Externalizing Behavior Disorders - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Externalizing Behavior Disorders


Externalizing Behavior Disorders Jess P. Shatkin, MD, MPH Director of Education and Training NYU Child Study Center New York University School of Medicine – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Externalizing Behavior Disorders

Externalizing Behavior Disorders
  • Jess P. Shatkin, MD, MPH
  • Director of Education and Training
  • NYU Child Study Center
  • New York University School of Medicine

  • Anyone can become angry, that is easybut to
    become angry with the right person, at the right
    time, for the right purpose, and in the right
    waythis is not easy.
  • --Aristotle

Learning Objectives
  • Residents will be able to
  • Identify normal from aberrant and disruptive
    childhood behavior
  • Distinguish between Oppositional Defiant Disorder
    and Conduct Disorder
  • Discuss 11 major risk factors for the development
    of Disruptive Behavior Disorders in children and
    adolescents and identify 3 protective factors
  • Describe one model of delinquency
  • Select appropriate treatments strategies for
    children and adolescents with Oppositional
    Defiant and Conduct Disorder

What Constitutes Normal Social Behavior?
  • Normal or typical children are often
    oppositional defiant
  • Normal children have tantrums
  • Normal children are periodically mean-spirited
    (in word, deed, and action)
  • Normal children lie and cheat, and are
    sometimes purposefully annoying
  • Normal children grow out of it

Oppositional Defiant Disorder
  • Pattern of negativistic, hostile, defiant
    behavior lasting at least 6 months w/4 or more
    DSM-IV Criteria
  • Often loses temper
  • Often argues with adults
  • Often actively defies or refuses to comply
  • Often deliberately annoys others
  • Often blames others for his/her mistakes or
  • Often touchy or easily annoyed by others
  • Often angry and resentful
  • Often spiteful or vindictive

  • Rates vary (2 16 reported overall 5)
  • Rate decreases with age
  • Diagnostic Stability
  • Greater stability with more severe ODD/CD
  • Stability as high or higher for females vs. males
  • More common in lower SES

Natural History
  • Gender differences dont emerge until after 6 y/o
  • More prevalent in males prior to puberty rates
    equalize (mf) after puberty
  • Usually evident by 8 y/o
  • Symptoms often emerge at home but generalize with
  • Earlier onset ? worse prognosis
  • Onset is typically gradual over months or years
  • ODD can be relatively benign but sometimes lies
    on a continuum with CD (30 40 of individuals
    move from one stage to the next ODD ? CD ? APD)

Associated Features
  • During school years there may be low self-esteem
    (or over inflated self-esteem), mood lability,
    low frustration tolerance, swearing, and
    precocious use of EtOH/drugs
  • Common Axis I Comorbidities
  • ADHD, Learning D/O, Communication D/O
  • 50 of kids w/ADHD have ODD or CD
  • 70 of kids w/ODD or CD have ADHD

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
  • The 1st film (based on the 1st book) in the
    Potter series, released in 2001
  • A classic Cinderella story
  • Harry, whose parents were killed during his
    infancy, is raised by his terrible aunt and
    uncle, who dote on their son, Dudley Harry is
    treated as the family slave, regarded with
    contempt and suspicion
  • An example of poor parental supervision
    parents fear of conflict with their child,
    leading to oppositional/defiant and manipulative

Conduct Disorder
  • A repetitive/persistent pattern of behavior in
    which the basic rights of others or major
    age-appropriate societal norms are violated 3 or
    more symptoms w/in the past 12 months (at least
    one symptom in the past 6 months)
  • DSM-IV Criteria
  • Aggression to people or animals
  • Destruction of property
  • Deceitfulness or theft
  • Serious violations of rules

Subtypes of Conduct Disorder
  • Two subtypes, based upon age of onset, which
    differ in presenting symptoms, developmental
    course, prognosis, gender
  • Childhood-Onset Type (unsocialized)
  • at least one criterion before age 10 y/o
  • usually male frequently aggressive
  • disturbed peer relations
  • often suffered ODD as a child may have
    concurrent ADHD
  • most likely to have persistent CD and to develop
  • Adolescent-Onset Type (socialized)
  • absence of criteria prior to age 10 y/o
  • less likely to display aggressive behaviors
  • tend to have normative peer relations
  • less likely to suffer persistent CD and to
    develop APD
  • still more malesfemales, but a lower ratio

