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That Which Is Perfect Key passage: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: prophesy


Transcript and Presenter's Notes


That Which Is Perfect
  • Key passage
  • "8 Charity never faileth but whether there be
    prophecies, they shall fail whether there be
    tongues, they shall cease whether there be
    knowledge, it shall vanish away. 9 For we know
    in part, and we prophesy in part. 10 But when
    that which is perfect is come, then that which is
    in part shall be done away. 11 When I was a
    child, I spake as a child, I understood as a
    child, I thought as a child but when I became a
    man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we
    see through a glass, darkly but then face to
    face now I know in part but then shall I know
    even as also I am known. 13 And now abideth
    faith, hope, charity, these three but the
    greatest of these is charity (I Cor. 13).

That Which Is Perfect
  • Regarding three of the nine gifts, prophecies,
    tongues, and knowledge, Paul said that they shall
    fail (Greek katargeo), cease (pauo), and
    vanish away (argethesetai). One key expression
    is, in part (meros). The antithetical
    expression is, that which is perfect (to
    teleion). The in part or fragmentary shall be
    replaced by the whole (perfect) and at that
    time, the in part shall be done away
    (katargethesetai). Hence, before we can focus
    on that which is perfect, we need to establish
    the in part.

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That Which Is Perfect
  • It is apparent from the Corinthian Epistle that
    there was much ignorance and improper exercise
    regarding these gifts, particularly the gifts of
    tongues and prophecy. Moreover, it is evident
    that they were fascinated with the gift of
    tongues to the neglect of the gift of prophecy (I
    Cor. 14 1f.). It is also evident that as a
    rule, some of the early Christians possessed
    various gifts as opposed to possessing all nine
    (see I Cor. 14, 12 28-31). I suggest, then, that
    the in part pertained to the then system of
    truth being dependant on these various gifts and
    each one who possessed a gift. At best, the
    system was incomplete (not perfect) and only
    temporary, looking to something else (that which
    is perfect).

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That Which Is Perfect
  • The expression that which is perfect is the
    Greek to teleion. Teleion is in the neuter
    gender and Marshall in Nestles Interlinear
    Greek-English New Testament renders it, the
    perfect thing. The Greek teleion simply
    describes action that is essentially progressive.
    The action was begun at the point of inception,
    continues in the proper course, and then it
    arrives at its destination.  This latter state is
    the idea of teleion.  Teleion, then, is the
    arrived at state, the state to which all anterior
    action looked, the goal to which all previous
    forward effort and action was directed.  Hence,
    teleion is complete or the completed as opposed
    to in part or fragmentary.

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That Which Is Perfect
  • There are a number of views as to that which is
    perfect or, as seen, the perfect thing. Some
    say the perfect thing (to teleion) is love.
    Whatever the perfect thing is, when it came the
    in part (nine miraculous gifts of the Spirit)
    would be done away, we must remember. I do
    submit that we can ascertain what is the perfect
    thing. One wrote regarding the perfect thing
    as follows
  • It appears to me that that which is perfect,
    that Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians 13 is not
    speaking of anything in particular, but all
    things in general.

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That Which Is Perfect
  • The more excellent way to which Paul introduces
    them is love as the impetus and motivation (ch.
    13). Love would abide and is set forth as
    exalted (I Cor. 13 13). However, they could and
    were to have love as the motivation for the
    exercise of their gifts (cp. I Cor. 13 1f.). I
    do not think it follows, then, that when love was
    present, the in part (gifts) would cease to

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That Which Is Perfect
  • Along this line, some have suggested that the
    perfect thing that Paul anticipates is
    individual spiritual maturity. How, I ask, can
    the ceasing of the fragmentary and arrival of the
    complete be determined based on individual
    maturation, seeing that all arrive at different
    times and obtain various levels of maturity,
    while others remain immature?

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That Which Is Perfect
  • The view and explanation that is held by many
    regarding that which is perfect is expressed in
    the following quotation
  • The fourth position is the one I have come to
    believe as the best interpretation of the verse.
    This interpretation understands to teleion to
    refer to the Eschaton or the return of the
    resurrected Lord at the End of Time.

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That Which Is Perfect
  • The Second Coming of Christ.  If the return of
    Christ is meant, why did not Paul write, "but
    when the Christ is come (oh Christos)?" Instead,
    Paul used the neuter gender, referring to a
    thing, not a person. Moreover, if the Second
    Coming of Jesus is meant, then we are in the "in
    part" state, seeing Christ has not come. This
    presents a serious problem in view of all the
    scriptures that emphasize the completeness of
    revelation and of our present system being
    complete (2 Tim. 3 16, 17, 2 Pet. 1 3).

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That Which Is Perfect
  • Paul wrote, "And ye are complete in him." (Col.
    2 10, the illustration of I Corinthians 13
    11-13 can also be understood of the word, see
    James 1 23-25). Also, the stated purpose of
    Jesus' miracles is that of producing faith (John.
    20 30, 31). Why the need of ongoing miracles? In
    addition, we have the written word and the
    written word confirms itself hence, no need of
    miracles. We test teachers by their teaching,
    because we have the complete, revealed revelation
    (2 John. 9-11, compare I John. 4 1, 2 18-20).

