Chapter 7 Probability Distributions, Information about the Future - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 7 Probability Distributions, Information about the Future


Probability Distributions, Information about the ... for Time The majority of Poisson applications are related to the number of ... Distribution Functions (p.d.f ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 7 Probability Distributions, Information about the Future

Chapter 7Probability Distributions,
Information about the Future
  • Random Processes

Random Variable
  • A random variable is the numerical outcome of a
    random (non-deterministic) process.
  • Intuitively, any numerically measured variable
    that possesses an uncertain outcome is a random

Probability Distribution
  • A probability distribution is a model which
    describes a specific kind of random process.
  • Specifically, a probability distribution connects
    a probability to each value the random variable
    can assume.

Probability Models
  • Probability models are excellent descriptors of
    random processes.
  • The following is a probability distribution (a
    model) for the outcome of a coin toss.

  • Types of Random Variables

Quantitative Random Variables
  • Quantitative random variables are divided into
    two classes.
  • ) Discrete
  • ) Continuous

Discrete Random Variables
  • A discrete random variable is a random variable
    which has a countable number of possible
  • The values that many discrete random variables
    assume are the counting numbers from 0 to N,
    where N depends upon the nature of the variable.
  • Example The number of pages in a standard math
    textbook is a discrete random variable.

Continuous Random Variables
  • A continuous random variable is a random variable
    that can assume any value on a continuous
    segment(s) of the real number line.
  • Heights, weights, volumes, and time measurements
    are usually measured on a continuous scale.
  • These measurements can take on any value in some

Discrete or Continuous?
  • Classify the following as either a discrete
    random variable or a continuous random variable.
  • 1. the speed of a train
  • 2. the possible scores on the SAT exam
  • 3. the number of pizzas eaten on a college
    campus each day
  • 4. the daily takeoffs at Chicagos OHare
  • 5. the highest temperatures in Maine and Florida

  • 1. the speed of a train
  • continuous random variable
  • 2. the possible scores on the SAT exam
  • discrete random variable
  • 3. the number of pizzas eaten on a college
    campus each day
  • discrete random variable
  • 4. the daily takeoffs at Chicagos OHare
  • discrete random variable
  • 5. the highest temperatures in Maine and Florida
  • continuous random variable

Naming Convention
  • Capital letters, such as X, will be used to refer
    to the random variable.
  • example
  • X number of cows in Texas
  • Small letters, such as x, will refer to a
    specific value of the random variable.
  • example
  • x 1,498,000 cows in Texas
  • Often the specific values will be subscripted x1,
    x2, ..., xn.

Describing a Discrete Random Variable
  • State (Describe) the variable.
  • List all of the possible values of the variable.
  • Determine the probabilities of these values.

Example 1 (die tossing)
  • Random Phenomenon Toss a die and observe the
    outcome of the toss.
  • X ?
  • What are the possible values of X?
  • What are the probabilities of each value?

Example 1 - Solution
  • Identify the Random Variable X
    outcome of toss of die
  • All possible Values Integers between 1 and 6.
    In this instance x1 1, x2 2, ..., x6 6.
  • Probability Distribution The outcomes of the
    toss of a die and their probabilities are given
    in the table. The probabilities are
    deduced using the classical method and the
    assumption of a fair die.

Example 2
  • Random Phenomenon The head nurse of the
    pediatric division of the Sisters of Mercy
    Hospital is trying to determine the capacity
    requirement for the nursery. She realizes that
    the number of babies born at the hospital each
    day is a random variable. And, she will have to
    develop a description of the randomness in order
    to develop her plan.
  • X ?
  • What are the possible values of X?
  • What are the probabilities of each value?
  • Not all discrete random variables have easily
    definable probability distributions.

