Affective Computing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Affective Computing


Affective Computing There can be no knowledge without emotion. We may be aware of a truth, yet until we have felt its force, it is not ours. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Affective Computing

Affective Computing
There can be no knowledge without emotion. We
may be aware of a truth, yet until we have felt
its force, it is not ours. To the cognition of
the brain must be added the experience of the
soul.  Arnold Bennett (British novelist,
playwright, critic, and essayist, 1867-1931)
  • A Seminar Presentation by
  • Karthik Raman, 06005003
  • Adith Swaminathan, 06005005
  • Omkar Wagh, 06005006
  • Samhita Kasula, 06D05014

  • Affective Computing is a field of research in AI
    dealing with emotions and machines. We address
  • the impact of emotion on intellectual processes,
  • propose a basic theory for recognizing emotions,
  • survey a few existing techniques applied in
    affective computing, and
  • motivate the reason for controlled integration of
    these techniques in AI.

  • AI (and Cognition) is very limited in scope if we
    limit it to rational thought.
  • Can you quantify Fear? Can you tell whether I am
  • If I had a computer that could read your facial
    expressions, the tone of your voice, and barked
    accordingly, will you accept it as having a
    puppy-like intelligence?
  • How often have you used Emoticons in chat
    messages? Did you feel hampered without them?
  • If we pursued this to the end, could we have an
    AI based NAZI propaganda?

Understanding EmotionHints from Psychology
  • Psychology focuses on three broad divisions
    Affect, Behaviour and Cognition (ABC)
  • Affect is the ability to feel
  • Some contrasting theories of emotion
  • James-Lange theory We act therefore we feel.
  • Neurological Theory Emotion is a mental state
    due to influence of certain neurochemicals (think
    hormones) on the limbic brain
  • The Limbic part of brain is theorised to control
    emotion, behaviour, long-term memory and smell.
  • Recent findings show that the limbic system is
    not central to emotion.

Theories of Emotion
  • Cognitive Theories Emotions are a heuristic to
    process information in the cognitive domain.
  • Two Factor theory Appraisal of the situation,
    and the physiological state of the body creates
    the emotional response. Emotion, hence, has two

Whats the take-away from all this? No one has a
clear theory formulating Emotions!!
  • Emotion vs Emotion Display Such widely
    differing theories for Emotion need not handicap
    our studies, since all of them are agreed on the
    various observable properties of Emotions
    Emotion Display (or Affect Display).
  • Typical Human Affect Display occurs through
  • Voice
  • Face
  • Gestures

Role of Emotion in Intellect
Images courtesy Google Images
  • Three major areas of Intelligent activity are
    influenced by emotions
  • Learning
  • Long-term Memory
  • Reasoning
  • Popular (exaggerated) examples of highly
    intelligent, but emotionally challenged
    characters have been shown here.

Modelling Learning
  • Learning by Example
  • Nearest analogy in AI is PAC learnability
  • Parrot repeating English words, Infant learning
  • Learning by Guidance
  • Nearest analogy in AI would be A search (the
    heuristic is a guide)
  • Our Educational System is based on this method
  • Learning by Feedback
  • Nearest analogy is Neural Network/Expectation
    Maximisation (where the output is used to tweak
    parameters of the system)
  • Dog learning new commands, typical
    carrot-and-stick scenarios

Emotion and Intelligence
  • Somatic Marker Hypothesis
  • Real-life decision making situations may have
    many complex and conflicting alternatives the
    cognitive processes would be unable to provide an
    informed option
  • Emotion (by way of somatic markers) aid us
    (visualisable as a heuristic)
  • Reinforcing stimulus induces a physiological
    state, and this association gets stored (and
    later bias cognitive processing)
  • Iowa Gambling Experiment
  • Designed to demonstrate Emotion-based Learning
  • People with damaged Prefrontal Cortex (where the
    semantic markers are stored) did poorly.

Emotion in Reasoning
  • Minskys Ideas An intelligent system should be
    able to describe the same situation in multiple
    ways (resourcefulness) such a meta-description
    is Panalogy
  • We now need meta-knowledge to decide which
    description is fruitful for our current
    situation and reasoning
  • Emotion is the tool in people that switches these
    descriptions without thinking.
  • A machine equipped with such meta-knowledge will
    be more versatile when faced with a new situation.

Emotional Computers
xkcd a webcomic
Use of emotional computers
  • Musical Tutor for piano lessons
  • Is it maintaining interest?
  • Is the student making mistakes?
  • Is the lesson tough or the piano key stuck?
  • Should it just make the user happy?
  • Human teachers use affective cues
  • Imagine an emotionless tutor.

So how do we go about it?
  • AnswerAffective Theory of Computation
  • What are emotions? We dont really know!
  • Avenues
  • Express Emotions
  • Influence Emotions
  • Act on Emotions
  • Percieve Emotions

Express Emotions
  • Display Emotions
  • Computer voices with natural intonation
  • Computer Faces
  • How to show I'm happy.
  • Example- Animation
  • Model Emotions
  • React to events
  • Internal Representation of Emotion
  • Example-Kismet

  • Recognise stimuli
  • Intelligently display emotion
  • Efficient model for emotions(more on this later)?
  • Realistic(don't you get that puppy dog feeling?)?

