Title: Multilevel Models in Survey Error Estimation
1Multilevel Modelsin Survey Error Estimation
- Joop Hox
- Utrecht University
2Multilevel Modelingsome terminology/distinctions
- Two broad classes of multilevel models
- Multilevel regression analysis
- (HLM, MLwiN, SAS Proc Mixed, SPSS Mixed)
- Multilevel structural equation analysis
- (Lisrel 8.5, EQS 6, Mplus)
- Which are merging
- (Mplus, Glamm)
3Multilevel Modelingsome terminology/distinctions
- Multilevel Modeling A statistical model that
allows specifying and estimating relationships
between variables - that have been observed at different levels of
a hierarchical data structure - Here mostly examples from multilevel regression
4Multilevel Regression Model
- Lowest (individual) level
- Yij b0j b1jXij eij
- and at the Second (group) level
- b0j g00 g01Zj u0j
- b1j g10 g11Zj u1j
- Combining
- Yij g00 g10Xij g01Zj g11ZjXij
- u1jXij u0j eij
5The Intercept-Only Model
- Intercept only model
- (null model, baseline model)
- Contains only intercept and corresponding error
terms - Yij g00 u0j eij
- Gives the intraclass correlation r (rho)
- r s2u0 / (?e² s2u0)
6The Fixed Model
- Only fixed effects for explanatory variables
- Slopes do not vary across groups
- Yij g00 g10X1ij gp0Xpij u0j eij
- Intercept variance U0j across groups
- Variance component model
- Maximum Likelihood estimation, correct standard
errors for clustered data
7Using the Fixed Modelin Survey Research?
- Multiple regression (including logistic) is a
powerful analysis system - (Jacob Cohen (1968). Multiple regression as a
general data-analytic system. Psychological
Bulletin, 70, 426-43.) - Yij g00 g10X1ij gp0Xpij u0j eij
- Multiple regression model but correct standard
errors for clustered data - But, most multilevel software does not correctly
handle weights, stratification
8Using the Fixed Modelin Survey Research?
- Multilevel regression in survey data analysis a
niche product - Individuals within groups
- Interviewer Survey Organization effects
- Groups consisting of individuals
- Ratings Measures of Contexts
- Occasions within individuals
- Longitudinal Panel data
9Individuals within groups
- Interviewer Organization effects
- Potentially a three-level structure
- Respondents within Interviewers within
Organizations - Yijk g000 g001Xijk g010Zjk g100Wk
- u0k u0jk eijk
- Variance components model
10Interviewers in organizations
- I am not selling anything
- Split-run experiment on adding not selling
argument to standard telephone intro - Multisite study 10 market research organizations
agreed to run experiment in their standard
surveys - Data from 101625 cases in 29 surveys within 10
organizations - Predict cooperation rate
- Survey-level experiment, saliency, special pop.,
nationwide, interview duration, length of intro
before not selling - Organization level no predictors, just variance
component - Pij g00 g01Exp/Conij g02X1ij g06X6ij
- u0j ( eij)
De Leeuw/Hox (2004). I am not selling anything
29 experiments in telephone introductions. IJPOR,
16, 464-473.
11Interviewers in organizations across countries
- International cooperation on interviewer effects
on nonresponse - Data from 3064 interviewers, employed in 32
survey organizations, in nine countries - Interviewer response rate, cooperation rate
- Standardized interviewer questionnaire
- (translated by organizations)
- Standardizing interviewer questionnaire across
countries - Not multilevel but multigroup SEM
- Confirmatory Factor Analysis shows comparable
factors in (translated) questionnaires)
Hox/de Leeuw (2002). The influence of
interviewers' attitude and behavior on household
survey nonresponse an international comparison.
In Groves, Dillman, Eltinge Little (Eds.)
Survey Nonresponse. New York Wiley.
