S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity


S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity Morning registration mathematics activity Aligned to the Renewed Framework for Mathematics Stoke-on-Trent Primary Maths Team – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: S.O.D.A. Start Of Day Activity

S.O.D.A.Start Of Day Activity
  • Morning registration mathematics activity
  • Aligned to the Renewed Framework for Mathematics
  • Stoke-on-Trent Primary Maths Team

S.O.D.A.Start Of Day Activity
  • Up to 10 mathematics questions per day based on
    the Renewed Framework for Mathematics.
  • Questions 1-5 consolidate maths from the previous
  • Questions 6-10 are based on the previous years
    coverage of the next unit (following Block
    sequence A B C D E).
  • This will support you in pitching the learning
    appropriately for the next unit and gathering
    evidence for APP.
  • SODA is NOT intended to be used during any part
    of the daily mathematics lesson.
  • It is an ADDITIONAL resource to support the
    CONSOLIDATION of learning which has taken place

S.O.D.A.Start Of Day Activity
  • WHEN?
  • During the registration period at the start of
    the day.
  • Pupils could record their answers in a SODA
  • Go through the questions and discuss strategies
    the children used with the pupils during
  • Ensure that you model the correct mathematical
    vocabulary and always encourage the children to
    use it correctly.
  • HOW?
  • Use SODA as it stands or personalise the
    questions for your pupils by adapting / replacing

Year 3, Block B, Unit 2
  • Questions 1 - 5 based on Year 3, Block A, Unit 2
  • Questions 6 -10 based on Year 2, Block C, Unit 2

Monday 19th January 2009
  • 1. Continue the sequence 63, 53, 43, __, __,
  • 2. If you were to continue the sequence what
  • would the next number be?
  • 3. What number is 100 less than 356?
  • 4. 5 x 3 ? 5 x 6 ?
  • 5. Explain how you can use the answer from 5 x 3
  • to help with 5 x 6.
  • 6. List all the multiples of 10 between 53 and
  • 7. Think of 3 things that would be better
  • in metres rather than centimetres.
  • 8. List 3 things that would be measured in cm
  • 9. List 3 things that would be measured in mm

Year 3 Block B Unit 2
Tuesday 20th January 2008
1. What is the value of the 6 in 768? 2. How
much will 9 apples at 14p each cost? 3. Compare
your answer and your methods with your
partner. 4. Continue the sequence24, 34, 44,
__, __, __, 5. Estimate the answer to 49 17.
Maria is making cakes. The scale shows the amount
of butter that she is weighing. 6. How heavy
is the butter? 7. Maria needs 150g of butter.
How much more butter does she need to
add to the scales? 8. If Maria makes double the
amount of cakes, how much butter will she

Wednesday 21st January 2009
  • 1. What is the value of the 7 in 768?
  • 2. 78 19
  • 3. What strategies might be useful when
  • completing the above?
  • 4. Would this be useful when calculating 78 19?
  • 5. What number is 100 more than 356?
  • Draw the table. Sort the numbers in to the
  • part of the carroll diagram
  • 4, 5, 67, 17, 104, 3, 88, 19,
  • 7, 11,
    9, 761, 60, 8, 46, 1

1-Digit Numbers Not 1-digit Numbers

Year 3 Block B Unit 2
Thursday 22nd January 2009

1. Begin at 15 and count on in 100s to 815.
2. Two numbers add up to 10. They have a
difference of 2. What are the numbers? 3. I
have 32p. A magazine costs 50p. How much
more money do I need? 4. Continue the
sequence23, 25, 27, __, __, __ 5. 63 60 3.
Create 3 more number sentences to show
63. 6. Draw a line 17cm long. 7. Draw a line
double the length of the first line. 8. What is
the difference between the two lines? 9. Draw a
line half the length of the first line. 10. What
is the total length of all 3 lines?
Year 3 Block B Unit 2
Friday 23rd January 2009
1. Count on in 10s from 47. What digit
changes? 2. Why does the 7 not change? 3. What is
6 7, 60 70, 600 700? 4. What is 8 5, 80
50, 800 500? 5. Explain how you found the
answers to questions 3 and 4.
Use your

estimation skills
Draw or write 3
in each part of the

Smaller than 1 metre One metre Larger than 1 metre

Year 3 Block B Unit 2
Monday 26th January 2009
  • 1. Complete the table by rounding to the nearest
    10 100.
  • 2. Why does 67 become 70
  • to the nearest 10?
  • 3. Why does 249 become
  • 200 to the nearest 100?
  • 4. Why does 23 become
  • 0 to the nearest 100?
  • 5. How can rounding
  • numbers help when calculating?
  • 6. How heavy is baby James?
  • 7. 4 weeks ago he was ½ kg lighter
  • How heavy was he then?
  • 8. In 4 weeks time he will be ¾ kg
  • heavier. What will his weight be?
  • 9. How much weight will he gain in
  • the 8 week period?