  • Rates vary from 1 10 6 overall (males 6
    16 females 2 9)
  • Rate increases with age (vs. ODD)
  • Diagnostic stability
  • 44 88 at 3 4 years post initial diagnosis

Natural History
  • ODD is a common precursor less severe behaviors
    tend to emerge first (lying, shop-lifting,
    fighting, etc.)
  • Onset is rare after 16 y/o
  • In some cases the behaviors are adaptive or
    protective (e.g., threatening, impoverished,
    high-crime neighborhoods) and a diagnosis may not
    be appropriate
  • In the majority, the disorder remits by
    adulthood, but a substantial proportion (30 40)
    go on to develop Antisocial PD

Associated Features (1)
  • Increased accident rates
  • Generally lower (occasionally inflated)
  • Often associated w/early sexual behavior (STDs
    pregnancy), increased EtOH/drug abuse, and
  • More commonly attend alternative schools and live
    in foster placements
  • SI/SA completion occurs at a higher rate
  • Depressive Conduct D/O (odds of DBD when
    depression present _at_ OR 2.9)
  • Common Axis I Comorbidities
  • ADHD, LD, Communication D/O, Anxiety D/O, Mood
    D/O, SUDS

Associated Features (2)
  • Cruelty to people and weapon use best predict
    later diagnosis of CD in children
  • Below age 13, cruelty, running away, and breaking
    entering is highly predictive of later CD

A Model of Delinquency
Middle Childhood
Early Childhood
Rejection by normal peers academic difficulties
Poor parental monitoring discipline
conduct problems
Late Childhood Adolescence
Commit-ment to deviant peer groups
Child Biological Factors PossiblyContributing to
ODD CD (1)
  • Family History (potential links)
  • Maternal smoking?
  • Parental substance abuse
  • Pregnancy and birth problems
  • Neuroanatomy
  • Decreased glucose metabolism associated
  • (Orbito)frontal damage associated w/aggression
  • Impairments in amygdala function may be
    associated with deficits in interpretation of
    social cues, such as facial expression and a
    connection between amygdala and PFC may aid in
    suppression of negative emotion

Child Biological Factors PossiblyContributing to
ODD CD (2)
  • Neurotransmitters
  • Low levels of serotonin metabolite (5-HIAA) in
    CSF has been linked to current and future
  • Blood serotonin is higher in boys w/childhood vs.
    adolescent onset CD and positively associated
    w/violence in adolescence (?these findings may
    suggest lower turnover of central serotonin or
    perhaps slower utilizers of 5-HT in CNS)
  • Low salivary cortisol levels associated w/ODD
  • Testosterone has been variably associated with
  • Autonomic Nervous System
  • Possible general physiological under-arousal
    (e.g., lower heart rate at baseline, lower skin
    conductance) while experimentally induced
    frustration leads to a higher HR for ODD/CD kids

Child Biological Factors PossiblyContributing to
ODD CD (3)
  • Neurotoxins
  • Lead (preventable risk factor) high levels of
    lead in 11 y/o children is associated w/increased
    aggression and higher delinquency scores

Child Functional Factors PossiblyContributing to
ODD CD (1)
  • Temperament
  • Difficult temperament (e.g., negative
    emotionality, intense and reactive responding,
    and inflexibility) is predictive of externalizing
  • Attachment
  • Research is equivocal
  • Intelligence
  • Low verbal IQ possibly a precursor (most studies
    have not controlled well for ADHD)
  • Reading disorders may promote disruptive behavior
    more in girls than boys

Child Functional Factors PossiblyContributing to
ODD CD (2)
  • Impulsivity and Behavioral Inhibition
  • Behavioral inhibition (shyness) decreases the
    risk of later delinquency (likely related to
    anxiety, which has been shown to moderate
    physical aggression, even in already disruptive
  • Socially withdrawn boys, however, have grtr risk
    of delinquency
  • Social Cognition
  • Boys w/DBD focus more on concrete/external
    qualities and are egocentric in describing peers
  • Boys w/DBD boys w/ADHD have problems encoding
    social cues but boys w/DBD more often select
    aggressive responses to problems and feel more
    confident in their ability to carry out an
    aggressive response
  • Boys and girls with CD have less empathy and
    its known that empathy mediates aggressive

Child Functional Factors PossiblyContributing to
ODD CD (3)
  • Puberty
  • Early physical maturation is associated with
    increased problem behaviors in girls, not boys

