Title: Hungarian SME policy
1Hungarian SME policy Development after EU
2SMEs in Hungary
- The SMEs influence significantly the
competitiveness of the Hungarian economy - 99,9 of the total number of enterprises are SMEs
- 872 000 SMEs operating (December 2004)
- SMEs employ more than 74 of employees employed
in the private sector - The contribution to the Gross Added Value of the
SME sector is approximately 50 - Their share of export is 36
3SME development policy before EU accession
- Act on small and medium-sized enterprises and the
promotion of their development - Phare programmes
- Micro Credit Programme
- Promoting the co-operation among SMEs
- Introducing e-business to SMEs
- National grant programmes
- Investments
- EU preparation
- Interest subsidies
4Grants for SMEs
SME development policy before EU accession
Number of assisted SMEs The amount of subsidy (EUR million)
2001 2 404 106,1
2002 1 012 43,4
2003 4 851 48,0
Total 8 267 197,5
5SME development policy before EU accession
- The EU at your doorstep
- 473 presentations
- In 118 sub-regions (NUTS IV) of 14 counties
- 13 500 SMEs took part
- Industrial parks
- 179 business parks from 1996 to 2005
- 2 500 enterprises
6SME development policy after EU accession
- New SME definition
- Reducing administrative burdens
- Simplified Tax for Entrepreneurs
- Simplified business registration
- Contract samples
- Introducing tax allowances and reducing tax rate
- Tax rate of personal income tax and corporation
tax was reduced from 18 to 16 - Tax allowances to encourage investments by SMEs
7EU Structural Funds in SME development
Economic Competitiveness Operational Programme
Number of assisted SMEs The amount of subsidy (EUR million)
2004 4 010 94,1
2005 2 504 41,1
Total 6 514 135,2
8Financial programmes
- Credit programmes
- Financing investment
- Financing working capital
- Factoring programme
- Subsidised interest to spread factoring among
SMEs - Credit guarantees
- 67 thousand SMEs, EUR 2150 million (2003-2005)
- Venture capital
9Credit programmes
Name of Construction Amount of credit (EUR) Duration (year)
Micro Credit max 25.000 max 8
Midi Credit max 100.000 generally 6
SME Credit for a Successful Hungary 20.000- 4.000.000 max 15
Széchenyi Card max 40.000 1
10Promoting entrepreneurial culture
- Calls for application for gipsy (roma)
entrepreneurs - Special consultancy
- State aid for purchasing machinery
- Providing information
- On EU requirements
- Specific publications
- Student programmes
11Education of entrepreneurship
- Student enterprises
- Education for primary and secondary school pupils
- Fairs of student enterprises
- Competition of students on entrepreneurial skills
- Job Shadow programme
- Conferences for students
- Conferences for teachers
12New Directions in the Hungarian Enterprise
Development Policy
- New principles in enterprise development policy
- Functional Approach
- Sustainability
- Institutional Development, Capacity Building
- Co-ordination Based on Market Mechanisms
- For the period of 20072013 a new micro-financing
system to be set up through EIFs JEREMIE
13- Thank you for your kind attention!
Mr. Tamás LESKÓ Deputy Head of Department
Department for SME Development Ministry of
Economy and Transport, Hungary lesko.tamas_at_gkm.go