Title: Oceania Includes Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Antarctica
1Oceania Includes Australia, New Zealand,
Pacific Islands, Antarctica
There are about 20,000 islands in the Pacific
Ocean. These are caused by volcanoes and
constantly changing so hard to count by
2FYI-Aussie Slang
- Campfire- bush telly
- Male- mate
- Food- tucker
- Breakfast-brekkie
- Australian rules football- aerial ping pong
- Throw up-technicolor yawn
- New surfer-shark biscuit
- Female-shiela
- Mc Donalds-maccas
- American-Yank
- Australia-Oz
- Englishman- pommy
3Australia is the smallest and flattest continent
on Earth.
4ANTARCTICA 5th largest continent
Centered on the South Pole
5The Outback A great desert region covering about
2/3 of Australia
How would this impact the development of a
6Ancient people of the Pacific adapted to their
environment (HEI)
Special canoes
Charts made with shells
Rely on the stars for navigation
7Rabbits in AustraliaThe British introduced
rabbits to Australia in 1859. By 1900, there
were over one billion rabbits.
Rabbits graze close to the ground. Australia is
mostly desert. What affect would this have on
the countrys development?
The government built fences, brought in foxes,
and infected the rabbits with disease to try to
control. The rabbits became immune to the
8Australia and New Zealand export many farm
products such as wool, cheese, meat. In New
Zealand, the number of farm animals is 15 times
the number people.
9The original inhabitants of Australia are the
dark skinned aborigines. They migrated to
Australia from Asia about 40,000 years ago.
Initially nomadic skilled hunters, many work on
ranches today. What type of belief system would
these early tribes have?
10- From the late 1800s until the mid 1960s, the
Aborigines were treated very unfairly. White men
who working at the cattle stations would see the
poor Aboriginal women and rape them. This would
result in there being a half-Aboriginal child.
These children were taken away from their mothers
and taken to a missionary camp run by
missionaries who were mostly good men. There,
they were taught how to read and write English,
math and farming skills. The missionaries
thought that since the Aborigines were not "like
themselves", they would forget about their
children. The mothers did not forget their sons
and daughters, but since the missionary camp was
far away from any Aboriginal villages, they could
not walk there, meaning they never saw their
child again.
11Assimilationoccurs when a minority group gives
up its culture and adopts the majority groups
cultureWould this be an example of cultural
convergence or cultural divergence?
12Ayers Rock The native people consider it a
sacred place. Besides its monumental size, the
detail of its gullies and caves, as well as the
colors that it takes at different times of the
day all add to its interest. In 1985, the native
people regained ownership from the Europeans but
allowed it to remain part of a national park.
13Other interesting stuff in Australia
Australia is home to some peculiar animals. The
Kangaroo has strong hind legs which it uses for
jumping. The mother roo carries the baby Joey
in a pouch.
14Kangaroo is served in restaurants and sold in
supermarkets as sausage links, fillets and
hamburgers or rather kanga burgers.
15The koala has the look of a sleepy Teddy-bear and
smells like cough drops because of all the
eucalyptus that they eat. Be careful not to get
too close though, koalas have very sharp claws.
16The emu is a bird which is similar to an ostrich.
Many are being raised for their feathers and
17The worlds longest earthworm makes its home in
Aussie land. The megascolides can be up to 12
FEET long.
18Other unusual animals in Australia
19Though Australians are British decedents like
many Americans, the culture is unique.
A burger with the lots (everything on it) means
you are not only getting lettuce and tomato, but
also a fried egg, beets, and pineapple.
20Natural scenes in Australia
Blue Hole
Bald Rock
21Burraga Swamp
Antarctic beech Forest
22Gloucester Falls
Wollomombi Falls
Cawdilla Lake
23Gum Tree
Darling River
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