Example 2 - Solution
  • Identify the Random Variable X
    of babies born at hospital each day
  • Range of All possible Values Integers between 0
    and some large positive number.
  • Probability Distribution Unknown, but could be
    estimated using the relative frequency idea in
    conjunction with historical data on hospital

  • Discrete Probability Distributions

Discrete Probability Distributions
  • The random variable concept is so general, that
    it is not very useful by itself.
  • What would be useful is to determine what
    numerical values the random variable could assume
    and assess the probabilities of each of these

Discrete Probability Distributions
  • A discrete probability distribution consists of
    (a list of) all possible values of the random
    variable with their associated probabilities.
  • The association of the possible values of a
    random variable with their respective
    probabilities can be expressed in three different
    forms in a table, in a graph, and in an

  • Discrete probability distributions always have
    two characteristics
  • 1. The sum of all of the probabilities must
    equal 1.
  • The probability of any value must be between 0
    and 1, inclusively.
  • Relative frequencies also share these properties

Example 3 (Daily Sales)
  • K. J. Johnson is a computer salesperson. During
    the last year he has kept records on his computer
    sales. He recognizes that his daily sales
    constitute a random process and wishes to
    determine the probability distribution for daily
  • The random variable is X number of computers
    sold each day.

Example 3 - Solution
  • The probabilities for this random variable are
    computed in the table based upon 200 days of
    sales data obtained from Mr. Johnsons records
    using the relative frequency concept.

The probability that Mr. Johnson will sell at
least 2 computers each day is calculated as
follows P(X 2) P(X2) P(X3) P(X4)
.3 .2 .2 .7. The probability that Mr.
Johnson will sell at most 2 computers each day is
calculated as follows P(X 2) P(X0)
P(X1) P(X2) .2 .1 .3 .6.
Example 4, Is this a prob. Distn?
  • Tell whether or not the following distribution is
    a probability distribution.
  • If the distribution is not a probability
    distribution, give the characteristic which is
    not satisfied by the distribution.

Example 4 - Solution
  • Yes. All probabilities are between 0 and 1, and
    the sum of the probabilities is 1.

Example 5 , Is this a prob. Distn?
  • Tell whether or not the following distribution is
    a probability distribution.
  • If the distribution is not a probability
    distribution, give the characteristic which is
    not satisfied by the distribution.

Example 5 - Solution
  • No. The sum of the probabilities is greater than

Example 6, Is this a prob. Distn?
  • Tell whether or not the following distribution is
    a probability distribution.
  • If the distribution is not a probability
    distribution, give the characteristic which is
    not satisfied by the distribution.

Example 6 - Solution
  • No. You can't have negative probabilities.

Example 7, Is this a prob. Distn?
  • Tell whether or not the following distribution is
    a probability distribution.
  • P(Xx) , for x 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • If the distribution is not a probability
    distribution, give the characteristic which is
    not satisfied by the distribution.

Example 7 - Solution
  • No. See table. The sum of the probabilities is
    15/16 which is less than one.
  • P(X)x/16 for x1 to 5 only is NOT a probability

  • Expected Value E(X) of a random variable X

Importance of E(X)
  • One of the most important concepts in the
    analysis of random phenomena is the notion of
    expected value.
  • Expected value is important because it is a
    summary statistic for a probability distribution.
  • It can also be used as a criteria for comparing
    alternative decisions in the presence of

What is Expected Value?
  • Conceptually, expected value is closely allied
    with the notion of mean or average.
  • The expected value is a weighted average, in
    which each possible value of the random variable
    is weighted by its probability.
  • Definition
  • The expected value of a random variable X is the
    mean of the random variable X. It is denoted by
    E(X) and is given by computing the following
  • E(X) ? x P(Xx)
  • ? x P(x)

Digression on Weighted Averages
  • Weighted average of any measurement (say prices
    Pt) is always (?t wtPt )/( ?t wt)
  • weighted averages are ubiquitous. Dow Jones
    Industrial average is a weighted average
  • see
  • http//
  • SP 500 index is similar with weights available
  • http//

Average Value
  • The expected value of a random variable should be
    very close to the average value of a large number
    of observations from the random process.
  • The larger the number of observations collected
    the more likely the expected value will be close
    to the average of the observations.
  • For discrete random variables the expected value
    is rarely one of the possible outcomes of the
    random variable.

E(X) for Daily Sales
  • The expected value of the probability
    distribution given in Example 3 (daily
    Sales) is computed in the table.
  • In the long run, data coming from a random
    process with this distribution should average
    about 2.1.

