Collins effect ( Sin(fh fS) ) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Collins effect ( Sin(fh fS) )


Neutron (e,e ) Target Single-Spin Asymmetry in Semi-inclusive DIS on a Transversely Polarized 3He Target -Kalyan Allada, Chiranjib Dutta, Mitra Shabestari, Xin Qian – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Collins effect ( Sin(fh fS) )

Neutron (e,ep) Target Single-Spin Asymmetry in
Semi-inclusive DIS on a Transversely Polarized
3He Target
Kalyan Allada, Chiranjib Dutta, Mitra Shabestari,
Xin Qian On the behalf of Transversity
Collaboration Two experiments with the highest
scientific rate
Nucleon Structure
Characteristics of Transversity
Detector system 3He Target
  • Beam
  • - 6Gev, 15 microA electron beam
  • Target

Well Known, since first measurement at 70s.
  • Nucleon anomalous magnetic moment (Stern, Nobel
    Prize 1943)
  • Electromagnetic form factor from electron
    scattering (Hofstadter, Nobel Prize 1961)
  • Deep-in-elastic scattering, quark underlying
    structure of the nucleon (Freedman, Kendell,
    Taylor, Nobel Prize 1990)

Reasonable Known with 20 years effort.
Transversity, business just started.
HALL-A 3He Target
  • 40-cm long Rb-K spin-exchange hybrid cell at 10
    atm .
  • 42 target polarization with spin-flip
    frequency of 20 minutes.
  • A third set of Helmholtz coil will be added
    together with the laser optics to allow vertical
    polarization of the 3He target.
  • Some characteristics of transversity
  • h1T g1L for non-relativistic quarks
  • In non-relativistic case, boosts and rotations
  • Important inequalities h1Tq f1q
    h1Tq (f1q g1Lq )/2.
  • h1T and gluons do not mix
  • Q2-evolution for h1T and g1L are different
  • Chiral-odd ?
  • not accessible in inclusive DIS

Understanding the underlying nucleon structure
(Spin, flavor, charge, current distribution) from
quantum chromodynamics (confinement region) is
Helicity state
Electronuclear Scattering ------ A powerful tool
to study nuclear structure
  • Target Polarimetry
  • NMR and EPR will be used to measure the target


Inclusive (the main tool) detecting electron
only Semi-inclusive (providing additional
information) detecting electron and one of the
hadrons coincidently
  • Hall-A Setup
  • It takes two Chiral-odd objects to measure
  • Drell-Yan (Doubly transversely polarized p-p
  • Semi-inclusive DIS
  • Chiral-odd distributions function (transversity)
  • Chiral-odd fragmentation function (Collins

Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive DIS with polarized
  • Collins and Sivers Asymmetry
  • Electron detection
  • - BigBite spectrometer, solid angle 64msr,
    at 300

What is Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering
  • Collins effect ( Sin(fh fS) )
  • Access to transversity
  • Artru model
  • Based on LUND fragmentation
  • picture.

Scattering plane
Parton distribution Function (PDF)
  • Charged pion detection
  • - Hall-A High Resolution Spectrometer, at -160

  • First direct data on neutron AUT
  • At high-x
  • Clear separation of Collins and Sivers effect.
  • Statistical uncertainty dominates.
  • Kinematics comparable to the HERMES experiment.

Fragmentation function (FF)
The kinematics and coordinate
  • Sivers effect ( Sin(fh- fS) )
  • A new type of PDF, T-odd, depends on
    intrinsically quark transverse momentum
    quark orbital momentum
  • E is the energy of scattered electron
  • ?e is the scattering angle
  • ? E-E is the energy transfer.
  • kT quark transverse momentum

HERMES 3 years
COMPASS 1 year
Beam direction
Into the page
DIS Q2 (1/?) and ? is large, but x is finite.
HALL A 29 days
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