Title: The psychology of auctions: Some recent findings
1The psychology of auctions Some recent findings
- Gillian Ku
- Organisational Behaviour
2Auction Fever and Animal Auctions
- Chicago cows
- 65 live and 75 Internet auctions in 1999
- Generated 3,477,252 almost 7 times initial
3Auction Fever and Animal Auctions
- Cow, fish, moose, Snoopy, etc. auctions
throughout North America
4Auctions are Everywhere
- Private auctions
- eBay, Sothebys, Christies, real estate
- Commercial
- Flowers, fish, B2B, airports, MA
- Governmental
- Radio spectrums, land
- Stock markets
Anchors Auction Fever Reducing Escalation
Starting low ? ending high Animal auctions Overview Starting low hype ? ending highest Integral and incidental arousal Post-escalation regret Predicted entrapment Self-affirmation Exit champions
Anchors Auction Fever Reducing Escalation
Starting low ? ending high Animal auctions Overview Starting low hype ? ending highest Integral and incidental arousal Post-escalation regret Predicted entrapment Self-affirmation Exit champions
7Effects of Anchors
- Typically find an assimilation effect (positive
correlation) - Judgments (e.g., number of African nations in UN,
property price estimates) - (Tverksy Kahneman, 1974 Northcraft Neale,
1987) - Behaviors (e.g., first offers in negotiations)
- (Galinsky Mussweiler, 2001)
8Starting Low ? Ending High
- Lower barriers to entry
- (Ariely Simonson, 2003 Kamins, Drèze,
Folkes, 2004) - Increased escalation of commitment
- (Rubin Brockner, 1975 Teger, 1980 Staw, 1976)
- Inferred value of traffic
- (Cialdini, 1993 Dholakia Soltysinski, 2001)
? Lower starting prices ? more traffic ?
higher final price
9eBay Archival Study Design
- Completed eBay auctions
- 179 Tabriz Persian rug
- 87 Nikon digital cameras
- Variables
- Starting price
- Traffic (bids, unique bidders)
- Final price
10Mediation Analysis
- Specific type of regression analysis to
demonstrate - A ? B ? C
11eBay Archival Study Results
Starting Price
Final Price
p lt .001
12Starting Low Ending High?
? When traffic is ?, starting low ? ending
high When traffic is ?, starting low ? ending low
13Michael Jordan Study Design
- 76 Michael Jordan shirts
- Correct (Michael) or incorrect (Micheal) spelling
- Starting price
- Traffic (bids, unique bidders)
- Final price
- 36 completed
- 37 correctly spelled unsold vs. 73
incorrectly spelled unsold
14Michael Jordan Study Results
- Anchors affect final judgments and behaviors
- Property values, judicial sentences, dyadic
negotiated outcomes - Anchors in auctions
- Anchors as a social phenomenon number of
individuals is endogenously determined - Barriers to entry result in typical assimilative
Anchors Auction Fever Reducing Escalation
Starting low ? ending high Animal auctions Overview Starting low hype ? ending highest Integral and incidental arousal Post-escalation regret Predicted entrapment Self-affirmation Exit champions
17Effects of Arousal
- Impairs decision-making
- (Mano, 1992, 1994)
- Restricts attention
- Increases use of simple decision rules
- Increases reliance on previously-considered
18Effects of Arousal on Auctions Competitive
Arousal Model
Time Pressure
Bäckman Molander, 1986
Zajonc, 1965
Maule, Hockey, Bdzola, 2000
Mano, 1992 1994
19Dollar Auction Study Design
- Typical 20 auction rules
- Bidding starts at 1 and proceeds in 1
increments - Highest bidder pays what they bid and receives
20 - Second highest bidder pays what they bid
- Auction task
- Modified dollar auction for prize of 356 points
- Computer confederate opponent
- 800-point endowment
- All points converted to cash
- Limited time to make each bid decision
- Participant makes first bid of 40 points
40-point bid increments - Computer confederate always bids above
20Dollar Auction Study Design
- 71 undergraduates
- Stakes manipulation
- 4 points 0.01 (prize 0.89) or
- 4 points 0.10 (prize 8.90)
- Time pressure manipulation
- 10 seconds or
- 4 seconds
- Dependent measures
- Maximum bids
- Index of arousal (aroused, astonished, surprised)
21Dollar Auction Study Results Maximum Bid
22Dollar Auction Study Results Reported Arousal
23Dollar Auction Study Results Mediation
High Stakes- High Time Pressure
Maximum Bid
p lt .05 p lt .001
24Effects of Arousal
- Via attributions
- (Dutton Aron, 1974 Schachter Singer, 1962)
- Arousal from shaky bridge interpreted as romantic
? Arousal ? Interest ? Bidding
25Recalling Arousal Study Design
- 53 undergraduates
- High vs. no arousal
- Please recall a particular competitive incident
in which you felt very aroused, stirred up, and
excited. Try to re-experience the event and
feelings as vividly as possible. Please describe
your feelings of arousal and excitement and what
happened in this competitive situation. - Please recall a particular competitive incident
in which you felt very quiet, peaceful, and calm
26Recalling Arousal Study Design
- Bidding scenario
- Buying shirt on eBay brand new with tags still
on. It is a blue short-sleeve 100 cotton shirt
with a nice weave pattern woven into the
material. - Early in auction, no bids placed yet
- Dependent measures
- Number of bids
- Interest in shirt
27Recalling Arousal Study Results Bids and Interest
28Recalling Arousal Study Results Mediation
Arousal Condition
p lt .05
29Auction Fever
- Structural features of auction (stakes and time
pressure) can affect arousal, bidding, and
overbidding - Manipulated arousal (recall prime) can increase
interest and bidding - Other ways to increase arousal and interest?
- Auction formats
- Hyped descriptions
- Espresso?
30Overall Conclusions
- Structural differences
- ? psychological processes
- ? bidding overbidding
- Anchoring ? barriers to entry, escalation of
commitment, value inference - Competitive arousal ? arousal, interest
- (Learning to not overbid is possibleeven if its
- Individuals need to be aware of the structural,
psychological, and social factors that impact
their decisions - eBay sellers and eBay as a marketplace
- Managers and organizations
- Governments
32Future Directions
- Anchors
- Understanding their many effects in individual,
dyadic, triadic, and social situations - Costs of high offers in negotiations?
- Auction fever
- Feeling hot ? auction fever?
- Nature of competitive arousal
- Implications for other domains
- Reducing escalation
- Pattern perception in escalation