Accessing Resiliency During Road Rage By: Rachelle Channell - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Accessing Resiliency During Road Rage By: Rachelle Channell


Accessing Resiliency During Road Rage By: Rachelle Channell 1. If you are driving in traffic in the fast lane and the person in front of you is driving the speed ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Accessing Resiliency During Road Rage By: Rachelle Channell

Accessing Resiliency During Road RageBy
Rachelle Channell
(No Transcript)
What is Road Rage?
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Defines Road
Rage as a motorist's uncontrolled anger that is
usually provoked by another motorist's irritating
act and is expressed in aggressive or violent
behaviorMerriam-Webster On-line.
Available http//
  • Some Road Rage Examples
  • People being shot and killed because they had cut
    someone off or driven to slowly.
  • A man who was murdered by another drivers
    crossbow after a heated, ongoing traffic
  • A student being shot by a 57 year old man because
    he could not disable the loud theft alarm on his
  • Two cars racing at 80 MPH on the George
    Washington Parkway crossed the median and hit two
    vehicles in the oncoming lanes, killing three of
    the four drivers and resulting in the surviving
    driver being sentenced to 10 years in prison.
  • A driver who after a mere fender bender pummeled
    his fists into the face of a woman who was six
    months pregnant (the other driver).
  • Tailgating
  • High beaming
  • Obscene language or gestures
  • Using ones car as a weapon
  • High speeds
  • Weaving in and out of traffic
  • Mizzell, L. (1996). Aggressive Driving A report
    by Louis Mizell, Inc. for the AAA Foundation for
    Traffic Safety On-line. Available
  • http//

  • Penalties and Punishment
  • If you play the road rage game, be warned that
    for these types of incidents, the United States
    prosecutes under either one or a combination of
    the following
  • Aggressive Driving
  • Assault and Battery (with or without a vehicle)
  • Vehicular Homicide (if someone is killed)
  • http//

  • It is not only the United States that is
    concerned with this.
  • Below are penalties in Great Britian
  • Causing Death by Dangerous Driving 10 years
  • Dangerous Driving 5,000 or six months or both
    plus disqualification for one year and a re-test
  • Careless or Inconsiderate Driving 2,500 plus
    three to nine penalty points
  • Causing Danger to Other Road Users Triable
    summarily2, 5,000 or six months or both. Triable
    on indictment -- seven years or a fine or both
  • Murder or Manslaughter could be charged in the
    appropriate circumstances the sentence for both
    can be life imprisonment
  • Common Assault Six months or 5,000 or both
  • Wounding with Intent Can be life imprisonment
  • Unlawful Wounding Five years and/or fine. Triable
    only on indictment
  • Causing Injury by Furious Driving On indictment
    five years and/or a fine. Otherwise six months
  • and/or 5,000
  • Using Threatening, Abusive, or Insulting Words or
    Behavior, thereby causing fear or provocation, or
    offering violence with intent to cause a person
    to believe that unlawful violence will be used
    Six months or 5,000 or both
  • As above, but using threatening, abusive, or
    insulting words or behavior and causing
    harassment, fear, or distress 1,000 -- in this
    element there is no actual intent of violence
  • Criminal Damage Six months and/or 5,000, unless
    the following elements are present, which would
    dictate that the cause be tried on indictment a)
    Committed by a group b) The damage is of high
    value c) There is clear racial motivation

Connell, D. Joint, M. (1996). Driver
Aggression A report by the Road Safety Unit for
the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety On-line.
Available http//

