Title: The resistance of a liquid to flow.
1Go with the Flow How Dense are you? Floaty Force Under Pressure Famous People Hodge Podge
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2The resistance of a liquid to flow.
3What is viscosity?
4Fluids with high viscosity will flow_____.
5What is slowly?
6When the temperature of a fluid is increased,
its viscosity __________.
7What is decreases?
8Fluids with low viscosity have particles that are
able to move _______ freely around each other.
9(No Transcript)
10Water is ______ viscous than corn syrup.
11What is less?
12Density is the mass per unit _________ of a
13What is volume?
14This process is used to measure the volume of
irregular shaped objects.
15What is displacement?
16This is the amount of matter of an object.
17What is mass?
18The density of an object with a mass of 20 g and
a volume of 5 ml.
19What is 4 g/ml?
20The density of an object with a volume of 10 cm3
and a mass of 5 g.
21What is 0.5 g/cm3 ?
22Buoyancy is the upward force on an object ______
dense than itself.
23What is less?
24An object that has more density than the fluid it
is submerged in will have _______ buoyancy?
25What is negative?
26_______ buoyancy will occur when the force of
gravity on a submerged object is equal to the
buoyant force of the fluid it is submerged in.
27What is neutral?
28The density of water.
29What is 1g/ml ?
30An object with a density of 0.3 g/ml will _______
in water.
31What is float?
32Pressure is the amount of _______ placed on a
given area.
33What is force?
34Fluids will always move from an area of high
pressure to an area of ______ pressure.
35What is low?
36_________ is the amount the particles of a fluid
can be squeezed together.
37What is compressibility?
38There is a relationship between the pressure,
volume and ____________ of a fluid.
39What is temperature?
40Creating a _______ (an area with no particles) is
how a fluid is able to be pushed up a straw.
41What is vacuum?
42He discovered that the faster the particles of a
fluid are moving, the less pressure there is.
43Who is Bernoulli?
44He discovered that the amount of fluid displaced
by a submerged object is equal to the volume of
that object.
45Who is Archimedes?
46He discovered that pressure exerted on a confined
fluid is multiplied equally in all directions
throughout the entire fluid.
47Who is Pascal?
48He developed the Theory of Relativity E mc2
49Who is Einstein?
50He developed the Law of Inertia An object at
rest will remain at rest and an object in motion
will remain in motion, and at a constant
velocity, unless acted on by an unbalanced force.
51Who is Newton?
52Systems that involve moving liquids to operate.
53What are hydraulics?
54Systems that involve moving gases to operate.
55What are pneumatics?
56This is an example of _________.
57What is buoyancy?
58This is an example of _____________.
59What is Pascals Law/hydraulics?
60This is an example of ____________.
61What is Bernoullis Principle?