SBI SEMINARS DUI BOOT CAMP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SBI SEMINARS DUI BOOT CAMP TRAFFIC STOPS The Stop, Detention, Investigation, and Arrest of a Motorist and/or Passenger * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Basic Facts All DUI ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • The Stop, Detention, Investigation, and Arrest of
    a Motorist and/or Passenger

Basic Facts
  • All DUI cases start with the seizure of the
  • All seizures are governed by the Fourth
    Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
  • All DUI cases involve the Fourth Amendment plus
    some aspect of traffic law
  • All DUI cases involve some kind of forensic

What Does the Defense Lawyer Need to Know?
  • Fourth Amendment law
  • Alabama Traffic Code
  • Understanding of blood and breath analysis as
    reported by the Alabama Department of Forensic
    Science (DFS)

Basic Sources/Materials
  • Search Seizure, 3rd Ed. by John Wesley Hall,
    Lexis Pub. Co. (Updated annually)
  • Michies Alabama Motor Vehicle Laws Annotated w/
    commentaries ,Lexis Pub. Co. (Annual publication)
  • Alabama DUI, Traffic, and Driver License Law
    Handbook, 3rd Edition by Mahaney Farmer
    (Updated annually)

TERRY v. Ohio
  • The starting point for any traffic stop inquiry
    is analysis of Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968)
  • The Terry rule a police seizure does not
    automatically result in custodial arrest to
    implicate the 4th Amendment , but any police
    seizure must be reasonable under Constitutional
  • Terry created two levels for a lawful police
  • probable cause to arrest
  • reasonable suspicion to stop question

Alabama Statutory Authority
  • Code of Alabama, 1975, section 15-5-30 authorizes
    a law enforcement officer to stop and question
    any person the officer reasonably suspects is
    in the process of committing a crime.
  • Code of Alabama, 1975, section 15-5-31 authorizes
    a law enforcement officer to search for a weapon
    if the officer reasonably believes the person is
  • This Code section does not authorize the
    routine, suspicion less pat down or frisk of
    every person the police encounter what is
    commonly termed pat-down for officer safety.

Was the Traffic Stop a Seizure?
  • The starting point to any police-citizen
    encounter is to determine if a seizure
  • A seizure takes place only when a reasonable
    person would believe that he was not free to
  • Any show of force by the police is construed to
    be a seizure.
  • Use of blue lights and siren
  • Use of voice command or hand signal

Objective Test
  • The leading Supreme Court case interpreting
    traffic stops is Whren v. U.S. (1996)
  • In Whren, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the
    subjective standard and applied the objective
    test a traffic stop is valid if the officer
    reasonably believes a violation has taken place,
    and the officers subjective intent is
  • Whren is an extension of the Terry doctrine.

Reasonable Suspicion Required
  • Foundational case Delaware v. Prouse, 440 U.S.
    648 (1979) Traffic stop of a moving vehicle
    constitutes a seizure which must be based on
    reasonable suspicion.
  • Any bona fide violation of the traffic code
    constitutes reasonable suspicion.
  • Exception to general rule Roadblocks conducted
    in a neutral and objective manner

Mistaken Opinion of Law Does Not Authorize Valid
Traffic Stop
  • United States v. Chanthasouxat, 342 F. 3d 1271
    (11th Cir. 2003) Police officers mistaken
    impression of law cannot justify a lawful stop of
    a vehicle.
  • Officers mistaken belief that an inside mounted
    rearview mirror was required to operate a vehicle
    held invalid for a lawful traffic stop.
  • Under Alabama law, police officers are presumed
    to know the law that they are enforcing no
    deference is afforded to the officers mistaken
    belief of law.

Anonymous Tips and Anonymous Informants in
  • Alabama v. White (U.S. 1990) police officers
    corroboration of the details of the anonymous tip
    provided sufficient reasonable suspicion to
    justify a Terry stop subsequent consent to
    search valid.
  • Florida v. J.L.(U.S. 2000) An anonymous tip that
    a person is carrying a gun, without any further
    information provided, is insufficient to justify
    a stop and frisk.
  • W.D.H. v. State (Ala. Cr. App. 2008) Police stop
    and frisk of a person located in area of shooting
    and drug sales, without any indication that
    person had committed an offense, insufficient
    that defendant was engaged in criminal activity.
    See extensive opinion by Judge Welch on the law
    of stop and frisk

Anonymous Tips The DUI Exception
  • Cottrell v. State (Ala. Cr. App. 2007) In a case
    of first impression, the Court of Criminal
    Appeals held an anonymous tip of DUI driver
    sufficiently reliable under Terry for traffic
    stop without independent corroboration by the
  • Virginia v. Harris cert. denied Oct. 20, 2009
    U.S. Supreme Court failed to grant cert to
    states petition to reverse Virginias decision
    to suppress the traffic stop made of suspected
    DUI driver based on anonymous tip.
  • Note According to C.J. Roberts dissent, the
    majority of states have adopted an anonymous
    tip-DUI exception while a minority of states
    have refused to create such exception.

Vehicle Stop Anonymous Tips
  • Ex parte Aaron (Ala. 2005) an anonymous tip,
    without intervening police investigation to
    determine the reliability or accuracy of
    information, held insufficient to support a Terry
  • Ex parte Shaver (Ala. 2004) same facts -
    extensive opinion by Justice Lyons on law of
    anonymous tips and authority to conduct Terry
  • State v. Strickland (Ala. Cr. App.2005)
    telephone tip, identity confirmed, police
    corroborated information prior to stop traffic
    stop held valid under Terry principles.