12Predicting response rate
- Final multilevel model for interviewer response
rates - Predictor / Model Null Model Final Model
- constant 1.25 (.30) .80 (.40)
- age .01 (.001)
- sex .05 (.02)
- experience .01 (.001
- soc.val. -.02 (.01)
- foot in door .01 (.01)ns
- persuasion .10 (.01)
- voluntariness -.02 (.01)
- send other -.01 (.005)
- ?²country .59 (.37) .58 (.36)
- ?²survey .41 (.13) .39 (.12)
13Multilevel analysis of Interviewer
Organization Effects
- Useful for methodological research
- Standard multilevel regression
- Response rates logistic regression
- Estimation issues
- Discussed in Goldstein (2003), Raudenbush Bryk
(2004), Hox (2002) - Currently best method
- Hox, de Leeuw Kreft 1991 Hox de Leeuw 2002
Pickery Loosveldt 1998, 1999 Campanelli
OMuircheartaigh 1999, 2002 Schräpler 2004
14Groups consisting of individuals
- Measuring contextual characteristics
- Aggregation characterizing groups by summarizing
the scores of individuals in these groups - Contextual measurement let individuals within
groups rate group or environment characteristics - What are the qualities of such ratings?
15Measuring contextual characteristics
- Example use pupils in schools to rate
characteristics of the school manager - 854 pupils from 96 schools rate 48 male 48
female managers - Variables six seven-point items on leadership
style - Two levels pupils within schools
- Pupils are informants on school manager
- Pupil level exists, but is not important
16Measuring contextual characteristics
- Pupils in schools rate school managers
- Two levels pupils within schools
- Analysis options
- Treat as two-level multivariate problem
- Multilevel SEM (Mplus, Lisrel, Eqs)
- Treat as three-level problem with levels
variables, pupils, schools - Multilevel regression (HLM, MLwiN)
17Measuring the context with multilevel regression
- Three levels variables, pupils, schools
- Intercept only model
- Estimates
- Intercept 2.57
- s2school 0.179, s2pupil 0.341, s2item 0.845
18Measuring the contextInterpretation of estimates
- Intercept 2.57
- Item Mean across items, pupils, schools
- s2school 0.179
- Variation of item means across schools
- s2pupil 0.341
- Variation of item means across pupils
- s2item 0.845
- Item variation (inconsistency)
19Measuring the contextReliability of measurement
- Decomposition of total variance over item, pupil
school level - Pupil level reliability
- Consistency of pupils across items
- Idiosyncratic responses, unique experience
- apupil s2pupil /(s2pupil s2item /k)
- apupil 0.71
20Measuring the contextReliability of measurement
- Decomposition of total variance over item, pupil
school level - School level reliability
- Consistency of pupils about manager
- aschool 0.77
21Measuring the ContextIncreasing reliability
- School level reliability depends on
- Mean correlation between items
- Intraclass correlation for school
- Number of items k
- Number of pupils nj
- a goes up fastest with increasing nj
22Measuring the context Combining information
- Assume school managers are rated on these 7 items
by pupils and themselves - Three levels items, pupils, schools
- Two dummy variables that indicate pupil self
ratings - Variances
- item (1), pupil (1), school (2 cov)
Rating covariance (validity)
Manager variance (systematic)
Item variance (error)
Pupil variance (bias)
23Example Measuring neighborhood characteristics
- Neighborhoods Violent Crime
- Assessment of neighborhoods
- 343 neighborhoods
- 25 respondents per neighborhood interviewed
rated own neighborhood - (respondent level)
- Ratings aggregated to neighborhood level
- Census information on neighborhood added
Sampson/Raudenbush/Earls (1997). Neighborhoods
and violent crime A multilevel study of
collective efficacy. Science, 277, 918-924.
