Title: Care2Share - 1st Procurement Conference
1Care2Share - 1st Procurement Conference
Topic Understanding the current Public
Procurement Environment in Uganda Field Public
Practitioners Perspective.
- Facilitator Geoffrey N. Kakira .
- The Director/Senior Procurement Specialist
- Care2Share (U) Ltd.
- Email gkakira_at_gkprocurement.com
2Presentation Outline
- Part 1
- Introduction
- Highlights on the Public Procurement environment
in the late 1990s- before the procurement
reforms. - Key Achievements in procurement in Uganda.
- Part 2- Current public procurement issues and
challenges, Way forward Conclusion
3Care2share Procurement services
- Care2share (U) Ltd is a private consultancy firm
registered in Uganda mainly offering Care2share
Procurement Services that are unique. We rely and
network with consultants who are highly
qualified with wide experience, capable of
providing quality services to international
standards. - Range of Procurement Services offered fall into 3
categories - Procurement capacity building and advisory
services. - Procurement consultancy and agency services.
- Management consultancy services.
- Targeted clients Procurement stakeholders.
- For details refer to website. www.gkprocurement.co
4 Procurement stakeholders- These influence and
are affected by the procurement world
operations and environment.
- 1.Procurement Policy makers, Legislators,
Judiciary and Police. - 2. Procurement Regulators (PPDA) and Development
partners/Agencies. - 3. Govt entities/depts
- 4. Accounting Officers and Contracts Committee
members, Procurement Specialist and Officers - 5. Procurement Lecturers and Researchers
- Procurement Specialists, Trainers, Auditors,
Investigators and Consultants. - Contractors, Consultants and Suppliers of goods,
works and services - Non-governmental organizations
- Organisations/Individuals with interest in
public private procurement performance
5Care2share approach to work
- The approach to work used by Care2share is
detailed on the next slide
6(No Transcript)
7Care2share Principles and Values
- Work and actions at Care2share are guided by
core principles and values of - Professionalism
- Truthfulness
- Honesty
- Team work
- Confidentiality
8Main objectives of the care2share procurement
- To share experiences and best procurement
practices- help each other and others. - To initiate the formation of a private sector led
Procurement Network (PN) of key stakeholders-
increase sharing of good ideas and opportunities
willingly for the good of the network members and
all other stakeholders. - To identify and start focused procurement group
fellowships- encourage and strengthen each other
to strive for best procurement practice,
excellence and ethical behaviour.
9Public Procurement environment in the 1990s
- The Government Task Force of May 1998 on Public
Procurement Reforms found out the following
weaknesses in the procurement environment in
Uganda. - (Ref. Public procurement reforms Issues and
Challenges the case of Uganda www.wto.org/english
/tratop_e/gproc_e/wkshop.../ugandacase3_e.doc) - A- Summary of Findings on Trade Practices
include - Participation in public procurement by the
private sector was minimal. - Low capacity of local providers to participate
in high value open tenders - Local providers did not have the financial
capacity to raise credit. - The procurement procedures were considered
irrational and cumbersome. - Public procurement process could not move
without a push according to the private sector
. - The private sector, were willing to embrace
clear, easy-to-follow procurement guidelines. - Over invoicing attributed to inside dealings.
- Long time lags and procurement delays.
- Malpractices including bribery that affected
public sector procurement.
10Public Procurement environment in the 1990s (2)
- B-Under Financial Frame work, the Task force of
1998 found out that - The high interest rate was a hindrance for
national providers to access credit - The 10 requirement for bid bond was considered
too high and prohibitive for bidders.
11Public Procurement environment in the 1990s (3)
- C-The Institutional Framework as at 1998 had
weaknesses that included - Outdated procurement regulations and procedures.
- Inconsistency of responsibility for procurement
among various government institutions. - Inadequate procurement knowledge and expertise at
policy and operational levels. - Bureaucratic delays and lack of institutional
co-ordination - Malpractices and unethical behaviour.
- The national procurement system lacked standard
documents. - Lack objectivity, accountability and transparency
in procurement decisions. - Unreliability of government as business partner
- High incidence of corruption and high
expenditure. - NB. To what extent have the weaknesses identified
in the 1990s been addressed today, 2012?
12Major Achievements in procurement
- Procurement Law PPDA Act 2003 as amended in 2011
and Procurement Regulator PPDA - There are procurement professionals in almost
all Central Local government entities - Training of key stakeholders, Continuous
procurement audits investigations. - Improved adherence to procurement procedures and
good procurement practice - Govt entities have procurement plans
- A public procurement measurement system
- There is a procurement professional body- IPPU