Title: Organized Chaos:
1Freshmen OrientationMeets Information Management
Presented by Kerrie Fergen Wilkes Reference and
Instruction Librarian SUNY College At
Fredonia SUNY General Education Conference
2- Information Literacy A New York State
initiative. - Provosts Advisory Council for General Education
Programs. - 10 different learning outcomes and 2 competencies
- Information Management is now a competency
requirement. - Students will
- 1. Perform basic operations of personal
computer use - 2. Understand and use basic research techniques
- 3. Locate, evaluate, and synthesize information
from a variety of sources.
3Heading the Committee
- Fall 2001 I am naïve.
- The original committee had dissolved.
- The Information Management component was on our
first-year cycle. Results were needed to report
at the beginning of the Spring 2003 semester. - Spring 2002The committee now had new leadership.
- Other members had been involved with assessment
previously. - I understood the importance of Information
4Daniel A. Reed Librarys Philosophy of Library
- Our philosophy is based on the Association of
College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Information
Literacy Competency Standards for Higher
Education. - Our philosophy is employed to ensure that the
students at SUNY Fredonia gain the skills
necessary to create a sophisticated search
strategy, determine if they have chosen the
appropriate databases, and learn to retrieve
scholarly articles published in peer-reviewed or
refereed journals.
5ACRLs Information Literacy Competency Standards
For Higher Education
Standard One The Information Literate student determines the nature and extent of the information needed.
Standard Two The information literate student accesses needed information effectively and efficiently.
Standard Three The information literate student evaluates information and its sources critically and incorporates selected information into his or her knowledge base.
6Outline for evaluating the content of
Information Management for any given applicable
CCC course
- Identify Sources
- Evaluate Sources
- Search Sources
- Refine the Search
- Organize and store information
- Format the Information
- Analyze the Information
- Disseminate the Information
- What is the most effective way to assess all of
these components for all CCC courses?
7Approaching the Assessment of Information
- Assess outside of a particular discipline.
- Skills are across the curriculum
- What do we want to know and who do we assess?
- What skills do students come to Fredonia with
- How do Core courses affect their Information
Management Skills - Pre/Post test
- Freshmen at orientation v. Second Semester
8Creating the Assessment Tool
- Searched for examples from other colleges. Most
assessment tools came from Libraries. - Consulted
- Cal Poly Pomona University Library Information
Competency Assessment test - Lesley University Evaluating Web Sites
- Weber State University. Stewart Library
Information Literacy Competencies and sample
exam questions - ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards
for Higher Education
9Composing the Assessment Tool
- Individual work v. Multiple Choice
- Who would score? What format?
- Op-Scan, SPSS
- The breakdown of the 8 components were used as a
skeleton. - Each question correlated with one of the eight
components, which are a sub-set of the 3
information management components.
10Composing Continued
11The Assessment Instrument is Born
12General Idea of the Assessment Tool
- 32 multiple-choice questions.
- 12 questions do not require the use of the
computer. - The remaining questions focused on
- Online Catalog
- Wilson OmniFile (Online Database)
- Evaluating two websites
13Basic Computer Skills Question Example
- Using the tools available through Wilson
OmniFile, please e-mail this citation to the
following address reedref_at_fredonia.edu - Please put your first name and last name in the
subject area that is provided.
14Basic Research Question Example
Please use the following citation to answer
questions 11 12. Weinoldt, Kirsten. 1968
For Ever. Brazzil 10 (1998) 14. 11. What is
the volume number in the above citation? A.
14 B. 1998 C. 10 D. 1968 12. What is the
journal title in the above citation? A. 1968
For Ever B. Brazzil C. Weinoldt D. Unable
to be determined
15Online Navigation and Interpretation Question
After viewing both pages relating to Mankato,
Minnesota, which would you use when planning a
trip to the city?
