Title: Athlete Leadership Programs
1Athlete Leadership Programs Governance Workshop
Date Location Trainer
2Objectives of Workshop
- Develop confidence
- Learn to express opinions
- Listen to other ideas
- Learn to work in a group to solve a problem
- Find out what athletes think is important
- Purpose To learn how to discuss problems and
come up with solutions that will be best for
Special Olympics
- Name
- Where are you from?
- How long have you been involved in Special
Olympics? - Question
- If you could be any animal, what would you be?
4Athlete Leadership Programs
5Athlete Leadership Programs
- Athlete Leaders (including ALPs) Definition
- An Athlete or Participant who serves in at least
one Athlete Leadership role listed below -
- Athlete Leadership Examples
- Athletes as Volunteers (games or events)
- Athletes as Coaches or Assistant Coaches
- Athletes as Sport Officials
- Athletes as Public Speakers (Global Messengers)
- Athletes on Boards, Committees or Input Councils
- Athletes assisting with Fund Raising
- Athletes assisting with technology or other
office work - Athletes serving as peer mentors or team captains
- Athletes attending regional or national meeting
about ID
6The Mission of Special Olympics
7The Mission of Special Olympics
- The mission of Special Olympics is to
- provide year-round sports training and
- athletic competition in a variety of
- Olympic-type sports for children and
- adults with intellectual disabilities, giving
them continuing opportunities to develop physical
fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and
participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and
friendship with their families, other Special
Olympics athletes and the community.
8The Mission of Special Olympics
9The Mission of Special Olympics
Sports training
10The Mission of Special Olympics
Athletic competition
11The Mission of Special Olympics
Olympic-type sports
12The Mission of Special Olympics
Children and adults (eight years old or older)
13The Mission of Special Olympics
with intellectual disabilities
14The Mission of Special Olympics
15The Mission of Special Olympics
16The Mission of Special Olympics
17The Mission of Special Olympics
Share gifts, skills
And friendship
With their families
18The Mission of Special OlympicsVOTING
Physical fitness
Intellectual Disabilities
Sports Training
19The Mission of Special Olympics
- The mission of Special Olympics is to
- provide year-round sports training and
- athletic competition in a variety of
- Olympic-type sports for children and
- adults with intellectual disabilities, giving
them continuing opportunities to develop physical
fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and
participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and
friendship with their families, other Special
Olympics athletes and the community.
20What makes Special Olympics Unique?
21What makes Special Olympics Unique?
- No charge to athletes
- Awards for all
- Advancement to higher levels of competition
- All ability levels
- Divisioning
- All abilities can participate in sports,
- can achieve, have value
22Unique Divisioning
23Your Role as a Representative
- Question What is your most important role as a
- representative of Special Olympics?
- Educate/Promote in an articulate, knowledgeable,
convincing manner - Know the facts about Special Olympics
24On the Tip of your Tongue
- Key Elements of the Philosophy
- All abilities can participate in sports, can
achieve and do have value - Selling Points/the Brand
- Special Olympics changes lives
- Special Olympics inspires all
- Special Olympics creates heroes
- Special Olympics celebrates differences
- The Mission of Special Olympics
25Special Olympics Facts
- For people with intellectual disabilities
- For athletes 8 years and older (Young Athletes
Program for ages 2-7) - Worldwide Programs in over 180 countries
- Offers 30 official sports
- Year-round
- Sports training AND competition opportunities
- Team AND individual sports
26Roles Responsibilities
- Athletes
- Mentors
- A mentor is a person who provides support,
counsel, friendship, reinforcement, and
constructive example
27Show Your Color
28Discovering Leaders
29Discovering Leaders
- What does a leader do?
- Who are good leaders?
- Why are they good leaders?
30Name Your Team
31What is a
- Board of Directors
- What do they do?
32What is a
- Committee?
- What do they do?
33What is the role of
- Special Olympics staff?
- What do they do?
34Special Olympics Program
- How do the Board of Directors, committees and
staff work together?
35Committee Work - 1
- Brainstorming
- You are each on the Area Committee of a new
Program with 100 athletes in a wide geographical
area. - If you had all the money you needed, what sports
would you offer to make it a great program?
36Committee Work - 2
- Brainstorming
- You are each on the Area Committee of a new
Program with 100 athletes in a wide geographical
area. - If you had all the money you needed, what would
you do to give them the best Program possible? - What decisions did you make?
37Committee Work - 3
- There has been a huge shortfall in revenue, and
the budget has been cut in half. - Your committee must now decide how to cut half of
their plans.
38The Wedding
What do you REALLY need?
39Committee Work - 4
- Plans are submitted to the Board for review AND
further cuts
40Committee Work
- Board / Committee Work
- The Board explains their decisions
41Athlete Input Councils
42After the workshop, you can
- Serve on a committee
- Serve on the Board of Directors
- Participate in an Input Council
- Volunteer
- Think about what you want to do
- What is one thing you learned
- from this workshop?
- What will you do when you go home?
44Athlete Leadership Programs