Title: Engaging Men in the Prevention
1Engaging Men in the Prevention of Gendered
Presented by Cliff Leek
2Introductions Who am I?
- Oregon Attorney Generals Sexual Assault Task
Force - Oregon Men Against Violence
35 Reasons to Involve Men in Violence Prevention
- 1) Men perpetrate the majority of sexual assault
and domestic violence. - 2) Many men are the survivors of other mens
violence. - 3) All men are confined by the violence that a
small percentage of men perpetrate. - 4) Men know survivors that they love and care
about. - 5) Men have a huge role to play in stopping the
4What is Happening In Oregon?
Mens Engagement Committee
Local / Campus Org.
Local / Campus Org.
Local / Campus Org.
Local / Campus Org.
Local Programming Speakers - Outreach
Reading Groups - Community Service
Campaign - Fundraising
5Supporting Local Efforts
Cliff Leek Prevention Specialist
Ashley Maier Prevention Coordinator
Technical Assistance
6OMAV Logic Cycle
Engage ALL men in Oregon in the prevention of
gendered violence.
Produce a hand-book of best practices to be
widely distributed.
Develop the Mens Engagement Committee.
Assist multi-faceted community-based action and
Activities MEC Retreat OMAV Retreat Campaigns Etc