Title: AJ 50
1AJ 50 Introduction to Administration of Justice
- Chapter 4 -
- Policing Purpose
- and Organization
2The Police Mission
- What are the main purposes of Police?
- Enforce Laws
- Investigate Crimes/Arrest Offenders
- Prevent Crime
- Keep the Peace
- Serve the Community
3Law Enforcement
- Responsible for enforcing federal, state, and
local laws - Traditional role as crime fighters
- Majority of time spent on non-emergency calls for
service - Only 10 - 20 of calls require law enforcement
- Enforcement priorities come from Departments
- Role Models of society
- Held to higher ethical standard
- On and off-duty behavior always being judged
4Investigation and Arrest
- Most law enforcement response and activity is
REACTIVE - Something happens, someone calls, police respond
to call - Rare to intervene in crime actually in progress
- Phases of Investigation
- Crime occurs/someone calls police
- Patrol officer responds/investigates/writes
report - Report referred to Detective Bureau
- Follow-up investigation may result in arrest
5Crime Prevention
- Anticipation, recognition, and appraisal of a
crime risk and initiation of some action to
eliminate or reduce it - PROACTIVE approach to criminal activity
- Old concept, new implementation through dedicated
resources - Techniques
- Access control, theft-deterrence, lighting,
landscaping, CPTED - Programs
- Operation ID, Neighborhood Watch, Crime Stoppers
6Keeping the Peace
- What is a cops official title in CA?
- Peace Officer (PC 830.1)
- High priority of maintaining Peace and Order in
society - Enforcement of Quality-of-Life Offenses
- Minor or petty offenses that tend to disrupt
maintenance of peaceful existence - Disturbing the Peace (415 PC)
- Loitering/Panhandling
- Vandalism/Graffiti
- Public Drinking/Intoxication/Drug Use
- Broken Windows Theory
7Serving the Community
- Direct public access to police services just a
phone call away! - 10-20 of calls actual emergencies, majority are
calls for service - Lost and found
- Minor accidents
- Barking dogs, other disturbances
- Suspicious persons/circumstances
- Check the welfare
8Levels of Police Jurisdiction
- Federal Departments (page 115)
- Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Homeland
Security, Interior, Justice, Labor, State,
Transportation, Treasury, US Postal Service - Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Mission Statement
- Protect and defend US against terrorist threats
- Uphold and enforce criminal laws
- Provide leadership and criminal justice services
- 56 field offices, 400 satellite offices
9Levels of Police Jurisdiction
- State-Level Agencies
- Most state police agencies formed as link between
federal and local jurisdictions - CA State Police Agencies
- ABC, CHP, Fish Game, State Parks, State
University Police
10Levels of Police Jurisdiction
- Local Agencies
- City (Police) and County (Sheriff) departments
responsible for local law enforcement services - Police primary jurisdiction within city limits
- Sheriff primary jurisdiction within
unincorporated areas of county - Some smaller cities contract with local Sheriff
for police services - Sheriff responsible for jail operations, prisoner
transportation, and court services
11Police Administration
- Management responsible for
- Directing, coordinating, controlling
- Personnel, resources, and activities
- In crime prevention, apprehension of criminals,
recovery of stolen property, and community
service - Managers are usually sworn personnel who have
promoted to higher ranks
12Police Organization and Structure
- Line Operations
- Field Operations
- Activities devoted to day-to-day police work
- Staff Operations
- Support Services
- Administration, Human Resources, Training
- Chain-of-Command
- Hierarchical line of communication and authority
between higher and lower levels (ranks) - Quasi-military structure and organization
- Span-of-Control
- Number of personnel or units under one
supervisors authority
13Epochs of Policing(Refer to chart, page 126)
- Political Era 1840s1930s
- Police served interests of politicians in power
- Spoils Era
- Reform Era 1930s1970s
- Professional model of policing removed police
from political influence - Vollmers reforms
- Community-Policing Era 1970sPresent Day
- Focus on needs of Community
- Cooperative effort, working with community
- Homeland-Security Era 2001Present Day
- Focus on prevention of terrorism
- Increased cooperation between agencies/jurisdictio
14Policing Styles
- Watchman Style
- Concern for law-and-order maintenance
- Crime control more important than crime
prevention - Legalistic Style
- Strict enforcement of Letter of the Law
- May ignore other social problems
- Service Style
- Focus on helping rather than strict enforcement
- Social-assistance, drug-treatment programs, etc.