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That Which Is Perfect
  • Some continue to accept the inevitable
    consequence of the nine miraculous gifts of the
    Spirit being present today. They must, those who
    hold the second coming of Jesus is meant by the
    perfect thing. One wrote
  • For many years I have had a big problem trying
    to understand why brethren tend to want to try to
    show that gifts of the Spirit have ceased in our
    timeI do not get the slightest hint where the
    New Testament teaches that.

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That Which Is Perfect
  • In view of the dialectic consequence of the
    Jesus' coming view demanding the gifts of the
    Spirit today, another wrote
  • I have known some brethren that I thought had a
    special gift of the Spirit even though the
    brother never did claim a special gift that I
    know of. I knew one elder in the church and you
    would recognize some very close relatives of his
    if I should name him, (he has been dead for
    several years), but his brother in the flesh may
    have never known what he told me, and discussed
    with me    He told me, after I got to know him
    well, that   Seldom does a day pass that I do
    not speak in tongues, Another brother who is a
    full time preacher and is still living told me
    that he often speaks in tongues.

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That Which Is Perfect
  • Some emphatically contend that no scholar ever
    held the view that to teleion refers to the
    completed word of God, the New Testament.
    Notwithstanding, we read the following
  • "With the completion of the canon of Scripture
    prophecy apparently passed away, 1 Cor. 13 8, 9.
    In his measure the teacher has taken the place of
    the prophet, cp. the significant change in 2 Pet.
    21. The difference is that,whereas the message
    of the prophet was a direct revelation of the
    mind of God for the occasion, the message of the
    teacher is gathered from the completed revelation
    contained in the Scriptures." From Notes on
    Thessalonians by Hogg and Vine, pp. 196,197.
    (W.E. Vine, ExpositoryDictionary of New
    Testament Words, comments found under "prophesy").

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That Which Is Perfect
  • A parallel passage
  • "8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on
    high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts
    unto men. 9 (Now that he ascended, what is it
    but that he also descended first into the lower
    parts of the earth? 10 He that descended is the
    same also that ascended up far above all heavens,
    that he might fill all things.) 11 And he gave
    some, apostles and some, prophets and some,
    evangelists and some, pastors and teachers 12
    For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of
    the ministry, for the edifying of the body of

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That Which Is Perfect
  • 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith,
    and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a
    perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of
    the fullness of Christ 14 That we henceforth be
    no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried
    about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight
    of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie
    in wait to deceive 15 But speaking the truth in
    love, may grow up into him in all things, which
    is the head, even Christ"(Eph. 4).

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That Which Is Perfect
  • In both texts, spiritual or miraculous gifts are
    being discussed.  Also in both texts, the
    duration of these gifts and functions that have
    miraculous assistance is under consideration. To
    the Corinthians, Paul said when the "perfect
    thing" came and to the Ephesians, "till we all
    come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge
    of the Son of God, unto a perfect man..."  The
    faith or gospel system was at first dependant
    on the parts supplied by various ones who
    possessed spiritual gifts and was a vulnerable

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That Which Is Perfect
  • The New Testament was not in existence, as the
    books were then being written, circulated, and
    compiled (cp. Col. 4 16, cp. I John 2 1).  As a
    result of the compilation of the New Testament
    books, we can learn about what to do to be saved,
    how to live, the church, heaven and hell, and all
    other necessary subjects.  The scriptures being
    God-breathed, thoroughly furnish as to
    "doctrine," "reproof," "correction," and
    "instruction in righteousness," and result in,
    "...the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly
    furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim. 3 16,
    17).  Christians can reach maturity through a
    study and application of the revealed word (I
    Pet. 2 1f., Heb. 5 11-14).

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That Which Is Perfect
  • I submit that with the completion of the New
    Testament, we have all we need relative to
    personal and spiritual identification, growth,
    and maturation (Jas. 1 23-25, 2 Pet. 1 5-11). 
    I find it interesting that James refers to the
    teleion nomon (perfect law) and speaks of looking
    into the looking glass and seeing one's image
    the same phraseology and idea Paul used in the
    text in which he referred to the coming of the to
    teleion (perfect thing, Jas. 1 25, I Cor. 13
    12).  As we consider the teaching of the New
    Testament in its totality, we spiritually see
    ourselves and are transformed to what we should
    be, at least, this is the way it is designed to
    work (Jas. 1 23-25, cp. 2 Cor. 3 18).

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That Which Is Perfect
  • The teleion has arrived, I contend, any
    imperfection is our fault for not making all the
    application and exerting the necessary effort.  
    I, therefore, submit that to teleion in I
    Corinthians 13 8-10 is the teleion nomon of
    James 1 25, the perfect thing or perfect law
    of liberty. The means, when applied, to make us
    teleion (Heb. 5 14). This complete word is the
    standard of fellowship and determining truth and
    shall judge us in the last day (2 John 9-11
    John 12 48).

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That Which Is Perfect
  • Conclusion
  • We are not now in the in part or fragmentary,
    but the recipients of Gods full and final will,
    the faith once for all delivered unto the
    saints (Jude 3, ASV). As to the nine miraculous
    gifts of the Holy Spirit seen in the infant
    church, the in part, they have been done
    away. Notwithstanding, there continues to be
    lying wonders (2 Thes. 2 9). The perfect
    thing is so complete that all change and
    alteration is absolutely forbidden (Gal. 1 6-9,
    Rev. 22 18, 19).

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