Title: Centennial High School School Policies and Procedures Assembly
1Centennial High SchoolSchool Policies and
Procedures Assembly
2Administrative Team
- Mr. Roberts Principal
- AP Mrs. Paulsen A-C
- AP Mr. Goins D-J
- AP Dr. Magallanes K-P
- AP Mr. Oramas Q-Z
- AP Mr. Gunn Athletics
- AP Ms. Johangiry Activities
- How can we have an amazing school year????
- Get Involved
- Club Rush
- Dawg Pound
- Assemblies
- Sporting Events
- School Dances
- ASB Cards
- Student Store
- Aint No Party Like A Husky Party!!!!
5Athletics Mr. Gunn
Fall Winter Spring
Football Basketball Baseball
Cross-Country Wrestling Softball
Boys Water Polo Girls Water Polo Track
Girls Tennis Soccer Swimming
Girls Volleyball Boys Volleyball
Girls Golf Golf
Boys Tennis
Students must have a 2.0 GPA to participate in
extracurricular activities.
6Guidance Counselors
- Mr. Sanchez A - C
- Mr. Cummings D - Ham
- Mrs. Finney Han - Mar
- Ms. Creeden Mas - Rad
- Mrs. Thompson Rae - To
- Mr. Hernandez Tp Z PUENTE
- Mrs. Grothem Safety Violence Prevention
7Star Test Results
- ?????
- One reward for over 20 points of growth are 20
min Star Snacks - Star Snacks will be on the 20th of each month!
8Discipline Overview
- Detentions
- Room 406 after school
- Or
- Served at lunch in 406
- Room 406
- Saturday School
- Report to the flag pole by 750 am
- If you do not serve a 60 minute detention, you
will receive two 1 hour detentions. - If you do not serve the 2 hour detention you will
receive a Saturday school. - If you do not serve a Saturday school you will
serve two full days of ACP or be suspended from
10Lunch Detention
- Held Monday Friday in room 406
- You must serve two lunches to equal for a 1 hour
detention - Must arrive in 406 before passing period ends
- Do NOT get your lunch first, you will be released
with enough time to get a lunch
11Discipline Overview
- Suspensions - Education Code 48900
- Students can be suspended up to five days for a
single violation. - During a suspension, students are not allowed to
participate in any school-sponsored activities.
12Discipline Overview
- The following are suspendable offenses
- Fighting
- Possession of a Dangerous Object
- Under the influence or possession of any
controlled substance, including alcohol - Defiance
- Harassment/bullying
- Using any words of hate or racial slurs
- Zero Tolerance for Words of Hate
13Confiscated Items Policy
Violation Consequences
1 Warning Student retrieves item after school
2 Saturday School Parent picks up item after school
3 Saturday School AP Meeting with Parent
4 ACP Full day
5 Off-Campus Suspension
- Confiscated items include, but are not limited
to, cell phones, electronic devices, hats, and
skateboards. - If a teacher asks for one of these items and you
refuse to give it to them, you can be suspended
14Social Networking
- Remember the things you do or say on social
networks can get you in trouble at school - Includes
- Cell Phone Recordings
- Twitter
- Texting
- Social Networking Sites
- Etc
- Cyber bullying is a suspendable offence and will
not be tolerated
15Periods 2-6 Tardy Policy
Violations Consequences
1 Tardy Teacher warning
2 Tardy Teacher assigns 1-hour detention and contacts parent
3 Tardy Teacher assigns 1-hour detention and contacts parent
4 Tardy Teacher contacts parent and submits referral to AP
5 Tardy Parent meeting with teacher and AP
6 Tardy or more Teacher contacts parent and submits referral to AP
- Attendance contract will also be given when
student and parents meet with Assistant Principals
161st period Tardy Policy
- First Period
- You report directly to class
- Assistant Principals will call students in weekly
who have multiple 1st period tardies or absences - Saturday School/Attendance Contracts/Truancy
17Tardy Sweeps
- The song, Who let the dogs out over the
intercom signals a tardy sweep - All students tardy in a sweep will receive a
Saturdayy School
- Use vending machines only during lunch.
- Students are not allowed west of the access road
during lunch. - 10/10 rule students are no allowed out of their
classroom during the first 10 minutes of class
instruction and the last 10 minutes. - Students must have a hall pass to be outside of
their classrooms.
19Harassment Forms
- If you are being harassed or bullied, please
notify a Counselor or Administrator immediately. - Forms are available in the Administration and
Counseling Offices
20Safe School Hotline
- If you have information or concerns regarding
situations occurring on or off campus involving
students, please use the Safe Schools Hotline - (951) 739 5991
21Video Cameras
- Over 90 video cameras are recording throughout
the campus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. - The cameras main function is to prevent property
damage and vandalism on campus.
22Dress Code
- Unacceptable attire
- Non-Centennial Baseball Caps
- Strapless shirts or halter tops
- Any clothing that reveals undergarments
- Unacceptable items in class
- Ipods
- Cell phone must be off during instructional time
- Unacceptable items on campus
- Skateboards
23Hat Policy
- Students may not wear, or be in possession of,
any Non Centennial-approved hats or visors of any
kind before, during, or after school. The
following are approved Centennial hats - Hats with a Centennial C logo which only
contain the school colors of red, black, white,
or gray - Beanies, berets, or cadet hats which contain no
logo and which only contain the school colors. - Hats sold in the Student Store.
24Officer Cervantes
- School Resource Officer
- Twitter SROcervates
25Interquest Canine Protection
26Student-Parent Handbook
- On your way out of the Gym, please pick up a copy
of the Student-Parent Handbook. - Please return to your Language Arts class.