- A. Mankato, Minnesota Home Page
- http//lme.mankato.msus.edu/mankato/mankato.html
- City of Mankato, Minnesota
- http//www.ci.mankato.mn.us/
16The Three Components
- Basic Computer Skills
- Using Drop-Down menus
- E-mail an article from a database
- Basic Research Skills
- Boolean Phrasing
- Identify citation styles and content
- Navigate an Online Catalog
- Locating, Evaluating and Synthesizing Information
- Navigate and interpret results from a database
- Navigate two web sites and evaluate their content
- Locate an online article and evaluate its content
17Early Challenges
- Human Subjects
- Online Certification
- IRB Proposal
- NO MINORS A Waiver is needed
18Let the Collaboration Begin
- The Sample Test
- The Head Of Circulation
- 9 Work Study Students
- 18 year old friend of the family
19Intense Planning
- Large pool at our disposal.
- Test all incoming Freshmen
- Transfer? Drop-outs? Not available for
post-test? - Collaboration
20Freshmen Orientation
- Four Sessions
- Each Session is two days
- First Day
- 800 a.m arrival
- All students are in the same sessions all day
- Second Day
- 800 a.m, again
- Sessions are in rotation
- Where Will Assessment Fit Into this full
21Academic Advising
- Contacted the Associate Dean, and Director of
Academic Advising - A lot of negotiating
- We are given times during the second day
- 430-530600 dinnertesting is 40 minutesrule
of thumb. - This makes things more challengingall of the
students will be tested concurrently.
22Really, It will be fun.
Help! Fredonia Needs You! What should college
students know About Information Management? By
Soliciting your opinion through computer and
online database searching, youll help us develop
a better College Core Curriculum. So get That
mouse finger ready and thanks for teaching us
about you.
23Academic Information Technology
- Director of Academic Information Technology
- Jumping ahead of the game.
- Identify rooms that will workcant interfere
with Registrar. - All over campus.proctors are needed for each
room (the Library needs two) - Available computers 25, 30, 25, 38, 18, 21
24Director of Campus Life
- Organizes the training of Orientation
- Removal of 18 year oldscolored dots
- Training session for Assessment.
- Assure students that this in no way impacts their
status at Fredonia. - Make sure to take students to the correct areas.
- No explanation of the test to the students
- Stay with the group until the end.
25Coordinator of Disability Services
- Visually Impaired Student at the first session
- Assessment test needs reformatting
- Zoomtext Extra
- Assists student with software
- Test scored by hand, then transferred to Op-Scan
- Summer
- 9 month appointment
- 2 faculty members
- Librarians (we are 12 month)
- Graduate students
27Training Instructors
- Materials are coming in boxes
- Be early to organize rooms
- Read the directions to students
- Students must stay for length
- No helping or further explanation
- Watch for Instant Messaging.
- Room Assignments
28Organization Galore
29More Challenges
- No air conditioning
- Orientation Groups are lateproctors leave
- Make sure rooms are open
- Reed Library closes at 400
- Too many students sent to one location
- Computer breakdowns.
- No cell phones/phones dont work
- Wilson Omnifile doesnt cooperate.
- E-mail downloaded and printed
- Test scored in an SPSS file
- Interpreted by Psychology Faculty
- Wrote up pre-test results
31Pre-test Data
- On the average, student performed as follows
(from Highest to Lowest) - Basic Research
- Locating, Evaluating and Synthesizing Information
- Basic Operations of a Computer
32Next steps
- Only preliminary datano recommendations at this
time. - Post-test next semester
- The committee has begun to discuss recruitment.
- Looking for 20-25 post-test with incentives.
- Looking forward to working with the same
departments to create a successful post-test
- Kerrie Fergen Wilkes, MLS
- Senior Assistant Librarian
- Reference and Bibliographic Instruction
- SUNY College at Fredonia
- 716-673-3199
- Kerrie.Wilkes_at_fredonia.edu
- ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards
for Higher Education - http//www.ala.org/acrl/ilstandardlo.html
- Cal Poly Pomona University Library
- http//www.csupomona.edu/library/InfoComp/instrum
ent.htm - Lesley University Evaluating Web Sites
- http//www.lesley.edu/library/guides/research/eval
uating_web.html - State University of New York Assessment
Initiative Report of the Provosts Advisory Task
Force on the Assessment of Student Learning
Outcomes - http//www.cortland.edu/gear/supportdocs.html
- Weber State University, Stewart Library
Information Literacy Competencies - http//library.weber.edu/il/infolit/infolitcomp/de
fault.cfm -