Weve All Seen Idiot Drivers But what about
yourselfhave you ever stopped to think about
your behavior and thought processes while
driving?Take a moment to reflect.Go to the
next page and take theROAD RAGE QUIZ!!!!!
The Road Rage Quiz
Are you ready to R..R....R....R....Rumble? Have
you been accused of being a "RAGER" of the road
kind? Have those drives into work or school
become increasingly colourful in language and
have the old road signals turned into gestures of
the most obscene kind?  If you have answered yes
to any of these questions, then maybe it's time
for you to test your ROAD RAGE QUOTIENT.
OK......Ready? Start those engines.... (Instruc
tions have been edited from original form.
Original content can be viewed at below listed
weblink) The Road Rage Quotient On-line.
Available http//
  • 1.  If you are driving in traffic in the fast
    lane and the person in front of you is driving
    the speed limit do you
  • a. slow down  because you realize you are
  • b. slow down, turn on your signals and move into
    the other lane, and eventually move back into the
    fast lane
  • c. tailgate the idiot
  • d. turn on your high beams and honk your horn
    and tailgate
  • e. zip into the slow lane then zip into the
    fast lane while giving the finger and then slow
    down in front of the jerk.
  • 2. You are in a parking lot looking for a parking
    space. You spot an empty place but there is a
    woman standing in the middle of the space
    obviously saving the space for her husband who is
    nowhere to be seen. Do you
  • a. move on and look for another place
  • b. give her a dirty look and then move on
  • c. swear at her telling her to "move her fat
  • d. act like you are going to drive into her
  • e. drive into the spot just missing her by an
  • 3. You are stopped at a traffic light and the
    light has just turned green. The person in front
    of you is chatting on a cell phone. Do you.
  • a. wait calmly, realizing that it will only be a
    second or two
  • b. wait a second, put on your signals and move
    into another lane
  • c. honk your horn and yell out your window "Pay 
    Attention Idiot"
  • d. zoom up quickly behind the person, honking

The Road Rage Quotient On-line. Available
  • 5.  When you are in your car how often are you
    ranting and raving
  • a. almost never
  • b. occasionally
  • c. most of the time
  • d. 99 of the time
  • e. 100 of the time in the car and 50 of the
    time outside of the car once you've reached your
  • 6. Which of the following groups of people do you
    find have poor driving skills
  • a. sorry I can't really categorize them
  • b. people who drive for a living
  • c. people from other ethnicity than your own,
    women drivers, taxi drivers
  • d. other ethnicity, women, teenagers, older
    people, people with glasses, taxi drivers,
    blondes, people who are so short that they can't
    be seen behind the wheel, minivan drivers, sports
    car drivers, truckers, 
  • e. all of the above plus brunettes, black haired
    people, bald people, red heads, punk hair
    coloured people, members of the hair club
  • 7. I find driving to be
  • a. fun and relaxing
  • b. relaxing when I'm alone on the road, but
    nerve wracking in city traffic
  • c. challenging but dangerous
  • d. a good place where I can really let loose and
    express myself

The Road Rage Quotient On-line. Available
  • 9. You are driving down the road going your usual
    speed when you spot a woman putting on her
    makeup. Do you
  • a. laugh and continue on your way.
  • b. drive by and give her a dirty look
  • c. speed past her and yell "Forget it It won't
  • d. speed past give her the finger, yell
  • e. same as 'd' but also cut in front of her and
    slam on the brakes
  • 10. Which phrase fits best how you feel
  • a. I like people
  • b. I like some people
  • c. Most people suck
  • d. I like people when they are not around
  • e. I like people once they're dead.
  • OK folks...time to tally up those numbers. Give
    yourself the following points for each letter
  • For every "a" give yourself 0 points
  • For every "b" give yourself 2 points
  • For every  "c" give yourself 3 points
  • For every "d" give yourself 4 points

The Road Rage Quotient On-line. Available
So how did you do?
0-6 pointsYou are a saint. If everybody were
like you, there would be world peace. 7-20
pointsYou have your good and bad days on the
road. Overall you only suffer from mild road
rage. 21-30 points You can be seen by others
as scary at times. Take up some form of sport to
channel your energies.  31-40 points You are
dangerous. Increase your medication now . 
41-50 points You are a truly sick individual.
Move to the country immediately, become a
vegetarian take up yoga quit your job and buy a
farm grow vegetables denounce the consumer
society join greenpeace donate all  your
motorized vehicles to a worthy cause.
The Road Rage Quotient On-line. Available
What Now?
  • Well, now that you have had time to reflectfor
    those of you with a saintly score..CONGRATULATIO
  • For those of us with less than a saintly
    scoredo not despair. There are a few simple
    things you can do that will make the driving
    experience more enjoyable for you. It could also
    save your life and perhaps someone elses.
  • Wouldnt you like to think that you helped save a

  • Helpful Tips
  • Make your car comfortable.
  • Like music? Buy an inexpensive cd player that
    plugs into the tape deck or listen to the radio
  • Like books? Audio books
  • Fresh air? Windows down or choose..
  • Seat pad? A comfortable cushion can go a long
    way (just dont get too comfy and fall asleep!)

