Title: Spinal Fusion – Documentation Requirements and Coding
2Spinal Arthrodesis - a Billable Procedure
- Lumbar spinal fusion is a surgical procedure
performed to fuse together the painful vertebrae
so that they heal into a single, solid bone - Orthopedic surgeons perform spinal fusion
surgery or spinal arthrodesis to restrict
spinal motion in order to relieve painful
symptoms. - Orthopedics medical billing involves preparation
of medical documentation with the updated
spine codes published by the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS).
3Documentation Requirements
- Approval of claims entailing major procedures
requires documentation supporting the
reasonableness and necessity of the procedure. - Physicians must make sure that the submitted
documentation includes - History and Physical
- Duration/character/location/radiation of pain
- Activity of daily living (ADL) limitations
- Physical examination
4CPT Coding for Spinal Arthrodesis
- It is critical for practices to report the
correct CPT arthrodesis code(s), based on
whether the approach was posterior or
CPT codes for Posterior Lumbar
- Posterior, Posterolateral or Lateral Transverse
Process Technique Arthrodesis Procedures on
the Spine (Vertebral Column) - 22612, 22614, 22630, 22632, 22633, 22634
5Codes for Anterior Lumbar
- Anterior or Anterolateral Approach Technique
Arthrodesis Procedures on the Spine (Vertebral
Column) - - 22558, 22585
- For anterior approach to reach the damaged
vertebrae, with an incision made through the
neck for cervical vertebrae - - 22554 Arthrodesis, anterior interbody
technique, including minimal discectomy
to prepare interspace (other than for
decompression) cervical below C2 - For resection of a single vertebral body
- - 63081 Vertebral corpectomy (vertebral
body resection), partial or complete,
anterior approach with decompression of
spinal cord and/or nerve root(s)
cervical, single segment
6Codes for Primary Procedure
- If the physician prepared and inserted an
allograft - - 20931 Allograft, structural, for spine
surgery only - For the anterior instrumentation of two to three
vertebral segments - - 22845 Anterior instrumentation 2 to 3
vertebral segments
- For the initial thoracic level the surgeon
treats using lateral extracavitary approach - - 22532 Arthrodesis, lateral extracavitary
technique, including minimal discectomy to
prepare interspace (other than
decompression) thoracic - For each additional level the surgeon treats
beyond the initial thoracic level, report
add-on code - - 22534 Arthrodesis, lateral extracavitary
technique, including minimal discectomy to
prepare interspace (other than
decompression) thoracic or lumbar, each
additional vertebral segment - For procedures contained to the lumbar region
- - 22533 Arthrodesis, lateral extracavitary
technique, including minimal discectomy to
prepare interspace (other than
decompression) lumbar
- Professional medical billing and coding
companies provide the services of
experienced medical coders. - Medical coders review the operative notes to
determine where the instrument was used, and
whether it was non-segmental, segmental, or
intervertebral and assign the correct medical
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