Using Expected Values to Compare Alternatives
  • Two Investment Opportunities
  • By calculating the expected values of the two
    alternatives the information in each distribution
    is condensed to a single point.
  • This point characterizes the center of the
    random process and facilitates comparison.
  • In the long run, option B would be 500 more
  • But on any one investment in option B, you may
    lose as much as 3000 or make as much as 4000.

  • The expected value, E(X), is the center point
    for the random process.
  • The symbol mx is often used to represent E(X).
  • mx E(X)

  • Variance and Standard Deviation of a Discrete
    Random Variable

Variance of a Discrete Random Variable
  • The expected value of a distribution measures
    only one dimension of the random variable (its
    central value).
  • To gauge the variability of a random variable we
    need another measure similar to the variance
    measure previously constructed but one which
    accounts for the difference in probabilities of
    the variable.
  • The variance of a discrete random variable X is
    given by
  • The larger the variance the more variability in
    the outcomes.

Standard Deviation as a measure of risk
  • The standard deviation is computed by taking the
    square root of the variance.
  • In the Investment Opportunity problem the
    variance and standard deviation are as follows.
  • Option A
  • V(X) 3,090,000
  • 1,757.84
  • Option B
  • V(X) 6,640,000
  • 2,576.82
  • The larger deviation reflects greater variability
    in profits and increased risk.

Sharpe Ratio
  • Risk adjusted returns are compared by computing
    the ratio
  • Average return / std. Dev of returns
  • Option A 900/1,757.84
  • 0.5199199
  • Option B 1400/ 2,576.82
  • 0.5433053
  • Clearly Option B is slightly superior.

Example 9
  • Find the expected value, the variance, and the
    standard deviation for a random variable with the
    following probability distribution.

Example 9 - Solution
  • Probability Distributions and their Functions

Where do probability distributions come from?
  • In previous examples the distribution is already
  • In the real world there will be very few
    instances in which the probability distribution
    will be conveniently available.
  • Probabilities will have to be determined using
    (i) classical, (ii) relative frequency, or (iii)
    subjective probability.
  • Probability distributions can be constructed from
    relative frequency distributions( depicted in

Probability Distribution Functions (p.d.f.)
  • Four well known discrete distributions are the
    discrete uniform, binomial, Poisson, and
  • Each of the discrete distributions possesses a
    probability distribution function.
  • These math functions assign probabilities to each
    value of the random variable.

Discrete Probability Distribution Function
  • Example of discrete p.d.f.
  • P(Xx)1/4, if x1,2,3,4
  • P(Xx)0, otherwise
  • This pdf does assign some value to each possible
    discrete number which can be the value of X.
  • All probability values need not be positive. They
    can be zero!

Determining Probabilities for a Specific Value
(just plug into the formula)
  • To determine the probability for a specific
    value, use the value as the argument to the
    function. Pdf is P(Xx)x2/30. sum is unity
  • To determine the probability that X 3,
  • P(X3) .
  • To determine the probability that X 4,
  • P(X4) .

  • The Discrete Uniform Distribution

  • In the discrete uniform distribution each value
    of the random variable is assigned identical
  • This distribution is one of the simplest
    probability distributions.
  • There are many situations in which the discrete
    uniform distribution arises.

Example 10
  • The outcome of the throw of a single die.
  • If the die is fair, then each of the outcomes
    is equally likely.
  • Resulting probability distribution

  • The Binomial Distribution

  • A binomial experiment is a random experiment
    which satisfies all of the following conditions
  • There are only two outcomes on each trial of the
  • One of the outcomes is usually referred to as a
    success, and the other as a failure.
  • The experiment consists of n identical trials as
    described in (1).

Definition Continued
  • The probability of success on any one trial is
    denoted by p and does not change from trial to
  • Note that the probability of a failure is 1- p
    and also does not change from trial to trial.
  • The trials are independent.
  • The binomial random variable is the count of the
    number of successes in n trials.

Example 11 (r.v. is of heads in 4 tosses)
  • Toss a coin 4 times and record the number of
    heads as the random variable.
  • The number of heads in 4 tosses is a binomial
    random variable.