  • Helpful Tips for Yourself
  • Make yourself comfortable.
  • Feeling stressed?
  • Do some neck stretches and shoulder rolls.
  • Dont grip the steering wheel. Soften your gaze
    into the distance instead of focusing at a point
    up close. Relax arms.

  • Breathing
  • Breathe deeply and not shallowly in todays
    busy world, most people find that they tend to
    hold in their stomach and as a result they
    breathe more shallowly by pulling air into the
    chest and then exhaling.
  • Try it for yourself just breathe normally and
    observe where you feel the most it
    in the chest or in the belly?
  • If you feel most movement in the chest then you
    are chest breathing and actually making
    yourself feel more stressed and angry.

Want to know more about conscious breathing?
Check out the below recommended Reading Farhi,
D. (1996). The Breathing Book. New York, Henry
Holt and Company, LLC.
How To Breathe Deeply Belly Breathing
  • Relax the Belly.
  • Inhale slowly and feel the belly expand with the
    inhalebring the air up and feel the ribs
    expandinhale a little further up into the
    chest.and then exhale slowly and smoothly.
  • Do the above technique for a minute or two. When
    we are angry, our blood pressure rises and
    contributes to feelings of panic or stress.
    Because we feel this way, as a fight or flight
    mechanism, our breath becomes more rapid and
    shallow. Deep breathing can reduce blood
    pressure within a matter of minutes.

  • What Else Can I Do?
  • Good Question
  • Now that you are feeling less stressed, more
    relaxed and actually enjoying the ridelets talk
    about something else.
  • The Principles Mind, Thought, and
  • Mind -the formless energy that pervades all life
  • Thought - We, as humans use the power of Mind to
    create Thought
  • Consciousness how we experience something (I am
    angry because)

Want to know more about the Three Principles?
Check out the below recommended Readings Banks,
S. (1998). The Missing Link. Canada,
International Human Relations Consultants,
Inc. Pransky, J. (2003). Prevention from the
Inside-Out. Cabot, Vermont 1st Books.
Thought A thought is a random, neutral event it
is just a thought, nothing more..nothing
less. But, because we are humanswhen a thought
is formed, we then use our Consciousness
(although at times we do this unconsciously!) to
experience Thought as a reality. By understanding
and reflecting on the three principles, one
begins to realize that in life (or in this case
driving), something happens (a trigger), we have
a thought about that trigger (example that
woman cut me off), and then we experience that
thought and add a dimension of good/bad to that
thought and then experience it as reality
(example she cut me off because of this reason
or that, how dare her, she cant do that to me,
Ill show her.).

And this means???..
This Means that. Once an understanding of the
principles takes place, a person can stop at the
Thought portion of the process and realize that
they are just having a thought and by not adding
a dimension of good or bad to it, they can let it
go. Once we realize thiswe gain our power back
and dont have to react. We are in control of
ourselves. So..when you are faced with road
rage..think to yourself Should I let that
offending and annoying driver control me or
should I realize that Im just having a thought
and let it goand be the one in control? And you
know what else?
COMPASSION It doesnt hurt to also think to
yourself that That offending/annoying driver
is acting in the only way that they can, given
their understanding and knowledge. I should feel
sorry for them and just be on my way Why get
angry because someone is acting out of ignorance?
Dont be ignorant back just to prove a pointbe
thankful that you understand the
principles. Perhaps you can help someone else to
Instead of.. We can all be
The End or perhaps for you..its the beginning
of a new understanding
A very special Thanks to Karen E.
Hamilton Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences
George Brown College, Toronto, Canada Owner and
Creator of the Road Rage Quotient http//webhome.i For More of Karens
Work See http// http//c
References and Recommended Readings Banks, S.
(1998). The Missing Link. Canada, International
Human Relations Consultants, Inc. Connell, D.
Joint, M. (1996). Driver Aggression A report by
the Road Safety Unit for the AAA
Foundation for Traffic Safety On-line.
Available http//
ources/index.cfm?buttonagdrtext Farhi, D.
(1996). The Breathing Book. New York, Henry Holt
and Company, LLC. Pransky, J. (2003). Prevention
from the Inside-Out. Cabot, Vermont 1st Books.
Merriam-Webster On-line. Available
Mizzell, L. (1996). Aggressive Driving A report
by Louis Mizell, Inc. for the AAA Foundation for
Safety On-line. Available
uttonagdrtext The Road Rage Quotient On-line.
Available http//
rage.htm http//
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