24Example Measuring neighborhood characteristics
- Ratings aggregated to neighborhood level
- At lowest level demographic variables of
respondents added to control for rating bias due
to different subsamples - Neighborhood ratings aggregated conditional on
respondent characteristics - Yijk g000 g001Xijk u0k u0jk eijk
- Intercept-only individual covariates
25Occasions within individuals
- Six persons on up to four occasions
- Lowest level occasion Second person
- Mix time variant (occasion level) and time
invariant (person level) predictors - Time trend covariate (1, 2, 3) or occasion
dummies (0/1) - Missing occasions are no problem
26Longitudinal dataOccasion level
- Occasion level, time indicator T
- Yti p0j p1j Tti etj
- Intercept and slope coefficients vary across the
persons - They are the starting points and rates of change
for the different persons - Use p for occasion level coefficient, and t for
the occasion subscript - On person level we have again b and i
27Longitudinal dataMultilevel model
- Occasion levelTime varying covariates
- Yti p0i p1i Tti p2jXti etj
- Person level time invariant covariates
- p0j b00 b01 Zi u0i
- p1j b10 b11 Zi u1i
- p2j b20 b21 Zi u2i
- T time-points, at most T-1 time varying
predictors - Or T time varying predictors and no intercept
28Longitudinal dataNLSY Example
- Subset of National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
(NLSY) - 405 children within 2 years of entering
elementary school - 4 repeated measurement occasions
- Childs antisocial behavior and reading
recognition skills - 1 single measure at 1st occasion
- Mothers emotional support and cognitive
29NLSY Example Linear Trend
- Multilevel regression model for longitudinal GPA
data - No intercept-only model, start with a model
that includes time - Occasion fixed
- Antisoctj b00 b10Occti u0i eti
- Occasion random
- Antisoctj b00 b10Occti u1iOccti u0i eti
- Different individual trends over time
30NLSY ExampleResults linear trend
Linear, Fixed Linear, Random
Intercept 1.58 (.11) 1.56 (.10)
Occasion 0.14 (.03) 0.15 (.04)
s2intercept 1.84 (.17) 0.96 (.31)
s2occasion - 0.10 (.04)
sintercept,occasion - .09 (.10)
s2e 1.91 (.09) 1.74 (.10)
Deviance 5356.82 5318.12
31ComplexCovariance Structures
- Standard model for longitudinal data
- Occasion random Antisoctj b00 b10Occti
u1iOccti u0i eti - Variance components se2 and s002
- Assumes a very simple error structure
- Variance at any occasion equal to se2 s002
- Covariance between any two occasions equal to
s002 - Thus, matrix of covariances between occasions is
32ComplexCovariance Structures
- Multivariate multilevel model
- No intercept, include 6 dummies for 6 occasions
- No variance component at occasion level
- All dummies random at individual level
- Equivalent to Manova approach to repeated
measures - Covariance matrix
33ComplexCovariance Structures
- Restricted model for longitudinal data
- Specific constraints on covariance matrix between
occasions - Example assume that autocorrelations between
adjacent time points are higher than between
other time points (simplex model) - Example assume that autocorrelations follow the
model et r et-1 e
- Add occasion, fixed or random
34NLSY Example Linear trend, Complex covariance
- Occasion fixed, unrestricted covariance matrix
across occasions - Occasion fixed, covariance matrix autocorrelation
structure - Occasion random, covariance matrix
autocorrelation structure
35NLSY ExampleResults linear trend, fixed part
Fixed, Un-constrained Fixed, Auto-correlation Random, Autocorrelation
Intercept 1.55 (.10) 1.54 (.13) 1.54 (.13)
Occasion 0.14 (.04) 0.15 (.05) .15 (.05)
Deviance 5303.95 5401.65 5401.65
Linear trend random slope model
deviance 5318.12 with 8 less parameters c214.2,
df8, p0.08
Far worse than unconstrained model c297.7,
df8, plt0.0001
36NLSY ExampleResults linear trend, random part
Fixed, Un-constrained Fixed, Auto-correlation Random, Autocorrelation
Occasion linear - - Aliased out (redundant)
Occasion dummies Full covariance matrix, all elements significant Diagonal variance, autocorr. rho both significant Diagonal variance, autocorr. rho both significant
37Advantages of Multilevel Modeling Longitudinal
- Missing occasion data are no problem
- Manova listwise deletion, which wastes data
- Manova Missing Completely At Random (MCAR)
- Multilevel model Missing At Random (MAR)
- Can be used for panel growth models
- Rate of change may differ across persons, and
predicted by person characteristics - Easy to extend to more levels (groups)
38References for Multilevel Analysis
- J.J. Hox, 1995. Applied Multilevel Analysis.
(http//www.fss.uu.nl/ms/jh) (introductory) - J.J. Hox, 2002. Multilevel Analysis. Techniques
and Applications. Hillsdale, NJ Erlbaum.
(intermediate) - T.A.B. Snijders R.J. Bosker (1999). Multilevel
Analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA Sage. - (more technical)
- H. Goldstein (2003). Multilevel Statistical
Models. London Arnold Publishers. - (very technical)
39Thank You!