Pascal Triangle to compute nCx Binomial
  • 1
  • 1 1
  • 1 2 1
  • 1 3 3 1
  • 1 4 6 4 1
  • 1 5 10 10 5 1
  • 1 6 15 20 15 6 1
  • 4 coin x0,1,2,3,4 and corresp. P(x)
    1/16,4/16,6/16,4/16, 1/16
  • Note each row is created from previous row by
    always starting and ending with ones, computing
    sums of numbers from the previous row

Ex. 11 Continued (r.v. is of heads in 4 tosses)
  • There are only 2 outcomes, heads or not heads.
  • The experiment will consist of 4 tosses of a
  • The probability of a getting a head (success) is
    .5 and does not change from trial to trial.
  • The outcome of one toss will not affect other
  • The variable of interest is the number of heads
    in 4 tosses.

The Binomial Probability Distribution Function
  • where represents the number of possible
    combinations of n objects taken x at a time
    (without replacement) and is given by
  • , and 0!
  • n the number of trials, and
  • p the probability of a success.

Calculating a Binomial Probability by plugging in
the Binomial formula
  • The parameters of the distribution (n and p) as
    well as the value of the random variable must be
  • For example, to determine the probability that
    x3, given that n4 and p0.5, substitute those
    values in the probability distribution function
    as follows
  • Since,

Example 12
  • Calculate for the following combinations of
    x and n.
  • A. n 4 and x 2
  • B. n 12 and x 8

Example 12 - Solution
  • A.
  • B.

Binomial Tables
  • In order to avoid tedious calculations, binomial
    tables containing a large collection of binomial
    distributions have been constructed.
  • These tables are found in the Appendix (pp. 523

Example 13
  • The random variable X is a binomial random
    variable with n 12 and p .8.
  • Using the tables, find the following
  • A. the probability that X is at most 4
  • B. the probability that X is at least 1
  • C. the probability that X is more than 10

Example 13 - Solution
  • A.
  • P(X 4)
  • P(X0)P(X1)P(X2)P(X3)P(X4)
  • .0000.0000.0000.0001.0005
  • .0006
  • B.
  • P(X 1)1-P(X0)1-.00001
  • C.
  • P(Xgt10)P(X11)P(X12)
  • .2062.0687.2749

The Shape of a Binomial
  • If p is small, the distribution tends to be
    skewed with a tail on the right.

The Shape of a Binomial
  • If p is near .5, the distribution is symmetrical.

The Shape of a Binomial
  • If p is large, the distribution tends to be
    skewed with a tail on the left.

The Expected Value and Variance of a Binomial
Random Variable
  • The expected value of a binomial random variable
    can be computed using the simple analytic
  • E(X) np.
  • The variance of a binomial random variable can be
    computed using the analytic expression
  • V(X) np(1-p) n p q,
  • Where q(1-p) by definition.

Example 14
  • The random variable X is a binomial random
    variable with n12 and p.8.
  • A. Find the expected value of X.
  • B. Find the variance of X.
  • C. Find the standard deviation of X.

Example 14 - Solution
  • A. m E(X) np (12)(.8) 9.6
  • B. V(X) np(1-p) (12)(.8)(1-.8)
  • 1.92
  • C. s 1.386

  • The Poisson Distribution

Poisson vs. Binomial
  • The Poisson distribution is similar to the
    binomial in that the random variable represents a
    count of the total number of successes.
  • The major difference between the two
    distributions is that the Poisson does not have a
    fixed number of trials.
  • Instead, the Poisson uses a fixed interval of
    time or space in which the number of successes
    are recorded.

  • In order to qualify as a Poisson random variable
    an experiment must meet two conditions
  • Successes occur one at a time. That is, two or
    more successes cannot occur at exactly the same
    point in time or exactly at the same point in
  • The occurrence of a success in any interval is
    independent of the occurrence of a success in
    any other interval.

The Poisson Probability Distribution Function
  • where the transcendental constant e is the limit
    of (11/n)n as n becomes large without bound
  • e 2.71828..., and
  • l average number of successes
  • Note The variance of the Poisson distribution
    is equal to the mean (l).

