Title: Reachwell
1Reachwell An Enterprise Asset Workspace
Management System
- Know what assets you have.
- When, how and from whom was it procured.
- Where they are located physically.
- Who is in charge of them who is using them.
- What are the accessories attached to it.
- What are the vendor service contracts.
- When is the next maintenance scheduled?
- And much more..
2Asset Data Capture
Auto Discovery Tool (IT assets)
Import Wizards
Barcode (Non IT Assets)
Security Real-time monitoring
- Import from
- Excel Sheets
- OLE-DB Databases
ERP, NMS Custom Apps
Ease of Audit
Discover Servers, Desktops, Laptops, Installed
Inventory of Processors, Hard disks, Memory,
Monitor, CD Drives, FDDs, Keyboard, etc.,
3What data will be captured?
Common Data
Data specific to IT Assets
Asset Identification
Maintenance History
H/w configuration
H/w configuration change details
Acquisition Details
Movement History
Software Licenses
User Defined Attributes
Asset Users
Depreciation Details
Vendor Service Contracts
4Asset Life Cycle Data
Requisition/approval for assets movement,
reservation, allocation, etc.,
Help Desk
- Assets can be assigned to
- Employee or
- Location
- Allocation process can be
- Direct or
- Through workflow
- Asset movement can be
- Direct or
- Through workflow or
- On employee relocation
6Physical Asset Tracking
- Locate your assets physically on floor maps
- Drill down information like who is using it
- Unused assets which are deployed, etc.,
Import AutoCAD drawings of campus
Assign Assets and users to locations
View/Update asset / location attributes
Track Asset / Employee movement
7Enterprise Workspace Management
- Request, approve and process space allocation.
- Move, swap people from one location to another.
- Reserve locations.
- Allot locations for groups/projects/cost center.
- Track space utilization against allotment.
- Updates seat status automatically by integrating
with HR data to capture events like employee
resigning, traveling, long-leaves, etc., - Calculate chargeback.
- Fully integrated with email.
8Putting it all together
Enterprise wide
Help Desk
Automatic Hardware Software Discovery
Presentation Layer
Floor Plans
Software License Compliance
Assets on floors
Automatic h/w s/w configuration change tracking
Online asset info
Configuration Details
Asset movement
Movement History
Automated e-mail alerts
Maintenance History
Vendor contract info
Depreciation statutory reporting
- Asset Management
- Asset Audit
- Maintenance Management
- Budgeting Procurement
- Property Management
- Utility Management
- Work Space Management
- Reservation Management
- Help Desk Management
- MIS and Compliance Reporting
10Report Production-Generate reports in HTML,
MS-Excel, Text files
Sample Reports
- Category wise asset details.
- Location wise asset details.
- Employee wise asset details.
- Manufacturer wise assets.
- Assets not under warranty.
- Assets not assigned to anyone.
- Department/Group/Cost center/Project wise assets
and their configuration details. - Department/Group/Cost center/Project wise count
of assets. - Up gradation history of assets.
- Department/Group/Cost center/Project wise up
gradation details within the specified time
period. - Department/Group/Cost center/Project wise Graphs
of assets grouped by manufacturer, models, etc. - Department/Group/Cost center/Project count of
each installed software. - Department/Group/Cost center/Project wise count
of Installed OS Servers. - Daily / Weekly and Monthly reports of assets.
(Consolidated as well as categorized into
Department/Group/Cost center/Project.
11System requirements
Server Hardware Processor Speed Min 2
GHz RAM Min 1 GB Disk Space 200
MB Free space OS Microsoft
Windows NT / 2000 Server Database Microsoft
SQL Server 2000 Web Server MS-IIS 5.0
Client Hardware Minimum Configuration
which can run a web browser Program Web
Browser Internet Explorer 5.5 or above.
12Thank You