Psychosocial Factors PossiblyContributing to ODD
CD (1)
  • Parenting
  • Poor parenting is related to disruptive behavior,
    while favorable parenting may be protective
  • Parental psychopathology may be more predictive
    of DBD in children than poor parenting
  • Aspects of parenting associated w/disruptive
  • Poor monitoring
  • Harsh inconsistent (punitive) discipline
  • Differential treatment between siblings
  • Coercive parenting
  • Mild physical punishment weakly related more
    severe/abusive physical punishment is strongly

Psychosocial Factors PossiblyContributing to ODD
CD (2)
  • Assortative Mating
  • Females offenders are more likely to cohabit or
    marry male offenders than male offenders are to
    select female offenders
  • Child Abuse
  • Harsh/abusive parenting and sexual abuse increase
    risk of CD
  • Some data to suggest that abused children have
    social processing deficits, such as hostile
    attribution biases, encoding errors, and positive
    evaluations of aggression
  • Regarding sexual abuse, boys are less likely than
    girls to respond w/internalizing problems but are
    equally or more likely than girls to demonstrate
    conduct problems

Psychosocial Factors PossiblyContributing to ODD
CD (3)
  • Peer Effects
  • Adolescents spend 1/3 of their time w/peers (vs.
    8 w/adults)
  • Affiliation w/like peers fixes the behavior and
    social role of children w/CD
  • Chronically maltreated children are more
    aggressive and more commonly rejected by peers
  • Aggressive girls may be more rejected by peers
    than aggressive boys
  • Neighborhood Socioeconomic Factors
  • Disruptive behavior is associated w/poor and
    disadvantaged neighborhoods
  • Availability of drugs, community disorganization,
    neighborhood adults involved in crime, poverty,
    exposure to violence racial prejudice are all
    predictive of later violence

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
  • Based upon the popular novel, Charlie and the
    Chocolate Factory, released 1971
  • Tells the story of Charlie Bucket, a poor but
    honest child, desperate to find a golden ticket
    (release from his horrible life) into Wonkas
    magical factory
  • Veruca Salt, one of many demanding, manipulative,
    and intolerable children in the movie, is
    completely in control of her hapless parents
  • The Oompah-Loompahs infectious melodies
    punctuate the story and spell-out the cause of
    such problems (poor parental control)

Summary of Major Risk Factors
  • Parental neglect
  • History of physical or sexual abuse
  • Difficult early temperament
  • Harsh parental discipline practices
  • Inconsistence in primary caregivers
  • Large family
  • Association with deviant peer group
  • Low verbal intelligence
  • Parent history of CD and/or Antisocial PD
  • Low SES
  • Neighborhood disorganization violence

Protective Factors
  • The opposite of risk factors?
  • 3 Protective Factors for ODD
  • Good relations with at least one parent
  • Good peer relations
  • Good parental monitoring

Treatment (1)
  • Treatment of comorbidities is key
  • Individual (child-focused) treatments are by and
    large not useful
  • Parent Management Training is a well established
    treatment (up to 70 sustained reduction in
    symptoms) in RCTs
  • Parent Child Interactional Training (PCIT) is
    useful for ODD with younger children

Treatment (2)
  • Community Based Treatments
  • Foster care (modest positive change for severely
    disruptive children)
  • School programs to reduce bullying (mixed
  • Peer group interventions (mixed results)

Treatment (3)
  • Psychopharmacological Interventions
  • Depressive CD should be treated as depression
  • A subset of CD is likely secondary to depression
  • The DSM-V may reflect a new diagnosis of Conduct
    Disordered Depression
  • This diagnosis should be treated as depression

  • Two randomized controlled trials compared LiC03
    with placebo and found that at therapeutic levels
    LiC03 was efficacious and safe for the short-term
    treatment of aggressive, inpatient children and
    adolescents with CD
  • Campbell et al, 1995 (n50) Malone et al, 2000
  • A 3rd study of a small sample of inpatient
    adolescents found no difference between LiC03 and
    placebo but the trial was only two weeks in
  • Rifkin et al, 1997
  • An RCT comparing LiCO3, haldol, and placebo for
    61 aggressive inpatient children found haldol
    LiC03 efficacious with LiC03 having a favorable
    SEfx profile
  • Campbell et al, 1984

  • Carbamazepine at therapeutic levels was not
    significantly better than placebo for the
    treatment of a small sample of aggressive
    hospitalized children with CD
  • Cueva et al, 1996
  • Both molindone and thioridazine were efficacious
    for the treatment of hospitalized aggressive
    children, but molindone was better tolerated
  • Greenhill et al, 1985
  • Beta-blockers may be useful as adjunctive agents
    (suggested by case series and reports)