A,V,S Emotion Model
  • Arousal , Valence , Stance - A 3-tuple models
    an emotion.
  • Arousal- Surprise at high arousal, fatigue at
    low arousal
  • Valence- Content at high valence, Unhappiness at
    low valence
  • Stance- Stern at closed stance, accepting at
    open stance

Kismet's Emotive Response Table
Influence Emotions
  • Computers(in fact all media) already do this!!
  • E.g., a computer game makes one happy
  • Targeted marketing
  • Frequency and types of Ads
  • User profiling

Emotional Actions
  • Which action suits which emotion?
  • A decision must be made
  • Too many or too little parameters to evaluate
  • Intimately related to human psyche(e.g., choosing
    a gift for a loved one)?
  • Humans ability
  • Represent the same thing in many ways
  • Representation depends on current emotion

Percieve Emotions
  • Observe a human and infer his/her emotion
  • Approaches-
  • Speech Tone Recognition
  • Facial Expression Recognition
  • Galvanic Skin Resistance(GSR), Electro-myograms(EM
    G) etc.
  • We'll talk about the first two (Speech and Facial

Facial Expression Recognition Learning by
  • Classical Example of Learning By Feedback.
  • Young children look at their parents, and learn
    from their facial expressions what is right and
    what is not

Image courtesy Google Images
Expressions Emotions
  • Although human beings can volunarily adopt a
    facial expression, most of our expressions are
    involuntary in nature
  • Especially true for our immediate/reflex
    emotions. In such cases almost impossible to
    curtail our expression.
  • The close link, between the two sometimes leads
    to the reverse too, where assuming an expression
    leads to the emotion.

Significance of Facial Expressions
  • The expression on a faces, is the most basic form
    of non-verbal communication.
  • Our impression of other people, is highly
    dependant on their expression.

Classes of Expressions
Courtesy Google Images
  • Broadly classified into happy,sad, disgust, fear,
    anger, surpise and neutral.
  • Goal is to classify an unknown expression into
    one of these classes

AI and Facial Expression Recognition
  • A base of affective computing is recognition of
    human expression.
  • Purpose is to introduce natural ways of
    communication in person-to-machine interaction.
  • As in children, a robot, can learn better, when
    it looks for feedback from a non-expert , in
    the form of facial expressions.
  • More natural to us than pushing buttons.

General Machine Vision
  • First step in the process is vision.
  • After the image is acquired, some preprocessing
    is done such as to reduce noise, improve
  • Next features are extracted and areas of interest
    are detected
  • Finally some high-level processing occurs.

Optical Flow
  • Used to capture motion of objects due to relative
    motion between object and observer.
  • Also used to derive structure of objects.
  • Looks at intensity of voxels and tries to
    solve a set of differential equations.
  • Voxels Volume Pixels Think Pixels in 3d

Methods of Facial Reocognition
  • Early methods used optical flow to capture
    movement of features.(Such as facial muscles)?
  • Broadly methods are Model-Based, Feature-Based or
    Holistic Spatial Based.
  • Model Feature-Based Methods have a set of
    predefined features which are further used.
  • Though this is simple and reduces complexity,
    there is a loss of information.

Holistic Spatial Analysis
  • Whole image is taken not just specific features.
  • No pre-defined features. Rather try to discover
    intrinsic structural information. These are then
    used to recognise the class of expression.
  • Further divided into unsupervised (examples PCA,
    ICA) and supervised (example FDA). In supervised
    training is done on class-specified samples.
  • Math behind this is quite complex, based on
    feature subspaces.

Feature Selection
  • Selecting some features, assists in reducing
    complexity of process.
  • Would want to select features that can identify
    the class.
  • Hence the difference in the value of the feature
    between samples of the class should be small
    compared to those across classes.
  • Thus identify clasification ability of feature.

Weighted Saliency Maps
  • Simple example of such a method. Uses pixel
    intensities of grayscale images.
  • Calculates ratio of variance between classes and
    within a class.
  • sk VarB/VarW , k 1,..., n.
  • VarBSum of (ClassMean - OverallMean)2, for all
    classes and VarWSum of (f -MeanofClassof(f))2,
    for all f. Here n is number of sample points.

Weighted Saliency Maps(Contd.)?
Courtesy 6
  • These ratios are then sorted in descending order
  • Above is an example for the top 500 features of
    each class for a particular sample

Speech Tone Recognition
  • Why have humanoid robots ?
  • Enjoyable interaction
  • Doesn't require training on humans part
  • Easier to teach then bot new tasks
  • Acoustic patterns contain
  • Who the speaker is?
  • What the speaker said
  • How it was said
  • The third piece of information is a strong
    indicator of the underlying intent.