15Police-Community Relations
- Evolved out of civil unrest of 1960s
- Effort to re-unite Police and Community
- Police and Community must work together
- Police derive legitimacy from Community
- Focus on positive Police-Community relations
- Less emphasis on apprehending criminals
- PCR Programs
- Crime Prevention/Property Identification
- Neighborhood Watch
- Drug Awareness
- Victims Assistance
16Team Policing
- Developed in 60s and 70s as extension of PCR
model - Maintained specific team of officers in same
geographical area (beat) - Benefits?
- Beat integrity
- Familiarization with people/area
- Trust and cooperation
- Officers allowed to handle full investigations
17Evolution of Community Policing
- Strategic Policing
- Traditional goal of enforcement using innovative
enforcement techniques - Intelligence, Undercover Ops., Surveillance,
Forensics - Problem-Oriented Policing
- Address underlying social problems as
contributors to crime/criminal behavior - Cooperation between agencies to attack overall
problem - Community Policing
- Based on cooperative partnership between Police
and Community - Attempt to reduce crime/fear of crime and improve
quality of life for members of community
18Community Policing
- Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
(1994) - Funding, Training, Technology
- Goals of Community Policing
- Police and Community work together
- Identify/address needs of Community
- Allow Community more say in prioritizing problems
and how Police respond to them - Proactive vs. Reactive approach to crime
- DOJ created COPS to administer funds
- 100,000 CP Officers by 1999
- Additional 500 million made available for 50,000
more - 2002 Homeland Security through Community
19Obstacles to Community Policing
- Some communities/community members remain
dissatisfied with police services - Distrustful of changes
- Disagreement over priority of community needs
- Power of Police Subculture
- Some departments/officers unwilling to change
from traditional roles of LE - Still see primary role as crime fighter and
success measured by number of arrests, citations,
etc. - May offer CP programs but not truly supportive
- Resentment and hostility sometimes mutual
20Law Enforcement Support
- LEAA (1969-1982)
- Attempt to combat crime through funding of crime
prevention programs - Expired after 8 billion spent/no significant
impact - Scientific Police Management (1970s)
- Application of social sciences to police
administration - Increase police effectiveness
- Decrease citizen complaints
- Enhance use of available resources
- Evidence-Based Policing (EBP)
- Using research as evidence for evaluating police
practices and to guide decision-making
21Kansas City Experiment (1974)
- Year-long study of Preventive Patrol
- Southern part of city divided into 15 beats
- 5 no change in patrol services
- 5 patrol officers/services doubled
- 5 no patrol service, response to calls only
- Citizens not notified of experiment/changes
- Results
- No impact on preventable crimes
- Citizens unaware of change in patrol services
- No impact on fear of crime, per citizen survey
- Effects
- Directed Patrol
- Call Prioritization
22Discretion of Individual Officers
- The opportunity to exercise choice in daily
activities and decisions - Where/how to patrol
- Who to stop/detain
- When to warn/cite/arrest
- Discretion of individual officers is arguably
more important than department policy!
23Factors That AffectDiscretionary Decision-Making
- Officers background
- Personal values, prejudices, etc.
- Suspects characteristics
- Age, gender, socio-economic status, etc.
- Department policy
- Strict, loose, mandatory arrests, etc.
- Community interest
- Concerns with certain behaviors/crimes
24Factors That AffectDiscretionary Decision-Making
- Pressure from victims
- Cooperative, uncooperative, victim assistance
- Disagreement with certain laws
- Public opinion, minor violations
- Available alternatives
- Treatment programs, counseling services
- Personal beliefs/practices of officer
- Off-duty behavior may affect outlook