Vehicle Stop- Suspected Criminal Activity
  • State v. Green (Ala. Cr. App.2008) where robbery
    took place minutes before the traffic stop, and
    distance from robbery location to stop was two to
    three miles, and the police dispatch was
    generally consistent with vehicle stopped, the
    Court held the facts were minimally sufficient
    to justify stop. See extensive dissenting
    opinion by Judge Welch.

Police Questioning of a Stopped Car
  • Ex parte Betterton (Ala. 1988) Police officers
    approach to already parked car does not require
    reasonable suspicion or probable cause, but
    without reasonable suspicion, cannot order
    persons out of the car.
  • State v. Brodereck (Ala. Cr. App. 1989) Lawfully
    parked car not subject to investigation without
    particularized basis to suspect criminal

High Crime Area Stops
  • Gaskins v. State (Ala. Cr. App. 1990) Being in a
    high crime area insufficient basis by itself to
    justify Terry stop must have particularized
    basis to suspect criminal activity.
  • Sibron v. New York (U.S. 1968) Deliberate
    furtive actions, flight from law enforcement, and
    specific knowledge on part of law enforcement are
    proper factors to be considered in evaluating
    lawfulness of stop.

Reasonable Suspicion to Stop Specific Criminal
Offense or Violation- Held Valid
  • No tag displayed and no operable tag light
  • No headlights at night
  • Improper lane usage
  • Speeding running stop sign
  • Erratic vehicle operation
  • Failure to stop for blue lights
  • Information provided by another officer
  • Radio report one officer to second officer
  • Collective knowledge
  • High speed operation
  • Avoid stopping/turning around at roadblock
  • Parked in roadway

Detaining Motorists Length and Scope of
  • State v. Hale (Ala. Cr. App. 2008) Once the
    traffic ticket or warning is issued and documents
    returned to driver, the motorist is released from
    detention. Officers request to search is a
    consent to search and motorists agreement to
    search is examined under the reasonable person
    free to leave standard.
  • Length of detention
  • 28 minutes to summon drug dog, after motorist
    exhibited high degree of nervous behavior held
    valid State v. McPherson (Ala. Cr. App. 2004)
  • Prolonged detention after motorist signs UTTC
    based on hearsay from second officer held
    invalid Smith v. State (Ala. Cr. App. 2006)

Federal Cases Lawfulness of Traffic Stop
Detention and Scope
  • U.S. v. 511, 780 (M.D. Ala. 1994) Implausible
    story by driver and passenger concerning route
    and purpose of trip inconsistent statements,
    etc. held sufficient to create probable cause to
  • Same indicators Improbable story or inconsistent
    statements false or deceptive information
    provided to officer all held to create situation
    to allow detention by officer, to include use of
    drug dog
  • U.S. v. Gonzalez (M.D. Ala. 2008)
  • U.S. v. Hernandez (M.D. Ala. 2005)
  • U.S. v. Ramirez (11th Cir. 2007)
  • U.S. v. Viezca (M.D. Ala. 2008)

U.S. Supreme Court Cases Detention of Motorist
Control over Motorist and Passengers
  • Maryland v. Wilson (1997) A police officer may
    without probable cause order passenger(s) out of
    lawfully stopped vehicle pending completion of
    traffic stop.
  • Brendlin v. California (2007) When a police
    officer makes a traffic stop, the passenger is
    seized as well as the driver. The passenger is
    entitled to challenge the stop under 4th
    Amendment grounds.
  • Arizona v. Johnson (2009) Officers pat-down of
    a passenger for weapon justified under Terry
    principles if legal basis existed to stop and
    pat-down driver, same principles extend to
  • Arizona v. Gant (2009) Search incident to
    arrest exception greatly limited search of
    passenger compartment of vehicle authorized only
    if 1) arrestee is within reaching distance of
    passenger compartment (Chimel wing-span test)
    or 2) reasonable to believe vehicle contains
    evidence of the offense.
  • Note Gantt decision greatly limits and restricts
    New York v. Belton which had upheld police
    searches of passenger compartments as incident
    to lawful arrest.

  • Michigan Dept. State Police v. Sitz (1990)
    Police roadblocks not invalid under the U.S.
    Constitution if stop is brief and minimal
    detention all motorists are stopped (or some
    other neutral method) and conducted under
    established guidelines to minimize officer
  • Ex parte Jackson (Ala. 2004) Adopting Cains
    standard Roadblock conducted consistent with
    neutral operational plan, under supervision of
    police supervisors, with primary purpose to
    enforce traffic law, held valid. Subsequent
    seizure of controlled substances valid.

  • Cains v. State (Ala. Cr. App. 1989) Cains is the
    foundational case to determine lawfulness of a
    police roadblock under Alabama law. Police
    roadblocks are not per se invalid, but must be
    conducted under neutral and objective standards,
    with the primary purpose being traffic
    enforcement, and only minimally intrusive to the
  • Hagood v. Town of Town Creek (Ala. Cr. App 1993)
    Where police roadblock was used for general law
    enforcement, with no written guidelines or
    restrictions on officers procedures, and without
    any safety measures, such police roadblock
    violated the Cains standards and 4th Amendment.
  • State v. White (Ala. Cr. App. 2009) Defendants
    turning around at driver license checkpoint, then
    heading in opposite direction, provided officer
    with reasonable suspicion to conduct
    investigatory stop.

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