Abstraction of the problem
Courtesy 7
  • Classify a given sentence to convey one of
  • Approval Good boy!
  • Prohibition Don't do that.
  • Attention bidding Hey Kismet, look here.
  • Soothing It's okay, don't worry.
  • Neutral This is a boo
  • Fernald's Prosodic Contours

Robot specifications
  • Aesthetics Appearance should affect nature of
    human communication with it.
  • Real Time Perfomance Long delays are not
  • Voice Humans should be able to use their
    natural voice for training. It should be able to
    recognize a vocalization as having affective
    content when the intent of the sentence is to
    approve/prohibit, etc.

Specifications, Contd.
  • Unacceptable vs Acceptable misclassification
    Shouldn't judge prohibition to be approval, but
    to judge it as neutral is an acceptable error.
  • Expressive Feedback Respond to emotion to let
    the person know it has understood.
  • Speaker Dependence vs Independence Former for
    personalized bots, latter for those that need to
    interact with many people.

Algorithm Classify emotional content in speech
Courtesy 7
  • Processing tag sample with pitch, energy,
    percentage periodicity.
  • Filter out noise very high pitches
    (non-uniform), very low pitches.
  • Calculate features (mean,variance of
    pitch,energy, pitch range )?
  • Pass to classifier for result.

5-way classification in KISMET
Courtesy 7
  • Stage 1 Energy parameters are used to
    differentiate. (soothing, low-intensity neutral
    have low mean energy).
  • Stage 2
  • Using Fernald's prosodic contours, soothing shows
    a smooth contour, frequency downsweep. Neutral is
    coarser and flatter.

Classification Contd.
  • Approval Attention shows high mean pitch, high
    pitch and energy variance Prohibition has low
    mean pitch but high enery variation. Neutral
    shows low energy and pitch variation.
  • Stage 3 Approval vs Attention. Both have high
    energy, and high pitch variation. But in
    approval, there is an exaggerated rise-fall pitch
    contour. Yet, this differentiation is difficult,
    and often the content is required to disambiguate.

KISMET's response to emotion
  • Has a synthetic nervous system (SNS) to help
    react to external stimulus.
  • The 'somatic marker' process to tag incoming
    information with affective content.
  • Arousal Level of emotional response
  • Valence Is the stimulusve or -ve
  • Stance How approachable is the percept?
  • This information is passed to the 'emotion
  • Emotional Elicitor Each A,V,S input
    contributes to some emotion process. Eg, A large
    -ve valence might contribute to sad, anger, fear,
    distress emotions.

Response Contd.
Arousal Valence Stance
Expression ---------------------------------------
- Approval Med. high High ve Approach
Pleased Prohibition Low High -ve
Withdraw Sad Comfort Low Medium ve
Neutral Content Attention High Neutral
Approach Interest Neutral Neutral Neutral
Neutral Calm
  • The winning emotion process affects the response
    if its value is above some threshold.
  • Two thresholds, one for behavioural response, the
    other for response through expression (the latter
    is lower). This indicates that expression leads
    behavioural response.
  • On praise, first comes interest, and then
    physical alignment.

Do we want Emotional Machines?
  • Nazi Propoganda Machine?
  • A computer that knows how to influence emotions
  • The perfect politician
  • Computers with the ability to kill
  • Not a distant dream. Civilian aircraft is an
  • Choosing a sub-optimal (emotional) path.
  • Will an angry/insulted computer behave
  • Popular Example- M5 of Star Trek, HAL 9000 of
    2001-A Space Odyssey
  • The Example- Marvin of The Hitch-Hikers Guide

Main Dilemna
  • Computers without emotions not creative or
  • Computers acting on emotions may someday wipe out
    their creators.
  • Possible solution Give computers ability to
    perceive, express and heuristically act on
    emotions, but ensure that the emotions are always

  • Affective Computing is a young field of research
  • For interactive systems, something far better
    than the current crop of intelligent systems is
  • Affective Computing has applications in improving
    the quality of life in impaired people
    (successfully demonstrated for Autism)
  • Ethical compromises need to be done to inculcate
    affective computers
  • This field can really benefit from research into
    the human brain/mind.

  1. R.W. Picard (1995), "Affective Computing,MIT
    Media Lab
  2. R.W. Picard (1998) , Towards Agents that
    recognize emotions, Actes Proceedings, IMAGINA
  3. http//
  4. Descartes Error Emotion, Reason and the Human
    Brain, Damasio (1994 Edition)
  5. Automatic Facial Expression Recognition using L
    inear and Non-Linear Holistic Spatial Analysis,
    Ma and Wang (2005) Lecture Notes in CS
  6. Emotion and Reinforcement Affective Facial
    Expressions facilitate Robot Learning, Joost
    Brokens (2007) Lecture Notes in CS
  7. Recognition of Affective Communicative Intent in
    Robot-Directed Speech, Breazal and Aryananda, MIT
    Media Lab
  8. Emotion, Somatic Marker
    Hypothesis, Vision, Optic Flow.
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