  • Small RCTs have shown that clonidine might be
    useful for aggressive behavior in children with
    ADHD and comorbid ODD or CD
  • Connor et al, 2000 Hunt et al, 1996
  • In a meta-analysis of 11 double-blind,
    randomized, controlled studies from 1980 to 1999,
    clonidine demonstrated a moderate effect size
    (0.58) on symptoms of ADHD comorbid with CD,
    developmental delay, and tics
  • Connor et al, 1999

  • Two identical 6-week, multicenter double-blind,
    placebo controlled trials followed identical
    protocols comprising 163 boys (ages 5 12) total
    with ODD or CD, subaverage intelligence (IQ 36
    84), and with or without ADHD demonstrated a
    decline in aggression by an average of 56.4 vs.
    placebo (21.7)
  • TRAY Studies Aman et al, 2002 Snyder et al,
    2002 LeBlanc et al, 2005
  • Large scale review of pilot, open label, and
    larger clinical trials of over 800 children
    adolescents with ODD, CD, and DBD NOS exposed to
    risperidone at doses of 0.02 0.06 mg/kg/day
    found target symptom improvement (compared to
    placebo and baseline functioning) w/in 1 4
    weeks of treatment
  • Pandina et al, 2006

Additional Risperidone Studies
  • 10-week DBPC trial of 20 child and adolescent
    outpatients with aggression and average intellect
    found a significant decrease in aggression at low
    dose (0.028 mg/kg/day)
  • Findling et al, 2000
  • 4-week DBPC trial of 13 children with low IQ and
    severe behavioral problems found statistically
    significant improvements in behavior (average
    dose 1.2 mg/day)
  • Van Bellinghen De Troch, 2001
  • Statistically significant reductions in
    aggression in 38 adolescents with aggression and
    subaverage cognitive abilities (average final
    dose 2.9 mg/day)
  • Buitelaar et al, 2001)

Risperidone contd
  • One recent study challenged 25 children w/ADHD,
    7-12 years, who had persistent aggression with
    Risperidone augmentation to their stimulant.
  • They were treated for 4 weeks, randomized and
    double-blinded, to placebo or medication. The
    primary efficacy measure was change from baseline
    in the Children's Aggression Scale-Parent (CAS-P)
    and -Teacher (CAS-T) total scores.
  • The mean risperidone dose at endpoint was 1.08
    mg/day. For the CAS-P total score, a significant
    difference was found with 100 of risperidone
    subjects improving by more than 30 from baseline
    to endpoint, whereas only 77 of the placebo
    group reported a similar response. No differences
    were found on the CAS-T total score. Rates of
    adverse events did not differ significantly
    between groups.

  • Eight week, open label, outpatient trial of 17
    patients aged 6 12 years with CD showed
    significant reductions in aggression by study end
    (average dose 4.4 mg/kg/day)
  • Findling et al, 2006

Quetiapine (2)
  • 7 week RDBPC trial of Quetiapine vs placebo in
    adolescents with conduct disorder
  • N 19 (9 on quetiapine and 10 on placebo)
  • Weekly assessments
  • Medication dosed twice daily, flexibly through
    week 5 held steady last two weeks
  • The primary outcome measures were the CGI
    secondary outcome measures included
    parent-assessed quality of life, the overt
    aggression scale (OAS), and the conduct problems
    subscale of the Conners' Parent Rating Scale
  • Final mean dose of quetiapine was 294 /- 78
    mg/day (range 200-600 mg/day)
  • Quetiapine was superior to placebo on all
    clinician-assessed measures and on the
    parent-assessed quality of life rating scale. No
    differences were found on the parent-completed
    OAS and CPRS-CP.
  • Connor et al, 2008

  • Flexible dose pharmacokinetic study of
    aripiprazole of 12 children (6-12 years) and 11
    adolescents (13-17 years) with Conduct Disorder
    and a score of 2-3 on the Rating of Aggression
    Against People and/or Property (RAAPP) scale
  • Open label, 15-day, 3 site trial with optional 36
    month extension
  • Dose lt25 kg 2 mg/day 25 50 kg 5 mg/day
    gt50 70 kg 10 mg/day gt70 kg 15 mg/day
  • Due to vomiting and sedation, revised to 1 mg, 2
    mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg/day
  • Both children and adolescents demonstrated
    improvements in RAAPP scores and CGI scores
  • Adverse events similar to those in adults
  • Findling et al, 2009