Number To the nearest 10 To the nearest 100
267 270 300
Year 3 Block B Unit 2
Tuesday 27th January 2009
  • 1. Multiply 6 by 10.
  • 2. Multiply the answer to question 1 by 10.
  • 3. What is the value of the 6 now?
  • 4. Multiply 6 by 100.
  • 5. What is the value of the 6? Explain why this
  • the same answer as question 3.
  • Draw the table. Sort the numbers in to the
    correct part of the carroll diagram
  • 4, 5, 67, 17, 104,
  • 3, 88, 19, 7,11, 9,
  • 761, 60, 8, 46, 1

1-Digit Numbers Not 1-Digit Numbers
Not Even
Year 3 Block B Unit 2
Wednesday 28th January 2009
  • 1. A piece of ribbon measures 76cm. I cut off
    38cm. How
  • long is the ribbon now?
  • 2. 67 8 Explain your answer.
  • 3. I am thinking of 2 numbers with a difference
    of 9. Write a
  • calculation to show this.
  • 4. Find two more pairs of numbers with a
    difference of 9.
  • 5. Two children share 56 sweets. One child gets
    10 more
  • sweets than the other. How many
  • sweets does each child get?
  • 6. What time does the clock show?
  • 7. What time will it be 2 ½ hours later?
  • 8. What time was it 3 hours ago?
  • 9. Write these times in digital.

Thursday 29th January 2009
1. What is the value of the 8 in 768? 2. What
number is 10 times more than 35? 3. Count on in
4s from 0 to 32. 4. Find the difference between
62 and 38. 5. There are 6 boxes of pencils. Each
box holds 5 pencils. How many pencils
are there altogether?

6. How many ml of water are in the measuring
cylinder? 7. If I pour in another 110ml how
much water will there be? 8. How much more water
needs to be added to fill the cylinder? 9.
If the 500ml is shared equally between 4
cups how many ml will be in each cup? 10.
Explain how you know.
Year 3 Block B Unit 2
Friday 30th January 2009
  • 1. 6 x 2
  • 2. 6 x 4
  • 3. Explain how you can use the answer from
    question 1
  • to help with question 2.
  • 4. A cake box hold 4 cakes. How many boxes are
  • to hold 35 cakes?
  • 5. I am thinking of a number. I double my
    number and
  • add 8. My answer is 38. What was my number?
  • 6. Which of these numbers are odd and not less
    than 50?
  • 45, 89, 67, 9, 43, 70, 20, 43, 19
  • 7. List the multiples of 5 between 45 and 90.
  • 8. What is the digit sum of every multiple of 5
    between 45
  • and 90?
  • 9. A pencil is 17p and a rubber costs an extra
    13p. How
  • much is the rubber?
  • 10. I have 1. How much change do I get if I buy

Year 3 Block B Unit 2
Monday 2nd February 2009
  • 1. Estimate the number of stars in the rectangle.
  • 2. Count the number of stars.
  • Was your estimate close?
  • 6. Order these lengths from smallest to
  • 12cm, 1m, 12mm, 120m, 6m, 6cm
  • 7. Draw a line 17cm long.
  • 8. Draw another line 80mm long.
  • 9. How much longer is the first line than the
  • 10. Write a number that is more than 7, is odd,
    and has a digit sum of 4

Year 3 Block B Unit 2
Tuesday 3rd February 2009
Choose a 2 digit number From Box A and Box B. 1.
Total the numbers. 2. Find the difference. 3.
Multiply a box A number by 7. 4. Divide a
number from Box A by 7. What is the
remainder? Use your estimation skills. Draw or
write 4 different items that are in the classroom
in the correct part of the carroll diagram
Heavier than a kg Lighter than a kg

Year 3 Block B Unit 2
Wednesday 4th February 2009
1. What is the sum of 20 and 12? 2. What is the
product of 20 and 12? 3. What is the difference
between 20 and 12? 4. I am thinking of two
numbers with a difference of 6. What
numbers could they be? 5. Create your own Im
thinking of a number sentence.
On the graph each block represents 1 child. 6.
Which drink is the least popular? 7. How many
children like milk? 8. How many prefer a hot
drink? 9. How many children voted
altogether? 10. 7 children liked water or 7-up.
How many liked 7-up?
Year 3 Block B Unit 2
Thursday 5th February 2009

1. How heavy are the weights? 2. How heavy is one
large red weight? Explain your reasons to your
partner. 3. How heavy are two small orange
Year 3 Block B Unit 2
Friday 6th February 2009
  • 1. Draw the shapes.
  • 2. Use the clues to colour in the shapes.
  • Red is not next to grey.
  • Blue is between white and grey.
  • Green is not a square.
  • Blue is on the right of pink.

3. Draw a rectangle 12cm wide and 7cm high. 4.
Draw another rectangle double the size
Year 3 Block B Unit 2
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