- Update-intensive modifications by row
- Inquiry-oriented access by keys
- High integrity, security, recoverability
- Source data is often inconsistent and poorly
50Data Cleaning Tools
- To clean data at the source
- Clean up source data in-place on the host
- Business rule discovery tools which analyse the
source data and write cleaning rules based on
lexical analysis and AI techniques - Poorly integrated with data warehousing tools
- ETL tools have limited yet adequate data
cleansing functionality