  • 20 outpatient children and adolescents (ages
    10-18) with a disruptive behavior disorder (ODD
    or CD). They received 6 weeks of Depakote and 6
    weeks of placebo by random assignment. At the
    end of phase 1, eight of 10 subjects had
    responded to Depakote zero of 10 had responded
    to placebo. Of the 15 subjects who completed
    both phases, 12 had superior response taking
  • Donovan et al, 2000
  • Randomized 7-week trial of 71 adolescent boys
    with CD were treated with Depakote in a
    controlled but open label fashion. Subjects were
    all adolescent males with at least 1 crime
    conviction and were randomized into high- and
    low-dose conditions and were openly managed by a
    clinical team. Those who received the high-dose
    condition were rated by blind evaluators as
    having a statistically significant improvement
    (on CGI) over those who received the low-dose
    condition. Self-reported weekly impulse control
    was significantly better in the high-dose
    condition (p lt.05), and association between
    improvement in self-restraint and treatment
    condition was of borderline statistical
    significance (p lt.06). Parallel analyses
    comparing outcome by blood drug level achieved
    strengthened the results.
  • Steiner et al, 2003
  • 12-week, open-label trial with Depakote in 24
    bipolar offspring, 6-18 years of age (mean age
    11.3 years 17 boys), with mixed diagnoses of
    major depression, cyclothymia, ADHD, and ODD.
    The Overt Aggression Scale (OAS) was used to
    measure aggression in 4-week intervals. 71 of
    subjects were considered responders to treatment.
    Serum Depakote level did not correlate with
    treatment response. Thus, these children who are
    at high risk for bipolar disorder experienced an
    overall decrease in aggressive behavior in
    response to Depakote. Age or gender did not
    predict a positive response.
  • Saxena et al, 2006

Trends in the Use of Antipsychotics
  • This study looked at national trends and patterns
    in antipsychotic treatment of youth seen by
    physicians in office-based medical practices
  • Analysis of national trends of visits (1993-2002)
    that included prescription of antipsychotics, and
    comparison of the clinical and demographic
    characteristics of visits (2000-2002) that
    included or did not include antipsychotic
  • Data was drawn from patient visits by persons 20
    years and younger from the National Ambulatory
    Medical Care Surveys from 1993 to 2002.
  • In the United States, the estimated number of
    office-based visits by youth that included
    antipsychotic treatment increased from
    approximately 201,000 in 1993 to 1,224,000 in
    2002. From 2000 to 2002, the number of visits
    that included antipsychotic treatment was
    significantly higher for male youth (1913 visits
    per 100,000 population) than for female youth
    (739 visits per 100,000 population), and for
    white non-Hispanic youth (1515 visits per 100,000
    population) than for youth of other racial or
    ethnic groups (426 visits per 100,000
    population). Overall, 9.2 of mental health
    visits and 18.3 of visits to psychiatrists
    included antipsychotic treatment. Mental health
    visits with prescription of an antipsychotic
    included patients with diagnoses of disruptive
    behavior disorders (37.8), mood disorders
    (31.8), pervasive developmental disorders or
    mental retardation (17.3), and psychotic
    disorders (14.2).
  • In sum, antipsychotic medications were prescribed
    to 1,438 per 100,000 children and adolescents in
    2002, up from 275 per 100,000 in the two-year
    period from 1993 to 1995.
  • Olfson et al, 2006

Shatkins Menu
  • Identify and aggressively treat all other Axis I
  • Provide all appropriate behavioral modification
  • Start with the least invasive treatments
  • Maximize current treatments (e.g., for ADHD,
    anxiety, mood)
  • Alpha-2 agonists
  • Antipsychotics
  • Mood Stabilizers
  • Polypharmacy

Treatment (4)
  • Multisystemic Therapy (MST)
  • Shown effective in reducing antisocial behavior
  • Possibly cost effective in the long-run
  • Intensive treatment aimed at addressing risk at
    individual, family, peer, school, and
    neighborhood levels
  • Components include
  • PMT
  • Classroom social skills training
  • Playground behavior program
  • Systematic communication between teachers

  • Early intervention for children at risk
  • School based interventions
  • A primary risk factor consistently singled-out is
    parenting (parenting behavior, psychopathology,
    and genetic contributions), which provide a
    useful initial focus for intervention and
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