The Shape of the Poisson Distribution
l .3
  • As l increases, the shape of the Poisson
    distribution begins to resemble a bell shaped

l 3
l 12
Poisson Random Variables for Time
  • The majority of Poisson applications are related
    to the number of occurrences of some event in a
    specific duration of time.
  • The average number of successes that occur
    within the duration of time will define the one
    and only parameter l of the Poisson random

Example 15 (morning calls)
  • The number of calls received by an office on
    Monday morning between 800 AM and 900 AM has a
    Poisson distribution with l equal to 4.0.
  • X the number of calls received by an office on
    Monday morning between 800 AM and 900 AM
  • l 4.0

Example 15 - A (No morning calls)
  • A. Determine the probability of getting no calls
    between eight and nine in the morning.

Example 15 - B (exactly 5 morning calls)
  • B. Calculate the probability of getting exactly
    five calls between eight and nine in the morning.

Example 15 - C (E(X) of morning calls)
  • C. What will be the expected number of calls
    received by the office during this time period?
    What is the variance?
  • Remember that l 4.0, and that l is the mean, or
    average number of successes.
  • Also, remember that the variance of a Poisson
    distribution is equal to the mean.
  • Thus, the expected number of calls is 4.0, and
    the variance is also 4.0.

Example 15 - D (Plot of morning calls)
  • D. Graph the probability distribution of the
    number of calls using values from the Poisson
    distribution tables in the Appendix (pp. 528-532).

Poisson Random Variables for Length and Space
  • There are a number of Poisson applications that
    measure the number of successes in some area or
  • The average number of successes in the area or
    length will define the l parameter of the Poisson
    random variable.

Example 16 (carpet weaving errors)
  • The number of weaving errors in a twenty foot by
    ten foot roll of carpet has a Poisson
    distribution with l equal to 0.1.
  • X the number of weaving errors in a 20x10 foot
    roll of carpet
  • l 0.1

Example 16 - A (carpet weaving errors p.d.f.)
  • A. Using the distribution tables , construct the
    probability distribution for the carpet. l 0.1

Example 16 - B (lt2 carpet weaving errors)
  • B. What is the probability of observing less
    than 2 errors in the carpet? l 0.1
  • P(Xlt2) P(X0) P(X1)
  • .9048 .0905 .9953

Example 16 - C (gt5 carpet weaving errors)
  • C. What is the probability of observing more
    than 5 errors in the carpet? l 0.1
  • P(Xgt5) 0

  • The Hypergeometric Distribution

Hypergeometric vs. Binomial
  • Similarities
  • Both random variables have only two outcomes on
    each trial of the experiment.
  • They both count the number of successes in n
    trials of an experiment.

Hypergeometric vs. Binomial
  • Differences
  • The hypergeometric distribution differs from the
    binomial distribution in the lack of independence
    between trials. the probability of success
    will vary between trials for the hypergeometic
    pdf .
  • In addition, hypergeometric distributions have
    finite populations in which the TOTAL number of
    successes and failures are known.

The Hypergeometric Probability Distribution
  • A the largest number of succ-esses possible
    in population
  • N the size of the total population
  • n size of the sample drawn

Example 17 (distn of memory chips)
  • Suppose that a shipment from Matsua Semiconductor
    contains 30 memory chips of which two are bad.
  • If a memory board requires 16 chips, what is the
    probability distribution for the number of
    defective chips on the memory board?

Example 17 - Solution
  • The random variable under consideration is given
  • X number of defective chips on the memory
  • The three parameters of the distribution are
  • A 2 (a success in this case is a defective
  • N 30, and
  • n 16.
  • The maximum value of X in this case is 2

Example 17 - Solution

The Expected Value and Variance of a
Hypergeometric Random Variable
  • The expected value of a hypergeometric random
    variable can be obtained using the expression
  • The variance of a hypergeometric random variable

Example 18, E(X) and V(X) for Hypergeomc
  • Compute the expected value and variance for the
    random variable for memorychips defined in
    Example 17.
  • A 2, N 30, and n 16
  • E(X) 16 ( ) 1.067
  • If the experiment were repeated many times, the
    average number of defective chips per board would
    be slightly greater than 1.
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